Don’t make this mistake!

Don’t let your pride or sensitivity get in the way of your English progress. This is a common trap for advanced learners.

Face it. Even after studying English all these years and reaching an effectively communicative level, you’re still making mistakes all over the place.


Yes, you’ve worked hard and paid your dues and deserve respect, but if you avoid active correction you’ll hit a wall. Your English will get stuck because you’re too damn stubborn and proud to realize that you can get a whole lot better than you are now.

Are native English speakers you encounter silently tolerating your mistakes because they can sort of guess what you mean to say, even though you’re botching it up? If you’re in Japan, this is even more likely since the foreigners here are accustomed to deciphering Japanese English.

Don’t let their silence make you think your English is just fine as it is. They may think they’re being polite by saying nothing, or it may simply be troublesome for them to try to offer any correction.

Many years ago, when I had just started studying Japanese, my little dog-eared traveler’s Japanese phrasebook told me that “Take care!” was translated as “O-daiji ni” [
お大事に]. In English, I was accustomed to saying “Take care!” as an everyday good-bye greeting and I wanted to do the same in Japanese. So I started saying “O-daiji ni” to everyone, everywhere, every day. I continued doing this for months and not a single person corrected my mistaken Japanese. One day I went to get a haircut from my friend—a stylist who was a straight-talking, so-called “yanki” young woman who never pulled punches for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. When I went to leave and said my “O-daiji ni,” she burst out loudly—almost derisively—laughing at my ridiculous Japanese. She told me “O-daiji ni” was used to say good-bye to sick or injured people and was not for casual good-byes. Unwittingly, I had been making a fool of myself all this time. I was grateful for her blunt honesty—even though it was embarrassing—and I was a bit angry at all those people who just stayed silent, never bothering to correct me. You can bet I never made that mistake again.

We can laugh at my misfortune, but there is another, more dangerous reason why a native English speaker might hesitate to correct your mistakes: He may have experienced anger or unpleasant feelings in the past from someone who he tried to offer correction to.

Once bitten, twice shy.

If you get angry or otherwise react negatively when someone is trying to help you, it’s likely that they won’t bother trying next time. And this will be an opportunity sadly lost.

You’ll be doomed to continue unwittingly making the same English mistakes again & again ad infinitum. And it’ll be your own fault.

Sometimes we feel insulted when someone corrects us for something we’ve tried so hard at, especially when it seemed to have been working in the past. It’s a blow to our ego.

Try not to be your own worst enemy. It can be painful, but you must suck up your pride and eagerly seek out and embrace correction.

Encourage your native speaker friends to correct your mistakes.

And be grateful.

Your English will improve much more rapidly.








何年も前、私が日本語を勉強し始めた頃の話です。使い古した手持ちの日本語会話表現集に、"Take care!"の日本語訳は「お大事に」であると記されていました。英語ではさよならのあいさつとして"Take care!"を使用していたものですから、私は日本語でも同じことをしようと考えました。そう、毎日どこでも、去る人去る人に「お大事に」と言っていたのです。この習慣は一ヶ月程続きましたが、その間、ただの一人も私のミスを指摘してはくれませんでした。そんなある日、私はスタイリストをしている友人のところへ髪を切ってもらいに行きました。彼女は率直で、所謂ヤンキーと言いますか、歯に衣着せぬ物言いをする人でした。帰り際、私が「お大事に」と告げると、彼女は噴き出すというか、もはや馬鹿にするような感じで、そのおかしな日本語を笑いました。そして「お大事に」は怪我人や病人と別れる時に使うフレーズであり、「さよなら」の意味合いで気軽に言うものではないと教えてくれました。無意識の内に、私はそれまでの自分を恥じました。ばつの悪い思いはしたものの、私は彼女の無遠慮さに感謝し、そしてそれまで何も言わず、間違いを直してくれなかった人達に少し腹が立ちました。間違いなく、私は二度とこのようなミスはしないでしょう。








