Improve your Pronunciation to Improve your Listening

“I can’t understand […]” is one of the phrases we most often hear from students. Sometimes it’s regarding a listening selection from a textbook or a media story, or sometimes it’s about a new teacher’s way of speaking. In most cases, it’s not really a matter of “understanding” the content. The problem is one of literally catching what was spoken. The actual sounds could not be heard.

It sounds all too simple but, if you can’t say it, you probably can’t hear it. And this takes us directly to the root of our English listening problems: our own poor pronunciation is often our biggest obstacle to understanding and being understood. And unfortunately our own poor pronunciation is the result of years of conditioning––both naturally and in the school system.

The human brain is designed to not only acquire information, but to filter out information deemed unnecessary. Research has shown that babies can distinguish a wider variety of spoken sounds at six months than they can a year later. They lose the ability to “hear” sounds unnecessary to their mother tongue––or rather, they learn to filter those sounds out.

For example, Japanese has only 5 vowels while English has 18. Those extra 13 sounds are not necessary for the child’s survival in his immediate Japanese environment, so they are filtered out. He learns to not hear them.

This survival strategy is efficient until someday that individual encounters a foreign language––which of course uses non-Japanese sounds. The older he is, the tougher it will be for him to hear and distinguish those unfamiliar sounds.

This clearly makes a strong case for meaningfully exposing kids to foreign languages as early as possible. However, for us adults it explains the often Herculean effort required to comprehend natural speech in a foreign tongue.

Let’s be clear: until we confront and resolve our pronunciation issues, we will be unable to catch much of what is spoken naturally by a native English speaker, and he will likewise be unable to understand much of what we are trying so hard to communicate.

This is why at English Now! we place so much emphasis on clear pronunciation and natural intonation. Without it, you’re linguistically fighting with at least one hand tied behind your back.

In our children’s classes, we address this directly right from the beginning with comprehensive phonics study. Thanks to this, our young students are not only better able to speak English clearly and catch what is spoken, they learn to read much faster and more efficiently.

This autumn, English Now! will for the first time be offering a series of workshops for adults on Saturday afternoons focused on English pronunciation and intonation. This is your chance to concentrate directly on language skills that will ensure that you can finally understand and be understood by native English speakers. Spaces are very limited so apply now to reserve your spot.


“I can’t understand […](…が理解できません)” これは生徒の皆さんからよく言われる台詞です。時にテキストやメディア教材のリスニングパートであったり、新しい先生の聞き慣れない言い回しであったり、その対象は様々です。しかし多くの場合、「分からない」のは内容そのものではなかったりします。発せられた言葉を聞き取れたか、その音をきちんと理解できたかが問題となるのです。






このような理由から、English Now!でははっきりとした発音と自然なイントネーションに重きを置いた指導を行っております。これ無しでは語学の習得は大変難しいものになってしまいますから。

