International Life: Be the Frog!

International life is amphibious life.
One must change and adapt.

Many claim to aspire to an international lifestyle, but how many really comprehend what this entails? To become a true international citizen—that is, to learn to easily adapt to cultures and lifestyles completely different from our known world—we must truly broaden and expand ourselves. This includes relieving ourselves of frameworks and perspectives which often hinder our perception and our ability to make those intellectual and emotional changes necessary to adapt. Patriotism, rigid moral codes, narrow social networks of like-minded friends or relatives: all of these are red hazard flags.

Out of water, the fish dies.
In the water, the cat dies.
Be amphibious. Be the frog!
The frog adapts instinctively and survives in both.

Flexibility, adaptability, independence and self-reliance are all part of blossoming in a truly international life style. Many of our personal attachments are obstacles.

As a child, I was lucky because my family moved so often that I never became attached strongly to one place, nor to one group of people. This made it relatively easy for me to come to Japan and start from zero—and I can always do it again if I need to.

Those who have grown up attached to one location or group of people often find it much more difficult to pull up roots and start again in a strange land. They often become homesick, depressed and even physically ill when they spend long periods away from their own familiar culture.

We often depend on a network of friends and family to keep ourselves emotionally together. Real international life removes you from those networks leaving you emotionally naked. This can be liberating—or it can be terrifying. With nobody around you who can appreciate or comprehend your emotional needs, you’re left completely on your own to cope. You have no one to depend on but yourself. This can either make you…or break you. You succumb to the weight and break down…or you become stronger.

Many, when out of their own culture, actively seek out the familiar by keeping company mostly with their compatriots—be it in the flesh or by social networking (e.g., Facebook). This can hardly be called an international lifestyle. They’re no more than long-term tourists. They haven’t accepted the challenge and risk of allowing themselves to change and adapt. They cling fiercely to their familiar identity.

On the other hand, some seek an international lifestyle as an escape. They’re dissatisfied with their life and see foreign shores as a way out. More often than not, they bring their emotional baggage with them. More often than not, their problems reoccur in the new location since they’re rooted in the individual himself—and those issues often come back with a vengeance!

Others are annoyed by society judging them, so they try to escape to where they think they won’t be judged. They might convince themselves that they are free-thinking, independent spirits who are being unfairly held back in their own culture. The irony, however, may be that the new culture does not easily accept them and actually judges them even more severely. But their perception and understanding are so poor that they don’t realize this until later, and in time they may find themselves in judgmental circumstances even harsher than those they sought liberation from. And since they pursued their international lifestyle out of weakness—that is, the desire to escape—rather than out of disciplined, focused determination, they’re emotionally worse off than before.

The final irony might be that the longer you remain away from your home culture, the harder it is to go back. As they say, “You can’t go home again.” You took a different route from your friends and family back home, and they won’t know you the way they used to. While neither really accepting nor adapting to the foreign culture, you also lost many of the shared connections with your home culture due to your absence. Unless you are truly independent and have a strong sense of your own identity apart from country and culture, you’re likely to become very lonely.

A dark vision indeed.

But it need not be. I simply wish to give fair warning. An international lifestyle is not one to be undertaken lightly—and many are not suited to it. But for the amphibious among us, it is truly rewarding and liberating. It will give you a world of insights and personal growth hard to come by in any other way.









生まれ育った場所から離れると、多くの人は同国人と接するため、積極的に仲間を探します。実際にそこにいる人だったり、Facebook といったソーシャルネットワークを通してだったり。これは国際生活とは言い難いものでしょう。このような人達は、あくまで長期滞在の旅行者です。自分自身を変えたり、適応するための挑戦やリスクを受け入れてないのですから。彼らは馴染みのある世界に強くしがみついているのです。



最後に、長く自国を離れる程、元の文化に戻るのが難しくなります。“You can’t go home again” ということわざをご存知でしょうか?一度家を出てしまえば自分自身も変わり、かつて居た場所を取り囲む環境も昔と同じではないから、二度と同じ『家』に戻ることはできない、ということです。友人や家族と別の道を辿ればあなたも変わりますから、彼らは昔のようにありのままのあなたを理解することはないでしょう。海外文化を受け入れず、適応できなかったとしても、一方であなたはその地を離れることにより、これまであった自国との繋がりを失うことになります。本当の意味で独立し、国や文化に左右されない意志を持たない限り、すぐに大きな孤独を感じることになってしまうでしょう。

