Other "English-es"

What do you do when the English you’re hearing sounds like no English you’ve ever heard? I don’t mean just different vocabulary or fast talking. I mean when it really does not sound at all like the English you’ve learned.

Tsukuba is one of the most international cities in Japan. We have a very high percentage of foreigners in our population from a very wide variety of countries. Most speak English to one degree or another, but the chances are pretty high that it’s not the same English you have studied and grown accustomed to.

English has become a lingua franca for humankind, but that hardly means everybody speaks it the same way. In fact, it’s normal to have to readjust your listening and speaking to communicate with someone speaking a different English.

And the readjustment necessary may at times be profound—even to communicate with “native” speakers from other countries. Many Americans, hearing Australians or New Zealanders for the first time have trouble understanding. And real Scottish English can be downright incomprehensible. Likewise, I’m sure non-American native English speakers suffer similar confusion when they encounter America’s numerous ethnic and regional ways of speaking English.

So how do we approach this reality at
English Now!? First of all, we work hard to filter the “Japlish” out of our students’ English. We generally teach a standard American English to create a solid foundation upon which to build. By working hard to accurately pronounce American English and speak with a clear, natural American intonation and rhythm, the chances of your English being understood by people from around the world are much greater.

Well….that helps other folks understand us. But what about us understanding
their particular version of English? What do we do about that?

As I’ve mentioned before….empty your cup! Don’t shut down—open up! When encountering a new “English,” relax and let yourself actively absorb it for a while to get a grip on it. In Japan, much value is placed on getting the details correct. You’ll have to drop this thinking when encountering a version of English that is new to you. Forget about what is “correct.” It doesn’t matter, and obsession with this will hold you back. Not understanding a new “English” does not mean all your hard study has been in vain.

When you encounter an unfamiliar version of English, first, get over the initial shock of not understanding this strange new language you seem to be hearing. You’ve studied so much, and thought your English was coming along pretty well, and here you are completely flummoxed by what should be basic English communication! This shock can immobilize you and turn you into unresponsive jelly. Punch through it by focusing on action, rather than inaction.

Focus 100% on the speaker. Actively listen and absorb, while doing your best to respond appropriately. Ask questions to confirm your understanding—or misunderstanding. Don’t be embarrassed, interrupt the speaker when you’re not understanding and ask them to repeat…or to speak more slowly…or to say what they want to say in different words.

As you marvel at this new, creative version of English you’re hearing, you
will gradually grow accustomed to it and begin to learn it. Whether it’s Scottish, Indonesian, or African, you will start to put the pieces together. Those pieces will be made up of unfamiliar pronunciation, grammar, word choice, intonation—and often facial expressions and gestures, too. It’s actually very satisfying when you finally get a grip on this new English and can swim in its waters. Your world has just opened up a little more!

And don’t worry about others passing judgement on your English based on such difficult encounters. Just smile and ignore them. Such armchair quarterbacks have no idea as to how much relentless effort and devotion it takes to really learn to communicate in a very international foreign language.






では、 English Now!ではこうした現実にどうやって向き合えば良いでしょう?第一に、皆さんの中にある「日本語英語」をフィルターにかけて取り除いていきます。私達講師は皆さんの中にしっかりとした基礎が築かれるまで、基本的には標準的なアメリカ英語で指導を行います。アメリカ英語の正確な発音を身に付け、はっきりと自然なイントネーションやリズムで話す練習に懸命に取り組むことにより、皆さんの英語が世界の人々に理解される確率はぐんと高まります。





