Why Not Only Conversation?

Sometimes we encounter adults who have spent significant time abroad where they interacted daily with native speakers. They often feel that their speaking and listening skills are advanced because of this. However, all too often we find that when put to the test, they’re only able to handle relatively basic conversation at a slow pace. They can “chat,” but their conversational skills don’t go much beyond this. They sometimes feel disillusioned and disappointed when they realize this.

Unfortunately, just chatting is not enough to bring your English level up to where you can really communicate effectively in more than just slow, light conversation.

Granted, for beginners light conversation
is invaluable to develop confidence in actually using the English you’ve studied. It can be fun, too. It feels good to understand what a native English speaker is saying, and it’s very satisfying to express yourself and feel like you got your message across. After all, if communicative conversation is one of our reasons for studying English, then of course, actual conversation must be included in our study. This is where all our skills come together to be realized.

So why don’t we just do conversation all of the time? Why does
English Now! spend so much time additionally on serious listening and speaking practice employing textbooks?

It’s painful to admit, but unfortunately, very few Japanese are able to communicate at a high level in natural English. Simply put, the native speakers in other countries can’t understand their English, and likewise, the Japanese can’t understand the native speakers when they speak normally.

Yes, we absolutely need to include plenty of conversation work in our study to learn to smoothly use the English we’ve learned. Not doing so would be like practicing swimming without getting into the water. But we must not stop devoting quality practice to the underlying skills.

Why can’t native speakers understand Japanese English? A single mistake is rarely to blame. It’s usually due to a combination of mistakes. When a major accident occurs somewhere, the “experts” called in to investigate usually point to a cascade of errors and events as the cause. There’s rarely one, single reason. Similarly, it’s usually a cascade of English errors which makes Japanese English difficult to understand.

What kind of mistakes? It could be any combination of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and intonation—and often all of these at the same time. If there were only one mistake, a native English speaker could probably understand anyway. But with cascading mistakes the Japanese English can soon become incomprehensible.

On the other hand, why can’t the Japanese English student understand the native speaker? Generally, you can only catch spoken language which you can say yourself. So once again, your own pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and intonation skills will be the limiting factors. If only one of these is challenging you in a conversation with a native speaker, you still have a chance of comprehending. But just as above, the greater the number of issues there are cascading together, the lower will be your chance of understanding.

I wish it were otherwise, but there’s no escape from the focused study and review that is required to raise your English pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and intonation to the next level. Our speaking and listening skills are tied directly to each one of these. And that’s why we include this kind of study in our classes at
English Now! Just conversation practice is not enough for consistent, rapid progress.





では何故、ENGLISH NOW!はレッスンの最初から最後まで会話のみを扱わないのでしょうか?会話の他に、テキストを使ってまで真剣に「スピーキング」「リスニング」に時間を割いている理由はどこにあるのでしょう?






大変なことではありますが、英語を上達させるためには、発音や文法、語彙、イントネーションを真剣に見直して、磨きをかけていく他ありません。私達のスピーキング、リーディングの能力は、こうした要素のひとつひとつと直に結びついているのです。だからこそ、ENGLISH NOW!では細かい部分の復習もしっかり学習に含ませています。着実で急速な上達のためには、ただ会話練習をするだけでは不十分なのです。