“TOGETHER” is the key!

Language is social. Consequently, it must be mastered socially––meaning in the context of communicating meaningfully with other people. Small children don’t need someone to tell them this. Their language learning occurs this way automatically. They do not read books telling them how to study. They do not ask anyone’s advice about the best way to study.

They absorb all stimuli around them, filter out whatever is irrelevant to daily life and, through trial-and-error, actively attempt to imitate the rest in order to get what they want.

Small children absolutely will not study a language simply because studying it has merit in itself. The language they learn must be meaningful to and closely integrated with their daily social life.

This is why it’s impossible to simply spend a lot of money on English books and videos, point your kid at them, and expect him to somehow become bilingual.

Disney is now offering a refund to all U.S. customers who bought “Baby Einstein” series products for their children since 2004. The claims they made that these videos enhanced children’s education and development were unsubstantiated and, in fact, research showed that 8- to 16-month-old children watching so-called “baby videos” possessed less vocabulary and scored lower on standard language development tests. On the other hand, daily reading and storytelling produced higher language scores.

Disney no longer makes such claims to their American customers.

The point to be made is that children who spend their time interacting with humans rather than televisions develop better language skills. SHARED parental video viewing did not show the detrimental effect that solitary viewing did.

Read English books to your child together. Watch English video together. Play English computer games together. Practice English flash cards together. Sing English songs together. Play games in English together. Have a once-a-week all-English day at home together. YOU are an absolutely essential part of your small child’s English learning. He will not do it on his own. “TOGETHER” is the key!

 子どもたちは、こんなチャレンジを毎日行っています:まず周囲の全ての事柄を吸収し、その中から自分の日常に関係のないものを振るい落とす。そして「生活に必要」と判断された「ことば」のみを、間違えを繰り返しながらも駆使してみる •••。これは何という果敢な挑戦でしょう!彼らはその中で「自分の生活に本当に必要なモノ」を獲得できるよう行動しているのです。

Problems encountered in advanced English study (1)

While beginning and intermediate students are struggling with numerous problems trying to improve their English, advanced English learners must also be careful about falling into certain traps. This can be all the more important considering that native speakers may not be as forgiving toward advanced students as toward obvious beginners. The fact that you are advanced means that you’ll be held to a higher standard, and mistakes may not be recognized as mistakes, but as reflecting on your character.

This month we’ll consider the dangers of unwittingly applying your native language’s intonation to English.

When you make mistakes concerning pronunciation, grammar or even vocabulary, you have a reasonable chance of being forgiven, since people tend to recognize these as simply language mistakes made by a non-native speaker. Even if you make a total mess of things, they won’t hold it against you personally.

Intonation is different. People generally don’t realize that intonation varies between languages. For example, in English, yes/no questions are often employed to make a request/demand polite: “Would you sit here, please?” is softer than “Sit here, please.” And, as most of us know, yes/no questions in English usually have a rising intonation.

Well, guess what? Unlike English, German generally uses a falling intonation. So when a German non-native English speaker says, “Would you sit here, please,” his intonation tends to drop and, to an American, he sounds like an annoyed police officer issuing a command. The German’s intonation mistake is not recognized as being an English mistake made by a non-native speaker. Rather, it is considered to reflect on his personality. Thus, to Americans, Germans generally have a reputation as being severe and authoritative––which may be largely due to their using German intonation when they speak English.

So in your listen-and-repeat practice, don’t just imitate the pronunciation of each word you hear. Also devote plenty of energy to perfecting the intonation and rhythm of the entire phrase or sentence, trying to sound exactly like the native speaker on the sample you’re practicing with.

In our next two articles we’ll look at the pitfalls of imitating popular expressions and of choosing inappropriately advanced vocabulary.

 しかし、これがイントネーションの間違いとなると話は違います。多くの方は、各言語でイントネーションに相違があることを知りません。例えば、英語では命令文よりも「YesNo」で返答できる形の質問文の方が、より丁寧に相手へ要求や願望を依頼する事が可能です。("Would you sit here, please? "は、"Sit here, please." よりも印象が柔らかくなります。)そしてこの時、イントネーションは語尾にいくにつれ上がり気味になります。
 これはどの言語でも同じことが言えるのでしょうか?いえ、それが違うのです! 例えばドイツ語ではイントネーションは下がり気味であることがほとんどです。ですからドイツ人が英語で "Would you sit here, please? " と尋ねた場合、そのイントネーションは全体に下がりトーンとなってしまい、これをアメリカ人が聞いた場合には「怒った警察官に命令されているような印象」を受けてしまうことが多々あります。この場合、イントネーションの不和は、その母国語の影響とは受け止められず、「このドイツ人の方の性格が表れたもの」として判断されてしまうということになります。(そのためか、アメリカ人の間ではドイツ人は「厳しい」とか「威張っている」とかいった印象を持たれがちなのです。)これはドイツ人が英語を話す時に、母国語の影響を多分に受けたイントネーションの使い方をすることに起因しています。