Calm down and listen!

Learning the basics of English to the point that you can engage in simple, routine, functional communication is certainly achievable in a relatively short time provided you put in the hours of study and drilling necessary. This would include situations like ordering in a restaurant, checking into a hotel or shopping.

Making the jump up to more expressive and deeper conversation takes much more work and dedication. And here’s the rub: as you improve you gain satisfaction from your successes, but at the same time the bar is raised constantly ever higher. The better your English is, the higher the standard you will be judged by.

You must cultivate vigilance because it becomes much easier to both misunderstand and be misunderstood. As you feel you are understanding more, there is a tendency to jump too quickly to conclusions about what the native speaker is saying before you have really listened closely and carefully all the way to the end. Failure to confirm meaning can lead to very embarrassing mistakes.

Stop, listen, and reserve judgment until you’re completely sure of the meaning. If you’re still not sure, ask.

This becomes all the more dangerous if your emotional state is leading you to jump to conclusions. We all fall into the trap of being unconsciously committed to our own state of mind, which then colors our interpretation of our environment: when you’re in love, the whole world is beautiful; when you’re angry, the whole world is against you.

In such a state, it’s easy to assume your conversation partner’s comments are negative or positive without having really made sure. And then you’re likely to respond based on what you wrongly think he said. On your good days, when you’re seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, you may unwittingly agree to things you had naïvely assumed were good. On your bad days, you may antagonize or alienate those who hadn’t actually said the bad things that you had assumed. This can easily endanger your social relationships.

Take a deep breath, calm down, shut up and reserve judgement until you’re more certain of the communication. Of course, confirm language that you’re not sure of, but pay attention to more than just the words. Notice intonation and body language. Is it congruent with what you think the person is saying? If not, you may not be getting it.

At English Now!, we do listening practice where we must get exactly what the speaker said word-for-word. This may seem to be overly demanding, but it’s typical for many students to jump to the wrong conclusion about the meaning of a sentence before having actually made sure. In English, even a simple plural or an article or a pronoun can significantly change the meaning.

It’s admittedly hard to do, but until you reach a very high level of fluency, try to keep your emotions under control. You still need your rational, analytical mind to really grasp the meaning of a communication exchange and guide you to the most appropriate response.









English Now!

