Junior High and English: “What should I do!?”

Your child is entering junior high school this spring! Congratulations!

Wow … time passed so quickly … and suddenly there’s so much to think about! It’s a huge change for kids and parents alike: new school, schedules, clothes, commuting routines, food, teachers, classmates, social life, rules, responsibilities, and expectations. For some kids, the transition is smooth — even fun. For others, the new stresses can be very challenging.

For parents, too, a whole new lifestyle will begin. Your child’s schedule is likely to be packed with longer school hours, club and sports activities, homework, and spending time with friends rather than with family. They would rather you no longer come to school sports day, and at the mall, they may prefer to go off separately and not be embarrassed to be seen with Mom and Dad. You’ll probably see far less of them. You may feel both proud … and lonely.

But what to do about English? You knew from long ago how important English was, and realizing that the little bit of English exposure in public elementary school would not be enough, your child has been studying English for several years, maybe even from preschool. But now junior high has started and it’s a whole new ballgame. English education at junior high is more rigorous, your child’s schedule is much busier, and most importantly, high school entrance exams are just around the corner. It would seem that giving up those extra English classes might be practical — even unavoidable, considering how crucial those exams will be.

Please stop and reconsider. Yes, English education in public school has improved recently, but it can still be hit-or-miss depending on the school and each individual teacher. However, more importantly, the English study in school still tends to be primarily academic, less communicative, and provides little individual attention.

Most junior high English classes involve one teacher, occasionally paired with an ALT, attempting to teach to a room of up to 40 students of widely varying abilities. It is very difficult to provide the individual attention so important in language learning. The teacher will often give in to targeting the average level, with the likely result that for half of the students the class is too challenging, and for the other half it’s not challenging enough.

Developing practical fluency in a language is very different from studying subjects like math, history or science. A purely academic approach to these — although perhaps not ideal — can still get a hard-working student a long way, because these subjects depend far less on social interaction. Language, on the other hand, is ALL about social interaction, that is, human communication. To become truly communicative, learning a language must include constant social interaction — not just interacting with whiteboard, book, paper, and pencil. As all language is based on sound, listening and speaking skills are paramount. They are not just an afterthought to reading and writing: they come FIRST.

Junior high English classes are not enough for a child to really develop fluency.
English Now!’s classes for junior and senior high kids perfectly complement what the students are learning at school. The kids who have attended English Now! for some time are already very accustomed to the sounds of native English. This is crucial, especially when the pronunciation they hear at school is likely to be less than ideal. And at English Now!, they have been using practical English very interactively in small classes with a native English speaking teacher. All of this gives them a strong base on which to apply the academic study they will get in junior high.

But this base is still not enough to permit your child to depend only on junior high or cram school English instruction. It will start to erode unless they continue interactive, communicative English study focusing on speaking and listening with a native teacher.

English Now!’s classes for junior and senior high kids are small, providing constant individual attention. We use textbooks aimed at college-age student studying English as a second language in the United States. These are far more communicative and stimulating than the typical junior high school fare. Furthermore, we provide plenty of time for guided discussion and the opportunity for each child to truly learn to express themselves in English.

So if you’re thinking of discontinuing your child’s classes when they enter junior high, please reconsider. Give them the best of both worlds! At junior high, they can review and reinforce vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing. At
English Now!, they can apply all this to truly become fluent, expressive, communicative English speakers.









中学校の英語の授業は、子どもたちが本当の意味で流暢さを磨くには不十分です。その点ENGLISH NOW!の中高生クラスは学校で習ったことを完璧に補完できます。当スクールに何年も通って下さっている生徒の皆さんは、すでに本物の英語の音によく慣れています。これは、特に学校で耳にする英語の発音が今ひとつな場合にかなり重要な要素です。そしてここENGLISH NOW!では少人数クラスを外国人講師が担当し、実用的な英語表現を含む会話を多く交わせます。こうした全てによりしっかりとした基礎ができあがり、中学校で勉強中心の学習が始まっても十分対応できるでしょう。


ENGLISH NOW!の中高生クラスは少人数設定となっており、講師はひとりひとりの生徒に常に十分な気を配っています。使用するのはアメリカで英語を第二言語として学習する、大学生くらいの年齢の人を対象とするテキストです。これらは典型的な日本の中学英語教材に比べ格段に会話要素が多いですし、良い意味で刺激的です。さらに言えば、ここでは講師のサポート付きのディスカッションをたくさん行っているので、それぞれの生徒が英語で自己表現をする方法をしっかり学べる機会も多いです。

中学校に入るタイミングでの退会をお考えの方がいたら、どうか今一度考え直してください。子どもたちが英語も中学生活も充実させられるよう最善を尽くしてあげましょう!中学校では語彙や文法、リーディング、ライティングを見直したり強化することができます。そしてENGLISH NOW!ではその全てを活かし、流暢かつ表現豊かでコミュニカティブに英語を話せる人を目指していきましょう。

“It’s a habit!”

The new year is here and with it comes talk of resolutions to set and hold to. Whether it’s to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, or study English, these resolutions are goals. And we’re always told that if we want to succeed with anything, we must set clear goals.

Well and good, but sometimes we get obsessed with the goal-setting at the expense of making the adaptations necessary to achieve the goal. Just setting the goal, putting up reminders and inspirational messages, and thinking and talking about it may actually hold you back. It feels like achievement, when nothing has really happened yet … and you lose steam.

You must create a lifestyle—a daily routine—which will keep your direction true and carry you toward the target. This depends on your habits. Whether good or bad, your habits, especially small ones, will make or break you. The cool thing is that habits, once established, will stick of their own accord, and can be relied on to keep you moving above and beyond your target. That is, if they’re
good habits!

So let’s talk about studying English. It’s a new year and you resolve to improve your English. You might set a specific goal like passing a test or completing a textbook, but how are you actually going to make this happen? By studying, of course! But … how is
that going to happen?

“I’ll study when I have the time.”

You’re already off-track … and unlikely to reach your goal.

Set a daily block of time to study English in a specific, progressive way to achieve your goal—and guard this block of time selfishly. Most highly successful people set such special blocks of time in the morning. They know that their day is unpredictable and trying to stick to a routine later in the day is not likely to work out.

After a couple of weeks of drawing on your will power to keep to your new study schedule, you’ll find that it takes on a sustaining power of its own: it becomes a HABIT. And even though it may be even a small effort, over time its effect will accumulate, compound, and power you toward your goal. It’s like the old saying: “Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves!” The “pennies” are the habits, and the “dollars” are your goals.

There will always be times when we must give our best energy to some other challenge we’re presented with, and our attention shifts away from our goal. Or our energy’s low and our will power is weak. When this happens, a solid positive habit will have your back and carry you through the rough spots. It will ensure that you keep your direction.

And even if your goal is fuzzy, those supportive positive habits will move you much further ahead than having a clear goal without supportive habits.

So set those habits immediately if you really mean to achieve that target—and guard them well. Don’t overdo it at first. Unreasonably difficult tasks will be hard to establish as habits and lead to disappointment. At first, for example, set a 20 minute morning study time. Once it becomes a natural daily habit, you can try to extend it a bit.

And don’t forget that stubborn bad habits keeping you from your goal are just as powerful. These must be broken to make strong progress. For example, one too many drinks in the evening will make you groggy in the morning, and you’ll have trouble concentrating well during your study time.

Our attention spans seem to weaken with each generation. To keep viewers engaged, entertainment media conditions us to expect challenges to be resolved and rewards to be received quickly—even magically.

Well … wake up and smell the coffee! As Phillip Glass said, “What’s the secret? Wake up early and work hard.”

Very true, but start with the habits. John Wooden said, “It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”









強い意志の力で新しい学習スケジュールに数週間も従えば、いつの間にか持久力が付いていることに気付くでしょう。そしてそれは「習慣」になります。たとえ小さな努力でも時を経るにつれて積み上がり、大きくなって、目標へと突き進む力を与えてくれます。古い諺にこんなものがあります。"Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves!(小銭を大切にすれば大金はおのずとたまる)"。「小銭」は習慣、「大金」は目標に置き換えることができます。





