“Don’t Break the Chain!”: Language Learning & Jerry Seinfeld

Professional writers often talk about the necessity of writing every day. When one famous writer was asked why he was so severe about his commitment to writing every single morning, he replied that if he missed a day, he was afraid he would never write again. He realized how delicate his craft was and how necessary it was to keep constantly at it.

The momentum carries the discipline.

This applies to language learning. If you’re studying only once a week, it’s a hobby, and at some point you’re likely to get sidetracked and quit. Your study must be a real habit and this demands regular, frequent repetition. Your daily schedule must be arranged around your English study. Make a daily appointment with yourself, show up, and do it. No ifs, ands or buts.

But there’s more to this than simply toughening up to study. There’s a genuine method in the madness.

The good news is that your daily study sessions need not be long. It has been demonstrated that frequent 30-minute study sessions are better for long-term memory than multi-hour cram sessions. The cram sessions only have value when you’re going to take a test soon, since what you’re trying to learn only survives in your short-term memory.

Your daily 30-minute English study sessions should include both review and new material. As you master certain material, its review can be spaced out over gradually longer intervals as the new material is added.

In the 1990’s, one of America’s most popular TV shows was the comedy Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld, the real-life comedian who starred in the show committed himself to writing comic material every day and motivated himself to keep this discipline by using a big wall calendar with the whole year on one page. He hung this calendar where he couldn’t miss seeing it and crossed out each day with a big red X when he wrote.

Seinfeld said, “After a few days you'll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.

Don't break the chain!”









90年代のアメリカで人気を博していたコメディ番組といえば、やはり Seinfeld でしょう。ジェリー・サインフェルドはこの番組で主演を務めたコメディアンであり、彼もまた、毎日ネタを作り続けることを心に誓っていました。彼が自分を奮い立たせるために用意したのは、大きな年間カレンダーです。確実に視界に入る位置にそれを取り付け、毎日毎日大きな赤いX印を書き込んでいきました。


