Infant English Learning

Recently it was reported that European researchers had proven that fetuses still in the womb are undoubtedly listening and remembering what they hear happening outside. It was demonstrated that newborn babies from different cultures produced different "cry melodies” according to their native language. French generally uses a rising melody contour and French newborns cried with a rising melody. German is characterized by falling melody contour and––sure enough––German newborns cried with a falling melody.

Newborn babies have very little control over the muscles necessary to clearly speak a language. But they do have the ability to imitate rising or falling melody. And it seems they are attempting to do exactly that, in order to communicate as best as they can to those around them.

The implication here is that we are able to meaningfully begin language familiarization extremely early––even prenatally. The infant’s ears are paying very close attention to the human speech around him. His listening is active, not passive––he just doesn’t have the control over his voice to imitate it yet.

Japanese English learners tend to focus on reading and writing and on vocabulary and grammar at the expense of pronunciation and intonation. Infants, on the other hand, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation first, and move on to vocabulary and grammar later. Obviously, reading and writing don’t mean much to them yet.

Surround your baby or young child with native English media. He’ll absorb the sounds and intonation, making it far easier for him later when he actually tries to study English more methodically. Nurturing this familiarity with English will, if nothing else, serve to overcome the fear of something totally new and different which overwhelms some children––and adults, too––when they encounter English for the first time.



Talking to Foreigners

Many adult Japanese English learners claim that they study English in order to speak with foreigners. Well, obviously they’ll need the vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation to understand and be understood, but communication with someone from a very different background than yourself requires more than language skills. Their overall communication ability will be deeply tested.

What do you talk about with a foreigner? With someone from your own background who has grown up exposed to the same culture and media as yourself, keeping a conversation going is far easier. With another Japanese person you have many common, shared experiences to draw on for topics: Japanese TV shows, news, events, literature, music, gossip, work and so forth. However, when you speak with a foreigner––and especially when you do so outside of Japan––you’ll need to be conversant in a much, much wider range of topics.

With a foreigner fresh off the plane from another country, you’ll be able to get away with many of the set questions that Japanese tend to ask again and again like “What do you think of Japan?” and “Can you eat Japanese food?” But after a few weeks here, most foreigners weary of being asked the same thing. Originality is refreshing. Come up with something different and more focused.

And remember not to turn the conversation into an interrogation. Respect give-and-take––that is, if someone is offering you information and opinions in response to your questions, it’s only fair that you share your opinions, too.

Enjoying a good conversation with someone outside of Japan will be far more challenging and will require much more preparation––and I don’t mean only linguistic skill. I mean developing a familiarity with a broad range of topics that you can draw on to start and continue a meaningful discussion. This requires extending yourself beyond the narrower world you’re comfortable with into unknown territory: Read the whole newspaper––not just the parts you usually read. Watch a wide variety of movies from many countries and genres. Go to the bookstore and read magazines you usually never read. If you wish to have rewarding, international conversations, you must make yourself more international and well-informed. Otherwise, you’ll be hard-pressed to keep a stimulating conversation going.

Finally, try not to be Japan-centric in your conversation. A bit of cultural comparison is natural, especially early in a relationship, but after that you’ll find that most foreigners tire of it and want to get on to other topics which don’t necessarily include Japan.

 外国人と何の話をしますか?皆さんは同じ文化やメディアで育った人たちと話を進めるのは、格段に楽であることに気がつくかもしれません。日本人同士ならたくさん共通する事柄がありー 例えば日本のテレビ番組、ニュース、出来事、音楽、ゴシップ、本や仕事などーたくさんのトピックを共有して話を進めることが可能です。しかし外国人と話している時特に日本国外にいる時私たちはもっともっと多数の話題に精通していないと会話が成り立ちません。

We're Moving!

English Now! is moving!

That’s right. After almost 4 years since opening, we’ve decided to expand out of our present small offices into someplace bigger––considerably bigger. We’re not going far, so don’t worry––only about 150 meters west to the building next to Couronne. English Now! will have more of everything including more classrooms and a much larger room for the kids so that they can get a lot more physical in their English study. There’s enough space for seminars, parties and other special events, too. And since there’s a very large, very convenient parking lot, we can even hold outdoor events.

That’s not all. Side by side with English Now! we will also open English Now’s Bagel & Espresso Cafe. This will be be a small, daytime cafe offering espresso drinks, bagels, bagel sandwiches, desserts and more. The Bagel & Espresso Cafe will provide a gathering place for both the Japanese and foreign population of Tsukuba with a unique, stimulating, international atmosphere where you might relax and feel transported abroad. The cafe and English Now! will complement each other: English Now! will provide the serious study necessary to really improve your English; the Bagel & Espresso Cafe will provide the opportunity to use what you have learned in class to communicate in an informal, relaxed setting while enjoying authentic American food and drink.

Needless to say, we’re very excited. We plan to begin both classes and the cafe at our new location from February of next year. So pardon us if things get a little hectic towards the end of the year. We’re ambitious with English Now! We want you to be ambitious with your English study.

 English Now! は移転します!そう、遂に...!!! この小さな事務所で英会話教室を始めてから約4年、私たちは更なる大きな場所へと移る事に決めました!しかしどうぞご心配なく!この場所からたった150メートルほど西の、クーロンヌさん(パン屋)の横の建物です!
 新しい English Now! はより皆さんのご要望にお応えできるスクールへと変わります。お子様クラスの教室を広くすることで、より身体を使って英語を勉強できる環境作りを実現します。またマミーズクラスや幼少クラス、ディスカッションクラス(成人)も予定しております。その他、セミナーやパーティーなども行えることでしょう。便利で十分な広さのある駐車スペースを使い、野外のイベントをすることも可能となります!
 実はそれだけではありません!隣接してEnglish Now's Bagel & Espresso Cafe がオープンとなります!昼間はエスプレッソやベーグル、デザートなどをお楽しみ頂けるカフェとなります。このBagel & Espresso Cafe はおいしいコーヒーやベーグルだけではなく、つくばに住む外国人の方々や日本人にコミュニケーションの場を提供します。国際的かつユニークな雰囲気の中、リラックスしつつも刺激しあいながらの英語と日本語の交流の場を演出します。
 つまり... English Now!Bagel & Espresso Cafeがコラボを組むのです!English Now! にて英語の上達をお約束する授業を展開する一方、Bagel & Espresso Cafeでは、学習された英語を使う「場」を提供いたします!本場アメリカのベーグルやエスプレッソを楽しみながら英会話をお互いに楽しめる空間となることでしょう。
 新しいEnglish Now!2010年の2月に新しくEnglish Now!Bagel & Espresso Cafeが両方揃ってオープンの予定です。
 English Now! は今後も皆さんの英語学習に意欲的に取り組んで参ります!