Get out of Japan!?

Our family just came back from New York City. Being our first trip abroad in two years, we were sorely out of practice. It took us days to get back into the “zone” where the daily requirements of the traveling life become quick and efficient and you don’t have to think about everything you do. We resolved to travel more often to avoid this clumsiness…and to stay fresh!

We strongly encourage our students to immediately get passports even if they have no plans to travel abroad soon. Without a passport, there’s just one more obstacle to keep you from going. And for your English, we want you to “Get out of Japan.”

Japan’s recent Nobel prize winners have been unanimous in strongly recommending that Japan’s young scientists spend time abroad in order to experience fresh ideas and approaches. Failing to do so endangers their ability to conduct creative, unique, competitive research.

Likewise with your English study. Getting out of Japan offers some of the strongest stimulation to kickstart your English…and your life in general. When you’re stuck in a rut, frustrated that your English––or your life––seems to be going nowhere, removing yourself completely from your daily environment and routine––where your activities and thoughts are restricted by social boundaries designed to keep you sensibly in the world of the accepted “common sense”––can be exactly what you need to think more clearly and motivate you toward the next positive action you realize you need to take.

Get out of Japan!…to more objectively see yourself––and Japan––and to clearly remind yourself why it’s worth it to put so much energy into mastering something as difficult as English.

Of course, your first venture abroad should be with the intention of using English, but don’t go to the U.S. or the U.K. or Australia yet. Choose a northern European country like Sweden or Denmark or Germany. Why? They generally speak English well, but they’re much easier to understand than native English-speakers: they speak more slowly and clearly, with simpler grammar and vocabulary, and shorter sentences. This will give you the confidence to try more challenging countries next.

Of course, avoid guided tours and forget about Waikiki––everyone speaks Japanese.

Look at your calendar, set a date, make your reservations, and go!

日本を飛び出そう ! 


生徒の皆さんには、例えすぐ海外に行く予定がなかったとしても、パスポートを取得しておくことを強くおすすめします。「パスポートが無い」というそれだけの理由が、海外へ足を踏み出すことの妨げになってしまうからです。皆さんの英語上達の為にも “Get out of Japan. (日本を飛び出そう!)


皆さんの英語にも同じことが言えるでしょう。日本から出ることは英語、概しては人生に弾みをつけるような、強い刺激を与えてくれます。もし英語や人生が行き詰まり、マンネリになってしまっていたならば、今の自分が置かれている環境や習慣 (私たちの考えや行動が「一般常識」という社会的な制限を受ける場)から脱出してみましょう!外に飛び出し、新しい空気を取り入れることは、今、私たちが真剣に取組んでみるべきことです。その次に取るべき、ポジティブな行動を私たちにもたらしてくれるでしょう。




さあ、カレンダーを見て日付を決め、予約を取り、そして... 日本を飛び出しましょう!
