English in 2021

2020 turned everything upside down. What had worked till then, in many cases no longer worked. Big changes already on the way came faster. Possibilities and opportunities vanished. New, often confusing possibilities presented themselves.

So is it a time to buckle down the hatches and just sit it out … or to drop familiar old paradigms and start from a blank slate?

Probably a bit of both.

As “back-to-normal” is not likely to happen for some time, what is the place of English in our lives amidst all of this? It’s hardly a good time to travel abroad. Most foreigners cannot enter Japan. Overall, the number of foreigners in Japan with whom English must be spoken is likely to be much smaller for the foreseeable future. International conferences are only being held online, and often with little active participation by most attendees. It might seem that there’s not much reason to focus on English right now.

However, perhaps surprisingly, our Covid-induced isolation has actually increased the need for excellent English skills for many. This is due to the communication requirements of mask culture, online meetings, and the rapidly advancing automation of services.

Masks, though absolutely necessary face-to-face, present many difficulties to communicating in English. With only eyes visible and speech often muffled, it can be extremely difficult to understand and be understood through the mask — even in our native language. It’s been demonstrated that the majority of human communication occurs through gesture, body language and intonation, rather than the spoken word. Masks obstruct these. Consequently, we must rely much more than before on the spoken language itself for effectively expressing ourselves. The demand for both clear, correct spoken English and excellent listening skills has become much higher. To get through the masks and the ubiquitous plastic or acrylic barriers, our grammar, pronunciation, word choice, intonation and listening must greatly improve. This is no small task, and requires a sizable jump up in our English skills.

Online video meetings and conferences have also increased the demand for higher quality English. Even though, thankfully, we can remove our masks online, audio quality often leaves much to be desired and any network lag only makes it worse. In an online meeting, you may feel even more exposed and put-on-the-spot than usual as everyone gets a close-up of your face as you speak. There is more pressure for succinct, clear English which gets effectively to the point. Roundabout, fuzzy expressions or confusing pronunciation and grammar may draw even more impatience online. Add to this the fact that, due to time differences, Japanese participants are often at a disadvantage having to join international meetings at strange hours of the night.

We can’t travel now, but someday when we can travel abroad again, we’ll find that numerous services previously handled by humans will have become automated. Due to concerns about virus-transmission and the increasing cost of human labor, companies all over the world are accelerating the automation of service jobs. A.I. will certainly be employed, but no more than necessary to get the job done —
in the native language! And that will often mean English, not Japanese. Waiterless restaurants, hotels without front desk clerks, driverless buses, unattended gasoline stations, staffless convenience stores, fully automated banking, unstaffed checkout registers, automated parking lots, and of course automated telephone communication are all likely to become the norm — and will often not be set up to serve visitors from foreign countries with inadequate English. If our English doesn’t improve to handle this, we’ll have trouble with even the most basic tasks when traveling abroad — and there may be no human staff around to help us! We need to greatly improve our English now to get ready for this future.

These are compelling reasons to improve our English now. However, studying English should not be only because we feel pressure to. We can’t go abroad right now, but we can come to
English Now! to experience and enjoy new worlds. Our classes with native English-speaking instructors provide an open gateway to stimulating new places and cultures — even without a plane ticket!

Covid’s going to be with us for awhile, but as they say, “This, too, shall pass.” In the meantime, let’s look on the bright side and see this as an opportunity to grow and learn!










これらが今、英語を上達させるべき理由です。しかし、ただプレッシャーを感じるからという理由で英語学習に取り組むべきではありません。今すぐ海外に行くことはできませんよね。でも、ENGLISH NOW!でこれまで知らなかったことを経験したり、新しい世界を楽しむことはできます。クラスではネイティブ英語講師が新しくワクワクするような場所や文化への門を開いていますよ。飛行機のチケットさえ要りません!

コロナウイルスはまだしばらく私たちの周囲から消えそうにありませんが、“This, too, shall pass(これもまた過ぎ去るだろう)”ということわざもあります。それまでの間は明るい方を見つめ、今を成長と学習の機会だと捉えることにしましょう!

English and learning to enjoy learning!

We want our kids to learn English.
We want our kids to enjoy learning English.
Learning one’s own language happens naturally.
Learning a foreign language requires much effort.

We have a dilemma here. How can kids enjoy learning English if it requires real effort?

Babies in their own culture learn their native language to survive. Learning a foreign language not necessary for daily life requires some other strong motivation. For adults, this motivation must usually be conscious and requires disciplined study to really make progress. For most kids, this motivation must usually be subtle — perhaps even stealthily induced — to make learning a very positive experience.

English Now!, we aim to balance what’s wanted and what’s needed.

With our PreKids classes, we provide lots of cheerful fun and excitement as we introduce the sounds of English to kids who are likely to be really hearing them for the first time. We teach phonics without overtly teaching phonics. The first year, the kids playfully get used to hearing and making the sounds of phonics, so that next year they can more directly “study” phonics. They
want to have fun; they need to become familiar with the sounds of English and what the letters look like. Their motivation is having fun.

The next year in Level 1, the kids are a little bit more mature. They can sit at a table and hold a pencil a little better. Some are studious, but most aren’t accustomed to seriously studying much of anything yet. As always we aim at a good balance between want and need. We provide fun and excitement, and gradually introduce some of the focused study necessary to get a grip on English. Speaking, listening, writing and reading all become skills we specifically focus on as the kids get use to new ways of learning. Their main motivation is still having fun, but positive reinforcement for work well done becomes increasingly important.

From Level 2, the kids have entered primary school and are learning every day at school to “study.” We introduce textbooks and more academic structure to our classes, but aim at keeping learning exciting and enjoyable. Without these, motivation drops and English becomes just another tedious “naraigoto” filling up their schedule. We must continue to satisfy both the wants and the needs of the children.

From here out, through all the progressing levels, we strive to keep our classes stimulating and fun. This greatly increases engagement and motivation to learn English — even for those kids who may otherwise have little interest in English. We aim to spark the fire and keep it lit. And as the grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation we teach become more advanced, and require real effort to learn, the kids can keep up their motivation to stick with it and master the skills.

As the proverb goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But at
English Now!, these not separate. Work and play come together in the same classroom to motivate real learning.





ENGLISH NOW! では子どもたちに必要なことと、彼らが望んでいることのバランスを重視しています。

まず Pre-Kids クラスでは、英語の音を紹介しながら、たくさんの元気と楽しさ、ワクワクを提供します。対象となるのは聞いた音を一度でものにできてしまうほどの柔軟な耳を持った4~5歳の子どもたちです。自然な流れの中でフォニックスも指導していますよ。まず1年目に遊びを交えながら英語の音を聞いたり、発音することに慣れておくことで、翌年からはよりスムーズにフォニックスを「学習」できるようになります。子どもたちが望んでいるのは楽しさで、必要なのは英語の音に慣れ親しみ、英語の文字がどんな形をしているのか知ることです。ここでの動機付けは「楽しいこと」ですね。

Pre-Kids の上の Level 1 では、対象となる子どもたちは年長~小学1年生ともう少し大きくなります。席に着き、鉛筆もそれまでより上手に持てるようになってきます。もちろん勉強熱心な子もいるでしょうが、ほとんどは何かを真剣に学ぶことにまだ慣れていません。ここでも私たちが目指すのは子どもたちが「望むもの」と「必要とすること」のちょうど良いバランスです。引き続き楽しさやワクワクを提供しながら、英語を理解するために必要な集中的な学習を少しずつ取り入れていきます。新しい学習スタイルが馴染むにつれ、スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、リーディングの全てが特に重点的に取り組む技能になっていきます。主な動機付けはここでも「楽しいこと」ですが、良くできたことに対する前向きな強化は次第に大切になっていきます。

Level 2 以上になると、毎日学校に行って「お勉強」している子どもがほとんどです。私たちはクラスでより学問的な構成やテキストを導入しますが、レッスンを楽しく刺激的なものにすることも同時に目指しています。そうでなければやる気が下がり、英語がスケジュールを満たすためのつまらない「習い事」の一つになってしまうからです。ここでも子どもたちが「望んでいること」と「必要としていること」の両方を満たさなくてはいけません。


"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (勉強ばかりで遊ばないと子供は馬鹿になる)"ということわざがあります。しかし、ENGLISH NOW!では遊びと勉強は別々のものではありません。本当の学びを促すため、教室の中では勉強と遊びを一緒に取り入れています。