Analysis Paralysis & Consensus Constipation

What is keeping you from attaining your English goals? Numerous possibilities internal and external come to mind, but today we consider two: first, an overly analytical approach, and second, waiting for approval of the group.

“Analysis paralysis” is when you focus so much on dissecting and organizing that you lose the energy you need to get strongly started and maintain forward inertia. Constantly analyzing, questioning, researching, proposing, planning, preparing and reconsidering burns you out before you even get going.

Forward inertia is far more important than “the best way” or “the correct way.” There are many, many “right” ways to study English. That spark of energy you have when you’re inspired to go for it must not be wasted on over-analysis. Take full advantage of that initial fire to launch powerfully headfirst into your challenge and overcome all those other obstacles large and small that will undoubtedly stand in your way.

“Go for direction, not perfection.” ––David Allen

Commit yourself to achieving your English goal and launch immediately. Steer forward toward your target and constantly make the readjustments necessary to stay on course. Keep forward momentum and, when you feel that spark of energy fade, renew your effort with a new approach. The path you end up taking toward reaching your goal will invariably be full of surprises that you never could have planned for. Just do it.

“Consensus constipation” is when you’re waiting for approval of the group to take decisive action. Committing yourself to really learning a foreign language is a major life decision often involving considerable restructuring of your daily schedule and unavoidable sacrifice––and some around you may not be comfortable with the changes they see. If you waste too much time and energy trying to gain the understanding and approval of all, you will miss your opportunity. English is the language of other cultures, and embracing its study means, to a certain extent, independently looking away from the culture you are familiar with. You’re a pioneer in wild, fresh territory. To boldly explore these new lands you will have to leave some things behind. But you will make many new, like-minded friends who will support you in your adventure.






