English and Dieting?!

In the last two months, I’ve lost more than 7 kilograms. This was by choice––I wasn’t sick or hospitalized. And I suppose it’s a big deal, but now it seems only natural. My success was more the result of lifestyle restructuring than severe self-denial.

What has this got to do with studying English?

More than may be apparent.

This “lifestyle restructuring” combined with a new daily routine was the key to achievement. Losing weight obviously required reducing calories, especially those from certain kinds of foods. To succeed, a lifestyle attached to those foods would have to end. I re-prioritized my life so that my mental focus and activities were congruent with my goal of losing weight. Instead of seeking satisfaction and pleasure in food, I redirected my satisfaction and pleasure-seeking elsewhere: to teaching, managing, human relationships, learning new skills, etc.

I changed myself.

And I stuck to a daily routine which kept me on-track. I weighed myself at the same time every morning and wrote today’s weight in red ink on a big calendar on the wall over the scale. With this daily “in-my-face” reminder, I kept focused on my goal and could feel rewarded by the steady progress recorded.

Now connect this to studying English

Without engineering a similar “lifestyle restructuring,” your chances of long-term success are low. After losing weight you want to keep that weight off, right? You can’t go back to your old, unhealthy ways.

You must change yourself, and this change must be permanent.

Whether maintaining a healthy weight or mastering a foreign language, you have to commit to the long haul. You must leave behind the person you were before. The “new you” has refocused and seeks satisfaction in new, better places. And the “new you” sticks to a daily routine which keeps you on the track to constantly build upon your new skills to achieve your ever-developing goals.

English must be more than an abstract skill to study when convenient: it must be a living and breathing part of your personal environment and your daily activities that both rewards you and gives you identity.







