Studying English Online

I love YouTube … Well, I don’t actually love it, but I sure use it an awful lot — but rarely for entertainment. I use YouTube for learning … for learning anything: how to cook something, how to pull out a dent in my car, how to groom my dog — really, anything and everything. YouTube has become my go-to library of first choice.

So I would be the last person to criticize anyone who uses
YouTube for language learning. I would do the same, and in fact, you would be missing out by not taking advantage of it.

Trying to master anything, let alone a language, by only once-a-week practice is hardly realistic. It must become part of your daily life if you really want to get good. So we encourage our students to fill their environment with English and take full advantage of all available resources to ensure their solid progress. Please surround yourself with all sorts of English media from books to music to movies to TV shows to podcasts — and of course, include the Internet and the seemingly infinite resources it offers.

But the Internet can be overwhelming — there’s just so much there! How can one filter and make sense of all of its language-learning offerings? So many websites out there want to help you learn English — often after you input your credit card information!

YouTube is the easiest to go to, because … well … most of us go there anyway. Definitely explore the numerous channels teaching English and offering tips. Find the ones most helpful to you and frequent them. If nothing else, do it for fun or entertainment.

The drawback is that
YouTube is not interactive, that is, it’s one-way — meaning you have no opportunity to use your English. And if you hope to improve as quickly as possible, you absolutely must be using English actively, not just watching and listening and reading.

Which brings us to online tutoring and language exchange.

Online tutoring is not free, but if you can find a truly gifted teacher who remembers
you and gives you truly personal attention at a reasonable price, it can be great. But your search may be long and difficult, with much frustration.

Language exchange, on the other hand, is usually free, and can be good for trying out your English and getting in some practice. However, it’s not the place to go to for tutoring. And many language exchange partners you encounter may have another agenda. Our female students often find that the language exchange sites and apps are full of guys who just want to hit on them. So, if you choose to give online language exchange a try, go into it with care and a sense of adventure. It can be fun — which is worthwhile in itself, but it may not be reliable for anything more than an opportunity to try out your English.

Even with the entire digital world at your fingertips,
English Now! is the best place to focus your English study. Nothing beats an experienced, skilled teacher who can skillfully guide you in your quest for English skill, and give you invaluable personalized attention with plenty of feedback.

For solid, steady improvement, you must be working on your English all week long, so by all means take full advantage of
YouTube and other online language exchange resources. Add the best of them to your weekly English study routine.

But rely on
English Now! for your most valuable and trusted learning experience — a least once a week … but for the best progress, as often as possible. We will provide you with the best possible professional instruction, and help you with both your short-term and long-term English learning strategy.


私はYoutubeが好きです... いえ、実際のところはそこまでではありませんが、活用しているという点では間違いありません。ただ、娯楽のために使うということは滅多にありません。私がYoutubeを利用するのは、基本的に何かを学ぶ時です。例えば 料理の作り方、車の凹みの直し方、愛犬の手入れの方法等です。Youtubeは本当にありとあらゆることを教えてくれます。困った時に真っ先に駆け込める図書館と言ったところでしょうか?



しかしインターネットはあまりにも情報量が多く、それに圧倒されてしまうこともあるかもしれません...。ではネットに溢れる言語学習サイトの良し悪しはどのようにふるいにかけ見極めれば良いのでしょう... そこが悩みどころですよね?






オンラインの「個別指導」は無料ではありません。 そういう意味では、そこは利用価値のある場かもしれません。もし皆様が、本当にそういったサイトから「適切な受講費」で「適切な個別的な指導」と「実のあるレッスン」を受けられるのであれば、それは利用価値があるのかもしれません。ただ現実的に考えると、そういう優れた講師やサイトを探し出す事は、恐らくとてつもなく大変な道のりとなると思われます。




今は、あらゆるデジタル世界に指先一つでアクセスできる時代となりました。ですが、それでもここENGLISH NOW!は、英語学習に真剣に取り組もうとされている皆様にとって「最善の場」であると自負しております。

ENGLISH NOW!の「指導力に溢れた講師達」ほど、皆様を英語学習の素晴らしい旅をへと導ける道はないと思っております。当スクールが誇る指導力や、これまで培ってきた多くの知識と経験値は、皆様の個々のお悩みやご要望に応えることができるはずです。


ですが、本気で英語上達を求めたい皆様!是非このENGLISH NOW!を頼りにしてみて下さい!私達は、皆様の英語上達を支える上で、信頼に値する最適な場だと自信を持っております。

