Darwin and English?!

Stress is good. Stress motivates you to action.

Without a sense of immediate crisis, we stop moving forward.

This holds true for individuals, companies, countries, civilizations, and the evolution of life.

We tend toward the conservative. Change is troublesome. If what we're doing is getting us by somehow, we stubbornly stick with it rather than go to the effort of reinventing and rebuilding.

The evolutionary record clearly shows this: millions of years can pass with very little evolutionary change occurring, when suddenly there's a huge spurt of growth in new species. Why? Because there was some crisis––meteor, climate change, etc.––demanding quick adaptation in order for life to survive. The species which could not adapt disappeared. New successful mutations were naturally selected and survived to reproduce. Life progressed.

So what's this got to do with studying English?

The progress curve of your English study is not linear. At first you will make quick gains, but after time you'll notice that it's harder to advance as fast as you did before. In fact, it's likely that you will plateau at some point and not seem to make any progress at all.

This is the natural learning curve: periods of rapid gains gradually leveling off to become plateaus––glass ceilings that you can't seem to break through.

You break out of each plateau by created a crisis, that is, a major change which demands much better English. This could be a change in your environment like going abroad to an English-speaking country for a long period where nobody around you understands Japanese; or suddenly having a new foreign coworker who you must regularly collaborate with who only speaks English. Drastically changing your way of studying can accomplish the same progress. It's likely that you've fallen into a set pattern in your English study. Drop it and do something totally new for a month, such as studying with American TV dramas, songs, short stories, magazines on subjects of interest, or audio and video podcasts. Join a speech-making club like Toastmasters. Schedule yourself to take TOEIC or TOEFL. Join a more difficult English class. Sign up for an adventure tour led by an American company where nobody speaks Japanese. Get a native-English-speaking boyfriend or girlfriend.

The point is that the stress of this English-demanding crisis will jumpstart your English and move you on the way to the next level.

So don't stay comfortable in the steady state of your current environment. Change it and move forward.



 さて、これが皆さんの英語学習にどう関係してくるのだろうか?自身の学習の過程を表にしたとして、そのグラフは直線を描かないだろう。最初は多くのことを素早く取り込めるが、時間が経つにつれて当初のようには上達ができないことに気が付く。まるで停滞期に入り、これ以上が見込めないかのようにも感じるだろう。 これはあくまで自然なことで、急激な上昇は徐々に落ち着きを見せ、やがて水平になっていく。まるで目に見えない天井に阻まれているかのように。



