Having the same teacher every week holds back your English!

English Now! rotates its teachers. That is, the same teacher doesn’t teach our adult classes every week. As you can imagine, this makes both teaching and management much more difficult. Our teachers must share notes and coordinate their classes very effectively with each other. A teacher can’t go off and do things his own way from class to class. There must be consistency and continuity. Management can also be a challenge in ensuring optimum scheduling.

So why does English Now! make things so difficult for itself? It certainly would be simpler to do like the other schools and assign one teacher to each class and leave it at that.

There’s a method to our apparent madness.

All too often, students studying English in Japan become far too accustomed to their regular teacher. They get into a comfort zone where they’ve made genuine progress, but naïvely assume it will be just as easy to communicate with other native speakers in other environments just as easily as they can with their familiar teacher.

But one day, reality hits them like cold water in the face. Typically, they go abroad to an English-speaking country and find they can’t understand most of the native speakers, and––more often than not––most of the native speakers can’t understand them.

At English Now! we focus on American English. However, there are almost 316 million Americans and they hardly speak alike. Each individual has his own way of speaking English influenced by age, gender, region, ethnic background, economic status, and dozens of other factors. Your favorite English teacher in Japan may be a wonderful person and an outstanding teacher, but his English is distinctly his English––he is but one example of an American English speaker.

This is where rotating teachers comes to the rescue. Even though every one of our teachers is American, each brings his own way of speaking and expressing himself to the classroom. Our students are exposed to numerous examples of American English differing in pace, rhythm, accent, vocabulary, intonation, and many other subtle nuances. Consequently, our students are far more prepared to step off the plane in the United States and communicate with a variety of Americans.

We rotate teachers with our kids’ classes, too, but at longer intervals. We find that the children––especially the younger ones––require more stability and continuity from week to week than our adult students.

Rotating teachers is certainly more work for us, but the advantages to our students far outweigh any inconvenience.


ENGLISH NOW!では指導講師の交代制を採用しています。つまり、一人の講師がずっと同じクラスを受け持つ、ということがありません。指導をする側にしても、そのスケジュールを管理する側にしても、このことで状況がより複雑になることはお分かり頂けるかと思います。講師はクラスによって、自分独自の方法で指導することができません。一貫性と連続性が求められるのです。また、最善のスケジュールをご用意するため、管理もかなり大変なものになります。

さて、どうしてENGLISH NOW!は自ら物事をややこしくしているのでしょうか?他のスクールのように、それぞれのクラスに担当講師を決め、あとは任せてしまえば楽になるのは火を見るより明らかです。




ENGLISH NOW!ではアメリカ英語を中心に指導をしています。しかしこのアメリカという国だけでも3億1600万人という人間が暮らしていて、皆が全く同じように喋る訳ではありません。年齢、性別、地域、民族的背景、経済状況...個々の話し方は、こうした様々な要素に影響され、それぞれ異なってきます。あなたの英語の先生は恐らく、素晴らしい人物で講師としても大変優秀なことでしょう。しかし彼の話す英語は「彼だけ」のものです。「アメリカ人が話す英語」の一例ではありますが。

ここに、講師を交代制にする利点があります。たとえ全講師がアメリカ人であっても、話し方や表現にはそれぞれ違いが出るのです。話す早さやリズム、アクセント、よく使う語彙、イントネーション、微妙なニュアンス等、ENGLISH NOW!の生徒の皆さんは多彩なアメリカ英語の例に晒されることになります。つまり、当校の生徒様は、実際にアメリカに行って多数の現地人と交流するための準備がよりしっかりと出来ているのです。
