Electronic dictionaries: a help or hindrance?

Almost everyone who attends English Now! has one. You know: those Sony/Casio/Canon/Seiko/etc wonder-dictionaries that hold a bazillion words for every situation imaginable. But do they really help you or do they get in the way of you improving your English?

For private study: YES, they’re a Godsend. They save time and increase efficiency.

For English class and live interaction with native speakers: NO, they are a serious problem and prevent you from developing the communication skills necessary to join into a real, natural conversation.

Live communication requires that your attention is 100% present in the moment. Distracting yourself with dictionary word searches pulls you out of the conversation. You will not be paying full attention and your listening will suffer badly. Consequently, you’ll be unable to respond in any sort of a timely manner and the rhythm and pace of the conversation will be broken––perhaps irretrievably.

It’s also very frustrating for the person you are supposed to be communicating with. Constantly pausing for long breaks while you consult the dictionary kills the energy of the exchange. Few will have the inclination or patience to bear with you.

Perfectionism seriously dampens your progress in studying English. Obsession with always using “correct” English will cause you to over-hesitate and will ultimately leave you out of the conversation. A willingness––even eagerness––to make mistakes is essential to speedy progress. Try to say what you want to say as best you can with the words you know without using the dictionary––and gestures and pantomime can go a long way, too.

As for those difficult words that come up in class that you want to check: make a quick note with a pen and look them up in your dictionary after class. This is actually a good opportunity to review the class and reinforce what you learned.


電子辞書ーこれはENGLISH NOW!の生徒様のほとんどの方もお持ちのことでしょう。Sony, Casio, Canon, Seiko等いずれのメーカーも引けを取らないこの素晴らしいメカは、膨大な単語数を保有し、想像しうるあらゆるシチュエーションに対応しています。しかしこの電子辞書、果たしてどこまで役立つのでしょう?

私個人の意見では、ずばり個人の学習用には "YES"! まさにそれは「天の恵み」とさえ言える程!短時間に効率的に単語の意味を調べる等をお求めの場合、これらは抜群の力を発揮します。ところが英会話のレッスン中、もしくは実際にネイティブとの会話ではどうでしょうか?それは間違いなく"NO"と言えるでしょう!(実はこれはかなり切実な問題とも言えるのです!)


生きたコミュニケーションには何が必要でしょう?それは「私たちの注意を100%、今ここに注ぐこと」です!辞書での「適切な単語探し」は会話の絶妙なリズムを壊してしまう他、いきいきとした言葉のやりとりをも奪いかねません。辞書に夢中なあまり、ご自身の注意力が散漫となりリスニングにも悪影響を及ぼすことでしょう。結果、相づちのタイミングを失い、また会話そのもののペースも壊されることとなるのです ー それはおそらく修復できない程までに!また意思疎通を求めていた相手にをも不快な思いをさせてしまうことでしょう。「単語探し」のための、この頻繁な長~い沈黙はコミュニケーション本来の生き生きとしたエネルギーを抹殺します。(その空気感がお好みの少数派も存在するかもしれませんが...。)


