English in 2021

2020 turned everything upside down. What had worked till then, in many cases no longer worked. Big changes already on the way came faster. Possibilities and opportunities vanished. New, often confusing possibilities presented themselves.

So is it a time to buckle down the hatches and just sit it out … or to drop familiar old paradigms and start from a blank slate?

Probably a bit of both.

As “back-to-normal” is not likely to happen for some time, what is the place of English in our lives amidst all of this? It’s hardly a good time to travel abroad. Most foreigners cannot enter Japan. Overall, the number of foreigners in Japan with whom English must be spoken is likely to be much smaller for the foreseeable future. International conferences are only being held online, and often with little active participation by most attendees. It might seem that there’s not much reason to focus on English right now.

However, perhaps surprisingly, our Covid-induced isolation has actually increased the need for excellent English skills for many. This is due to the communication requirements of mask culture, online meetings, and the rapidly advancing automation of services.

Masks, though absolutely necessary face-to-face, present many difficulties to communicating in English. With only eyes visible and speech often muffled, it can be extremely difficult to understand and be understood through the mask — even in our native language. It’s been demonstrated that the majority of human communication occurs through gesture, body language and intonation, rather than the spoken word. Masks obstruct these. Consequently, we must rely much more than before on the spoken language itself for effectively expressing ourselves. The demand for both clear, correct spoken English and excellent listening skills has become much higher. To get through the masks and the ubiquitous plastic or acrylic barriers, our grammar, pronunciation, word choice, intonation and listening must greatly improve. This is no small task, and requires a sizable jump up in our English skills.

Online video meetings and conferences have also increased the demand for higher quality English. Even though, thankfully, we can remove our masks online, audio quality often leaves much to be desired and any network lag only makes it worse. In an online meeting, you may feel even more exposed and put-on-the-spot than usual as everyone gets a close-up of your face as you speak. There is more pressure for succinct, clear English which gets effectively to the point. Roundabout, fuzzy expressions or confusing pronunciation and grammar may draw even more impatience online. Add to this the fact that, due to time differences, Japanese participants are often at a disadvantage having to join international meetings at strange hours of the night.

We can’t travel now, but someday when we can travel abroad again, we’ll find that numerous services previously handled by humans will have become automated. Due to concerns about virus-transmission and the increasing cost of human labor, companies all over the world are accelerating the automation of service jobs. A.I. will certainly be employed, but no more than necessary to get the job done —
in the native language! And that will often mean English, not Japanese. Waiterless restaurants, hotels without front desk clerks, driverless buses, unattended gasoline stations, staffless convenience stores, fully automated banking, unstaffed checkout registers, automated parking lots, and of course automated telephone communication are all likely to become the norm — and will often not be set up to serve visitors from foreign countries with inadequate English. If our English doesn’t improve to handle this, we’ll have trouble with even the most basic tasks when traveling abroad — and there may be no human staff around to help us! We need to greatly improve our English now to get ready for this future.

These are compelling reasons to improve our English now. However, studying English should not be only because we feel pressure to. We can’t go abroad right now, but we can come to
English Now! to experience and enjoy new worlds. Our classes with native English-speaking instructors provide an open gateway to stimulating new places and cultures — even without a plane ticket!

Covid’s going to be with us for awhile, but as they say, “This, too, shall pass.” In the meantime, let’s look on the bright side and see this as an opportunity to grow and learn!










これらが今、英語を上達させるべき理由です。しかし、ただプレッシャーを感じるからという理由で英語学習に取り組むべきではありません。今すぐ海外に行くことはできませんよね。でも、ENGLISH NOW!でこれまで知らなかったことを経験したり、新しい世界を楽しむことはできます。クラスではネイティブ英語講師が新しくワクワクするような場所や文化への門を開いていますよ。飛行機のチケットさえ要りません!

コロナウイルスはまだしばらく私たちの周囲から消えそうにありませんが、“This, too, shall pass(これもまた過ぎ去るだろう)”ということわざもあります。それまでの間は明るい方を見つめ、今を成長と学習の機会だと捉えることにしましょう!

Our Brave New World of Video Communication

Well, after my going on in the last newsletter/blog entry about how studying in person is so much better than online, English Now! is holding lessons online!

I should have known better.

So does this mean I must eat my words? Maybe not.

Due to the virus crisis, much of our lives is now online whether we like it or not. Business meetings, customer contact, schooling and socializing are all being conducted by the Internet as we wait out our liberation from social distancing.

Confronted with this current reality,
English Now! is rising to the challenge and doing its utmost to give our students the best online classes possible. We’re sticking to our “mimi kara” focus, and adapting it to the medium. We’re not simply holding online chat sessions; we’re providing a balanced, full curriculum of English instruction to keep our students challenged and solidly progressing.

This is also a great opportunity for all of us to develop our online video chat and teleconferencing skills.

Many have been shy and perhaps a bit embarrassed to jump into online video chat. Even though video chat has been around for years and its quality has greatly improved, texting still dominates social media and much online communication.

This is not really surprising. Texting allows more privacy than video chat — or even the phone, for that matter. Moreover, you’re not on the spot having to respond right away to someone’s comments — you can pause to consider just the right reply. Telephone communication demands that you quickly and skillfully modulate your voice quality to express yourself the way you want to. That can be a challenge to many these days who rarely use the phone. In fact, new company recruits often have so little experience using a telephone that it can be like a brand new medium to them.

Video chat makes things even tougher by adding your face to the mix, requiring you to also consider your facial expressions and gestures. Your appearance and even the background behind you are subject to judgement. It’s no wonder so many have avoided video chat until now. It’s much harder to control the impression you make than with your Facebook or Instagram page.

However, since tele-work and online meetings and education are here to stay and sure to increase, let’s resolve to get good at it. Here are some pointers.

First, the technical:

• Learn your device and its software. Experiment and play around with how Zoom works on your device. Try Zooming friends or family members for practice.

• Video chat can drain your battery quickly. Have a charger available if you’re using a smartphone or tablet. If you’re on a notebook or laptop, plug it in — your computer will try to conserve power when it’s on battery and this will affect video quality.

• To free up bandwidth for video chat, close other apps on your device — open browsers, email clients, Dropbox and OneDrive are all constantly stealing bandwidth. Make sure no one else in your home is streaming video (like Netflix or Hulu) or gaming online.

• Set your device in a stable position so that it can record video without bouncing around. Position the camera so that it’s close to eye level so that the viewer is not peering up your nose (yuck!).

• Choose a warm, neutral, static background. This will improve the video quality and help other participants focus on you. Avoid noisy locations. Choose a bright spot with a soft light in front of you. Avoid bright light behind you.

• If your location is noisy, or if you’re sitting a bit far from the camera, mute yourself when you’re not talking. If you wish to wear headphones or earphones, try to choose some that are as small and discreet as possible — and best yet, wireless. They can make it easier for you to hear, but they can be a psychological barrier to the other participants. And if you’re bound by wires, it can limit effective gesturing. Remember, we’re aiming at as natural, full communication as possible. An obtrusive headset can appear cold and impersonal.

As for the meeting itself:

• Choose comfortable clothes, since you’re likely to be sitting for a long time. If it’s a business meeting, dress appropriately. Sit up straight and smile.

• Log on early and be sure to say “Hi!” to the others attending your meeting or class as they arrive. Being online doesn’t mean social etiquette can be ignored.

• Eye contact is essential, but tough because when you look at another person (or yourself) on your screen, you appear to be looking down — or seem distracted. The closer you are to the screen, the worse this gets, so back up a bit. I keep a smiley face sticker around my computer’s camera to remind me to look at the camera.

• Speak more clearly and project more than usual. I also tend to slow down and enunciate more exactly to ensure that others hear me well — and to allow for video lag.

• Don’t be stone-faced. Be expressive with your face and intonation. Add gestures. Beware of having your face right up close to the camera. It can be a bit overpowering and also prevent you from employing gestures and body language. Seek out the sweet spot in camera distance and vary it according to the message.

• Video chat and tele-conferencing can be even more demanding energy-wise and emotionally than face-to-face, because you must work a little harder to actively engage with the other participants, showing clearly that you are listening and attentive. When someone else is speaking, don’t use that time as an opportunity to do something else. Stay focused.

There you go. Video chat, teleconferencing and online education throw us into a brave new world of communication, so let’s give it our best shot — and have some fun with it, too!


オンラインよりも対面で学習する方がどれだけ 良いか前回のニュースレターでお伝えしたばかり ですが、ENGLISH NOW!は現在オンラインレッス ンを実施しています!私たちがオンラインの良さ をもっと早く知っていたら良かったのに...。

では私は前言を撤回すべきでしょうか?いえ、 そうではないと思っています。

新型コロナウイルスの影響により、望む望まな いに関わらず、今や生活の多くがオンラインに移 行しています。ソーシャルディスタンスからの解 放を待つ間は会議、顧客への連絡、教育、交流な どすべてがインターネットを介して行われます。

こうした現状に直面し、ENGLISH NOW!は試練 を乗り越え、オンラインでもとても質の高いレッ スンを提供できるよう全力を尽くしています。 「耳から英語を学ぶ」という方針を今も大切にし ながら、これをオンラインにも適用しています。 私たちのオンラインレッスンはのただのチャット クラスを提供しているわけではありません。生徒 の皆さまがさらに上のレベルを目指して挑戦を続 け、しっかり上達していけるよう、バランスのと れた内容豊かな英語指導を行っています。

そして、これは皆さまが日常でオンラインのビ デオチャットやテレビ会議でのスキルを磨く上 で、またとない機会です。

多くの方はオンラインでのビデオチャットに飛 び込むことに照れや、もしかしたら戸惑いもお感 じだったかもしれません。ビデオチャットという ものが身近になってからもう何年も経ち、その質 も非常に上がっています。ですが、やはりまだ携 帯メールがソーシャルメディアでのコミュニケー ションの大部分を占めています。

これは決して驚くようなことではありません。 メールではビデオチャット、もしくは電話よりも プライバシーが守られます。さらに言えば、誰か の発言にすぐさま返事をする必要もありません。 一旦立ち止まり、適切な返答を考えることができ ます。電話でのコミュニケーションですと自分の 意図するところがきちんと伝わるよう、ただちに 声の調子を上手に調節することが会話中ずっと求 められます。これは近頃、あまり電話を使わない 多くの方にとっては、難しさを感じる部分だと思 います。実際、様々な会社では電話をほとんど 使ったことがないという新入社員も多いらしく、 そういう彼らにとっては電話はむしろ真新しいメ ディア媒体なものかもしれません。

ビデオチャットでは自分の顔も映ることにな り、表情や身ぶりにも気を遣わなければならない という点で、複雑さが増します。見た目や、時に はご自身の背景すらも他人からの判断基準になり ます。そう考えれば、これまで多くの方がビデオ チャットを避けてきたのも納得ですね。FacebookやInstagramと比べると、自分の印象をコントロー ルするのがかなり大変ですから。

しかし今やテレワークやオンライン会議、オン ライン教育が定着し、これから増えることも間違 いないでしょう。ですので、むしろ問題を解決し て自分のスキルを上げてしまいましょう。いくつ かアドバイスをご紹介します。


•お使いのデバイスとソフトウェアをご確認くださ い。Zoomが起動できるか、ちょっと使って試して みてください。ご友人やご家族と実際にZoomを 使って練習するのもおすすめです。

•ビデオチャットをするとバッテリーの減りが早い ことがあります。スマートフォンやタブレットを ご使用の方は充電器をご用意ください。ノート型 やラップトップのパソコンの場合には充電器を差 し込んでしまいましょう。繋いであればバッテ リーが一定に保たれますし、バッテリー残量はビ デオの画質にも影響します。

•ビデオチャットの処理能力を上げられるよう、他 のアプリを終了してください。ブラウザやメー ル・クライアント、Dropbox、OneDriveなどが開 いていると、常にそちらに処理能力が使われてし まいます。ご一緒にお住まいの方が皆さまのビデ オチャットと同時にビデオのストリーミング (Netflix、Huluなど)やオンラインゲームをしてい ないかもご確認ください。

•ビデオチャット開始後にビデオが上手く映らず 次々と場所を変えることがないよう、安定した場 所にデバイスを設置しましょう。ちょうど目線と 同じ高さにカメラが来るようにすれば、下から鼻 先を見上げるような映像にはなりませんよ。

•温かみがあり、落ち着いた感じの動かない背景を 選びましょう。ビデオ画質が良くなりますし、他 の参加者の方々が皆さまご自身の言葉やジェス チャーに集中するのにも役立ちます。騒がしい場 所は避けてくださいね。ご自身の前方に柔らかい 光の差す明るい場所がおすすめです。背後にまぶ しい明かりがないかもご確認ください。

•騒がしい場所にいたり、カメラから少し離れたと ころに座っている場合には、ご自分の発言時以外 はマイクをミュートにしましょう。ヘッドフォン やイヤフォンをお使いになりたい場合、できるだ け小さく控えめで、何よりワイヤレスのものをお すすめします。ヘッドフォンやイヤフォンを使う と相手の声がよく聞こえるようになりますが、他 の参加者の方々との間に心理的な壁ができてしま いかねません。それにワイヤーでデバイスと繋が れていると、コミュニケーションで大切な身ぶり 手振りも制限されてしまいます。私たちはできる だけ自然で、完全なコミュニケーションを目指し ています。目につくようなヘッドセットは冷たく、人間味のない印象を与えてしまうかもしれま せん。


•長い時間座っていなくてはいけないわけですか ら、着心地のいい服装を選びましょう。もし仕事 のミーティングの場合には適切な格好をしてくだ さいね。まっすぐ座り、笑顔になりましょう。

•早めにミーティングに参加して、他の参加者の方 が入ってきたらしっかり挨拶しましょう。オンラ インであっても社会的なエチケットをどうかお忘 れなく。

•アイコンタクトはとても大切ですが、難しい面も あります。カメラはデバイスの上部に付いている ことが多いかと思いますが、皆さまが画面に映る 他の参加者の方(もしくはご自分)を見つめる時、周 りからは下を向いているように見えます。また は、集中していないように映ってしまうかもしれ ません。画面に近づくほど状況が悪化しますの で、少し後ろに下がりましょう。画面ではなくカ メラを見ることを意識するための工夫として、私 はスマイルマークのシールをパソコンのカメラの 近くに貼っています。

•いつもよりはっきり話し、自分を表現しましょ う。また、私は少しスピードを落とし、対面時よ りも明瞭に発音するよう心がけています。そうす ることで皆さまに私の言葉が聞こえやすくなりま すし、音や映像のずれにも対処できます。

•無表情にならないよう気をつけましょう。表情や イントネーションを使って表現豊かでいてくださ い。また、カメラに顔を近づけすぎないでくださ いね。威圧的な感じがしてしまいますし、ジェス チャーやボディ・ランゲージをしても伝わりにく くなってしまいます。カメラとの最適な距離を見 つけ、伝えたい内容によってその距離を調節しま しょう。

•対面での場合と比べ、ビデオチャットやテレビ会 議では体力面でも精神面でもより多くのエネル ギーが必要とされることがあります。他の参加者 の方々の話に専念したり、意識をきちんと向けて 話を聞いていることをはっきり示すため、いつも よりやや大きな労力を注がなくてはいけないから です。他の方がお話ししている時、その時間を別 のことに使ってしまわないようにしましょう。相 手に集中してくださいね。

さぁ、やってみましょう。ビデオチャット、テ レビ会議、オンライン教育によりもたらされたコ ミュニケーションの素晴らしい新世界で最善を尽 くしましょう。そして、オンラインコミュニケー ションをぜひ楽しんでください!

Studying English Online

I love YouTube … Well, I don’t actually love it, but I sure use it an awful lot — but rarely for entertainment. I use YouTube for learning … for learning anything: how to cook something, how to pull out a dent in my car, how to groom my dog — really, anything and everything. YouTube has become my go-to library of first choice.

So I would be the last person to criticize anyone who uses
YouTube for language learning. I would do the same, and in fact, you would be missing out by not taking advantage of it.

Trying to master anything, let alone a language, by only once-a-week practice is hardly realistic. It must become part of your daily life if you really want to get good. So we encourage our students to fill their environment with English and take full advantage of all available resources to ensure their solid progress. Please surround yourself with all sorts of English media from books to music to movies to TV shows to podcasts — and of course, include the Internet and the seemingly infinite resources it offers.

But the Internet can be overwhelming — there’s just so much there! How can one filter and make sense of all of its language-learning offerings? So many websites out there want to help you learn English — often after you input your credit card information!

YouTube is the easiest to go to, because … well … most of us go there anyway. Definitely explore the numerous channels teaching English and offering tips. Find the ones most helpful to you and frequent them. If nothing else, do it for fun or entertainment.

The drawback is that
YouTube is not interactive, that is, it’s one-way — meaning you have no opportunity to use your English. And if you hope to improve as quickly as possible, you absolutely must be using English actively, not just watching and listening and reading.

Which brings us to online tutoring and language exchange.

Online tutoring is not free, but if you can find a truly gifted teacher who remembers
you and gives you truly personal attention at a reasonable price, it can be great. But your search may be long and difficult, with much frustration.

Language exchange, on the other hand, is usually free, and can be good for trying out your English and getting in some practice. However, it’s not the place to go to for tutoring. And many language exchange partners you encounter may have another agenda. Our female students often find that the language exchange sites and apps are full of guys who just want to hit on them. So, if you choose to give online language exchange a try, go into it with care and a sense of adventure. It can be fun — which is worthwhile in itself, but it may not be reliable for anything more than an opportunity to try out your English.

Even with the entire digital world at your fingertips,
English Now! is the best place to focus your English study. Nothing beats an experienced, skilled teacher who can skillfully guide you in your quest for English skill, and give you invaluable personalized attention with plenty of feedback.

For solid, steady improvement, you must be working on your English all week long, so by all means take full advantage of
YouTube and other online language exchange resources. Add the best of them to your weekly English study routine.

But rely on
English Now! for your most valuable and trusted learning experience — a least once a week … but for the best progress, as often as possible. We will provide you with the best possible professional instruction, and help you with both your short-term and long-term English learning strategy.


私はYoutubeが好きです... いえ、実際のところはそこまでではありませんが、活用しているという点では間違いありません。ただ、娯楽のために使うということは滅多にありません。私がYoutubeを利用するのは、基本的に何かを学ぶ時です。例えば 料理の作り方、車の凹みの直し方、愛犬の手入れの方法等です。Youtubeは本当にありとあらゆることを教えてくれます。困った時に真っ先に駆け込める図書館と言ったところでしょうか?



しかしインターネットはあまりにも情報量が多く、それに圧倒されてしまうこともあるかもしれません...。ではネットに溢れる言語学習サイトの良し悪しはどのようにふるいにかけ見極めれば良いのでしょう... そこが悩みどころですよね?






オンラインの「個別指導」は無料ではありません。 そういう意味では、そこは利用価値のある場かもしれません。もし皆様が、本当にそういったサイトから「適切な受講費」で「適切な個別的な指導」と「実のあるレッスン」を受けられるのであれば、それは利用価値があるのかもしれません。ただ現実的に考えると、そういう優れた講師やサイトを探し出す事は、恐らくとてつもなく大変な道のりとなると思われます。




今は、あらゆるデジタル世界に指先一つでアクセスできる時代となりました。ですが、それでもここENGLISH NOW!は、英語学習に真剣に取り組もうとされている皆様にとって「最善の場」であると自負しております。

ENGLISH NOW!の「指導力に溢れた講師達」ほど、皆様を英語学習の素晴らしい旅をへと導ける道はないと思っております。当スクールが誇る指導力や、これまで培ってきた多くの知識と経験値は、皆様の個々のお悩みやご要望に応えることができるはずです。


ですが、本気で英語上達を求めたい皆様!是非このENGLISH NOW!を頼りにしてみて下さい!私達は、皆様の英語上達を支える上で、信頼に値する最適な場だと自信を持っております。



2020 and the new testing:   English Now! is more important than ever for your child!

Next year the so-called “Center Test” (the National Center Test of University Admissions) becomes the “Common Test for University Admissions” (大学入学共通テスト). As in the past, the “Common Test’s” English section will only include reading and listening sections with questions answered on a mark sheet, but more weight will be placed on the listening score than before.

From 2020 to 2023, Japanese universities can admit applicants based on the new Common Test’s English section, or on English tests administered by the private sector, or on both. The private sector tests include speaking and writing, in addition to listening and reading.

Several English tests have been selected, including the TOEFL iBT, the Cambridge English test, the IELTS, Benesse’s GTEC. and 3 different tests from Eiken. TOEIC had also been chosen, but dropped out, citing the system as being too complicated.

The private sector tests differ greatly from each other in their difficulty and in their focus on American or British English. They can be both expensive and extremely inconvenient for students who do not live near testing locations.

Many Japanese universities have not yet announced whether or not they will use the private sector test results. Moreover, there remains significant opposition and calls for postponement.

Confusion seems to be the state of affairs.

From now on, school teachers will be expected to teach speaking and writing so their students can pass the tests. But with so much uncertainty at present, neither the teachers nor their students really have any idea exactly how to prepare.

Very few Japanese teachers of English have strong enough speaking and listening skills to effectively coach students taking tests like TOEFL. And should the student focus on American or British English? Pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling can be very different between these. TOEFL demands American English; the Cambridge test demands British English.

There’s been a tendency — understandably — to panic, especially among parents, and there will be great temptation to run to the cram schools. And the cram schools will be more than happy to accommodate — at a high price! The new testing system stands to be a gold mine for them. They, of course, will focus on test preparation. Their aim is high scores; natural communication is not their priority. Since students will be able to take the private tests twice during their senior year and submit the highest score, strategies to take advantage of this will become typical.

The government has stated that the new system is intended to improve Japanese students’ abilities to interact internationally in English. However, it’s likely that for both the teachers and students — and their parents — the focus will degenerate into gaming the new tests to get the highest score possible. Communication gets lip service, but the bottom line will remain the same: achieving the scores necessary to enter the best universities. The cram schools will benefit most.

So where does
English Now! fit into all of this?

English Now! becomes more important than ever for your child — and the sooner they get started, the better! All language is fundamentally based on sound — and listening and speaking skills are best developed as young as possible. Starting your child in our Pre-Kids classes and continuing with our system all the way through elementary school, junior high, and high school is the absolute best way to ensure their genuine fluency in English.

English Now! does not teach like a cram school, focusing directly on test-taking skills and strategy. We focus on the underlying language skills — and cultural background — necessary to truly grasp and effectively use English. And ALL of our teachers are native speaking, experienced professionals.

When the time comes, a teenager who has studied from their early years with
English Now! will be far more ready to sit down and prepare for these difficult tests, than one who has had little contact with real, natural English during their school years. Our students’ speaking and listening skills will be far above others, and their English will be much more expressive.

It’s a brave, new world. Let
English Now! give your child the best possible start.

2020年の新方式テストに向けて: ENGLISH NOW!の重要性



TOEFL iBTやケンブリッジ英語検定、IELTS、ベネッセコーポレーションのGTEC、英検関連の3種類の試験を含め、複数が民間英語試験として選ばれています。TOEICも一時期候補になりましたが、システムがあまりに複雑なため参加を断念しました。








ではENGLISH NOW!はこの状況にどう適応できるでしょうか?

ENGLISH NOW!はこれまで以上にお子様方にとって重要な存在になるでしょう。学習開始は早ければ早いほど良いです。どんな言語も基本的には音が基礎になっていて、リスニングとスピーキングの能力は若い時ほど良く発達します。年中児対象のPre-Kidsクラスから始まり、小中高校と当スクールの方法で学習を続けることは、本当の意味での英語の流暢さを身につけるのに最善の方法と言えます。

ENGLISH NOW!では塾のようにテストを受けるためのコツや対策ばかり重視した指導は行なっていません。私たちが大切にしているのは英語を心から理解し、効果的に使用するための根本的な言語能力ーそしてその背景にある文化を理解することーです。そして、ここにいる講師は全員ネイティブレベルの英語を話す、経験豊かなプロフェッショナルたちです。

幼い頃からENGLISH NOW!で学習してきた生徒の方が受験をするような年齢になると、それまでの学生生活で本物の自然な英語にあまり触れてこなかった学生より、上記の民間試験のような難しいテストへの準備が格段にできていることに気付くでしょう。当スクールの生徒の皆さんのスピーキング、リスニング能力は他よりも非常に高く、話す英語は表現豊かです。

大胆で、新しい世界がすぐそこまで来ています。ぜひENGLISH NOW!でお子様に最善のスタートを切らせてあげて下さい。

The Apps aren't Enough!

Are humans really getting smarter … or not?

Each new advance in automation brings more convenience and opens new doors — but at a price. And I fear that price is much higher than we realize.

GPS and Google Maps are certainly convenient, but how many still can use a compass, or read a map, or give competent directions? And when driving, how many really observe and remember their surroundings well enough to find their way later — without GPS.

Keeping your contacts on your smartphone is wonderful — but how many can no longer remember phone numbers or addresses because of this?

Instant, immediately satisfying digital entertainment is at our fingertips 24 hours a day — but how many no longer have the patience or focus needed to read entire novels and serious nonfiction? Or still have the attention span to hold a long, deep, balanced conversation?

Social interaction by texting can be convenient and gratifying. But relying on it to the extent that we avoid face-to-face communication — or even voice communication — can mean losing the interpersonal skills needed for genuine, intimate human communication.

For convenience [theirs!] and to save money, even banks are eliminating as much human contact as possible. They’ve moved from human tellers to ATMs to entirely-online banking. Online
“madoguchi” replace interaction with employees and save labor costs. And take away yet another opportunity for us to communicate face-to-face with a real, live human.

Every time we automate or digitize a skill [or service], we become one step closer to losing that skill [or service].

Are we making ourselves stupider? … less able to interact and communicate effectively with our fellow humans?

This can apply to language learning. We must be careful not to ignore the human, personal side of language.

We are already seeing many travelers turning to translation apps like Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and iTranslate Voice for communicating in real time in foreign languages. We can only expect this trend to accelerate quickly. These can truly be lifesavers, and if I were to suddenly have to communicate in a language I had no experience with, I might take advantage of them. However, this would only be a short-term emergency solution — not one I would depend on if I intended to meaningfully interact in that language long-term.

To truly interact beyond the most basic communication in a foreign language, one must put in the time and effort necessary to learn that language, together with the culture behind it. No app will bring you this understanding — or depth of communication. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating going Luddite and tossing out the digital world. Actually, I’ve been rather an early adopter of much of it myself — aside from social media, that is!

Most of
English Now!’s students come to class once a week. This alone is not enough for solid, rapid progress. I want to encourage all of our students to take full advantage of the available apps, software and online resources to supplement their English study. These complement and reinforce the face-to-face “analog” classes you attend at English Now!

Long before Internet and smartphones, studying alone with books and tapes and CDs was essential to make solid progress with a foreign language. This hasn’t changed. The new technology and media have simply made solo study more readily available, more effective, and cheaper. We would be foolish not to take advantage of them.

But, godsend that they are, they’re not enough for developing deeper, more nuanced English communication skills — and the profound understanding that comes with them. This can only be achieved by communicating face-to-face with real, live humans. So please do study with the apps and the
YouTube videos — and then bring what you’ve learned to your class at English Now! to try out and refine. Enjoy the best of both worlds: both digital and human!












既に多くの旅行者が外国語を使ってリアルタイムでコミュニケーションを取るために"Google Translate"や"Microsoft Translator"、"iTranslate Voice"といった翻訳アプリを使用していますね。こうしたツールは今後もますます広まっていくばかりだと思います。本当に助かる道具であることは間違いありませんし、もし全く馴染みのない言語を使って今すぐ誰かとコミュニケーションを取らなくてはいけない場面に出くわしたら、私もその恩恵に与ると思います。しかし、これはあくまでその場しのぎの緊急の解決法です。今後もその言語を使って長期間に渡り有意義な交流を持ちたいのであれば、翻訳アプリを頼ることはできないでしょう。


ENGLISH NOW!の生徒の皆さんの多くは週に1回レッスンに来て下さっていますね。しかし早急に、確固とした上達を得たいのであれば、残念ながらこれだけでは不十分なのです。予習や復習のために、皆さんにはぜひ学習アプリやソフト、オンライン教材を存分に活用してもらいたいと思っています。こうしたツールはENGLISH NOW!でしているような面と向かっての「アナログ」な学習を補完、強化するのにうってつけです。


しかしどれだけ便利であっても、英語コミュニケーションの持つ微妙なニュアンスの差異を感じ取ったり、それに伴う徹底的な理解を深めるためにはアプリやソフトウェアでは不十分です。この能力は本物の、生きた人間と面と向かって話をすることによってのみ身に付きます。ですからぜひアプリやYoutube動画で学習した英語をENGLISH NOW!のクラスに持ち込み、試し、磨いて下さい。人間的なコミュニケーションとデジタル世界、両方を楽しんでいきましょう!

Removing obstacles to your English study

Let’s look at what could hold you back in learning English — the obstacles you may encounter. Of course, time to study and good resources are vital, but let’s assume these are available. Here we’ll consider the less obvious. As every boxer knows, “It’s the punch you don’t see that knocks you out.”

Perhaps looking at obstacles seems to be dwelling on the negative, and indeed, focusing on the negative can undermine confidence and stall you. However, failing to recognize obstacles for what they are — or denying them — will stunt your progress. Therefore, to be effective and keep strong forward momentum in learning English, we’ll try to turn each of the following negative “obstacles” into a positive to focus on. All are normal and very human, albeit some can vary in strength from culture to culture.

1) Demotivating motivation
Let’s get this one out of the way first. How strong is your motivation to learn English? Do you really want to become fluent? Or is your school, your company, or something else pressuring you to do so. Sometimes such stressful “motivation” can subconsciously lead to allowing failure to happen to prove that your negative presumptions about learning English were right. The suggestions given here are for those who ARE truly and positively motivated to learn a foreign language. If necessary, reconsider your motivation and reshape it to provide you with a strong positive incentive. For example, you might nurture in yourself a genuine interest in English communication through passion for something like media, literature, travel, music, movies, food, sports, or technology. The possibilities are boundless, and whatever you choose is likely to be personal.

2) Belief in magic
Many believe that those skilled in foreign languages somehow got that way easily. Realize and accept that mastering a foreign language is truly hard work requiring significant time and concentrated effort. Schedule regular study every day and stick to it. Constantly challenge yourself and check your progress by creating situations requiring you to use English.

3) Resistance to change
Your native language is an integral part of your personality and ego — it’s part of who you are.
Really learning and using a foreign language, with all its very different sounds and expressions, can be felt as a threat to your identity. Language is cultural, and communicating well in another language requires you to “let go” and open yourself to another culture and its way of thinking and living. This can be very scary and lead to a so-called kokoro no kabe — an emotional and/or mental block to learning.

Nurture a hunger for the new and different. Be flexible and ready to leave behind your native language persona. When you study a foreign language, you’re taking on a new identity, becoming a new person. Yes, it can feel a bit scary, but it can also be very liberating — you’ll be expressing yourself in ways you never did before.

4) Failure to start with sound
All language starts with sound, and each language has its own unique set. Humans spoke long before they could read and write. You’ll never master any language with just the written word and pronunciation symbols — and certainly not by transliterating the sounds of a foreign language into those of your own language. This is where much of traditional foreign language learning in Japan falls short. It ignores the sounds — often attempting to reproduce them with
katakana — and focuses on the written. Make mastering the sounds of English your first priority — and never use katakana to pronounce English words.

5) Failure to involve the entire brain
Your brain remembers best by integrating its entire neural network. It does not store a memory in just one location. Use as much of it as you can to learn and recall English and you will retain much more. This is particularly important for speaking and listening. Simply studying the old academic way trying to memorize language with books and CDs is not very effective. Involve all five of your senses, add emotion, drama, gestures, facial expressions, and movement. Simulate situations as realistically as possible.

6) Failure to review methodically
Review is absolutely essential to master a foreign language. Studying something once is never enough. Review regularly and often. And enhance each review to add something new to the experience — thereby improving retention. Don’t review only with exactly the same material as before — add media for example.

7) Failure to “see the forest for the trees
Micromanaging your English by giving constant meticulous attention to detail in the pursuit of perfection can impede your ability to communicate. Yes, when you’re studying for a test, or mastering calligraphy, or doing math, or submitting an article to a journal, such attention to detail is essential. But in verbal communication “Perfect is the enemy of good!” Insisting on perfection will hold you back.

8) Risk aversion and fear of mistakes
Similarly, the fear of making mistakes leads to avoiding risk. It’s natural to want to stay in a safe place avoiding danger, but as learning to swim requires entering the water, mastering English communication requires “jumping into the pool” — and you don’t have to worry about drowning! Make mistakes — lots of them — and learn from them. You can only learn what works and doesn’t work by trying it out. Afterwards, take a few minutes to take notes on what went well and what didn’t, and what you should work on to improve. So muster up the courage to jump into the conversation, and mistakes be damned!

9) Fear of or oversensitivity to correction
You’re going to make mistakes constantly. They will become fewer and fewer over time, but you’ll never be perfect. A native speaker who will astutely correct your English is worth their weight in gold. Don’t avoid or denounce correction. Encourage it and show your appreciation. By no means should you ever become upset at the person attempting to help you — you will discourage them from trying to help you again. “Once bitten, twice shy!”

10) Absence of a supportive community
Mom was right when she told you to beware of the company you keep. Carefully choose those you spend your time with. Avoid naysayers and those who will not positively support you in your pursuit of English fluency. They
will hold you back. Realize they may not appreciate, or even approve of your increasing English skill and how you may have changed thanks to it — it could be perceived as a threat, or even as cultural betrayal.

Seek out and surround yourself with likeminded others who are successfully learning to communicate in English — and preferably who are better than yourself.

As you become more and more comfortable communicating in English, you will awake to new worlds and possibilities. You will grow and change — and your social life must grow and change with your progress. At
English Now!, you can meet many just like yourself who are working hard at advancing their English skills to really become able to communicate meaningfully in English.




1) やる気を損ねるモチベーション

2) 魔法を信じているということ

3) 変化への抵抗


4) 学習のスタート地点が音ではないこと


5) 脳全体を使わない学習法

6) 系統的な復習をしないこと

7) 「木を見て森を見ず」の落とし穴

8) リスク嫌悪やミスすることへの恐怖

9) 訂正に対する過敏や恐れ

10) 上達を阻む友人とつるむこと


英語を易々と話せるようになればなるほど、新しい世界や可能性に気付くことでしょう。皆さんは成長し、変化していきます。そしてその上達に合わせて社会生活も成長、変化していくはずです。ここENGLISH NOW!では英語で有意義なコミュニケーションを取れるようになることを目指し懸命に上達に励む、たくさんの人達と出会えることでしょう。

“It’s a habit!”

The new year is here and with it comes talk of resolutions to set and hold to. Whether it’s to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, or study English, these resolutions are goals. And we’re always told that if we want to succeed with anything, we must set clear goals.

Well and good, but sometimes we get obsessed with the goal-setting at the expense of making the adaptations necessary to achieve the goal. Just setting the goal, putting up reminders and inspirational messages, and thinking and talking about it may actually hold you back. It feels like achievement, when nothing has really happened yet … and you lose steam.

You must create a lifestyle—a daily routine—which will keep your direction true and carry you toward the target. This depends on your habits. Whether good or bad, your habits, especially small ones, will make or break you. The cool thing is that habits, once established, will stick of their own accord, and can be relied on to keep you moving above and beyond your target. That is, if they’re
good habits!

So let’s talk about studying English. It’s a new year and you resolve to improve your English. You might set a specific goal like passing a test or completing a textbook, but how are you actually going to make this happen? By studying, of course! But … how is
that going to happen?

“I’ll study when I have the time.”

You’re already off-track … and unlikely to reach your goal.

Set a daily block of time to study English in a specific, progressive way to achieve your goal—and guard this block of time selfishly. Most highly successful people set such special blocks of time in the morning. They know that their day is unpredictable and trying to stick to a routine later in the day is not likely to work out.

After a couple of weeks of drawing on your will power to keep to your new study schedule, you’ll find that it takes on a sustaining power of its own: it becomes a HABIT. And even though it may be even a small effort, over time its effect will accumulate, compound, and power you toward your goal. It’s like the old saying: “Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves!” The “pennies” are the habits, and the “dollars” are your goals.

There will always be times when we must give our best energy to some other challenge we’re presented with, and our attention shifts away from our goal. Or our energy’s low and our will power is weak. When this happens, a solid positive habit will have your back and carry you through the rough spots. It will ensure that you keep your direction.

And even if your goal is fuzzy, those supportive positive habits will move you much further ahead than having a clear goal without supportive habits.

So set those habits immediately if you really mean to achieve that target—and guard them well. Don’t overdo it at first. Unreasonably difficult tasks will be hard to establish as habits and lead to disappointment. At first, for example, set a 20 minute morning study time. Once it becomes a natural daily habit, you can try to extend it a bit.

And don’t forget that stubborn bad habits keeping you from your goal are just as powerful. These must be broken to make strong progress. For example, one too many drinks in the evening will make you groggy in the morning, and you’ll have trouble concentrating well during your study time.

Our attention spans seem to weaken with each generation. To keep viewers engaged, entertainment media conditions us to expect challenges to be resolved and rewards to be received quickly—even magically.

Well … wake up and smell the coffee! As Phillip Glass said, “What’s the secret? Wake up early and work hard.”

Very true, but start with the habits. John Wooden said, “It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”









強い意志の力で新しい学習スケジュールに数週間も従えば、いつの間にか持久力が付いていることに気付くでしょう。そしてそれは「習慣」になります。たとえ小さな努力でも時を経るにつれて積み上がり、大きくなって、目標へと突き進む力を与えてくれます。古い諺にこんなものがあります。"Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves!(小銭を大切にすれば大金はおのずとたまる)"。「小銭」は習慣、「大金」は目標に置き換えることができます。







Eye Contact

Some research caught my eye the other day because of its important implications for language study. It seems that British scientists found that babies’ brain waves actually synced with their mothers’ when sung to while the mother kept eye contact with the baby. When the mother looked away while singing, this did not happen. This “brainwave syncing” occurred not only with the mother, but also when others sang to the baby. And eye contact was always crucial.

In Japanese research published a couple of years ago, it was shown that humans and dogs show a bio-chemical connection: both release the hormone oxytocin when they gaze into each other's eyes. Oxytocin is strongly connected with social bonding. It has been proposed that emotional bonding established by eye contact was one reason why dogs were able to so successfully domesticate. Eye contact was key.

These observations bring home the importance of eye contact in communication. This can be particularly a challenge in Japan, since many tend to avoid eye contact—at the expense of more communicative interaction. Yes, sometimes averting your gaze can help to avoid conflict. But keeping eye contact will be necessary to establish any real rapport.

Eye contact shows that you’re listening and that you’re genuinely interested in the other person. It shows that you are open to their world. A wandering gaze betrays disinterest or, even worse, dishonesty. That’s why when meeting someone for the first time, especially during the handshake, eye contact is considered crucial to establish a good relationship. There must be eye contact to connect and build trust.

How rich is your communication overall these days? Are you face-down, staring at your smartphone or some other display more often than you should be? Do you find yourself opting for digital instead of face-to-face communication—depending on SMS, chat, email, Instagram or any of the many other social networking choices. Are you gradually losing the communication tools that humans have refined for eons to meaningfully connect with each other?

Communication and language are bound inseparably. To meaningfully communicate, you must pay attention to far more than just vocabulary and grammar. Work on the quality and depth of your face-to-face communication by considering attitude, posture, gesture, and facial expression. Above all, give the person you’re speaking with all your attention keeping empathic eye contact. It makes a big difference.




このような見解により、私はアイコンタクトの重要性を痛感させられました。 コミュニケーションの相互作用による恩恵を失ってもアイコンタクトを避ける傾向にある日本人にとっては、特に悩ましい事実だと思います。確かに、視線を逸らすことは時に衝突の回避にもなります。しかし感情的な親密さを築きあげるためにはアイコンタクトが絶対に必要です。





Teaching the Teachers

This time of year English Now! asks its students to complete teacher evaluation surveys. These amount to “report cards” for the teachers. We do this to provide valuable anonymous feedback to our teachers, who are, in fact, often surprised at the comments. Issues invariably come up that they hadn’t considered.

Japanese students have a reputation for not speaking up and offering strong opinions. Perhaps this is due to self-consciousness, but it may also be because many wish to avoid conflict—they choose quiet discretion over risking a disagreement. This is a very admirable quality, that we should all learn from—especially when contrasted with some other cultures which may seem to thrive on contention.

However, as a result of this reticence, we often must train our teachers to pay much greater attention to body language than they are accustomed, in order to get the immediate feedback they need. They must learn to observe posture, facial expression, gesture, tone of voice—even eye movement. For teachers who come from cultures where speaking out quickly and assertively is normal—even encouraged, this can be quite challenging. When their students don’t speak up, they assume everything is understood and just fine.

But it often isn’t.

But unaware of this, the teacher tends to accelerate the lesson and increase the difficulty.

Consequently, the students suffer.

To really improve your English learning experience, try your best to provide your teachers with clear feedback, both positive and negative. They need it. If you particularly liked something in class, mention it to the teacher at the end of class. If there was something you had trouble understanding, or that really rubbed you the wrong way, likewise, by all means tell the teacher. If you would rather not speak to the teacher directly, please feel free to mention it to the reception staff. If perhaps this is inconvenient, or you’d like to gather your thoughts first, you could even email us about it (Japanese is okay!). And of course, please fill out our teacher evaluation survey. If you are a parent of a student, please talk to your child about their classes and try to get their help in filling out the survey to the best of their ability.

Our teachers want you to excel in English. They want to give you their best, so please help them to do so. Your direct feedback is invaluable to improving their teaching and your classes. It’s win-win for everyone.

Jacques Saffell


ENGLISH NOW!では今の時期、講師に関するアンケートへの協力を生徒の皆さんにお願いしています。言わば講師の「成績表」ですね。匿名で貴重なご意見を提供してもらうことがアンケートの目的ですが、実際のところ、講師たちは皆さんからのコメントに驚くことも多いのです。問題はいつも予期せぬところに生じます。









Other "English-es"

What do you do when the English you’re hearing sounds like no English you’ve ever heard? I don’t mean just different vocabulary or fast talking. I mean when it really does not sound at all like the English you’ve learned.

Tsukuba is one of the most international cities in Japan. We have a very high percentage of foreigners in our population from a very wide variety of countries. Most speak English to one degree or another, but the chances are pretty high that it’s not the same English you have studied and grown accustomed to.

English has become a lingua franca for humankind, but that hardly means everybody speaks it the same way. In fact, it’s normal to have to readjust your listening and speaking to communicate with someone speaking a different English.

And the readjustment necessary may at times be profound—even to communicate with “native” speakers from other countries. Many Americans, hearing Australians or New Zealanders for the first time have trouble understanding. And real Scottish English can be downright incomprehensible. Likewise, I’m sure non-American native English speakers suffer similar confusion when they encounter America’s numerous ethnic and regional ways of speaking English.

So how do we approach this reality at
English Now!? First of all, we work hard to filter the “Japlish” out of our students’ English. We generally teach a standard American English to create a solid foundation upon which to build. By working hard to accurately pronounce American English and speak with a clear, natural American intonation and rhythm, the chances of your English being understood by people from around the world are much greater.

Well….that helps other folks understand us. But what about us understanding
their particular version of English? What do we do about that?

As I’ve mentioned before….empty your cup! Don’t shut down—open up! When encountering a new “English,” relax and let yourself actively absorb it for a while to get a grip on it. In Japan, much value is placed on getting the details correct. You’ll have to drop this thinking when encountering a version of English that is new to you. Forget about what is “correct.” It doesn’t matter, and obsession with this will hold you back. Not understanding a new “English” does not mean all your hard study has been in vain.

When you encounter an unfamiliar version of English, first, get over the initial shock of not understanding this strange new language you seem to be hearing. You’ve studied so much, and thought your English was coming along pretty well, and here you are completely flummoxed by what should be basic English communication! This shock can immobilize you and turn you into unresponsive jelly. Punch through it by focusing on action, rather than inaction.

Focus 100% on the speaker. Actively listen and absorb, while doing your best to respond appropriately. Ask questions to confirm your understanding—or misunderstanding. Don’t be embarrassed, interrupt the speaker when you’re not understanding and ask them to repeat…or to speak more slowly…or to say what they want to say in different words.

As you marvel at this new, creative version of English you’re hearing, you
will gradually grow accustomed to it and begin to learn it. Whether it’s Scottish, Indonesian, or African, you will start to put the pieces together. Those pieces will be made up of unfamiliar pronunciation, grammar, word choice, intonation—and often facial expressions and gestures, too. It’s actually very satisfying when you finally get a grip on this new English and can swim in its waters. Your world has just opened up a little more!

And don’t worry about others passing judgement on your English based on such difficult encounters. Just smile and ignore them. Such armchair quarterbacks have no idea as to how much relentless effort and devotion it takes to really learn to communicate in a very international foreign language.






では、 English Now!ではこうした現実にどうやって向き合えば良いでしょう?第一に、皆さんの中にある「日本語英語」をフィルターにかけて取り除いていきます。私達講師は皆さんの中にしっかりとした基礎が築かれるまで、基本的には標準的なアメリカ英語で指導を行います。アメリカ英語の正確な発音を身に付け、はっきりと自然なイントネーションやリズムで話す練習に懸命に取り組むことにより、皆さんの英語が世界の人々に理解される確率はぐんと高まります。







Studying for a test vs. studying for practical conversation: Is it the same?

In a word: NO!

Every day, I must remind students how studying for real conversation is not at all like studying for a test.

This usually comes up first during listen-and-repeat practice—long before we even get to dialog work. I’ll be modeling phrases for the students to listen to and then repeat back, and almost invariably, most students will instantly go pokerfaced and flat-toned when it’s their turn to speak the phrase. Expressionless, with dead eyes, emotionless voice and no body language whatsoever, they speak the lines. The students aren’t lazy at all—in fact, they’re usually trying hard to do their best. But even though they’re focusing on the content, the pronunciation, and the basic intonation, they’re missing the essence—there’s no life at all in their English. If they’re left to continue this way, they won’t get nearly as much out of this practice as they could.

Many of us seem to unconsciously shift into the academic learning mode we got used to back in our school days. At that time, studying meant lots of memorization and the ability to provide the answer called for on a test. Many of us got very good at this. At test time, there was no need for emotion or drama—in fact, indulging in these would at best waste time and energy during our study, and at worst get in the way of being able to quickly and efficiently ace the test with the “right” answers. Studying for an English test meant repeating a phrase over and over until it felt memorized. You then took the test, hopefully passed it, and forgot much of what you studied within a few weeks or months. Mission accomplished. The short-term memory had done its job!

This approach all too often worked—it certainly did for me back in the day. And if your purpose of studying a subject was just to pass a test, then…no worries.

Problems come up when your goal is to actually learn—and deeply absorb—English in order to really use it conversationally. Your old way of studying which worked so well at test time in school doesn’t work here.

In the nonacademic real world, your “test” will be listening to and speaking spontaneously, understandably and expressively with native speakers, either in Japan or abroad, with no script. Anything goes and there’s no time to check notes or dictionaries. Scary? Well, hopefully it’s scary enough to make you realize that you need a sea change in how you study in order to handle real-life English situations.

The emotion and the drama which we tossed aside as unnecessary for test-taking are exactly what we need now—because they are at the heart of real-life communicative human interaction.

So here are basics to guide you in your listen-and-repeat work:

• Get as situationally realistic as possible. Stand up if the conversation calls for it, use props, rearrange the furniture—do everything you possibly can to change the environment to simulate the situation called for.

• Get a partner to talk to and keep eye contact with—or do your best to visualize one. A huge amount of the most meaningful communication occurs through the eyes, so the sooner you can accept this and work on developing good eye contact as you speak, the better off you’ll be. Helpful friends, spouses, pets, or stuffed animal toys can all be put to use for this.

• Work on short phrases occurring at natural, grammatical breaks. Connect them into longer phrases as you get more comfortable with them. Don’t focus on one word at a time. That’s not how people talk. Babies learn their native tongue by first learning to hear and speak phrases—not dictionary vocabulary.

• Get emotional! Get dramatic! Consider the message you want to get across with each line—and that message is never simply rational. Feel the emotion of the message and give your English intonation that speaks this emotion. Important words get stronger intonation and different pitch. Don’t rely only on correct vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar to get the message across—you’ll sound like a 20th Century robot.

• Start slow, but speak the phrases rhythmically—including emotion and intonation, of course. Increase the pace as it begins to come more naturally. Singing is excellent practice to help you develop more natural rhythm and phrasing—along with passion.

• By no means wait till you’ve mastered the phrases to add facial expressions and gestures: definitely include them from the beginning. It’s a two-way street: emotions invoke facial expressions and body language. Likewise, facial expressions and body language invoke the corresponding emotions. Thus, you can use the expressions and gestures to help you get the emotional intonation into your English phrasing. And when you can get realistically emotional with your English, the expressions and gestures will come much more naturally.

If you can change your practice in this way to work on your speaking, I guarantee you’ll be much more effective in communicating in real world conversation. And as a bonus, these techniques will improve your listening, too.

Human emotion and memory are directly connected. The stronger an emotion is attached to an event, the more strongly that event will be recalled. Take advantage of this phenomenon. By emotionally and dramatically practicing your English, you’ll be greatly increasing the likelihood of being able to recall it when you need it—wherever that might be!











• できる限り状況を現実的に感じられるようにしましょう。会話に必要であれば席を立ち、小道具を使い、家具も設置し直して――取り組んでいる会話の状況に合わせて環境を変えるために、できることは全てやって下さい。

• 会話やアイコンタクトができるパートナーを見つけましょう――もしくは、できるだけ鮮明に相手を思い浮かべて下さい。意味のあるコミュニケーションの、かなりの部分は目を通して行われます。つまり、この事実を受け入れ、会話の際のアイコンタクトの上達に取り組むのが早ければ早い程、皆さんの状態は向上するということです。協力的な友人や伴侶、ペット、はたまたぬいぐるみなども役に立ってくれるでしょう。

• まずは文法的にも自然なところで区切りを入れ、短いフレーズから練習を始めましょう。慣れてきたら、それを繋げて長くしていきます。一つの語だけにこだわり過ぎないで下さいね。単語単語で話すのは会話において自然ではありません。赤ちゃんは周囲の人が発するフレーズを聞いたり、話したりすることで母国語を身に付けていきます。辞書で語彙の学習をする訳ではありません。

• 感情的になりましょう!ドラマチックになりましょう!そこに書かれた文章で何を伝えたいのか良く考えて下さい。そのメッセージは決して単に理性的に発せられる訳ではないはずです。メッセージにこめられた想いを感じ、それを言葉やイントネーションに乗せて下さい。大切な言葉は強いイントネーションで、声の高さも他とは異なるはずです。コミュニケーションを取る上で、正確な語彙、発音、文法だけにこだわるのは止めましょう。20世紀のロボットのように聞こえてしまいますから。

• ゆっくり話し始めても、発話はリズミカルにして下さい。もちろん、イントネーションや感情もこめて下さいね。フレーズを自然に言えるようになってきたら、ペースを上げましょう。歌うことは、情熱を持って自然なリズムや表現を磨くのに大いに役立つことでしょう。

• フレーズを完璧にマスターしてから表情やジェスチャーを付け加えようなどと決して思わないで下さい。そうした表現は絶対に最初から練習に含むべきです。ここには相互協力関係があります。感情は表情やボディランゲージを引き起こします。同じように、表情やボディランゲージも相応の感情を呼び覚まします。つまり、このような表現やジェスチャーは、英語に感情的なイントネーションを吹き込む上で大いに役立ってくれるのです。英語で感情的に自己表現ができるようになった暁には、表情やジェスチャーももっと自然に出てくるようになるでしょう。



Graduating to Difficult Topics

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

As I write this, August is winding down and as the summer fades, the atmosphere and mood change, too—both seasonally and socially.

After many years in Japan, I’m accustomed to the annual media focus on the anniversary of the atomic bombings and end of World War II. This year, however, felt different. It was, of course, the 70th anniversary, but Japan’s focus seemed to be on WWII more than ever due to the controversy over the national security bills
(安保法). In the past, even though the media regularly put out numerous articles and documentaries related to the war, the topic was still somewhat avoided—and even taboo—in daily life among many. It wasn’t directly addressed. This was left to the media. This year, however, there seemed to be more open dialog and expression of opinions between people—both publicly and privately. I see this as a positive development.

What’s considered taboo for daily conversation is not consistent between cultures. My French acquaintances are fond of philosophical discussions, while my Israeli friends will furiously debate politics until the wee hours of the morning. Surprisingly, though, the seemingly innocuous, typical American conversation starter of “What do you do for a living?” is considered far too personal a question for many cultures.

In the United States, polite conversation traditionally avoids sex, religion & politics. These topics would not be appropriate for a dinner party or when courting a prospective client. They do indeed come up elsewhere among those who know each other better, but if one wishes to avoid conflict, he evaluates his audience very carefully before going there.

On the other hand, in some countries, not discussing politics is considered strange. It’s felt that politics is everything, and everything is politics. Avoiding talking about politics would mean not speaking of anything that mattered. It would be escaping reality.

English Now!, as our adult classes advance to Levels 3 and 4, and in our Media classes, the topics become more difficult. We’re gentler at the lower levels, giving our students more time and space to express themselves with topics well within their comfort zone. However, in the higher level classes we have a responsibility to get more realistic about the conversational exchanges one might expect when spending significant time abroad. In these classes, not only will the topics become more demanding emotionally, intellectually, and linguistically, but you’ll need to handle yourself under fire: the teacher and the other students will challenge you more, they’ll speak more bluntly, they’ll interrupt you, they’ll question your position, and they may take a stand you cannot agree with.

This is certainly more challenging, but it’s the next step in really taking your English ability to the next level. You must increase your vocabulary, become more informed of current events, learn to express yourself more clearly and persuasively, and learn to keep cool and calm under pressure. It’s demanding, but you certainly will encounter such situations in your professional life and you need to prepare.

World War II and the national security bills are tough topics, but subjects like these will come up more and more as you interact internationally and as your English improves. You’ll need to be able to articulate your opinions effectively—and diplomatically.








ENGLISH NOW!の Level 3 や Level 4といった上級クラスやメディアクラスでは、扱うトピックはどんどん難しくなっていきます。それより易しいレベルのクラスではやや穏便に、生徒の皆さんにとって慣れ親しんだ話題について自己表現する時間と余裕が与えられています。しかし上級クラスでは、海外で長年過ごす上で成されであろう会話に対し、より現実的に取り組む責任があります。こうしたクラスでは感情や知性、言語能力の面での要求が高まるのみならず、批判を受けても自分をコントロールしなくてはなりません。講師やクラスメイトはこれまで以上にあなたに食ってかかり、より率直に意見を申し立て、会話に割って入り、あなたの立場に疑問を投げ掛け、あなたが同意し兼ねる側の意見を支持するかもしれません。



The Nail or the Wheel?

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down!”—Japan

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease!”—USA

Isn’t it amazing how two cultures can come up with such diametrically opposed proverbs? Every Japanese—and every non-Japanese who studies even a little about Japan—knows the
「出る杭は打たれる」proverb: “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down!” It’s recited again and again to demonstrate Japan’s emphasis on uniformity and cooperation. On the other hand, the English expression, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease!,” encourages one to speak up or else be ignored.

I don’t mean to reinforce stereotypes, but unfortunately, observation seems to bear these out to some extent. We often encounter Japanese hesitant to interrupt or speak up to voice their own opinion. Likewise, we often encounter Americans who seem all too quick to foist their own opinion and judgment on anybody at anytime.

Recently a student commented about how, in her English classes in Australia, the students from other countries never hesitated to speak during class even though they made many grammar mistakes, while the Japanese students had better grammar but stayed silent unless drawn out by the teacher.

Round table discussions at international science conferences often go the same way. Members from all over the world don’t hesitate to energetically interrupt, jump in and comment, while the Japanese participants tend to remain quiet unless the chairperson breaks in and actively invites their opinion. Afterwards, when asked why they didn’t speak, a common response is, “I didn’t have the chance!”

Several issues must be addressed here:

1) “I’m shy!”

Nip this in the bud. “Shy” is not cute in Western culture. Pardon my directness, but it’s considered unsympathetically to be a sign of weakness and social ineptitude. By the way, this goes for you romantically ambitious guys, too. Again and again, the ladies surveyed tell us that confidence is one of the most attractive features in a guy.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."—Henry Ford

Henry Ford is well known for having said this and it should be taken to heart. Your mindset can make or break you. And if you’re waiting for a “chance,” you may be waiting forever. Create your own chances.

2) “My English isn’t good enough yet.”

With that attitude, it never will be. Fear of failure can be the biggest obstacle to improving your English. The never ending process of making mistakes and learning from them is essential. Without it you will be stuck forever at a level far below your potential.
Don’t wait to get perfect. Take the risk, jump in the fray, and celebrate any progress. It’s a cliché, but unless you can find joy in the journey, you’ll have trouble sticking with it.

3) Train your teacher!

Hey, it’s not
all your fault, so don’t get down on yourself too much. If we’re lucky, we’ll encounter one of the truly gifted, fantastic teachers out there who will help us to gradually—with as little pain as possible—climb out of our shell and learn to actively, positively express ourselves in English.

But don’t count on it.

To be bluntly honest, many, many of the native speaker English teachers in Japan are hardly this experienced and talented. Your progress is likely to be in your own hands.

You’ve heard of
How to Train your Dragon? Well, here’s “How to train your teacher!”:

• If you don’t understand, don’t be quiet! Speak up!

Neither nod in apparent agreement, nor remain poker-faced. Most native speaker English teachers in Japan—especially the younger ones—have not learned to—or don’t care to—pay attention to the unspoken feedback that indicates their students not understanding. This would include gestures, eye movement, posture and breathing patterns. A good teacher is always sensitive to these in order to adjust his teaching appropriately.

The lesser teachers need your help. It is essential that you let them know right away in no uncertain terms that you don’t understand. Don’t be afraid of standing out or embarrassing yourself. There’s a very good chance that other students are also not understanding—and they’ll be grateful to you for speaking up.

• Ask the teacher to slow down!

is important that the teacher speak at as natural a speed as possible so that he doesn’t baby-talk—or “teacher-speak”—his students. It would be a disservice for the students to get accustomed to a ridiculously unrealistic, slow pace. However, the pace of the teacher’s English must be sensitively varied and matched to the level of his students: fast enough to be as realistic as possible; slow enough to be within the students’ capacity to grasp while pushing them to a higher listening level. Most native speaker English teachers in Japan are poor at this. They interpret their students’ silence as understanding and accelerate steadily until out of control. With experience these teachers should improve, but some just seem to perpetually “follow the numbers,” remaining insensitive to their students needs. The worst are the intractably monolingual teachers who take advantage of their polite, acquiescent audience to soapbox and run on giving their opinion about something or another—at the expense of their students learning anything.

Don’t allow this. Call the teacher out on it and let him know plainly that he’s going much too fast for you to grasp. He should not be baby-talking you, but he shouldn’t be so over your head that you’re not getting anything substantive out of the class.

The teacher is there for you. You’re not there for his entertainment. He has a job to do. If he’s not doing it well, tell him. If you’ve tried, and the situation does not improve, tell the school. They owe you good teaching. A good school will thank you for speaking up.




"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down!" (出る杭は打たれる)をご存知でしょう。日本人の重視する統一性や協調性を示すために何度も何度も繰り返されてきた表現です。その一方、英語のことわざである“The squeaky wheel gets the grease!" (きしむ車輪は油を差される)は遠慮なく話すこと、そうしなければ意を汲んでもらえないことを意味しています。





1) 自分はシャイだから!




2) 自分の英語はまだそんなに上手じゃないから!


3) 先生を教育しましょう!




How to Train your Dragon(ヒックとドラゴン)をご存知ですか?これから“How to train your teacher!(先生をしつける方法)”をご紹介します。

• 分からないことがあれば口を閉ざさないで!はっきり言いましょう!


• 少しテンポを落としてもらいましょう!




You're good! …So now what?

You’ve studied English for years both in and out of school. You did what you had to do to get to where you are. You’ve worked hard. You’ve paid your dues.

And you’ve been successful. Your English is academically competent. You’ve done well on your tests; you can express many of your thoughts; you can understand much of what you read and a decent bit of slow, clearly spoken native English.

Congratulations on a job well done! Be proud of how far you’ve come and all the discipline and sweat you put into getting there.

And now…Stop!

It’s time to quit what you’ve been doing.

“But…but…but what I’ve been doing has worked until now!”

Yes, it has. It’s served you well indeed, but to get further you must take a risk. Defying logic and the urge for safety, you must change horses midstream. The horse that got you this far may become the biggest thing holding you back.

It’s time to stop studying how to swim and jump into the deep end of the pool.

You are a good “student.” The academic way is your comfort zone. But your English will plateau with your academic proficiency. To go beyond that, to catapult your English into more natural fluency, you must enter the unguaranteed, unregulated danger zone of real, non-academic, native-speaker English—the deep end of the pool. From now, the real world—the natural native speakers’ world—will become your unpublished textbook.

Fear not. The determination, discipline, and focus which brought you academic success will certainly help you here, too. You’ll need it to bring some order to approaching this chaos of real English—to bring method to its apparent madness.

Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time.

…and the world of real native speaker English certainly is huge. Where to start? Where shall you take this first bite?

A student recently showed me the textbook she was studying: a dry tome focusing on grammar. She spends 2.5 hours each way every day commuting to her job in Tokyo from Tsukuba. Ambitious to improve her English, she’s been consuming this sort of pedantic textbook one after another. I don’t know how she manages to stay awake. I certainly don’t have her will power.

Her English is very competent. She did her 16 years in school, even majoring in English literature, and here she was, a year after graduation, studying textbooks as hard as ever. She certainly deserves plenty of praise, but she’s long overdue for a new tack.

I suggested for the time being that she cut herself loose from the textbooks and immerse herself in the language as it is actually used day-to-day by modern Americans.

Easier said than done, particularly if you’re not in America. Where to begin? Obviously she would want to take advantage of the 5 hours-a-day on the train that she’s been devoting to textbook English.

As a start, I suggested going for contemporary short fiction in a genre that interests her. The condition, though, is that it must be modern and available on audiobook in addition to paper or digital book. If a good Japanese translation is available, that too can be a plus.

During her commute, she can both listen to the book and read it. I recommend listening first. Since the stories are short, repeated listening and reading won’t be the burden it would be with a whole novel. If a Japanese translation is available, that could be used to speed comprehension up, since the material is sure to be new and include difficult passages.

New York Times Bestsellers are a good place to start. The most recent have rarely been translated into Japanese yet, but many of the older ones have. Go here:


Also, books on which popular movies are based can be fun, but tend to be longer.

Such literature is sure to include lots of contemporary, natural dialog that you can learn from and model. Most audiobooks feature excellent readers who really bring life to the stories. Listen to the audiobook first, enjoy it, try to catch what you can, and then read it and get more. If it’s especially difficult, you may consider reading a Japanese translation before reading the English. Then listen again. When you’re not on the train, take some time alone at home to try reading passages of dialog out loud with the same feeling and intonation—and drama!— as the audiobook reader. Have fun!

You can buy paper or digital books from Amazon, either the Japanese or American store. You can get audiobooks from either the American Amazon.com or directly from Audible.com. The new Kindle Voyage ebook reader is excellent. Audiobooks can be listened to on iPhones or Android smartphones—or on iPod-type devices.

Essentially, you’ll be creating your own “textbooks”—and you’ll have an endless supply. Such “study” is guaranteed to bring new life to your previously “academic” English. You’ll be swimming in the deep end of the pool!












Q: どうやったらあんなに大きな象を食べられますか?
A: 一度に一口ずつ食べていくしかありません。



彼女は優れた英語力をお持ちです。これまで学校で16年間も英語を学び、英文学を専攻して、ENGLISH NOW!に通い、卒業から一年経った今でも、以前と同じように懸命にテキストで学習を続けています。これは賞賛に値することですが、しかし、新しいやり方に取り組むのがずいぶん先延ばしにされてしまっています。








紙の本も電子書籍も、日本やアメリカのAmazonで購入できます。オーディオはアメリカの【Amazon.com】、もしくは【Audible.com】から直接手に入れることも可能です。新しいKindle Voyageの電子書籍も素晴らしいですね。そしてオーディオブックはiPhoneやAndroidスマートフォン、iPodなどの機器で聞くことができます。


The Future is Now!

It’s mid-December as I write this, but I expect the major trends we’re witnessing to continue. As much as we idealize positive, noble social change, throughout human history, major change—good or bad—has most often been triggered by crisis. And Japan certainly is approaching crisis—economically.

Deep social and political change tend to follow the economy: when the economy’s relatively stable and most feel that they’re successfully making ends meet, few push for real change. Why rock the boat? But when ends aren’t meeting and the outlook is progressively grimmer, dissatisfaction is more likely to push people to actively demand something different—and be less likely to tolerate the norm.

“It’s the economy, stupid!”
(from Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 Presidential campaign)

So what does this have to do with our kids and English?

A lot, actually. Japan is once again officially in recession based on its latest GDP results. I believe things are going to get far worse before they get better—especially in the long term. The list is long: Japan has the highest national debt in the world—equal to 226% of its yearly GDP in October 2014, the most rapidly aging population (Japanese 65 and over will comprise 40% of the total population by 2060), a rapidly devaluing currency (the yen has lost more than 40% of its value in 2 years), a hollowing out of manufacturing, an ever-growing reliance on importing necessities, a rising cost-of-living, decreasing real wages (as of October, average monthly salaries—adjusted for inflation—have fallen for 16 months in a row), and a widening gap between the haves and have-nots. True, if you’re lucky enough to work for Toyota or another big exporting company, the picture may be rosier, but the average employee works for a small or mid-size company. They’re hurting…and so is he.

Abenomics is in trouble. The third arrow of structural reform was never fired, and the economic recovery has been left to depend on the first arrow of the Bank of Japan’s quantitative easing and the second arrow of fiscal stimulus (public works projects). There’s infighting between the ruling party and the Finance Ministry/Bank of Japan over economic policy and an expensive—many felt unnecessary—snap election was held, resulting in the further delay of reform legislation. From abroad, Japan is seen more and more as being in a state of confusion. The former fans of Abenomics are jumping ship in droves.

This is the background we face in considering our children’s future. How can we prepare them for an economic world very different from what we have known?

It’s said that Japan’s GDP—and tax revenue, of course—could be greatly increased by increasing the number of working women. Abe’s “womenomics” intends to put more women in the workforce by structural reform favorable to working women. But as we’ve witnessed, these structural reforms have been slow in coming, if not nonexistent. In the end, it will be the rising cost of living which drives more and more Japanese women into the full-time workforce. And since not much change can be expected in the short term, they will have to compete in the unforgiving business world as it is. We must raise our daughters—and give them skills—with this in mind.
It’s the economy…

A shrinking domestic market will drive more businesses to compete globally. Japanese companies will be less able to isolate themselves from the world community and depend on the domestic market for their livelihood. Internationalization will come, not as a lofty ideal, nor as a plank in a political platform; it will occur out of necessity—economic necessity. A more active role in international markets will raise the demand for first rate English skills.
It’s the economy…

Many foreign-capitalized businesses are attracted to the Japanese market, and with a cheap yen in the future, their money will be more and more powerful here. One of the biggest difficulties facing such firms is in finding Japanese staff members who can communicate in English well. See this as an opportunity. The jobs and money are there for those with the skills.
It’s the economy…

More and more are waking up to the unrealized potential of Japan as a major destination for international tourism. This truly is a dynamic growth industry to exploit to its fullest. Japan has rich culture, history, cuisine, beautiful locations and great shopping. Tourists worldwide are hankering to come here and spend their money. And the yen is cheap and getting cheaper. The opportunity is obvious.
It’s the economy…

Every parent wants the best for their child—but we must love them without coddling them. The future economy will be more competitive and less forgiving. Don’t expect a kinder, gentler economy or workplace. When we prepare our children for their future livelihood, first rate English will be an extremely marketable skill. Of course, English alone will not be enough to nail a great job. It must complement the other skills the individual has worked hard to nurture and polish—skills in engineering, business, programming, science, health care, education, or hospitality, among others. But excellent English may very well be the game-changer that someday lands your child that lucrative position.














Empty your Cup!

“Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”
—Mark Twain

There is a well-known anecdote among Bruce Lee fans about how he emphasized “emptying your cup” to his students. I had originally heard this story attributed to the Meiji era Zen monk Nan’in about when he was visited by a university professor asking about Zen:

“Nan’in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. ‘It is overfull. No more will go in!’ ‘Like this cup,’ Nan’in said, ‘you are full of your own opinions and speculation. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?’”†

This holds true, not only in the worlds of Zen and martial arts, but in language study, also. We’re stuffed full of information and habits that get in the way of really breaking through to becoming truly communicative in English.

Some of these barriers are easy to identify. One of the most obvious, yet difficult to overcome in Japan, is “katakana English.” To the great detriment of the Japanese student, the powers-that-be have insisted on using katakana to express the pronunciation of foreign languages. As has been commented on so many times before, this is utterly hopeless. Many of the myriad sounds employed by the other languages of the world simply cannot be duplicated by the Japanese syllabary. Stubborn insistence on doing so for whatever reason is a lost cause. Yet this fantasy continues to be imposed upon generation after generation of diligent Japanese students of English.

Regrettably—and painfully—the resulting Japanese-English pronunciation must be completely unlearned to make real progress in learning communicative English. The cup must be emptied to fill it again.

Other barriers are more subtle. Why is it that two different individuals can spend years abroad, but one comes to speak very effective, communicative English while the other never really improves? Take the example of a foreigner who, although living in America, doesn’t go out to explore much and insists on eating his own country’s food, socializing in his native language with other ex-patriots, watching his own country’s media on his TV and computer, and listening exclusively to his favorite music from his country. Compare him with another who explores the outside world often, actively socializes with everybody—and usually in English, eats everything, immerses himself in English media, and listens to music in English. Is it a big surprise that the former’s English never improves much, while latter’s progresses by leaps and bounds?

All too often we hear people say that, unlike some lucky others, they simply don’t have the talent to learn foreign languages. Could it be their reluctance to empty their cup? Learning a new language requires changing your world view. Your brain will be working in new ways, making new connections and filtering data from the world differently. If you’re stubborn and inflexible in your world view, you’ll surely have trouble with this.

This problem is not limited to learning English. Sadly, there are many Westerners in Japan who make very little effort to learn Japanese. They enjoy life here without it, as they benefit from a positive prejudice toward Westerners. Learning Japanese would require them making a profound effort to not only study, but to more deeply understand Japanese society and culture. Consequently, they would have to take more responsibility for their behavior. Why bother? Ignorance is bliss.

To truly learn, empty your cup!

† Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki,
Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings (Tuttle, 1957) 19.



"empty your cup(自分のカップを空にしなさい)"ブルース・リーが教え子にこれを説くことは、彼のファンの間ではちょっと有名な話です。私の場合、そもそもこの主張に出会ったのは明治時代の禅僧、南隠の著書がきっかけでした。そこでは南隠と、禅について知る為に訪ねてきた大学教授とのこんなやり取りが描かれています。









“Don’t Break the Chain!”: Language Learning & Jerry Seinfeld

Professional writers often talk about the necessity of writing every day. When one famous writer was asked why he was so severe about his commitment to writing every single morning, he replied that if he missed a day, he was afraid he would never write again. He realized how delicate his craft was and how necessary it was to keep constantly at it.

The momentum carries the discipline.

This applies to language learning. If you’re studying only once a week, it’s a hobby, and at some point you’re likely to get sidetracked and quit. Your study must be a real habit and this demands regular, frequent repetition. Your daily schedule must be arranged around your English study. Make a daily appointment with yourself, show up, and do it. No ifs, ands or buts.

But there’s more to this than simply toughening up to study. There’s a genuine method in the madness.

The good news is that your daily study sessions need not be long. It has been demonstrated that frequent 30-minute study sessions are better for long-term memory than multi-hour cram sessions. The cram sessions only have value when you’re going to take a test soon, since what you’re trying to learn only survives in your short-term memory.

Your daily 30-minute English study sessions should include both review and new material. As you master certain material, its review can be spaced out over gradually longer intervals as the new material is added.

In the 1990’s, one of America’s most popular TV shows was the comedy Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld, the real-life comedian who starred in the show committed himself to writing comic material every day and motivated himself to keep this discipline by using a big wall calendar with the whole year on one page. He hung this calendar where he couldn’t miss seeing it and crossed out each day with a big red X when he wrote.

Seinfeld said, “After a few days you'll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.

Don't break the chain!”









90年代のアメリカで人気を博していたコメディ番組といえば、やはり Seinfeld でしょう。ジェリー・サインフェルドはこの番組で主演を務めたコメディアンであり、彼もまた、毎日ネタを作り続けることを心に誓っていました。彼が自分を奮い立たせるために用意したのは、大きな年間カレンダーです。確実に視界に入る位置にそれを取り付け、毎日毎日大きな赤いX印を書き込んでいきました。




How Not to Study a Foreign Language.

My public junior high school was better than most. The quality of an American school’s education depended on its budget, and this in turn depended on local property tax revenue. Consequently, schools serving wealthy neighborhoods were far better endowed than those in less affluent areas. Not fair, but that was the reality. My dad, my brother and I were hardly well off, but my dad was clever enough to find a cheap apartment that happened to be just inside the border of a wealthy school district.

That’s how I came to study Russian.

Very, very few junior high schools offered Russian. French and Spanish were the norm at that time for foreign language study over most of the United States. Since my school had a higher budget and served a more highly educated community, they offered a third choice: Russian. When it came time for me to choose a language, I immediately went for the road less traveled. To me this was enough of an appeal in itself, but many of the best students made the same choice. Studying Russian was way cooler than those other two languages.

And I did well at it: straight A’s. I simply applied myself to it the way I did to any academic subject. I studied and I was competitive about getting good grades.

But something never clicked. I stuck with Russian all the way up through my freshman year of college and even became a teacher’s assistant in the Russian Department. But I shied away from situations where I would actually have to use Russian non-academically. Reading and writing were fine, but I never felt comfortable conversing. I could never make the leap to truly communicating.

My Russian wasn’t real; it was entirely academic. It had no life to it. I became more and more frustrated and finally dropped it in favor of other studies.

When I came to Japan, I knew I was in for a long commitment. Learning Japanese was a matter of course…and I resolved to avoid my past mistakes with Russian.

Luckily, I had no money at all to pay for any kind of classes so I didn’t have to follow anyone else’s rules. The typical Japanese language courses studied kanji right from the beginning. This didn’t make sense to me. Having just arrived in Japan and not knowing any Japanese outside of aikido vocabulary, Chinese characters registered no meaning whatsoever to my eye. Honestly, they looked the same to me as if someone had dumped a bowl of noodles on the table. Since I planned to be in Japan for a long time, I decided to learn Japanese as if I was a small child—and most Japanese children don’t study kanji for the first few years of their lives. I would observe and listen very closely, absorbing everything I could, and experiment with speaking—long before I would worry about literacy.

I bought textbooks (there weren’t many in those days), making sure they included cassettes which I could thoroughly drill with again and again. I stuck with only romaji for quite some time. I needed something to write Japanese with, but wanted to focus almost completely on spoken communication.

I had no classes, no classmates, no teachers, no tests and no grades. My progress would be measured by my daily survival immersed in an all-Japanese environment. What I studied on my own alone, I tried to implement as soon as possible. When not teaching English, I actively avoided anybody who wanted to speak English. I did not want to become like those other foreigners who spent their free time with their foreign friends and never got anywhere with their Japanese. My Japanese motorcycle and mountain bike friends just liked riding—they couldn’t have cared less about English.

Put simply, my Japanese study strategy was almost the polar opposite of how I had studied Russian. With Russian, literacy was the priority and my progress was measured by grades. Motivation was purely academic. With Japanese, I focused on the daily communication skills I needed in the real world to get the results I genuinely required. There was very little academic about it except for the need to study hard and realistically.

After about 5 years, I dove into kanji study and, since I had built a strong foundation in spoken Japanese, the Chinese characters made much more sense to me. It helped that, like a child, I had been actively observing written kanji for those 5 years, even though I couldn’t grasp it yet.

Eventually, in order to get some outside recognition for my achievement, I passed the highest level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. However, it was my daily successes and failures in meaningful communication which let me really know how I was doing.

Later, when I spent a month in China, I repeated this strategy. I immersed myself in spoken Chinese with audio study alone for a couple of months before I left, flew to China, and backpacked around on my own in places where almost nobody spoke English or Japanese. My daily survival depended on my own Chinese ability. It worked!

If I were to make another stab at Russian again someday, I now know how to do it—and get the results I want.
















The Untranslatable

Pity the poor translator.

Technical translation and simple news can be straightforward, but anything cultural can be frustratingly challenging.

How in the world can you duplicate an expression’s emotion in another language when so much depends on cultural background often unavailable to the audience?

Notoriously difficult to translate are food, humor, insults and poetry. These can be so challenging that your ability to appreciate them in a foreign language can be a true measure of your understanding.

Food is the easiest to deal with—by escaping. Simply use the word in its original language.

How do you say
okonomiyaki in English?

You can’t.

Yes, I know some call it “Japanese pancakes” or “Japanese pizza,” but let’s not fool ourselves. There is absolutely no way a foreigner is going to appreciate
okonomiyaki, unless you launch into a detailed explanation of exactly how it’s made and eaten. There’s no easy way out. There is no simple translation. Just call it “okonomiyaki” and let him try some.

As for taste, how can you realistically explain the taste of miso to someone who’s never eaten miso?

Thus in English,
miso becomes “miso” and tofu becomes “tofu.” Translating these respectively as “fermented soy bean paste” or “mashed soy bean curd” sounds unappetizing to say the least. Sashimi remains “sashimi,” regardless of how easy it is to say “raw fish.” And Americans will continue to see “escargot” on their menus rather than “snails.”

But food is nothing compared to translating humor and insults.

Even between native English speakers of different countries, humor can be incomprehensible. A Scottish friend of mine living in Boston once gathered his American friends together to watch the old British comedy show
Fawlty Towers. As he rolled on the floor hysterically laughing the stone-faced Americans just stared at him clueless as to what was so funny.

It’s not uncommon to hear criticism, often derisive, of another culture’s humor. We tend to put down what we don’t understand.

Thus movie and cartoon translators often have to just give up on trying to make the original humor understood, and contrive completely different jokes based on the audience’s culture.

Insults from one culture rarely have the same effect when translated into another language. In Japanese, we can put someone in their place based on one of the many variants of “you,” which can run the gamut from
anata to an’ta to kimi to omae to temê to onore to kisama. There is no way to directly translate these into English.

The reverse holds true, too. English insults are often downright strange and nonsensical when directly translated into Japanese.

And then there’s the most nuanced and difficult of all: poetry. Broadly interpreted this could refer to anything from Shakespeare to Kurt Cobain. It’s not just the dictionary meaning of each word, but its background, its references, its sound, even its exact location on a page. The best translators do amazingly admirable work, but reading any translation is just not going to be the same as reading and understanding the work in its original language. Anything less is just a representation.

So what can we take away from this?

• Don’t worry about translating cuisine. Just learn to describe it and offer a taste.

• Relax and try to enjoy another culture’s humor with an open mind. Don’t put down what you don’t understand.

• You probably don’t have the background to effectively use insults in a foreign language, so avoid trying to. Your attempt will more than likely be inappropriate, and your timing and intonation will surely be off. In fact, you’ll probably end up being laughed at.

• Read poetry and literary masterpieces first in translations, but then work towards reading them again in their original English. It will take you to a new level of understanding which can be very satisfying.









もちろん、一部では"Japanese pancake"だとか"Japanese pizza"なんて呼ばれているのも知っていますよ。でも、もうごまかすのはやめましょう。外国人にお好み焼きが何かを教えるとすれば、どうやって作るのか、そしてどうやって食べるのかを正確に伝える以外に方法はありません。簡単な説明も、シンプルな翻訳も存在しないんです。"okonomiyaki"と呼んで、食べてもらうのが一番ですよ。


英語で味噌を"miso"、豆腐を"tofu"と表現する理由はここにあります。だって、それぞれ"fermented soy bean paste(発酵させた大豆の練り物)"や"mashed soy bean curd(すり潰した大豆の凝固物)"なんて呼んだらお世辞にも食べる気がしないでしょう?同様に、刺身も"raw fish(生魚)"ではなく"sashimi"のまま表現されます。あとは例えば、アメリカのレストランでフランス語の"escargot(エスカルゴ)"の代わりに"snails"がメニューに載ることもないでしょうね。


これが英語のネイティブ同士でも、ユーモアは理解し難いことがあります。以前、ボストンに住むスコットランド人が皆でテレビを見ようとアメリカ人の友達を招待したことがありました。彼が選んだのはイギリスのコメディ『Fawlty Towers』。何が面白いのかさっぱり分からないアメリカ人達は、狂ったように笑い転げる彼を真顔で見つめるしかありませんでした。







• 料理の翻訳にはあまり気を揉まないこと。どんなものかを説明して、味見してもらいましょう。

• リラックスし、広い心を持って他文化の冗談に向き合いましょう。理解できないからといって貶したりしてはいけませんよ。

• 外国語の侮蔑を効果的に使えるほど、皆さんは文化背景を理解していないでしょう。これはもう諦めてください。場に合ったことは言えないでしょうし、タイミングやイントネーションもきっとずれています。実際、笑われておしまいでしょうね。

• 詩や文学の傑作は、まず翻訳を読み、その後もう一度、元の英語に目を通してみましょう。更に理解が深まり、満足感も得られると思います。

Get Uncomfortable!

If everything's under control, you're going too slow.
—Mario Andretti

Most of us prefer to stay in our comfort zone.

We feel in control and secure here. It’s known, it’s predictable, it’s…comfortable.

Unfortunately, this can hold you back in your language study. It’s precisely leaving your comfort zone which propels you to the next level.

Beginning students are less able to express themselves in English and generally have lower confidence. But, somehow—however basic their level is—they must get talking. Any topic is okay, as long as they’re working at communicating in English.

And for most people, what is the easiest thing to talk about?


We know ourselves and our immediate world best and it’s usually the first thing we want to talk about…in any language.

“How’s the weather?” “How was your weekend?” “What did you do yesterday?” “What are your plans for this evening?” “Where are you going this summer?”

These are our easiest topics, and they are perfect for beginners who are just learning to express themselves in an unfamiliar language. We feel safer here.

But this is just a starting point. It’s not the goal. As we improve and gain more confidence with English we must raise the bar and broaden our conversation topics. Only in this way will we expand our vocabulary and grammar, and learn to communicate effectively with many different people.

At English Now! we expect our students to graduate to more difficult topics as they progress in their English ability.

Take it easy at first. Expand the topics that you can converse about that concern your own situation and interests. Family, work, favorite TV shows, celebrity gossip: these can be the next step up from “What did I do last weekend.” These may be the topics you casually talk about with your friends and they are a good place to start. You’ll be called upon more to clearly describe situations, and to formulate and explain your own opinion. But since you are still in familiar territory, it’ll be a little easier.

However, this, too, is just another step along the way. “Normal” conversation with your buddies is not like normal conversation in an international social situation. The subjects you can intelligently discuss must go beyond this to become bigger and more worldly. It’s time to leave your favorite self-centered topics behind.

At a conference reception, a dinner party, a banquet, a reception, and even at more informal social gatherings, you won’t be able to talk so much about yourself and your own recent happenings. That would be selfish and, frankly, would be boring to most people.

Push to the next level. Expand your topics to go beyond yourself. Learn about what’s happening all over the world. There is a huge variety of interesting news and no shortage of free resources to learn about it. Everything is fair game. The broader the variety of subjects you can discuss, the better your English will get. Politics, health, science, business, environment, sports, education, culture, entertainment, technology…the list is endless.

Notice the borders of your English comfort zone and make it a point to venture beyond them. Even after years of study, your English will keep improving.

Don’t make this mistake!

Don’t let your pride or sensitivity get in the way of your English progress. This is a common trap for advanced learners.

Face it. Even after studying English all these years and reaching an effectively communicative level, you’re still making mistakes all over the place.


Yes, you’ve worked hard and paid your dues and deserve respect, but if you avoid active correction you’ll hit a wall. Your English will get stuck because you’re too damn stubborn and proud to realize that you can get a whole lot better than you are now.

Are native English speakers you encounter silently tolerating your mistakes because they can sort of guess what you mean to say, even though you’re botching it up? If you’re in Japan, this is even more likely since the foreigners here are accustomed to deciphering Japanese English.

Don’t let their silence make you think your English is just fine as it is. They may think they’re being polite by saying nothing, or it may simply be troublesome for them to try to offer any correction.

Many years ago, when I had just started studying Japanese, my little dog-eared traveler’s Japanese phrasebook told me that “Take care!” was translated as “O-daiji ni” [
お大事に]. In English, I was accustomed to saying “Take care!” as an everyday good-bye greeting and I wanted to do the same in Japanese. So I started saying “O-daiji ni” to everyone, everywhere, every day. I continued doing this for months and not a single person corrected my mistaken Japanese. One day I went to get a haircut from my friend—a stylist who was a straight-talking, so-called “yanki” young woman who never pulled punches for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. When I went to leave and said my “O-daiji ni,” she burst out loudly—almost derisively—laughing at my ridiculous Japanese. She told me “O-daiji ni” was used to say good-bye to sick or injured people and was not for casual good-byes. Unwittingly, I had been making a fool of myself all this time. I was grateful for her blunt honesty—even though it was embarrassing—and I was a bit angry at all those people who just stayed silent, never bothering to correct me. You can bet I never made that mistake again.

We can laugh at my misfortune, but there is another, more dangerous reason why a native English speaker might hesitate to correct your mistakes: He may have experienced anger or unpleasant feelings in the past from someone who he tried to offer correction to.

Once bitten, twice shy.

If you get angry or otherwise react negatively when someone is trying to help you, it’s likely that they won’t bother trying next time. And this will be an opportunity sadly lost.

You’ll be doomed to continue unwittingly making the same English mistakes again & again ad infinitum. And it’ll be your own fault.

Sometimes we feel insulted when someone corrects us for something we’ve tried so hard at, especially when it seemed to have been working in the past. It’s a blow to our ego.

Try not to be your own worst enemy. It can be painful, but you must suck up your pride and eagerly seek out and embrace correction.

Encourage your native speaker friends to correct your mistakes.

And be grateful.

Your English will improve much more rapidly.








何年も前、私が日本語を勉強し始めた頃の話です。使い古した手持ちの日本語会話表現集に、"Take care!"の日本語訳は「お大事に」であると記されていました。英語ではさよならのあいさつとして"Take care!"を使用していたものですから、私は日本語でも同じことをしようと考えました。そう、毎日どこでも、去る人去る人に「お大事に」と言っていたのです。この習慣は一ヶ月程続きましたが、その間、ただの一人も私のミスを指摘してはくれませんでした。そんなある日、私はスタイリストをしている友人のところへ髪を切ってもらいに行きました。彼女は率直で、所謂ヤンキーと言いますか、歯に衣着せぬ物言いをする人でした。帰り際、私が「お大事に」と告げると、彼女は噴き出すというか、もはや馬鹿にするような感じで、そのおかしな日本語を笑いました。そして「お大事に」は怪我人や病人と別れる時に使うフレーズであり、「さよなら」の意味合いで気軽に言うものではないと教えてくれました。無意識の内に、私はそれまでの自分を恥じました。ばつの悪い思いはしたものの、私は彼女の無遠慮さに感謝し、そしてそれまで何も言わず、間違いを直してくれなかった人達に少し腹が立ちました。間違いなく、私は二度とこのようなミスはしないでしょう。










Measuring Progress

Seeing your own progress is a powerful motivation to continue your efforts in any pursuit. If you want to lose weight, measuring your body weight once a day at the same time gives you crystal clear feedback about how you’re doing. Watching the kilograms gradually decrease inspires you to stick with your program. Likewise, if you’re into serious weight training, measurements of chest, biceps, etc. let you know immediately if you’re on the right path.

Language study is tricky, though. Of course, there are tests which you can take to objectively evaluate certain measurable skills, and these are certainly valuable from time to time. But they often come up short in indicating true communicative ability. Some students with high scores remain somehow unable to express themselves appropriately, while others with lower scores somehow seem to always be able to get their message across.

We have to be much more imaginative and aggressive in seeking metrics for our English progress. In fact, the measures of our success will become fuzzier and more subjective as our ability increases. The key is in constantly raising the bar for what is expected. By putting ourselves into increasingly demanding social situations, we will ensure our progress. And that progress will make itself apparent when our successes demonstrate how far we’ve come compared to the past.

If you’re a tennis player and you always play with the same partners, you will plateau and stagnate. By seeking out superior partners––those more skilled than yourself––you will be assured of steady improvement, even though you’re sure to be humbled at times.

Likewise, by intentionally putting yourself into ever more challenging and demanding situations requiring greater English proficiency, your skills will strongly develop. Your measure of progress is that point at which you become comfortable communicating at a certain level in a certain type of situation. And that is also the signal that it’s time to raise the bar again.

Examples of such challenges could include taking more difficult classes, taking a different type of class (such as one of our Media classes as opposed to a textbook-based class), travel abroad (preferably alone), presenting or speech-giving, volunteering to help out at the reception desk of an international conference, or joining in social events where few speak Japanese. The list is only limited by your imagination. A casual party would test whether or not you can handle light casual conversation. A round table discussion or seminar at a conference would challenge your ability to express yourself clearly and persuade others. Always push for skills a bit beyond what you’re comfortable with now.

Change and crisis invite adaptation and progress. Pursue a certain way of studying or of using your English until you feel comfortable with it, then shock yourself into rising to the next level by introducing discomfort, that is, by demanding language ability beyond what you can currently handle.

Rise to this new challenge, understanding that this is exactly what you need to evolve to the next level.

Your progress is guaranteed.











WIGS: Real Drama for Real English

Okay gentlemen, step aside. We’re addressing the ladies here today.

On the other hand, this might just be good for you, too––that is, if you’re at all interested in getting a handle on the modern, feminine mind.

Many of English Now!’s students are women, and many of them tell us that they want to understand movies and TV dramas in English. I’ve often recommended studying with movies or dramas to become accustomed to natural English conversation and to boost motivation.

Several problems come up, though. First, most movies and TV dramas are simply too long. Second, the dramas usually require having watched the previous episodes to understand what’s going on. Finally, it’s tough to find high quality acting with realistic, modern, stories and dialog––especially with serious content for women over 25.

Well, here’s the answer to our prayers––and it’s free and easily available right now!

Go to

Last May, WIGS––an on-going series of dramas focused on American women––debuted on YouTube. The quality of the writing, directing, acting, and production are top-notch and the names are famous: Jennifer Garner, Julia Stiles, America Ferrera, Stephen Moyer, Dakota Fanning, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Beals, Maura Tierney, Jason Isaacs, Rosanna Arquette, Allison Janney, Alfred Molina, Jena Malone, Alison Pill, and lots more. Many of the writers are women, as are half of the directors. In only 3 months, WIGS collected 15 million views and 75,000 subscribers.

Since it’s YouTube it’s free and you can watch anyplace you can connect to the Internet. Each drama is only 8-10 minutes long, so they’re easy to fit into a busy schedule and still be satisfying. And they may be watched with or without English subtitles (click on the “CC” Closed Caption icon to choose).

The name WIGS can refer to any number of acronyms with an “S” at the end: Where It Gets
Spicy, Where It Gets Screwed up…Sinful…Scorned…Surreal…Sly…Secretive…Silent…Spiritual…Sinister…Spiteful…Sassy…Sensitive.

Each story bears the name of its leading character/s for its title.
Serena, Denise, Allison, and Jennifer are standalone. Dakota, Lauren, Leslie, Rochelle, and Georgia have only 2 or 3 episodes. The others––Jan, Blue, Christine, Vanessa & Jan, and Ruth & Erica––have 6-13 episodes.

This is not light entertainment. Do not expect
Friends, Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. The stories are realistic, intelligent and written to get deeply into the minds, hearts and issues of modern American women. Consequently, they can get into your heart and mind, too––as they should.

If you want to learn more about modern American women––and how they speak English––this is it. Take advantage of it.

As for you gentlemen, it may take some courage to swim these strange waters, but if you really want to understand the ladies a little better––and see how they see us [
GULP!]––take the dive!

WIGS: ドラマで学ぶリアル英語



ENGLISH NOW!には多くの女性の生徒さんがいらっしゃいますが、その中でも多くの方が「海外ドラマや映画を英語で理解できるようになりたい!」とおっしゃっいます。私もこれまでに、自然な英会話に慣れるため、そしてモチベーションを上げるために、映画やドラマを利用することをおすすめしてきました。




YouTubeWIGSという、アメリカ人女性に焦点を当てたドラマシリーズが 始まりました。脚本、監督、演技、制作、どれをとっても最高級です。そして Jennifer Garner, Julia Stiles, America Ferrera, Stephen Moyer, Dakota Fanning, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Beals, Maura Tierney, Jason Isaacs, Rosanna Arquette, Allison Janney, Alfred Molina, Jena Malone, Alison Pill, その他大勢の有名な俳優が出演しています。作家の多くが、またディレクターの半数が女性で構成されています。このWIGS は3ヶ月で1500万回も視聴され、受信契約者も75000人を越えました。


WIGS という名前は、最後の"S"を使い様々な頭字語(頭文字を取った略語)になり得ます。
"Where It Gets Spicy, Where It Gets Screwed up…Sinful…Scorned…Surreal…Sly…Secretive…Silent…Spiritual…Sinister…Spiteful…Sassy…Sensitive"など。

"Serena," "Denise," "Allison," "Jennifer"は1話のみ、"Dakota," "Lauren," "Leslie," "Rochelle," "Georgia"には2~3話、"Jan," "Blue," "Christine," "Vanessa & Jan," "Ruth & Erica"には6~13話のエピソードが用意されています。




The Power of Routine: 2 Weeks to English

Keeping forward motion can be a major challenge in any endeavor––and don’t be mistaken, developing communicative proficiency in a foreign language is a major endeavor not to be taken lightly.

We’re busy. And for the professionals among us, “busy” in the second decade of the 21st Century brings a whole new depth to the word. Our technology has both freed us and imprisoned us. We can access infinite information almost anytime anywhere, and at the same time be accessed almost anytime anywhere both socially and for our work.

This acceleration in information- and communication-processing demanded of us requires a complete rethink of how to intellectually survive our daily lives. We can easily lose every minute of every day absorbed in both the professional and social demands put upon us in modern life. Facebook is a case in point: it can open up your world––or it can be the biggest time-waster you will ever let yourself fall into.

Now more than ever, organization and discipline are required to organize your life into systems designed to accomplish your chosen goals. Learning English as a foreign language is no exception. Without a clear-headed target, roadmap and schedule you’ll just tread water. Let’s focus on the schedule.

They say that a goal is a dream with a deadline.

Well, the work necessary to attain that goal must also be scheduled for there to be any hope of reaching it.

Respect the laws of physics: inertia is everything. For your English to keep moving forward, inertia in the right direction must be created and maintained. Once you’ve set a clear, realistic English-learning goal and given it a timeframe––that is, a deadline––schedule your study and keep that schedule no matter what.

Trust in the “2-Week Rule:” whatever you can grind through and stick with solidly for 2 weeks will establish momentum which will allow you to continue with relatively less effort.

This is not limited to English study.

• Years ago when I was training up to 1000 kilometers a week on the bicycle, I knew that when the season and weather changed, it took my body 2 weeks to adapt. Those 2 weeks of adjusting could be tough, but afterwards it was much easier.

• When you want to lose weight and know you have to quit sugar, those first 2 weeks of no sugar can be as hard as quitting smoking, but if you can tough it out, your body adjusts and demands sweets much less.

• Scheduling and starting an ambitious new exercise program can be difficult, but if you can stick rigidly to it for 2 weeks, it’s a lot easier to simply maintain the momentum without having to force yourself to get started every session.

Let’s be honest: studying English requires persistent hard effort. There’s no way around it. Schedule your English study and stick to the schedule. After 2 weeks it will become an established routine and eventually develop into a habit. For many people––myself included, waking up early and studying in the morning before the demands of the day overwhelm us is the only way of ensuring that it gets done. For others, late at night is best. Whatever you do, schedule at the very least 30 minutes, 3 times a week. This would be the bare minimum to establish enough momentum to maintain forward motion.

If something happens in your life which forces a disruption in the routine, attentively wait till the time is right, then muscle back into it, trusting that in 2 weeks, you’ll own it again.











 • 何年も前、私が自転車で毎週1000キロを走っていたとき、身体が天気や季節の移り変わりを感じられるようになるまで2週間かかりました。馴染むまでのこの2週間は大変なものでしたが、その後は以前より余程容易になりました。

 • ダイエットをして糖質の摂取を控えなければならない時、最初の2週間は禁煙と同じくらいの苦しさがあるでしょう。しかしこれを耐え抜けば身体が適応し、それまで程甘いものを必要としなくなります。

 • 大掛かりな新しいエクササイズを計画し、実行するのは難しいことです。しかし我慢強く2週間取り組めば、毎回無理して自分にエクササイズをする様に言い聞かせなくても続けていけるようになります。



Improve your Pronunciation to Improve your Listening

“I can’t understand […]” is one of the phrases we most often hear from students. Sometimes it’s regarding a listening selection from a textbook or a media story, or sometimes it’s about a new teacher’s way of speaking. In most cases, it’s not really a matter of “understanding” the content. The problem is one of literally catching what was spoken. The actual sounds could not be heard.

It sounds all too simple but, if you can’t say it, you probably can’t hear it. And this takes us directly to the root of our English listening problems: our own poor pronunciation is often our biggest obstacle to understanding and being understood. And unfortunately our own poor pronunciation is the result of years of conditioning––both naturally and in the school system.

The human brain is designed to not only acquire information, but to filter out information deemed unnecessary. Research has shown that babies can distinguish a wider variety of spoken sounds at six months than they can a year later. They lose the ability to “hear” sounds unnecessary to their mother tongue––or rather, they learn to filter those sounds out.

For example, Japanese has only 5 vowels while English has 18. Those extra 13 sounds are not necessary for the child’s survival in his immediate Japanese environment, so they are filtered out. He learns to not hear them.

This survival strategy is efficient until someday that individual encounters a foreign language––which of course uses non-Japanese sounds. The older he is, the tougher it will be for him to hear and distinguish those unfamiliar sounds.

This clearly makes a strong case for meaningfully exposing kids to foreign languages as early as possible. However, for us adults it explains the often Herculean effort required to comprehend natural speech in a foreign tongue.

Let’s be clear: until we confront and resolve our pronunciation issues, we will be unable to catch much of what is spoken naturally by a native English speaker, and he will likewise be unable to understand much of what we are trying so hard to communicate.

This is why at English Now! we place so much emphasis on clear pronunciation and natural intonation. Without it, you’re linguistically fighting with at least one hand tied behind your back.

In our children’s classes, we address this directly right from the beginning with comprehensive phonics study. Thanks to this, our young students are not only better able to speak English clearly and catch what is spoken, they learn to read much faster and more efficiently.

This autumn, English Now! will for the first time be offering a series of workshops for adults on Saturday afternoons focused on English pronunciation and intonation. This is your chance to concentrate directly on language skills that will ensure that you can finally understand and be understood by native English speakers. Spaces are very limited so apply now to reserve your spot.


“I can’t understand […](…が理解できません)” これは生徒の皆さんからよく言われる台詞です。時にテキストやメディア教材のリスニングパートであったり、新しい先生の聞き慣れない言い回しであったり、その対象は様々です。しかし多くの場合、「分からない」のは内容そのものではなかったりします。発せられた言葉を聞き取れたか、その音をきちんと理解できたかが問題となるのです。






このような理由から、English Now!でははっきりとした発音と自然なイントネーションに重きを置いた指導を行っております。これ無しでは語学の習得は大変難しいものになってしまいますから。



Modeling Your Way to English

We all do it. We always have. We always will.

Much of our behavior––our personality quirks, our gestures, our body language, our voice and intonation––comes from modeling other people––often unconsciously.

Have you ever had the experience of picking up the phone at your parents’ home and being mistaken for your mom or dad because your voice is similar?

This is what I’m talking about. Many of us sound like our parents, whether we intended to or not. We unconsciously modeled our voices on them.

As we grow older we continue to model ourselves upon others in our environment. At first, these tend to be real people who play a real part in our own lives. But we may quickly move on to personalities we encounter in the media––often fictional.

Sometimes this is conscious: a young man may strike a popular movie actor’s pose. A young woman may apply eye make-up like a pop star. Sometimes we may be less aware of the strong effect our peers have upon our own behavior, as when a young boy starts behaving like the delinquent, newly made friends he’s recently been hanging with.

This natural tendency to model can be harnessed to improve and shape your English.

There are many ways to go about this. You could simply choose an actor you admire to model; or you could choose a specific quality you wish to bring to your own English, and then select an appropriate target.

For example, if your goal is to improve your presentation and public speaking skills, you might choose Steve Jobs or Barack Obama to model. Both are superior communicators well-known for expressing themselves effectively in public: Steve Jobs in Apple keynote speeches delivered standing on a stage in front of slides; Barack Obama often behind a podium speaking and gesturing powerfully and intensely with no slides at all. You couldn’t go wrong with either choice––and I’d recommend both.

On the other hand, if you’d like to bring a more natural, conversational feel to your English, you might choose an actor in a modern romantic comedy.

If you’d like to work on crystal-clear, direct delivery, but without the persuasion focus of Steve or Barack, then choose a news anchorperson.

Long ago, I realized that like many other foreign guys learning Japanese, I tended to talk like a woman. My vocabulary and intonation were wrong. I needed to “man up” my Japanese, so I focused on very masculine actors to model. I practiced hard with audio recordings of Clint Eastwood movies where his voice had been dubbed into Japanese. Just what I needed. I tried to sound like Ken Takakura and Ken Ogata. I chose movies with a modern setting to avoid archaic expressions, and I often chose business dramas so I wouldn’t sound too much like a gangster or police detective.

Later, I modeled the speakers on Sunday morning TV talk shows debating the news events of the previous week. This was great for developing natural discussion skills.

The specific techniques I employed are the same as I described in my last article “Focused Media Study.”

Studying this way will profoundly affect your voice, intonation and rhythm in speaking English. Not only that: it can be great fun and a welcome change from more narrowly focused academic study.

Go ahead! Make your day!














具体的にどうやって学習したのかは前回の記事"Focused Media Study"をご覧下さい。



Focus Your Media Study

We’re often asked about how to study with media. The conversation often starts like this:

“I watch American TV shows/movies all the time but my English doesn’t improve! What should I do?”

Well, listening to beautiful piano music alone will hardly be enough to make you a skilled pianist, would it?

Of course not.

Why should you expect to somehow absorb the ability to communicate in English just by passively listening?

Don’t get me wrong. There truly is value in filling your environment with native English media. It does help you feel more comfortable around natural-speed English. It does help your ear grow accustomed to authentic English speaking. It does give you a better sense of the rhythm, pace and intonation.

But it is not focused study. Beyond a certain point, it amounts to no more than BGM.

There’s no way to sugar-coat the reality: focused studying is hard work. But you get out of it what you put into it.

Here’s how:

• First, choose material you’re already interested in. This will help motivate you. This could be a TV show, a movie, a video or audio podcast, or a YouTube video. These days, there’s no shortage of free, quality material.

• Next, select a short section. If it’s news, a 2-minute story is plenty. If it’s a TV show or movie, one scene with dialog is enough. Choose material for which an accurate transcript available. It’s relatively easy to find these for popular movies and TV shows online. iTunes U in the iTunes Store is a fantastic resource for quality lectures on almost any topic you can imagine––and the course material is usually readily available.

• Do not watch the video with subtitles or with dubbed Japanese. View it once, twice, three times in its original English. Concentrate. Do the best you can to understand what you can all by yourself. Taking notes will help you focus.

• Go back to the beginning and play very short snippets of just a couple of seconds, while trying to repeat back what the speaker said. Go through the entire selection this way.

• Next, refer to your transcript while you watch the whole thing again.

• Look up any vocabulary that you don’t understand.

• Watch it again without the transcript.

• Practice reading the transcript in a loud, dramatic voice imitating the intonation of the speaker.

• Finally, watch it again.

By this time you should thoroughly understand the material and will have deeply absorbed much of the English. Reviewing it again a couple of weeks later will further reinforce your study.

Study media this way and I guarantee that you’ll be able to feel the progress in your communicative English skill.









教材から短い一場面を選びます。もしニュースであれば、二分間ほどの内容で十分です。テレビ番組であれば、会話が多く含まれている部分を。ここで大切なのは、話している内容を見直せる正確なスクリプト(台本)があるものを選択することです。有名な映画やウェブ上での番組を当たればそう難しくはないはずです。また iTunes Store 内の iTunes U には想像し得るあらゆるトピックの良質な講義があり、教材がいつでも利用可能となっています。

字幕や吹き替えは使わないで下さい。何度もオリジナルの英語のみで視聴しましょう。集中して全力で内容の理解に努めて下さい。メモを取ることも助けとなります。4. 先頭に戻り、今度は最初の数秒を抜粋します。再生しながら話し手が言っていることをそのまま繰り返してみましょう。他の場面にも同じように取り組んで下さい。








No Zombies Allowed!

It happens everyday.

In our classes here at English Now!, we focus first on listening and comprehending, but once some proficiency has been achieved, we move on to speaking.

Learning must be 2-way: both passive and active. Giving must follow taking. Before generating our own original expressions, though, we first do listen-and-repeat (L-&-R) practice with the teacher to work on our pronunciation and intonation.

But it happens almost every single time: the zombie effect!

As soon as we begin our L-&-R practice, most of the students shift into “zombie mode,” where they robotically repeat back what the teacher said without a hint of feeling or emotion. They stare down or blankly into space and speak flatly, powerlessly, with no intonation whatsoever.

Mehrabian’s Rule, otherwise known as the 7%-38%-55% Rule, states that in any face-to-face communication expressing feelings and attitudes, 7% of the communication is by words, 38% by tone of voice, and 55% by body language. In other words, you transmit your message 7% verbally, 38% vocally, and 55% visually. These are “The 3 V’s.”

Meaningful English practice requires emotional commitment. Such practice will not only give you more realistic English in the classroom, but will be more likely to stick with you far into the future. Your imagination and your ability to creatively visualize will be the foundation of your success. When you repeat back a phrase––whether with the teacher or with a CD or video––bring drama and emotion to it. Vividly imagine a situation where you are actually speaking this line to a real person––and give it the intonation, the dynamics and the body language that should go with it. Don’t leave out 93% of the communication: the vocal and the visual.

We all remember both good and bad teachers from our school days. The good teachers stood out because of their enthusiasm and their total commitment to communicating their subject in a multitude of ways. Likewise, any good presenter or salesperson immediately communicates her enthusiasm about her topic.

Last month we looked at the power of emotion in advertising and how it makes a product memorable. This same power applied to your English study will hugely accelerate your learning and retention. Enhance your practice with the vocal and the visual: emphasize dramatic intonation and, yes, body language, too. Don’t be shy!

Language is alive. No zombies allowed!

『 練習は感情を込めて!』


English Now!ではレッスンの際、まずリスニングと内容把握を行いますが、ある一定の理解度に達したところでスピーキングの練習に移行します。

学習にはインプットとアウトプットの二つの方法が必要となります。何かを発するためには、その元となるものを自身の中に取り込まなくてはなりません。自分の独自の表現を作る前に、講師と"listen-and repeat(L-&-R)" つまりは聞き取りと繰り返しの練習をしっかり行い、発音とイントネーションをものにする必要があります。

しかしどのレッスン中でも起こってしまう現象が "Zombie effect(ゾンビエフェクト)"です。






The Secret of TV Commercials?

Emotion can be your key to recall.

Every year in our classes we spend some time studying with the Super Bowl TV commercials. As the Super Bowl is historically the most-watched event on American television, commercial time is ridiculously expensive––to the tune of $3.5 million per 30 seconds. At this price, you can be sure the advertisers are going to do their best to get their money’s worth.

The success of a TV commercial can be judged by how many customers are persuaded to buy the product or service, right? But how in the world can a person be motivated to buy something in only 30 seconds!?

The commercial must be memorable.

Well, this would seem to be common sense, but just
how do you make it memorable?

An emotional connection must be created.

An event connected to a strong emotion is far more likely to be recalled––and, in fact, the recollection may even be subconscious.

Americans all remember where they were when they first heard the 9-ll news. Likewise, those of an earlier generation all remember what they were doing when they heard of JFK’s assassination. These events were so emotionally powerful, that even the mundane circumstances of that otherwise normal day can be recalled in detail.

This is not restricted to negative emotion––and the advertisers well understand this. Strong positive emotions likewise trigger recall––particularly subconscious recall that may only be sensed as a “feeling” or “intuition.”

This is where it starts to get sneaky.

Have you noticed that many commercials do not seem directly related to the product? The beautiful scenery, the exciting music, the cute puppy, the sexy actor, or the funny story often have nothing at all to do with the product, but serve to trigger an emotion which will become fused with that product. Later, when you encounter the product, the positive emotion will silently come back and you’ll be more likely to buy it.

Such emotional engagement is the key to the success of a TV commercial––and it can also be taken advantage of to more effectively learn English. The degree to which you will recall the English you study is directly related to the degree to which you can bring powerful emotion to your effort.

Language is communication––and communication thrives on emotion. The more realistically and emotionally situational you can make your English study, the faster and deeper you will learn. And that learning will stick with you long-term––not just long enough to pass a test.

Next month: How to get emotional in your study!














Analysis Paralysis & Consensus Constipation

What is keeping you from attaining your English goals? Numerous possibilities internal and external come to mind, but today we consider two: first, an overly analytical approach, and second, waiting for approval of the group.

“Analysis paralysis” is when you focus so much on dissecting and organizing that you lose the energy you need to get strongly started and maintain forward inertia. Constantly analyzing, questioning, researching, proposing, planning, preparing and reconsidering burns you out before you even get going.

Forward inertia is far more important than “the best way” or “the correct way.” There are many, many “right” ways to study English. That spark of energy you have when you’re inspired to go for it must not be wasted on over-analysis. Take full advantage of that initial fire to launch powerfully headfirst into your challenge and overcome all those other obstacles large and small that will undoubtedly stand in your way.

“Go for direction, not perfection.” ––David Allen

Commit yourself to achieving your English goal and launch immediately. Steer forward toward your target and constantly make the readjustments necessary to stay on course. Keep forward momentum and, when you feel that spark of energy fade, renew your effort with a new approach. The path you end up taking toward reaching your goal will invariably be full of surprises that you never could have planned for. Just do it.

“Consensus constipation” is when you’re waiting for approval of the group to take decisive action. Committing yourself to really learning a foreign language is a major life decision often involving considerable restructuring of your daily schedule and unavoidable sacrifice––and some around you may not be comfortable with the changes they see. If you waste too much time and energy trying to gain the understanding and approval of all, you will miss your opportunity. English is the language of other cultures, and embracing its study means, to a certain extent, independently looking away from the culture you are familiar with. You’re a pioneer in wild, fresh territory. To boldly explore these new lands you will have to leave some things behind. But you will make many new, like-minded friends who will support you in your adventure.








Fail Forward

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!”

This is a well-known quote from Wayne Gretzky––generally recognized as the greatest ice hockey player of all time.

Even though well-known, these words must continually be taken to heart––especially in Japan––for they
will be the difference between success and failure. How can one possibly expect any good results in any endeavor without risk? Nothing worth achieving is guaranteed. In fact, if it were guaranteed, it could hardly be called an achievement, could it?

Japan has earned a reputation for risk-averse, conservative behavior––whether in personal finances or social relationships. Without a guarantee, many will call off a project. A landlord demands a guarantor from a tenant. A bank wants a guarantor for a loan. Even the Immigration Department wants a guarantor before issuing a visa. Many will passively wait for a romantic partner to be introduced by a third party or to somehow otherwise spontaneously materialize before taking the risk of going out and actively pursuing love on their own.

Anything worth achieving involves risk-taking…and failing.
And this applies to learning English, too.

Fail forward!

“Failing forward”––a phrase coined by John Maxwell and most heard in the business world––means that failure is essential for success. In the U.S., entrepreneurs fail an average of almost 4 times before they succeed in starting a new business.

Get up, get over it, get going.

Each failure is valuable for what you’ve learned and steers you in the right direction for your next attempt. And if you succeed, it’s time to try something harder.

Many students come to class and passively wait for something to happen…for English to somehow magically enter them, perhaps. It won’t happen. The English you learn is directly proportional to the risk you take. You must proactively jump in and talk––fearlessly. Before class, plan ahead and decide on a topic to introduce on your own,
before your name is called. Learn to politely and constructively interrupt other speakers. Take the risk.

And please…make mistakes! Those mistakes are your key to improvement. At English Now!, we’ll let you know where you’re going wrong and steer you in the right direction.

“Go for direction, not perfection!”––David Allen

Take risks, learn from your mistakes, stay the course, and continue to set progressively bolder goals.

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.”––Michael Jordan



たとえ既に広く知られているとしても、この成功と失敗の違いを表す言葉は人々の心に深く刻まれ続けるべきでしょう –– 特に日本では...。何のリスクもなしに、どうして良い結果を期待できるでしょうか?この世には保証されていることなど、一つもありません。実際のところ、もしそこに何かしら成功への保証があれば、それは成果とは呼べません。違いますか?








そしてどうか、失敗をして下さい。この失敗こそ上達の鍵なのです。ENGLISH NOW!では「どこで間違ってしまったのか」をお教えし、そして「どうすれば正しい方向に行くかアドバイス」をします。




Calm down and listen!

Learning the basics of English to the point that you can engage in simple, routine, functional communication is certainly achievable in a relatively short time provided you put in the hours of study and drilling necessary. This would include situations like ordering in a restaurant, checking into a hotel or shopping.

Making the jump up to more expressive and deeper conversation takes much more work and dedication. And here’s the rub: as you improve you gain satisfaction from your successes, but at the same time the bar is raised constantly ever higher. The better your English is, the higher the standard you will be judged by.

You must cultivate vigilance because it becomes much easier to both misunderstand and be misunderstood. As you feel you are understanding more, there is a tendency to jump too quickly to conclusions about what the native speaker is saying before you have really listened closely and carefully all the way to the end. Failure to confirm meaning can lead to very embarrassing mistakes.

Stop, listen, and reserve judgment until you’re completely sure of the meaning. If you’re still not sure, ask.

This becomes all the more dangerous if your emotional state is leading you to jump to conclusions. We all fall into the trap of being unconsciously committed to our own state of mind, which then colors our interpretation of our environment: when you’re in love, the whole world is beautiful; when you’re angry, the whole world is against you.

In such a state, it’s easy to assume your conversation partner’s comments are negative or positive without having really made sure. And then you’re likely to respond based on what you wrongly think he said. On your good days, when you’re seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, you may unwittingly agree to things you had naïvely assumed were good. On your bad days, you may antagonize or alienate those who hadn’t actually said the bad things that you had assumed. This can easily endanger your social relationships.

Take a deep breath, calm down, shut up and reserve judgement until you’re more certain of the communication. Of course, confirm language that you’re not sure of, but pay attention to more than just the words. Notice intonation and body language. Is it congruent with what you think the person is saying? If not, you may not be getting it.

At English Now!, we do listening practice where we must get exactly what the speaker said word-for-word. This may seem to be overly demanding, but it’s typical for many students to jump to the wrong conclusion about the meaning of a sentence before having actually made sure. In English, even a simple plural or an article or a pronoun can significantly change the meaning.

It’s admittedly hard to do, but until you reach a very high level of fluency, try to keep your emotions under control. You still need your rational, analytical mind to really grasp the meaning of a communication exchange and guide you to the most appropriate response.









English Now!



Get out of Japan!?

Our family just came back from New York City. Being our first trip abroad in two years, we were sorely out of practice. It took us days to get back into the “zone” where the daily requirements of the traveling life become quick and efficient and you don’t have to think about everything you do. We resolved to travel more often to avoid this clumsiness…and to stay fresh!

We strongly encourage our students to immediately get passports even if they have no plans to travel abroad soon. Without a passport, there’s just one more obstacle to keep you from going. And for your English, we want you to “Get out of Japan.”

Japan’s recent Nobel prize winners have been unanimous in strongly recommending that Japan’s young scientists spend time abroad in order to experience fresh ideas and approaches. Failing to do so endangers their ability to conduct creative, unique, competitive research.

Likewise with your English study. Getting out of Japan offers some of the strongest stimulation to kickstart your English…and your life in general. When you’re stuck in a rut, frustrated that your English––or your life––seems to be going nowhere, removing yourself completely from your daily environment and routine––where your activities and thoughts are restricted by social boundaries designed to keep you sensibly in the world of the accepted “common sense”––can be exactly what you need to think more clearly and motivate you toward the next positive action you realize you need to take.

Get out of Japan!…to more objectively see yourself––and Japan––and to clearly remind yourself why it’s worth it to put so much energy into mastering something as difficult as English.

Of course, your first venture abroad should be with the intention of using English, but don’t go to the U.S. or the U.K. or Australia yet. Choose a northern European country like Sweden or Denmark or Germany. Why? They generally speak English well, but they’re much easier to understand than native English-speakers: they speak more slowly and clearly, with simpler grammar and vocabulary, and shorter sentences. This will give you the confidence to try more challenging countries next.

Of course, avoid guided tours and forget about Waikiki––everyone speaks Japanese.

Look at your calendar, set a date, make your reservations, and go!

日本を飛び出そう ! 


生徒の皆さんには、例えすぐ海外に行く予定がなかったとしても、パスポートを取得しておくことを強くおすすめします。「パスポートが無い」というそれだけの理由が、海外へ足を踏み出すことの妨げになってしまうからです。皆さんの英語上達の為にも “Get out of Japan. (日本を飛び出そう!)


皆さんの英語にも同じことが言えるでしょう。日本から出ることは英語、概しては人生に弾みをつけるような、強い刺激を与えてくれます。もし英語や人生が行き詰まり、マンネリになってしまっていたならば、今の自分が置かれている環境や習慣 (私たちの考えや行動が「一般常識」という社会的な制限を受ける場)から脱出してみましょう!外に飛び出し、新しい空気を取り入れることは、今、私たちが真剣に取組んでみるべきことです。その次に取るべき、ポジティブな行動を私たちにもたらしてくれるでしょう。




さあ、カレンダーを見て日付を決め、予約を取り、そして... 日本を飛び出しましょう!



Most of our students come only once a week. Obviously that’s not a whole lot of time in which to master a challenging foreign language. Consequently, it’s the work you do on your own between classes that counts most towards your progress.

So what is it you should be doing?

Don’t read ahead in the textbook to sections we haven’t studied yet. We want to ensure that you’re exposed to this material for the first time with your teachers in class. It’s especially important that all new material should be experienced first through your ears, not your eyes. Our goal at English Now! is particularly to develop listening and speaking skills; reading English before hearing it betrays this.

In your self-study, prioritize reviewing and mastering the material already covered. First, make sure you understand the vocabulary and grammar. Then, using your textbook CD-ROM, really sink your teeth into the listening and repeating work until you truly nail the pronunciation and intonation. Follow the same methods we use in class for drilling phrases. If a long phrase is giving you trouble, break it down into shorter, more manageable pieces that you can handle. Keep working on a phrase, copying the speed, pronunciation, intonation and emotion of the speaker until you sound just like him or her.

Then, just like in class, take a complete phrase, memorize it as-is, and practice speaking it out loud in a good, strong, appropriately emotional,
believable voice. Don’t just talk blankly to the air. Project your voice by speaking to a substitute partner: use a photo, a teddy bear, your dog or cat, or––best of all––your own vivid imagination.

When you can deliver the phrase smoothly and convincingly, start substituting the key vocabulary. For example, with a phrase like

“Meet me in front of the theater at 5:30 on Saturday.”

you could substitute “me,” “in front of,” “at 5:30,” or “on Saturday.” Replace these with words that are more meaningful to you. You might end up with

“Meet Atsuko in front of Starbuck’s in the Lala Garden Mall at 11:30 on Christmas morning.”

The key is to make your practice as situational and realistic as possible. Don’t just try to memorize a phrase as it is presented in the textbook and stop there. Treat each phrase as a flexible template into which you can insert information appropriate to changing circumstances. By doing so and drilling it realistically and repeatedly, it becomes available to you to do with what you like, whenever and wherever you might need it.

own it…and in the future that phrase will be there for you without having to try and force it out of your memory.

自主学習 ! 
English Now!

先ず、当校のレッスンの予習はしないで下さい。皆様には、毎回のレッスンにて新しい内容に取り組んで頂きたいのです。英語の学習では、最初は目(文字)からではなく、耳(音声)からことばを取り入れることが重要です。English Now!では特にリスニング、スピーキングの訓練に力を入れており、耳で聞く前に目で文章を追ってしまうことは当校の学習指針に反します。




“Meet me in front of the theater at 5:30 on Saturday. (

ここでは “me,” “in front of,” “at 5:30”そして “on Saturday”を他の語に入れ替えて、もっと意味のある台詞にできます。たとえばこんな風に。

“Meet Atsuko in front of Starbuck’s in the Lala Garden Mall at 11:30 on Christmas morning.(



"Oh, I see! Your husband's American!"

So you think international marriage automatically equals mastery of your spouse's language? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… Tell me another joke, Daddy…

Now where in the world would you get that idea? From all the international couples you know where the partners are fluent in each other's native language?

Wait a minute!...Back up.

How many international couples DO you know where the partners truly are fluent in each other's language? I mean,

Just being able to muck your way through daily conversational necessities doesn't count––this in no way qualifies one for fluency.

Unfortunately, most partners of international marriage are NOT fluent in each other's language. One language will tend to dominate the relationship, and even then, understanding is rarely 100%. Consequently, communication in an international partnership can be quite a challenge, especially considering that men and women already have a mountain of misunderstanding between them.

My wife is often asked the secret to her English skill––as if she's hiding something. When she explains about studying hard with many different learning sources, many don't seem interested. But when she says her husband is American, the typical reaction is, "Oh! THAT'S why your English is so good!," as if the speaker can't be expected to master English because she's not married to an American. It becomes a convenient excuse for not putting in the necessary time and effort.

And there's the rub. International marriage does NOT guarantee language proficiency. In fact, many couples gradually sink into daily repetition of half-understood dialogs, never truly grasping their partner's language or culture.

There is no easy way for adults to develop fluency in a foreign language. You've got to pay your dues––which means 100's or 1000's of hours of focused hard work with proven methods.

Stick with it, put in the hours, and it will come!


English and Dieting?!

In the last two months, I’ve lost more than 7 kilograms. This was by choice––I wasn’t sick or hospitalized. And I suppose it’s a big deal, but now it seems only natural. My success was more the result of lifestyle restructuring than severe self-denial.

What has this got to do with studying English?

More than may be apparent.

This “lifestyle restructuring” combined with a new daily routine was the key to achievement. Losing weight obviously required reducing calories, especially those from certain kinds of foods. To succeed, a lifestyle attached to those foods would have to end. I re-prioritized my life so that my mental focus and activities were congruent with my goal of losing weight. Instead of seeking satisfaction and pleasure in food, I redirected my satisfaction and pleasure-seeking elsewhere: to teaching, managing, human relationships, learning new skills, etc.

I changed myself.

And I stuck to a daily routine which kept me on-track. I weighed myself at the same time every morning and wrote today’s weight in red ink on a big calendar on the wall over the scale. With this daily “in-my-face” reminder, I kept focused on my goal and could feel rewarded by the steady progress recorded.

Now connect this to studying English

Without engineering a similar “lifestyle restructuring,” your chances of long-term success are low. After losing weight you want to keep that weight off, right? You can’t go back to your old, unhealthy ways.

You must change yourself, and this change must be permanent.

Whether maintaining a healthy weight or mastering a foreign language, you have to commit to the long haul. You must leave behind the person you were before. The “new you” has refocused and seeks satisfaction in new, better places. And the “new you” sticks to a daily routine which keeps you on the track to constantly build upon your new skills to achieve your ever-developing goals.

English must be more than an abstract skill to study when convenient: it must be a living and breathing part of your personal environment and your daily activities that both rewards you and gives you identity.









Darwin and English?!

Stress is good. Stress motivates you to action.

Without a sense of immediate crisis, we stop moving forward.

This holds true for individuals, companies, countries, civilizations, and the evolution of life.

We tend toward the conservative. Change is troublesome. If what we're doing is getting us by somehow, we stubbornly stick with it rather than go to the effort of reinventing and rebuilding.

The evolutionary record clearly shows this: millions of years can pass with very little evolutionary change occurring, when suddenly there's a huge spurt of growth in new species. Why? Because there was some crisis––meteor, climate change, etc.––demanding quick adaptation in order for life to survive. The species which could not adapt disappeared. New successful mutations were naturally selected and survived to reproduce. Life progressed.

So what's this got to do with studying English?

The progress curve of your English study is not linear. At first you will make quick gains, but after time you'll notice that it's harder to advance as fast as you did before. In fact, it's likely that you will plateau at some point and not seem to make any progress at all.

This is the natural learning curve: periods of rapid gains gradually leveling off to become plateaus––glass ceilings that you can't seem to break through.

You break out of each plateau by created a crisis, that is, a major change which demands much better English. This could be a change in your environment like going abroad to an English-speaking country for a long period where nobody around you understands Japanese; or suddenly having a new foreign coworker who you must regularly collaborate with who only speaks English. Drastically changing your way of studying can accomplish the same progress. It's likely that you've fallen into a set pattern in your English study. Drop it and do something totally new for a month, such as studying with American TV dramas, songs, short stories, magazines on subjects of interest, or audio and video podcasts. Join a speech-making club like Toastmasters. Schedule yourself to take TOEIC or TOEFL. Join a more difficult English class. Sign up for an adventure tour led by an American company where nobody speaks Japanese. Get a native-English-speaking boyfriend or girlfriend.

The point is that the stress of this English-demanding crisis will jumpstart your English and move you on the way to the next level.

So don't stay comfortable in the steady state of your current environment. Change it and move forward.



 さて、これが皆さんの英語学習にどう関係してくるのだろうか?自身の学習の過程を表にしたとして、そのグラフは直線を描かないだろう。最初は多くのことを素早く取り込めるが、時間が経つにつれて当初のようには上達ができないことに気が付く。まるで停滞期に入り、これ以上が見込めないかのようにも感じるだろう。 これはあくまで自然なことで、急激な上昇は徐々に落ち着きを見せ、やがて水平になっていく。まるで目に見えない天井に阻まれているかのように。





The Demand for Clarity

–– "What do you do?"
––"I'm a salaryman."
––"I work for a company."

Have you ever heard someone––or yourself––answer a question in this manner?
In Japanese, this kind of response is not unusual at all...and the questioner often pursues the topic no further. In English, this kind of reply is quite strange––and sure to invite suspicion.

Consider: "I'm a salaryman."

This basically means "I receive a salary." It indicates nothing at all about occupation.

or consider: "I work for a company."

Yes, and MOST of us work for companies. So what!? There is zero information here about what you actually do. But in Japanese, responses like this are not unusual and rarely challenged. Fuzzy language even seems to be preferred.

Such responses in English, however, seem evasive, secretive and suspicious. The speaker seems to be hiding something.

Gentlemen, the next time you come home unusually late and your partner asks where you were, answer, "Out."
When she asks, "Who were you with?" say, "A friend."
"Where did you go?"
"To a restaurant."
Do you think she'll be satisfied with these responses?

Not likely.

Ambiguity invites suspicion.

This is why the foreign media––and foreign governments––assumed the worst after the initial reports from the Japanese government regarding the nuclear crisis in Fukushima. Foreign journalists learned a long time ago that any official report without clarity and concrete details indicates a cover-up. Consequently, they distrust the source and conclude the worst possible case.

Japanese politicians are accustomed to dealing with Japanese media. They know that indirect speech and a certain amount of fuzziness will be forgiven, since it is indeed part of Japanese culture.

However, recent events have shown they are still babes in the woods when confronted with an international audience. To the world at large, the same indirect speech and fuzziness indicates either secrecy or incompetence.

What does this mean for your English? Unfortunately, as troublesome as it may sound, you're going to have to offer up more concrete information in your responses. English, as a world language, demands more clarity and descriptiveness. Since its speakers come from a huge variety of countries and cultures, you cannot depend on a minimal explanation being understood or accepted..

You must provide concrete information and description.

  –– "What do you do?(お仕事は何をされているんですか?)"
  ––"I'm a salaryman.(サラリーマンです)"
  ––"I work for a company.(会社員です)"


 "I'm a salaryman(サラリーマンです)."について考えてみましょう。この言葉は基本的に「給料を受け取っている」ことを意味しており、職業については何も述べられていません。"I work for a company.(会社員です)"に関して、大多数の人は会社に勤めています。要点はそこで何をしているかということなのにその情報がありません。しかし日本ではこの受け答えは自然で、深く追及されることもないのです。実に曖昧な言語ですね。このような会話を英語でした場合、言い逃れをしてごまかされているような、不審な印象を与えます。発言者に何か後ろめたいことがあるように感じます。




Why you need English in a disaster

We hope everyone and their loved ones have managed to stay safe in the recent disasters.

The earthquake, tsunami, and ongoing nuclear crises have emphasized the necessity of English in gathering balanced information from the various media. Getting all of your news from one source is risky in the best of times, and downright dangerous in times like these. No matter how reliable you believe a particular TV channel or newspaper or website to be, it will only tell you part of the story––and that from a subjective point of view. There is no such thing as an objective news source. Even sources that appear to be balanced choose carefully which news to give you––and, maybe more importantly, which to omit.

Likewise, this carries over to language and culture. Limiting your news sources to one language or country also means that you’re going to miss much of the story. Media in one language will report the news often very differently from those in another. And even in the same language, one country’s media may have an entirely different take on events than another’s.

The bottom line is that you absolutely must get your news and information from a wide variety of sources, including different media, languages, and countries. A working knowledge of English will open these doors for you. Most of the world’s information is communicated in English. If you can access this, then you will stand a much better chance of getting timely, valuable news that may even save the lives of you and your loved ones.

No single source is objective or complete. Recently, I gather information from every Japanese TV channel, CNN, CBS and BBC. I read the Japan Times newspaper. On the web, I regularly access
The New York Times, Al Jazeera English, The Japan Times, Tsukuba City’s website, KEK and AIST for radiation measurements in Tsukuba, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Nuclear Energy Institute, Tenki.jp to monitor wind directions, and the recently created pages on Wikipedia for the Fukushima accidents. Stay informed.

 いかなる情報源も客観的でも完全でもない。常々、私は日本のTV番組やCNN、CBSそして BBCから情報を得る。新聞はジャパンタイムスを購読している。Webサイトでは下記をチェックする。
The New York Times /Al Jazeera English / The Japan Times / Tsukuba City’s website
KEK(高エネルギー加速器研究機構) / AIST (産総研) - つくばの放射能測定のため
IAEA(国際原子力機関) / Tenki.jp - 風向きを調べる
Wikipedia (Fukushima accidents) - 近日作成された、Wikipediaによる福島原発事故の情報源

Preparing for Class

More often than not, I find most students unprepared for class. I’m not talking about whether they did their homework or not. Rather, they haven’t put themselves into a mindset conducive to learning and improving language.

The whole point of language is, of course, communication, that is, sharing information and feelings with other people. You must cultivate a keen desire to do so to find success in your English study...and you must bring this attitude to class. Don’t expect rapid progress in your English conversation skills if you just sit passively and uncommunicatively in class like––as my dad would have said––“a bump on a pickle.”

First, before you come to class think about what you might talk about. During the first part of a typical class, there is the opportunity to bring up and discuss topics of your choice. By all means, take advantage of this. The topics are entirely up to you. They may be personal or not––it’s up to you. Consider recent events in your life, work, or family. Think of outstanding news items. Think of English that you have been studying that you’d like to try using. The more you bring to class, the more you’ll get out of it.

Second, cultivate curiosity and a genuine interest in others. Waiting for others to initiate conversation is not “shy” or demure––it’s self-centered. Focus on others instead of yourself and you’ll find it much easier to start and continue conversation. Ask interesting questions in order to get interesting answers. Really listen to what others are saying and respond to them genuinely.

Come to class eager to talk and eager to listen. That’s how to prepare.






“Perfect” is the enemy of “good”

“Perfect” is the enemy of “good”

Effective language learning requires overcoming your fear of making mistakes. In fact, you must realize that making those mistakes and learning from them is your key to real improvement. No matter how much you study alone or in a class, you’re never going to become anywhere near perfect. So if you’re thinking that you have to be really good before you go out there and create conversations, forget about it. It’ll never happen and you’re procrastinating.

Perfect is the enemy of good. Obsession with perfection holds back many Japanese learners of English leading to lack of confidence, fear of embarrassment and negative hypersensitivity to what should be welcome correction. Valuable opportunities to try using English are lost, and even avoided.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Use your English anywhere you can with anybody you can. Don’t worry about having the ideal word all the time. In fact, put away the electronic dictionary. Smile, be positive and adventurous. It’s amazing how much you can communicate even with a limited vocabulary used creatively. Try your best knowing that you’ll make lots of mistakes. Stay vigilant to what works and what doesn’t and remember for the next time. Learning from a mistake made in a real conversation is far more powerful––and memorable––than learning academically. If someone is kind enough to correct your English, be positive and thankful. Do not feel like you failed and by no means should you take offense or they probably won’t offer you correction in the future.

Look forward to making mistakes knowing that learning from them will bring real improvement to your English in the fastest way possible.








Last month we started looking at some of the problems encountered by advanced students of English. Another trap easily fallen into is unwittingly using “loaded” vocabulary. You hear words used by Americans, perhaps on television shows or in movies; you remember them; and you try to use them yourself. This is all well and good, but often you’ll use what seem to be innocent enough phrases without grasping the emotions and cultural background they carry with them.

Last autumn, the Marist Poll surveyed Americans and found the expression “Whatever!” to be considered the most annoying word in the English language. It had first become widely popular among younger Americans in the 1990s as a passive-aggressive, dismissive expression indicating that you don’t really care. Unfortunately, it quickly spread far and wide to become all too common in everyday conversation.

Unfortunately, I’ve heard well-meaning Japanese students of English try to use “Whatever!” as they’ve heard Americans use it––and it’s just as annoying coming from a non-American.

Another expression is “No problem!” when used to replace “You’re welcome.” This has also entered popular use to the annoyance of polite Americans. “You’re welcome!” expresses that you’re happy to help someone. On the other hand, “No problem!” implies that you have condescended to solve someone’s problem. It’s sounds egotistical and as if the speaker is expecting to be appreciated.

Granted, it’s difficult to really understand how to use––or avoid––such loaded expressions without living abroad or studying with a lot of popular media. And that’s why English Now! is here to help guide you. Study with multimedia on your own at home, come regularly to class, and try out the phrases you’ve heard. We’ll let you know if you’re using them correctly and effectively and steer you in the right direction.

 昨年の秋、Marist Pollがアメリカ人に対して調査を行いました。それに依るとWhatever!"という表現が、英語の中で最も不快感を感じさせる言葉であるとされました。この言葉はそもそも1990年代にアメリカの若者達の間で、「受動攻撃的(控えめである様に見せながら、実際には十分に主張しているような言い回し)」、そして「否定的な表現」として使われるようになったそうです。「自分には無関係だ」ということを暗にほのめかす言い方だ、と言うことです。生憎、現在では日常会話の中で非常によく使われてしまっています。
 同じような言葉に"No problem!"という表現があります。"You're welcome."という表現と同じ意味のように思いますよね?実はこれも礼儀正しいアメリカ人の間では、不快感を感じさせる表現とされています。"You're welcome!"という場合には、「その人を助ける事ができて嬉しい」というような気持ちを表しますが、"No problem!"と言うと、いかにもその人を助けるために骨を折っている、という印象を与えます。利己的で、「感謝されて当然だ」というように聞こえてしまうのです。
 もちろん、実際に海外に住んで勉強したり多くのマスメディアに通じない事には、どの表現がこのような「含み」を持っているのか、判断が難しいと感じられるでしょう。しかし、そのためにEnglish Now!はあるのです!ご自宅で、様々なテレビ番組や映画などで言い回しを学習し、教室でそれらを使ってみる。私たちは、皆さんがそれらを正しく、また効果的使用されているか否かをお知らせいたします。そして正しい方向へ、共に歩んでまいりましょう!

Problems encountered in advanced English study (1)

While beginning and intermediate students are struggling with numerous problems trying to improve their English, advanced English learners must also be careful about falling into certain traps. This can be all the more important considering that native speakers may not be as forgiving toward advanced students as toward obvious beginners. The fact that you are advanced means that you’ll be held to a higher standard, and mistakes may not be recognized as mistakes, but as reflecting on your character.

This month we’ll consider the dangers of unwittingly applying your native language’s intonation to English.

When you make mistakes concerning pronunciation, grammar or even vocabulary, you have a reasonable chance of being forgiven, since people tend to recognize these as simply language mistakes made by a non-native speaker. Even if you make a total mess of things, they won’t hold it against you personally.

Intonation is different. People generally don’t realize that intonation varies between languages. For example, in English, yes/no questions are often employed to make a request/demand polite: “Would you sit here, please?” is softer than “Sit here, please.” And, as most of us know, yes/no questions in English usually have a rising intonation.

Well, guess what? Unlike English, German generally uses a falling intonation. So when a German non-native English speaker says, “Would you sit here, please,” his intonation tends to drop and, to an American, he sounds like an annoyed police officer issuing a command. The German’s intonation mistake is not recognized as being an English mistake made by a non-native speaker. Rather, it is considered to reflect on his personality. Thus, to Americans, Germans generally have a reputation as being severe and authoritative––which may be largely due to their using German intonation when they speak English.

So in your listen-and-repeat practice, don’t just imitate the pronunciation of each word you hear. Also devote plenty of energy to perfecting the intonation and rhythm of the entire phrase or sentence, trying to sound exactly like the native speaker on the sample you’re practicing with.

In our next two articles we’ll look at the pitfalls of imitating popular expressions and of choosing inappropriately advanced vocabulary.

 しかし、これがイントネーションの間違いとなると話は違います。多くの方は、各言語でイントネーションに相違があることを知りません。例えば、英語では命令文よりも「YesNo」で返答できる形の質問文の方が、より丁寧に相手へ要求や願望を依頼する事が可能です。("Would you sit here, please? "は、"Sit here, please." よりも印象が柔らかくなります。)そしてこの時、イントネーションは語尾にいくにつれ上がり気味になります。
 これはどの言語でも同じことが言えるのでしょうか?いえ、それが違うのです! 例えばドイツ語ではイントネーションは下がり気味であることがほとんどです。ですからドイツ人が英語で "Would you sit here, please? " と尋ねた場合、そのイントネーションは全体に下がりトーンとなってしまい、これをアメリカ人が聞いた場合には「怒った警察官に命令されているような印象」を受けてしまうことが多々あります。この場合、イントネーションの不和は、その母国語の影響とは受け止められず、「このドイツ人の方の性格が表れたもの」として判断されてしまうということになります。(そのためか、アメリカ人の間ではドイツ人は「厳しい」とか「威張っている」とかいった印象を持たれがちなのです。)これはドイツ人が英語を話す時に、母国語の影響を多分に受けたイントネーションの使い方をすることに起因しています。

Talking to Foreigners

Many adult Japanese English learners claim that they study English in order to speak with foreigners. Well, obviously they’ll need the vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation to understand and be understood, but communication with someone from a very different background than yourself requires more than language skills. Their overall communication ability will be deeply tested.

What do you talk about with a foreigner? With someone from your own background who has grown up exposed to the same culture and media as yourself, keeping a conversation going is far easier. With another Japanese person you have many common, shared experiences to draw on for topics: Japanese TV shows, news, events, literature, music, gossip, work and so forth. However, when you speak with a foreigner––and especially when you do so outside of Japan––you’ll need to be conversant in a much, much wider range of topics.

With a foreigner fresh off the plane from another country, you’ll be able to get away with many of the set questions that Japanese tend to ask again and again like “What do you think of Japan?” and “Can you eat Japanese food?” But after a few weeks here, most foreigners weary of being asked the same thing. Originality is refreshing. Come up with something different and more focused.

And remember not to turn the conversation into an interrogation. Respect give-and-take––that is, if someone is offering you information and opinions in response to your questions, it’s only fair that you share your opinions, too.

Enjoying a good conversation with someone outside of Japan will be far more challenging and will require much more preparation––and I don’t mean only linguistic skill. I mean developing a familiarity with a broad range of topics that you can draw on to start and continue a meaningful discussion. This requires extending yourself beyond the narrower world you’re comfortable with into unknown territory: Read the whole newspaper––not just the parts you usually read. Watch a wide variety of movies from many countries and genres. Go to the bookstore and read magazines you usually never read. If you wish to have rewarding, international conversations, you must make yourself more international and well-informed. Otherwise, you’ll be hard-pressed to keep a stimulating conversation going.

Finally, try not to be Japan-centric in your conversation. A bit of cultural comparison is natural, especially early in a relationship, but after that you’ll find that most foreigners tire of it and want to get on to other topics which don’t necessarily include Japan.

 外国人と何の話をしますか?皆さんは同じ文化やメディアで育った人たちと話を進めるのは、格段に楽であることに気がつくかもしれません。日本人同士ならたくさん共通する事柄がありー 例えば日本のテレビ番組、ニュース、出来事、音楽、ゴシップ、本や仕事などーたくさんのトピックを共有して話を進めることが可能です。しかし外国人と話している時特に日本国外にいる時私たちはもっともっと多数の話題に精通していないと会話が成り立ちません。

Studying "Conversation" Alone!

How can you study English conversation alone!? It seems like a contradiction, doesn’t it––that is, conversation implies at least two people, right?

Yes, but...even though we can’t have a
real conversation alone without drawing very suspicious glances, we can practice English conversation alone. In fact, we must––if we expect to improve as quickly as possible. The only limiting factors are our imagination and dramatic ability.

They say “Repetition is the mother of integration.” In class, we work on repeating phrases, but this is still not enough if we expect to be able to use them freely in an actual conversation. Outside of class, we must drill what we have learned as realistically as possible, simulating speaking the same way we would in a real life situation.

Imagination and drama are the key, because without these, we’re unable to impart realistic emotion and intonation into a simulated dialog. In fact, practicing without these may help you temporarily to pass a test, but in the long term you’re wasting your time. Just reading phrases aloud over and over in a dry voice won’t impress your brain strongly enough to really learn those phrases well enough to recall when necessary.

Intense emotional experiences are recalled much more vividly and completely than unemotional experiences. While you’re unlikely to remember what you ate for dinner on a certain uneventful day a few weeks ago, you’re far more likely to recall details of the dinner you shared on your first date with your––at that time––future partner. Most Americans can easily remember exactly what they were doing when they heard John Kennedy was shot, or when they heard about the 9-ll attacks.

First, learn the vocabulary and grammar of a phrase. Then copy the pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, speed and emotion of a good audio recording until you can sound just like the speaker. Then practice the phrase on your own without the audio recording as dramatically as possible while imagining situations and partners. Practice LOUDLY! If you’re shy, find a place where no one can see or hear you.


The Curse of Katakana

If the Ministry of Education were to approach me for advice on how to improve English education for Japan’s children, my first recommendation would undoubtedly be to ban all katakana from the English classroom. Katakana is responsible for more grief for Japanese learning English than perhaps any other single factor.

Simply put, the Japanese language is characterized by a certain set of sounds—vowels and consonants—particular to it. Foreign languages use different sets of sounds, not all of which exist in Japanese. Katakana is a makeshift attempt to approximate the sounds of foreign words to allow Japanese people to use them more easily in the context of the Japanese language. So as long as Japanese people are using the katakana-adapted foreign vocabulary with each other, they will be understood. But when they attempt to use this pronunciation with a native speaker, they will be very unpleasantly surprised: it’s unintelligible to non-Japanese!

A researcher presenting his work in English using katakana pronunciation to a Japanese audience of his peers usually has little problem being understood—he’s complimented for doing a good job. The same research presented in English using the katakana pronunciation of key terms to an audience of non-Japanese is usually not received well.

By forcing a foreign language’s vocabulary into the Japanese syllabary, the learner is doomed to mispronounce it forever after. In fact, for adult learners, perhaps the most painful and frustrating part of truly mastering communicative English is un-learning all the wrong katakana pronunciation and re-learning correct pronunciation—usually starting again from basics.

When we teach children at
English Now!, we forbid them from taking notes in katakana. In both adults’ and kids’ classes, if we hear katakana pronunciation, we usually interrupt and correct it immediately—and even advanced students are hardly immune to this. Yes, keeping the flow and rhythm of a conversation alive is important, but katakana pronunciation will simply not be understood when you speak to foreigners who are not accustomed to Japanese English—and that means most of the world’s population.

This is why at
English Now! we put so much priority on pronunciation and intonation—without competence in these you simply will NOT be understood! So really put in the time to master the CDs—these are more valuable than the textbooks. Constantly watch English movies, TV shows, news, and listen to English songs and podcasts. Surround yourself with correct English pronunciation in order to escape the effect of katakana English.

 English Now!の子どものクラスでは、カタカナでノートを取ることを禁じています。また大人のクラスでも子どものクラスでも、カタカナでの発音を聞いたときはすぐに会話を止めて直します。上級クラスでさえこれを行います!当然、会話の流れやリズムが生きていることは大切ですが、カタカナ発音は日本人の英語に慣れていない外国人には理解されません。つまりは世界の大半の人に通じないということになってしまいます!
 発音とイントネーション、この言語能力がないと、単純に理解されないのです!これがEnglish Now!が発音とイントネーションにこれほどまでの重きを置いている理由です。教材のCDは、その内容を覚えてしまうくらい、何度も聞きましょう。CDはテキスト本体よりも価値があります。また定期的に英語で映画、テレビ番組、ニュースを見、英語の歌やポッドキャストを聞きましょう。ご自身の周りを正しい英語の発音で固めていくと、順を追ってカタカナ英語が消えていきますよ!


Japanese uses many useful brief, fuzzy phrases which are convenient for ambiguously expressing an emotion while avoiding offense. Unfortunately, such expressions usually don’t translate into English with the same effect. This often leads to trouble when we try to pull single words out from our dictionary, hoping to equal those magic Japanese phrases which we have depended on so heavily to keep good human relations.

Let’s look at
「困った」as a prime example of this. In Japanese social interaction, this little phrase truly is magic: you can express your feeling of dissatisfaction—great or trivial—indirectly without accusing anybody or necessarily sounding like you’re complaining.

So, how do we say
「困った」in English?

We can’t!

Oh, of course there’s no shortage of English phrases to express a wide variety of negative emotional states. But there is no single all-purpose, indirect fuzzy expression that is so helpful in keeping polite relations polite.

English requires us to specify our emotions, intentions and point-of-view more than Japanese—not only in terms of vocabulary, but also grammatically: by demanding pronouns like I, he or she; by insisting on subjects and direct objects and plurals and singulars; by requiring complete sentences rather than short utterances, English stresses clarity leaving no room for doubt regarding the speaker’s opinion.

To translate
「困った」into English, you must first clarify your own emotion: are you angry...or upset...or worried...or frustrated...or furious, disturbed, perturbed, disconcerted, disappointed, distressed, anxious or agitated?「困った」can mean any of these. That’s why it’s so useful in Japanese: the speaker and the spoken to don’t necessarily have to agree on what exactly it does mean and conflict is avoided.

Perhaps modern American English is this way because of the need to clarify opinions and explanations in multicultural, multiethnic settings where a diverse population doesn’t necessarily share the background necessary to allow briefer, more ambiguous communication.







英語は、日本語以上に自らの感情や考え、価値観を明確に表現することが強いられます。それは語彙と同様、文法にも現れています。He, She, Iのように代名詞を要求すること、主語をしっかり示すこと、目的語を明確にすること、そしてそれらは単数か複数かも示す必要があります。また、短い発言より完全な文章を求めます。英語は話者の意見が、全く誤解を招くことのない、明瞭な表現を良しとします。




Filler Words

Last month we held our No-Japanese Campaign again and everyone did their best to avoid using any Japanese. When I say “any Japanese” I need to emphasize how completely I mean this. If you go abroad and mix in little bits of Japanese with your English as you’re trying to communicate, like this...

アノー...Excuse me...エトー...could you please tell me where the...ナンダッケ...restroom is?”

...you’re likely to thoroughly confuse the foreign listener.

So naturally, many ask how to say phrases like “
アノー,” “エトー,” “ナンダッケ,” “サー,” and “なんっつたらいいのかな.” in English. Of course, English has similar phrases, called “filler words,” which perform the same function. These expressions are not really necessary to the sentence––they just fill space. These include “hmmm,” “uhhh,” “like...,” “you know...,” “well...” and “so...”

But it’s with hesitation that I teach these phrases, because many tend to overuse them. The truth is, you should avoid them in any language. If you use filler words in a business or professional situation, or for that matter, in any situation where you must be respected in order to convince someone of something, you will lose respect and you will hurt your chances of successfully persuading the listener.

Especially in a presentation, meeting, sales demonstration, lecture, speech, one-on-one with a customer--any situation where you want people to understand you, believe you, and agree with you--the overuse of filler words makes you sound unprepared, unconfident, uncertain, inexperienced, and immature. The listener’s opinion of you as someone to believe or follow will plummet.

Avoid filler words altogether for effective communication.


さて、私が指すこの「日本語禁止」とは、どんな些細な日本語も其の域に入ります。もし皆さんが海外で、日本語まじりの英語を - 例えば “あの~, ... Excuse me ... えっと~ ... could you please tell me where the... 何だっけ... restroom is?” - 使った場合、聞き手の方はとても混乱することとなります。

さて、ここで当然のことながら(?)、多くの方が「あの~」「えっと」等は英語で何ていうのかを疑問にもたれたようです。勿論、英語にも似たような表現があり(filler wordsと呼ぶ)、同様の機能を果たしています。しかしながら、これらの語は文章形成に必須のものではありません - それは単に「間を埋める(fill)」のみの役割です。英語の “hmmm,” “uhhh,” “like...,” “you know...,” “well...” and “so...”という表現もこの部類ですね。

実は、私はこの”filler words”を教える、ということに躊躇いがあります。なぜなら皆様にそれらを過度に使用してもらいたくないからです!本来は、どの新しい言語を習う上でもこれらはむしろ避けるべきと言えるでしょう。もし皆さんがこの”filler words”を、例えばビジネスシーンで、またはプロフェッショナルな場面にて、その他、何らかの説得に当たらなくてはならない場合にやたらに使用したとしたら...! おそらく皆様の敬意は削がれ、成功の一歩手前でチャンスを失うことにもなりかねません!

特に、例えばプレゼンテーションや会議、実演販売、講義、スピーチ、または顧客との一対一の対応など、皆様が信頼と理解を勝ち得たい状況の下で、この”filler words”は皆様を不用意で自信が無さげな、そして未熟者にと見せがちです。瞬く間に皆様の評判はがた落ちとなりかねません。

 魅力的なコミュニケーションを目指す皆様には、私はこの”filler words”を避けていただきたいと思っております。

Electronic dictionaries: a help or hindrance?

Almost everyone who attends English Now! has one. You know: those Sony/Casio/Canon/Seiko/etc wonder-dictionaries that hold a bazillion words for every situation imaginable. But do they really help you or do they get in the way of you improving your English?

For private study: YES, they’re a Godsend. They save time and increase efficiency.

For English class and live interaction with native speakers: NO, they are a serious problem and prevent you from developing the communication skills necessary to join into a real, natural conversation.

Live communication requires that your attention is 100% present in the moment. Distracting yourself with dictionary word searches pulls you out of the conversation. You will not be paying full attention and your listening will suffer badly. Consequently, you’ll be unable to respond in any sort of a timely manner and the rhythm and pace of the conversation will be broken––perhaps irretrievably.

It’s also very frustrating for the person you are supposed to be communicating with. Constantly pausing for long breaks while you consult the dictionary kills the energy of the exchange. Few will have the inclination or patience to bear with you.

Perfectionism seriously dampens your progress in studying English. Obsession with always using “correct” English will cause you to over-hesitate and will ultimately leave you out of the conversation. A willingness––even eagerness––to make mistakes is essential to speedy progress. Try to say what you want to say as best you can with the words you know without using the dictionary––and gestures and pantomime can go a long way, too.

As for those difficult words that come up in class that you want to check: make a quick note with a pen and look them up in your dictionary after class. This is actually a good opportunity to review the class and reinforce what you learned.


電子辞書ーこれはENGLISH NOW!の生徒様のほとんどの方もお持ちのことでしょう。Sony, Casio, Canon, Seiko等いずれのメーカーも引けを取らないこの素晴らしいメカは、膨大な単語数を保有し、想像しうるあらゆるシチュエーションに対応しています。しかしこの電子辞書、果たしてどこまで役立つのでしょう?

私個人の意見では、ずばり個人の学習用には "YES"! まさにそれは「天の恵み」とさえ言える程!短時間に効率的に単語の意味を調べる等をお求めの場合、これらは抜群の力を発揮します。ところが英会話のレッスン中、もしくは実際にネイティブとの会話ではどうでしょうか?それは間違いなく"NO"と言えるでしょう!(実はこれはかなり切実な問題とも言えるのです!)


生きたコミュニケーションには何が必要でしょう?それは「私たちの注意を100%、今ここに注ぐこと」です!辞書での「適切な単語探し」は会話の絶妙なリズムを壊してしまう他、いきいきとした言葉のやりとりをも奪いかねません。辞書に夢中なあまり、ご自身の注意力が散漫となりリスニングにも悪影響を及ぼすことでしょう。結果、相づちのタイミングを失い、また会話そのもののペースも壊されることとなるのです ー それはおそらく修復できない程までに!また意思疎通を求めていた相手にをも不快な思いをさせてしまうことでしょう。「単語探し」のための、この頻繁な長~い沈黙はコミュニケーション本来の生き生きとしたエネルギーを抹殺します。(その空気感がお好みの少数派も存在するかもしれませんが...。)




How do I start a conversation???

Sometimes I walk into a classroom a few minutes early and several students are sitting there...


No chat; no conversation whatsoever; avoiding eye-contact. The atmosphere is uncomfortable to say the least.

When this happens, I often instruct one of the students to start a conversation––and then walk out again. I reenter after a couple minutes and see how its progressing.

At times, students have indicated that the school should create an “environment” which would make starting conversations easier.

On our walls we have a poster listing phrases to use when a student must, for some reason, use Japanese: “May I speak Japanese?” “How can I say ~~~ in English?” “I’d like to speak Japanese.” And so forth.

Some have suggested that we make a similar poster with expressions for starting conversations.

They’re seeking a magic bullet––a never-fail, instant English phrase guaranteed to appropriately start a conversation in any circumstance.

I won’t be putting up such a poster.

Japanese daily conversation makes extensive use of set-expressions: dômo, tadaima, sumimasen, gambatte, gokurôsan, itadakimasu, sô desu ne, osakini...the list goes on and on. Those of us who have spent any extended amount of time here soon realize that by memorizing the most common of these, we can duly impress/bluff many with our quickly acquired conversation skill.

Many Japanese students of foreign languages go about their studies attempting to nail down similar all-purpose expressions in the language they aim to master.

Picture poor Mr. Tanaka transferred from his home office in Japan to a post in the United States:


Co-worker - “’Mornin,’ Mr. Tanaka. How are you?

Mr. T - “I’m fine, thank you.”


Co-worker - “Hi, Mr. Tanaka. How’s it going?

Mr. T - “I’m fine, thank you.”


Co-worker - “Hey, Mr. Tanaka. What’s up?

Mr. T - “I’m fine, thank you.”


Co-worker - “Good morning, Mr. Tanaka How are things?

Mr. T - “I’m fine, thank you.”


Co-worker - “Hi, Mr. Tanaka. What’s new?

Mr. T - “I’m fine, thank you.”

Very quickly, poor, well-meaning Mr. Tanaka is going to get a reputation for not being very talkative, a little cold, and perhaps even a bit odd.

This is where over-dependence on set-phrases will get you.

So, to get back to the point, how do we start conversations without relying on a magic list of set expressions to memorize?

First and foremost, get outside of yourself. You’re not the center of the world. Consider and focus on the person you intend to talk to.

In the classroom situation, you likely already know the other students and over time––if you were listening (which you should have been)––have come to learn quite a bit of personal details about them: work, family, interests, goals, problems, etc.

This is your raw material to work with. Draw on it to start the conversation. Forget about yourself and your list of opening lines. Give your full attention to the other person and, from what you know about him or her, it should be quite easy to start talking:

“How’s your new project going?”
“Is your daughter feeling better?”
“Any good results recently?” (in the case of a researcher)
“Are you ready for your conference in Europe?”
“Did you go skiing last weekend?”
“It must be hard to sleep with a new baby in the house.”

Of course the possibilities are limitless.

And the old rule applies here, too: If you want others to smile at you, smile at them first.

In other words, don’t passively wait for the other person to start the conversation. It’s your job, and the sooner you do it the easier it is. That is, the longer you sit there silently feeling uncomfortable, the more difficult it’ll be to break the inertia and get going.

If you want to swim, jump in the pool.

Carrot or Stick!?

In the last couple of weeks at English Now! we’ve been having a “No Japanese” campaign where adult students are fined 100 yen each time they use Japanese. In contrast, from February, we’ll start rewarding our child students for every class they can complete without using any Japanese. The former case amounts to punishment––the stick––while the latter offers a reward––a carrot.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the “carrot-or-stick” expression, it refers to motivating a stubborn donkey to walk forward by either offering a carrot in front of him or threatening him with a swat on the behind with a stick. One can find success with either method, but which is more effective long-term and short-term––and why are we using both at English Now!?

Behavioral psychologists would refer to the carrot as positive reinforcement, while the stick would be negative. A professional animal trainer––especially of wild animals––would emphasize that only positive reinforcement is successful long-term.

For example, a dog––perhaps due to his domestication––will change his behavior as a response to being struck, but he won’t progress as far in his training as a positively reinforced dog; and if he is a larger breed, he may challenge the authority of his master as he grows in size and strength. On the other hand, a dolphin or wolf will not respond at all to negative reinforcement: it’ll simply swim or run away and not return.

So why do people insist on trying to modify the behavior of others through punishment, that is, negative reinforcement. Your partner constantly leaves his dirty clothes on the floor and you respond with dirty looks and angry comments. It often doesn’t work, and even when it seems to it breeds anger and resentment in return.

The professional trainer would emphasize that any small effort made in the correct direction should be clearly and immediately rewarded. Over time, the animal (spouse?) will gradually modify his behavior––maybe even unconsciously––in the direction desired and be happy to do so. Win-win––and no hard feelings.

We’ve found that our child students respond very well to such positive reinforcement: they are eager for rewards, enjoy the competition and, ultimately, seem eager to please the teacher and have their efforts clearly recognized. From this perspective, they may be considered innocent and unspoiled. On the other hand, negative reinforcement seems to kill their naturally positive desire to learn: their eyes grow dull.

So...why punish the adults? Sad to say, after years of conditioning by a society emphasizing negative reinforcement, they seem to respond to it, that is, they modify their behavior in the desired direction. In our classes, most students have been diligently avoiding speaking Japanese––much more so than usual.

However, let me point out that, while we do indeed fine the students for using Japanese––even small expressions like
じゃない and え〜と––we remain cheerful and humorous. Indeed, the teachers themselves have probably paid more 100-yen fines than any one student.

So how can we apply all this to our own self-study of English?

Well, after clearly setting your measurable short, mid- and long-term goals and a timeline (more on this another day), motivate yourself with both reward and punishment. What constitutes both depends on whatever brings you pleasure or displeasure.

Reward yourself with a day at the spa, or a dinner at a great restaurant you rarely get to go to, or a new gadget. Punish yourself by prohibiting desserts, or not using your car for a week, or finally scrubbing down the bath to get rid of ALL of that black and green fungus you somehow never get around to removing. Whatever rocks your boat.

When we were kids, we were under pressure to study and score well. There were tests to take and grades to achieve. Now that we’ve grown up, most of us don’t have a threatening monster of a physical education teacher standing behind us forcing us to crank out more push-ups––scary life-partners notwithstanding! As adults, we have to take responsibility for our own motivation.

So whether your goal is a higher TOIEC score, or really understanding your favorite movie in its original English, or successfully completing a 20-minute presentation in English at a conference, clearly reward your achievement––or punish your failure. Let’s face it: in the former case, you succeeded because you realistically put in the necessary time and effort to get the job done––nothing comes for free. You deserve your reward. Take it. In the latter case, more likely than not, you failed to put in the necessary time and effort: this was your choice and you must take the consequences. Then re-evaluate your goals and schedule.