Measuring Progress

Seeing your own progress is a powerful motivation to continue your efforts in any pursuit. If you want to lose weight, measuring your body weight once a day at the same time gives you crystal clear feedback about how you’re doing. Watching the kilograms gradually decrease inspires you to stick with your program. Likewise, if you’re into serious weight training, measurements of chest, biceps, etc. let you know immediately if you’re on the right path.

Language study is tricky, though. Of course, there are tests which you can take to objectively evaluate certain measurable skills, and these are certainly valuable from time to time. But they often come up short in indicating true communicative ability. Some students with high scores remain somehow unable to express themselves appropriately, while others with lower scores somehow seem to always be able to get their message across.

We have to be much more imaginative and aggressive in seeking metrics for our English progress. In fact, the measures of our success will become fuzzier and more subjective as our ability increases. The key is in constantly raising the bar for what is expected. By putting ourselves into increasingly demanding social situations, we will ensure our progress. And that progress will make itself apparent when our successes demonstrate how far we’ve come compared to the past.

If you’re a tennis player and you always play with the same partners, you will plateau and stagnate. By seeking out superior partners––those more skilled than yourself––you will be assured of steady improvement, even though you’re sure to be humbled at times.

Likewise, by intentionally putting yourself into ever more challenging and demanding situations requiring greater English proficiency, your skills will strongly develop. Your measure of progress is that point at which you become comfortable communicating at a certain level in a certain type of situation. And that is also the signal that it’s time to raise the bar again.

Examples of such challenges could include taking more difficult classes, taking a different type of class (such as one of our Media classes as opposed to a textbook-based class), travel abroad (preferably alone), presenting or speech-giving, volunteering to help out at the reception desk of an international conference, or joining in social events where few speak Japanese. The list is only limited by your imagination. A casual party would test whether or not you can handle light casual conversation. A round table discussion or seminar at a conference would challenge your ability to express yourself clearly and persuade others. Always push for skills a bit beyond what you’re comfortable with now.

Change and crisis invite adaptation and progress. Pursue a certain way of studying or of using your English until you feel comfortable with it, then shock yourself into rising to the next level by introducing discomfort, that is, by demanding language ability beyond what you can currently handle.

Rise to this new challenge, understanding that this is exactly what you need to evolve to the next level.

Your progress is guaranteed.











WIGS: Real Drama for Real English

Okay gentlemen, step aside. We’re addressing the ladies here today.

On the other hand, this might just be good for you, too––that is, if you’re at all interested in getting a handle on the modern, feminine mind.

Many of English Now!’s students are women, and many of them tell us that they want to understand movies and TV dramas in English. I’ve often recommended studying with movies or dramas to become accustomed to natural English conversation and to boost motivation.

Several problems come up, though. First, most movies and TV dramas are simply too long. Second, the dramas usually require having watched the previous episodes to understand what’s going on. Finally, it’s tough to find high quality acting with realistic, modern, stories and dialog––especially with serious content for women over 25.

Well, here’s the answer to our prayers––and it’s free and easily available right now!

Go to

Last May, WIGS––an on-going series of dramas focused on American women––debuted on YouTube. The quality of the writing, directing, acting, and production are top-notch and the names are famous: Jennifer Garner, Julia Stiles, America Ferrera, Stephen Moyer, Dakota Fanning, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Beals, Maura Tierney, Jason Isaacs, Rosanna Arquette, Allison Janney, Alfred Molina, Jena Malone, Alison Pill, and lots more. Many of the writers are women, as are half of the directors. In only 3 months, WIGS collected 15 million views and 75,000 subscribers.

Since it’s YouTube it’s free and you can watch anyplace you can connect to the Internet. Each drama is only 8-10 minutes long, so they’re easy to fit into a busy schedule and still be satisfying. And they may be watched with or without English subtitles (click on the “CC” Closed Caption icon to choose).

The name WIGS can refer to any number of acronyms with an “S” at the end: Where It Gets
Spicy, Where It Gets Screwed up…Sinful…Scorned…Surreal…Sly…Secretive…Silent…Spiritual…Sinister…Spiteful…Sassy…Sensitive.

Each story bears the name of its leading character/s for its title.
Serena, Denise, Allison, and Jennifer are standalone. Dakota, Lauren, Leslie, Rochelle, and Georgia have only 2 or 3 episodes. The others––Jan, Blue, Christine, Vanessa & Jan, and Ruth & Erica––have 6-13 episodes.

This is not light entertainment. Do not expect
Friends, Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City. The stories are realistic, intelligent and written to get deeply into the minds, hearts and issues of modern American women. Consequently, they can get into your heart and mind, too––as they should.

If you want to learn more about modern American women––and how they speak English––this is it. Take advantage of it.

As for you gentlemen, it may take some courage to swim these strange waters, but if you really want to understand the ladies a little better––and see how they see us [
GULP!]––take the dive!

WIGS: ドラマで学ぶリアル英語



ENGLISH NOW!には多くの女性の生徒さんがいらっしゃいますが、その中でも多くの方が「海外ドラマや映画を英語で理解できるようになりたい!」とおっしゃっいます。私もこれまでに、自然な英会話に慣れるため、そしてモチベーションを上げるために、映画やドラマを利用することをおすすめしてきました。




YouTubeWIGSという、アメリカ人女性に焦点を当てたドラマシリーズが 始まりました。脚本、監督、演技、制作、どれをとっても最高級です。そして Jennifer Garner, Julia Stiles, America Ferrera, Stephen Moyer, Dakota Fanning, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Beals, Maura Tierney, Jason Isaacs, Rosanna Arquette, Allison Janney, Alfred Molina, Jena Malone, Alison Pill, その他大勢の有名な俳優が出演しています。作家の多くが、またディレクターの半数が女性で構成されています。このWIGS は3ヶ月で1500万回も視聴され、受信契約者も75000人を越えました。


WIGS という名前は、最後の"S"を使い様々な頭字語(頭文字を取った略語)になり得ます。
"Where It Gets Spicy, Where It Gets Screwed up…Sinful…Scorned…Surreal…Sly…Secretive…Silent…Spiritual…Sinister…Spiteful…Sassy…Sensitive"など。

"Serena," "Denise," "Allison," "Jennifer"は1話のみ、"Dakota," "Lauren," "Leslie," "Rochelle," "Georgia"には2~3話、"Jan," "Blue," "Christine," "Vanessa & Jan," "Ruth & Erica"には6~13話のエピソードが用意されています。


