Spring Means Rebirth!

The Japanese year revolves around spring. All seems to end or begin in this season: school, work, moving, even romances—many of the big transitions in life.

English Now!, too, will see many changes this spring. Of course, we’ll welcome a new group of 5-year-olds as our other young students advance to higher classes. Adult classes will see changes in their members, mostly due to new jobs and transfers and the moving that accompanies these. Some students will be leaving us, while many will newly arrive.

Our staff, too, will see changes. Three teachers will be moving on, and three will be coming aboard. John will be returning to the United States to help out his family and go back to school. Adam will be moving to the far side of Tokyo to reunite with his partner and live near her school. Marshall will pursue his goal of helping out Japanese young people by trying his hand as an ALT for the Tsukuba City public schools.

We’ll miss all of them, but although we regret the loss, these changes are an excellent opportunity to take our English to the next level. Our new teachers coming in March will motivate us by introducing fresh, new ways of speaking and expressing ourselves. It’s all too easy to become too comfortable in the “nuru-buro” [lukewarm bath] of routine—that’s one reason why we rotate our teachers between classes. Once you become too accustomed to a repeating pattern, your learning starts losing momentum.

Our new teachers include Brahm, Frank and Noah. Brahm grew up all over the world and comes from a strong teaching background, especially with small children. Noah has been working with older children for several years. Frank has had many years of professional experience in Japan teaching students of all ages.

We welcome our new teachers, not only for their rich experience and the anticipation of new stimulation they bring us, but for the real chance to kickstart our English to new heights.

Spring means rebirth.



ここENGLISH NOW!でも、この春にいくつかの変化を迎えます。キッズクラスではレベルが1つ上がったり、5歳くらいの年齢の子供達が新しく入会してきます。成人クラスではメンバーの移り変わりがあるかもしれませんね。転職や転勤、それに伴う引っ越しといった理由でここを去る方、そして新しくクラスに参加する方が多くなるのもこの時期です。

実は、私達のスタッフメンバーにも大きく変わることがあります。この度ジョン、アダム、マーシャルがENGLISH NOW!を去り、そして新たに3人の講師が仲間入りすることとなりました。まずジョンですが、彼は家庭の問題や自分の学問に向きあうため、アメリカに帰国することになりました。アダムは、ここからは距離のある東京に引っ越します。東京で大学に通う婚約者を支えるための決断です。そしてマーシャルは日本の若者を支えるという夢を追い、つくばの公立学校でALTになることを決めました。


春からブラム、フランク、そしてノアの3人が講師としてENGLISH NOW!にやってきます。ブラムは生まれてから今まで、様々な国で暮らしてきました。彼は特に、小さな子供達と関わることを得意としています。ノアは学年の大きな子供達の指導に携わってきました。フランクは長く日本で指導をしていた経験があります。子供から大人まで年齢を問わず、様々な人に英語を教えてきました。

