The Sounds of English

Phonics, phonics, phonics — every school promotes that they teach phonics.

But is it anything more than a buzzword? Are they really serious about teaching phonics — or just giving it lip service?

Phonics was developed in the last century to help native English-speaking children learn to read.

From the beginning, many kids have trouble learning to read, while many others who had seemed to be reading just fine, stumble and hit a wall where suddenly they can no longer keep up. Phonics came to the rescue to solve these reading problems.

Reading English can be challenging because the names of the letters of the alphabet don’t necessarily correspond to the sounds they represent. For example, “E” and “G” might sound like their letter names sometimes, but often they don’t at all. Moreover, as we know, English spelling can seem very illogical at times.

This is confusing … and makes reading and spelling very difficult to get a handle on for many children. Consequently, many kids develop their own way of faking reading. They memorize what they hear and parrot it back to the teacher (or parent). They memorize how to read a word based on its overall appearance, but not on the individual sounds that make it up. They learn to say the sound at the beginning of the word, and then make intelligent guesses based on context.

However, at some point, as the words get bigger and the sentences get longer, their clever ruse breaks down. The child who had seemed to be reading so well, suddenly can’t.

Phonics is the missing code for reading English. While some kids can intuitively grasp reading without being taught, many others benefit enormously from actually having an explicit code with which they can learn how to read English much more quickly and less painfully.

Phonics is a godsend for such children, and in fact, probably for the majority of our kids.

However … phonics was originally intended for native speakers — not for children who have never spoken English. The phonics systems require that kids are already completely familiar with the sounds of English.

This is the dilemma we face in Japan. Ideally, the kids must learn the
sounds of English before we explicitly teach them phonics — and the sooner, the better.

It’s been proven again and again that the younger a child starts learning another language, the more skillful they become at it, and the more naturally they speak it.

Language learning really does start early —
really early! In fact, it’s been demonstrated that newborn babies actually cry in their native language! They use the same intonation patterns when they cry that are characteristic of the language they heard while still in their mother’s womb.

As children grow they not only voraciously add information to their brains, they also learn to filter out data determined not essential to survival. What this means for us is that, unfortunately, the children will gradually learn to hear
only the sounds of their own language — and learn to not hear other sounds considered unnecessary.

If we want our children to learn English, we must meaningfully expose them to the sounds of English as soon as possible. English must be a natural, ubiquitous part of their everyday environment — so much so that their brain determines that English is meaningful and important for daily life — and consequently deems English sounds important enough to comprehend and retain.

Here in Japan, this means filling your child’s life with English videos, movies, songs, books, games … anything and everything — and making these part of home life together, with all family members joining in as much as possible. English should be fun and connected to joyful experiences for the child. That way, the sounds of English will be significant to them — and will be heard and kept.

In our pre-kids classes at
English Now!, we focus exactly on this: positively exposing our very young students to the real sounds of the English language, so that they are already familiar with those sounds when we begin teaching phonics more directly in the Level 1 classes the following year.

Bring English into your child’s life and keep it there as early as possible. When he or she is old enough, bring them to
English Now! and we’ll take it from there to ensure that they learn English the best, most natural way possible.

















ENGLISH NOW!のPre-Kidsクラスではまさにこの点を重視していて、小さなお子さま方が楽しみながら本物の英語の音に触れられるレッスンを展開しています。すると翌年Level 1に上がってより本格的にフォニックスを学習する頃には、すっかりその音に馴染んでいるのです。

どうかできるだけ早い段階からお子さまの生活に英語を取り入れてください。そしてもしお子さまのご年齢が達していれば、ぜひENGLISH NOW!にお連れいただければと思います。彼らが最も効果的に、そして自然な形で英語を習得できるよう、ご家庭での努力を私たちが引き継いでいきます。

English and learning to enjoy learning!

We want our kids to learn English.
We want our kids to enjoy learning English.
Learning one’s own language happens naturally.
Learning a foreign language requires much effort.

We have a dilemma here. How can kids enjoy learning English if it requires real effort?

Babies in their own culture learn their native language to survive. Learning a foreign language not necessary for daily life requires some other strong motivation. For adults, this motivation must usually be conscious and requires disciplined study to really make progress. For most kids, this motivation must usually be subtle — perhaps even stealthily induced — to make learning a very positive experience.

English Now!, we aim to balance what’s wanted and what’s needed.

With our PreKids classes, we provide lots of cheerful fun and excitement as we introduce the sounds of English to kids who are likely to be really hearing them for the first time. We teach phonics without overtly teaching phonics. The first year, the kids playfully get used to hearing and making the sounds of phonics, so that next year they can more directly “study” phonics. They
want to have fun; they need to become familiar with the sounds of English and what the letters look like. Their motivation is having fun.

The next year in Level 1, the kids are a little bit more mature. They can sit at a table and hold a pencil a little better. Some are studious, but most aren’t accustomed to seriously studying much of anything yet. As always we aim at a good balance between want and need. We provide fun and excitement, and gradually introduce some of the focused study necessary to get a grip on English. Speaking, listening, writing and reading all become skills we specifically focus on as the kids get use to new ways of learning. Their main motivation is still having fun, but positive reinforcement for work well done becomes increasingly important.

From Level 2, the kids have entered primary school and are learning every day at school to “study.” We introduce textbooks and more academic structure to our classes, but aim at keeping learning exciting and enjoyable. Without these, motivation drops and English becomes just another tedious “naraigoto” filling up their schedule. We must continue to satisfy both the wants and the needs of the children.

From here out, through all the progressing levels, we strive to keep our classes stimulating and fun. This greatly increases engagement and motivation to learn English — even for those kids who may otherwise have little interest in English. We aim to spark the fire and keep it lit. And as the grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation we teach become more advanced, and require real effort to learn, the kids can keep up their motivation to stick with it and master the skills.

As the proverb goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But at
English Now!, these not separate. Work and play come together in the same classroom to motivate real learning.





ENGLISH NOW! では子どもたちに必要なことと、彼らが望んでいることのバランスを重視しています。

まず Pre-Kids クラスでは、英語の音を紹介しながら、たくさんの元気と楽しさ、ワクワクを提供します。対象となるのは聞いた音を一度でものにできてしまうほどの柔軟な耳を持った4~5歳の子どもたちです。自然な流れの中でフォニックスも指導していますよ。まず1年目に遊びを交えながら英語の音を聞いたり、発音することに慣れておくことで、翌年からはよりスムーズにフォニックスを「学習」できるようになります。子どもたちが望んでいるのは楽しさで、必要なのは英語の音に慣れ親しみ、英語の文字がどんな形をしているのか知ることです。ここでの動機付けは「楽しいこと」ですね。

Pre-Kids の上の Level 1 では、対象となる子どもたちは年長~小学1年生ともう少し大きくなります。席に着き、鉛筆もそれまでより上手に持てるようになってきます。もちろん勉強熱心な子もいるでしょうが、ほとんどは何かを真剣に学ぶことにまだ慣れていません。ここでも私たちが目指すのは子どもたちが「望むもの」と「必要とすること」のちょうど良いバランスです。引き続き楽しさやワクワクを提供しながら、英語を理解するために必要な集中的な学習を少しずつ取り入れていきます。新しい学習スタイルが馴染むにつれ、スピーキング、リスニング、ライティング、リーディングの全てが特に重点的に取り組む技能になっていきます。主な動機付けはここでも「楽しいこと」ですが、良くできたことに対する前向きな強化は次第に大切になっていきます。

Level 2 以上になると、毎日学校に行って「お勉強」している子どもがほとんどです。私たちはクラスでより学問的な構成やテキストを導入しますが、レッスンを楽しく刺激的なものにすることも同時に目指しています。そうでなければやる気が下がり、英語がスケジュールを満たすためのつまらない「習い事」の一つになってしまうからです。ここでも子どもたちが「望んでいること」と「必要としていること」の両方を満たさなくてはいけません。


"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (勉強ばかりで遊ばないと子供は馬鹿になる)"ということわざがあります。しかし、ENGLISH NOW!では遊びと勉強は別々のものではありません。本当の学びを促すため、教室の中では勉強と遊びを一緒に取り入れています。

Online Learning for Kids at English Now!

Ready or not, here it comes: Online learning for kids!

Can it work? From what age? How about for my child? Do the kids really learn? Can they really stay focused? What about shy children? What about personal attention for my child? Do I have to sit with my child during the entire lesson? Do I have to buy a new computer? Is the software difficult?

Lots of questions — good questions.

Because of the virus crisis, online learning has been thrust upon us whether we’re ready for it or not. Public schools in Japan have not been able to make the transition yet to online classes, and it looks like they won’t be able to soon.

With little choice, much of the working world has already jumped into the online fire, and tele-working and online meetings are quickly becoming the norm. Our kids also need to become comfortable and expressive with this new world of online communication.

Since mid-April,
English Now! has been conducting all of its lessons online — and that means for kids, too. Our classes have met with great success, and we’ve received wonderful positive feedback from our students and their parents.

It’s been a real learning experience for everyone — us included. Many of the smaller kids are nervous at first, but many of the older children are excited about having class online — and quite comfortable with it, too. They are already more accustomed than many adults with communicating through digital media. Surprisingly — and happily, many of our most rambunctious students have taken the most quickly to online classes.

We’ve been following the same basic curriculum as our in-person classes, but adapting our teaching to the new medium. We review basics and have guided conversation. We do phonics and read books together. We study with our textbooks, we go over our homework, we learn our Goal-of-the-Month, we sing our Song-of-the-Month, and we even watch video. Many of the older kids have even taken well to separating into Zoom “breakout rooms” where they can do pair or group work with other students on their own.

It’s hard to say when the world will get back to “normal,” but even when it does, we can be sure that online meetings and learning are here to stay. It’s a new medium that we all must master, especially our kids.

So if you’ve been holding off on online learning for your child — or yourself, now’s the time get your gumption up and jump in the pool. There’s a learning curve, but it’s not that bad, and when you’ve gotten a little used to it, it can be fun, too. And it’s a great opportunity for parents to directly experience exactly what their child is learning at
English Now!

If you’re new to online video chat, please read our Spring Adult Newsletter for pointers about how to prepare for and make the best of online meetings. There’s lots of helpful information there.

And if you have any questions at all about
English Now!’s online classes or how to prepare for them, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thanks. Stay safe and … We’ll see you online…!

ENGLISH NOW!のオンラインキッズクラス!






ENGLISH NOW!では4月中旬から全てのレッスンをオンラインで開催しております。これはキッズクラスも含めてです。レッ スンはとても上手くいっており、大変ありがたいことに生徒さまや保護者さまからも好意的なご意見、ご感想をいただいています。

今回のことは私たち講師やスタッフを含め、関わる全ての人にとって大きな学習機会になっています。小さなお子さま方の場 合、最初は緊張した様子が見られることもありましたが、年齢の高いお子さまの場合、ほとんどはオンラインでの授業にワクワ クしていて、しかもかなり容易にレッスンに参加していました。デジタルメディアを通してのコミュニケーションには、大人よ りも彼らの方がよほど慣れているのかもしれません。 驚くことに、そして喜ばしいことに、教室だと少しやんちゃなお子さまほど素早くオンライン授業に素早く馴染んでおります。

基本的な授業内容は「教室での対面レッスン」とほとんど同じです。ですがオンラインという新しい形式に合わせて「指導の 仕方」は多少変えております。

基礎的な英語表現を復習し、講師が生徒さま方を導きながら、皆で会話を進めております。フォニックス (発音学習)の学習にも取り組み、本も一緒に読みます。テキストを使って学習し、宿題も確認しますし、これまで通り、月ごとの目標にも挑戦して います。毎月の歌を歌い、ビデオも見ます。学年の大きなお子さま方の多くはZoomの"breakout rooms(ブレイクアウトルー ム)"という機能にも問題なく順応し、クラスメイトとペアワークやグループワークに取り組んでおります。

いつ世界が「通常」に戻るかはまだ分かりませんが、たとえその時が来ても、オンライン会議やオンライン学習はきっと今後 も定着することでしょう。これは私たち、特にお子さま方が習得しなくてはいけない新しいコミュニケーションの手段なのだと 思います。

もしオンライン学習からお子さまを遠ざけていたり、保護者さまご自身がオンラインを避けていらっしゃるようであれば、今 こそ勇気を持って飛び込む時です。最初は覚えることが多くて大変かもしれませんが、そう悪いものではありませんし、少し慣 れてくれば楽しさも感じられると思います。そして保護者の皆さまにとっては、お子さま方がENGLISH NOW!でどんなことを 学んでいるのか直接ご覧いただけるまたとないチャンスです。

もしオンライン学習からお子さまを遠ざけていたり、保護者さまご自身がオンラインを避けていかもしれません。 最初は覚えることが多くて大変かもしれませんが、そう悪いものではありませんし、少し慣れてくれば楽しさも感じられると思 います。そして保護者の皆さまにとっては、お子さま方がENGLISH NOW!で、どんなことを学んでいるのか、直接ご覧いただ ける良いチャンスでもあります。

そしてENGLISH NOW!のオンラインレッスンやその準備について、どんな小さなことでもかまいませんので、ご質問があれ ばお気軽にご相談ください。

エッセイをお読みいただきありがとうございました。皆さまお気をつけてお過ごしください。そして、ぜひオンラインでお会 いしましょう!

Junior High and English: “What should I do!?”

Your child is entering junior high school this spring! Congratulations!

Wow … time passed so quickly … and suddenly there’s so much to think about! It’s a huge change for kids and parents alike: new school, schedules, clothes, commuting routines, food, teachers, classmates, social life, rules, responsibilities, and expectations. For some kids, the transition is smooth — even fun. For others, the new stresses can be very challenging.

For parents, too, a whole new lifestyle will begin. Your child’s schedule is likely to be packed with longer school hours, club and sports activities, homework, and spending time with friends rather than with family. They would rather you no longer come to school sports day, and at the mall, they may prefer to go off separately and not be embarrassed to be seen with Mom and Dad. You’ll probably see far less of them. You may feel both proud … and lonely.

But what to do about English? You knew from long ago how important English was, and realizing that the little bit of English exposure in public elementary school would not be enough, your child has been studying English for several years, maybe even from preschool. But now junior high has started and it’s a whole new ballgame. English education at junior high is more rigorous, your child’s schedule is much busier, and most importantly, high school entrance exams are just around the corner. It would seem that giving up those extra English classes might be practical — even unavoidable, considering how crucial those exams will be.

Please stop and reconsider. Yes, English education in public school has improved recently, but it can still be hit-or-miss depending on the school and each individual teacher. However, more importantly, the English study in school still tends to be primarily academic, less communicative, and provides little individual attention.

Most junior high English classes involve one teacher, occasionally paired with an ALT, attempting to teach to a room of up to 40 students of widely varying abilities. It is very difficult to provide the individual attention so important in language learning. The teacher will often give in to targeting the average level, with the likely result that for half of the students the class is too challenging, and for the other half it’s not challenging enough.

Developing practical fluency in a language is very different from studying subjects like math, history or science. A purely academic approach to these — although perhaps not ideal — can still get a hard-working student a long way, because these subjects depend far less on social interaction. Language, on the other hand, is ALL about social interaction, that is, human communication. To become truly communicative, learning a language must include constant social interaction — not just interacting with whiteboard, book, paper, and pencil. As all language is based on sound, listening and speaking skills are paramount. They are not just an afterthought to reading and writing: they come FIRST.

Junior high English classes are not enough for a child to really develop fluency.
English Now!’s classes for junior and senior high kids perfectly complement what the students are learning at school. The kids who have attended English Now! for some time are already very accustomed to the sounds of native English. This is crucial, especially when the pronunciation they hear at school is likely to be less than ideal. And at English Now!, they have been using practical English very interactively in small classes with a native English speaking teacher. All of this gives them a strong base on which to apply the academic study they will get in junior high.

But this base is still not enough to permit your child to depend only on junior high or cram school English instruction. It will start to erode unless they continue interactive, communicative English study focusing on speaking and listening with a native teacher.

English Now!’s classes for junior and senior high kids are small, providing constant individual attention. We use textbooks aimed at college-age student studying English as a second language in the United States. These are far more communicative and stimulating than the typical junior high school fare. Furthermore, we provide plenty of time for guided discussion and the opportunity for each child to truly learn to express themselves in English.

So if you’re thinking of discontinuing your child’s classes when they enter junior high, please reconsider. Give them the best of both worlds! At junior high, they can review and reinforce vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing. At
English Now!, they can apply all this to truly become fluent, expressive, communicative English speakers.









中学校の英語の授業は、子どもたちが本当の意味で流暢さを磨くには不十分です。その点ENGLISH NOW!の中高生クラスは学校で習ったことを完璧に補完できます。当スクールに何年も通って下さっている生徒の皆さんは、すでに本物の英語の音によく慣れています。これは、特に学校で耳にする英語の発音が今ひとつな場合にかなり重要な要素です。そしてここENGLISH NOW!では少人数クラスを外国人講師が担当し、実用的な英語表現を含む会話を多く交わせます。こうした全てによりしっかりとした基礎ができあがり、中学校で勉強中心の学習が始まっても十分対応できるでしょう。


ENGLISH NOW!の中高生クラスは少人数設定となっており、講師はひとりひとりの生徒に常に十分な気を配っています。使用するのはアメリカで英語を第二言語として学習する、大学生くらいの年齢の人を対象とするテキストです。これらは典型的な日本の中学英語教材に比べ格段に会話要素が多いですし、良い意味で刺激的です。さらに言えば、ここでは講師のサポート付きのディスカッションをたくさん行っているので、それぞれの生徒が英語で自己表現をする方法をしっかり学べる機会も多いです。

中学校に入るタイミングでの退会をお考えの方がいたら、どうか今一度考え直してください。子どもたちが英語も中学生活も充実させられるよう最善を尽くしてあげましょう!中学校では語彙や文法、リーディング、ライティングを見直したり強化することができます。そしてENGLISH NOW!ではその全てを活かし、流暢かつ表現豊かでコミュニカティブに英語を話せる人を目指していきましょう。

Autumn is here…Back to basics!

It’s autumn—when the new school year starts in much of the world. Now is a good time to review how to help our kids get the most out of their weekly classes at English Now!

So let’s jump right into the “basics:”

• Don’t miss classes.
Yes, this would seem to be obvious, but many kids do miss classes and it really does make a difference in retention and motivation. Try your utmost to get your child to class on time every week.

• Bring your child to class early, if possible.
We generally try to let the kids into the classroom about 10 minutes before starting time (except for the PreKids classes), so that we can check homework and give more personalized attention to the kids that need it most.

• Read the email report sent to the parents after each class.
See what was studied and confirm the homework. This will help keep you more connected to your child’s English learning.

• Make sure your child does his homework.
See that they do not rush through it or do it at the last minute. If there’s a lot or it’s difficult, then it’s probably better to split it over two or more days. Refer to the textbook if there’s confusion.

• After the homework is complete, have them read it to you out loud in a big voice.
This turns reading and writing practice into speaking practice. This is essential. All languages started out as spoken communication, and must be spoken to be alive. If you feel your own English is up to it, help your child if they need it. It can also be fun—and educational—to ask them to teach the material to you, and then let them correct you when you make mistakes.

• Practice phonics pronunciation with video.
Accurate English pronunciation is very difficult, so don’t feel bad if it’s beyond you now. Find
“Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)” on YouTube. Have your child practice the phoneme pronunciation with it. Better yet…do it together! Video is important because you can see the way the mouth moves to make each sound.

• Help with handwriting.
Even if you don’t feel confident in your spoken English, there’s a good chance that you could really help your child with their handwriting. Please do—especially with younger children who are just starting.

• Sing our “Song of the Month.”
If you notice your child seems to like our monthly song, find it for them on
YouTube. The lyrics are on our website. Let them sing it at home…or in the car…or best of all…TOGETHER!

• Read together.
Read both their textbook and—more enjoyably—English children’s books together. Make sure the books suit their age and level.

• Live a lifestyle which includes English.
This may be the hardest—but the most important. It means creating an environment with lots of English in it: posters, books, magazines, music, movies, TV, video, Internet, conversation—even foreign food. Interestingly, the focus doesn’t need to be entirely on English. An environment rich in the diversity of the many cultures of the world will spark overall curiosity and interest. This can really help motivate your child.

• Travel abroad.
Travel as a family to an English-speaking country. This will make English more “real” for your child. Make sure the trip is fun for them—not just museums and restaurants and shopping.

• Don’t expect or force your child to “perform.”
It’s natural for most children to associate English with their English classes—and to associate normal home life with Japanese. To them, it seems strange and can be stressful to be put on the spot to demonstrate their English in a normally Japanese environment. The way around this is to create that English-inclusive environment at home. That way, the child feels that English is just another part of home life—and is more likely to use English at home.


 もうすっかり秋めいてきましたね。世界の多くの地域ではこの時期に新学年がスタートします。ENGLISH NOW!に通う子ども達は週に1回レッスンを受けていますが、より多くのことを吸収するため、ご家族はどんなサポートができるでしょうか?ちょうど良いのでここで確認しておきましょう。







【ビデオでフォニックスの発音を練習する】正確な英語の発音というのは非常に難しいので、力が及ばなくでも落ち込む必要はありません。そんな時にはYoutubeで “Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)”を検索しましょう。これを見ながら、子ども達にはフォニックスの発音を練習させて下さい。もしご家族の方が一緒に取り組めたらさらに良いですね!それぞれの音を作り出すためにどんな風に口を動かせば良いか確認できるので、映像は重要です。


【『今月の歌』を歌う】もし子ども達がスクールで歌っている『今月の歌』が好きなようであれば、その動画をYoutubeで検索しましょう。歌詞はENGLISH NOW!のホームページでも確認できますよ。ご自宅で、車で、どんな場所であっても、子どもと《一緒に》歌うことを楽しみましょう!





The Parent's Dilemma

As parents, we face a profound dilemma in deciding how our kids should study English. Should we aim at our child learning to truly communicate expressively in natural English? Or should we have them “study to the test”—that is, study English with the aim of scoring high on tests to get into certain schools?

Choosing the “communication” path means starting your child as early as possible with talented, competent English instruction. And for best and quickest results, it means actively integrating English into your family life, so that it becomes a normal part of the everyday home environment. This path to English is a determined, methodical process requiring dedication, positive reinforcement, and—ideally—the participation of the whole family.

With this intent, at
English Now! we start off the pre-school kids by just getting them used to the sounds and rhythms of English. They’re too young to be “students,” and English has usually had no part in their lives till now. It’s vital that their first experience with English be positive and fun, but purposeful. We enjoyably introduce them to the phonetic foundations of English, so that the next year when they’ve grown up a little, they’ll be able to study with more focus, having a background of meaningful English already in their recent memory. Over the next few years, we teach the kids to read and write focusing on phonics. At the same time, we introduce them progressively to a wide variety of English expressions, vocabulary and grammar. We emphasize pronunciation, and natural intonation and rhythm. We also introduce them to culture and ideas that are characteristic of the English-speaking world. These, too, are a vital part of learning to communicate in English naturally and effectively.

This approach takes time, commitment, and a bit of faith. Clear, measurable results do not appear quickly—especially if the child is only exposed to English once a week, with little English exposure at home. This path can be frustrating for parents who themselves don’t speak English well and really have no way to judge their child’s English besides tests. The child’s English proficiency will generally not blossom until well into the later years of elementary school, so the parents may wonder if their child really is learning English.

Parents who target test results and entry into particular schools demanding high test scores may be dissatisfied with this approach. If this is their goal, then the “study to the test” strategy focusing on cram school-type intensive repetitive drilling and practice tests may be more suitable. If their child is academically inclined and studious, they’ll probably get the results they seek more quickly this way—but at the expense of developing natural communicative ability.

So here is the parent’s dilemma. Early on, you must determine the direction of your child’s English study: Will you choose dedicated nurturing of the methodical process necessary for your child to learn to effectively—and richly—communicate in natural English? Or will you choose to focus on purely academic study to achieve high test scores?




上記の理由から、ENGLISH NOW!では小学校に上がる前の年齢の子どもたちには、まず英語の音とリズムに慣れてもらうところからスタートします。この年頃ではしっかりと「お勉強」に取り組むにはまだ幼いですし、この時点では英語が生活の一部にはなっていないことが多いでしょう。彼らが初めて触れる英語は明るく楽しく、それと同時に目的意識がはっきりしていることが極めて重要です。私たちは楽しみながら英語の基礎を導入していくので、翌年少し成長した子どもたちの記憶には意味のある英語がしっかりと刻まれていますし、より集中して学習に取り組むことができます。その後数年間はフォニックスを軸にして読み書きの指導をすると同時に、段階を踏みながら様々な英語の表現、語彙、文法を取り入れていきます。私たちが重視するのは発音と自然なイントネーション、リズムです。また、レッスンでは海外の文化や英語圏の特徴的な知識も紹介します。英語で自然かつ効果的にコミュニケーションを取れるようになるためには、こうした部分も必要不可欠です。




Let’s compare!…or not…!

Be honest. As parents, we all do it. Even when we know we shouldn’t. Even when we know it’s wrong.

We compare our kids to other kids…

In school, in after-school activities, in behavior, in skills, in achievements, in appearance, in strengths and weaknesses, in successes and failures—we compare them all. We just can’t let be.

Often, the worries from such comparisons are stressfully borne in silence.

Why hasn’t my toddler started talking yet?
Why is he slower than others in learning to walk?
Why can’t she make friends as quickly as other kids do?
Why does he seem slower to learn than others?
Why can’t she speak up confidently like other children do?
Why is he always behind the others in sports?”

But sometimes, the worries manifest more aggressively, often focused at the child.

“Why can’t you get your homework done on time like other kids?”
“Why can’t you write more neatly like other kids?”
“Why do you always forget things? Why can’t you remember like other kids?”
“Why can’t you keep your room clean like other kids?”
“Why can’t you sit still and focus like your classmates do?”
“Why can’t you help at home like other kids?”
“Why can’t you remember your multiplication tables like the others?”
“Why can’t you practice your piano like the other students?”

This happens with English study, too. Parents inevitably compare their child’s progress and ability to others. They’re proud if their child seems to be at the top of the class, exceeding the skills of others. And they’re often disappointed if it seems their child is behind the others.

Natural learning pace will vary widely among children, even of the same age—and making direct comparisons between them is often pointless. This is true for any skill or talent, academic or otherwise, but especially for learning a foreign language.

Some kids take to learning English very quickly. Some seem to be lost in the woods. Some excel at writing, but have trouble with other skills. Some do very well with speaking and listening, but have trouble reading.

Language has four distinct skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. They are interelated, but distinct and use different parts of the brain. As such, it’s only natural for different children to learn a language at different paces, and have different strong points and weak points. In fact, more often than not, the different children need to be taught in different ways with different strategies.

Some children are self-motivated. They want to achieve for various reasons: They may be naturally competitive. They may be trying to please their parents. They may like English. They may simply enjoy studying.

However, many children require an outside motivation to get their engine going. English is not naturally a part of everyday Japanese life, so it doesn’t seem to have much point beyond “study” to them. During class, they have trouble concentrating and their minds wander. They give minimal effort and try to disappear in the group. Motivating such kids means the teacher must be very positive, active, dramatic and fun in order to grab their attention and keep it long enough to get some real study in.

But their parents must help, too, by making English a normal part of everyday home life. Fill the home environment with English. Enjoy English books and video and music
together—and I really mean to emphasize together. The parents must be actively involved in creating the English environment—it’s not just for the kids’ study. In this way, English will come to have real meaning and purpose—and be fun for the kids, too.

English Now! has small classes. This allows us to give special attention to each student who needs it. Sometimes this means calling on a student more often in order to keep them on their toes. Sometimes this means adjusting the difficulty of a particular practice to each individual’s level.

Each student has strong and weak points among the four language skills. If your child needs some extra help, please try to bring them to class 10 minutes early. That way they can get some extra one-to-one coaching as we go over their homework.

And please…try not to dwell on your child’s skill and progress compared to others. With encouragement and the right approach, your child will come along very nicely at their own natural pace.















English Now! ではクラスの定員を少なく設定しています。これにより、必要に応じてそれぞれの生徒に十分な注意を払えます。ある時は生徒の名前を多めに呼び、しっかり先生の言うことを聞いていなくてはと緊張感を持たせます。またある時は、特定のアクティビティに際し、一人一人のレベルに合わせた指導を行います。



Create your child’s English “story!”

It’s been demonstrated again and again that the younger a child starts learning another language, the more skillful they become at it and, moreover, that the child’s intellect as a whole benefits. There’s no doubt about this.

However, this doesn’t simply mean that you must put your child in English school at an early age. Academic study alone isn’t enough to truly and meaningfully acquire English. For real fluency, English must become part of your child’s identity—part of their “story.”

We all have a “story” integral to our identity—to our concept of who we are. This story brings order, understanding and direction to our experience. It develops during our childhood largely under the influence of family and the dominant culture. Our story interprets and explains the world for us and provides us with possible paths to take. It becomes the structure—the paradigm—around which we organize and conduct our lives.

How does English fit into your child’s “story?” What part does English play in their concept of the world—in their identity?

Kids will do what seems natural to them. Parents of students sometimes ask us, “Why doesn’t my child speak English at home?” Well, if English has not been part of the child’s home life except for homework, using it at home will seem contrived and strange. The child is not likely to cooperate enthusiastically with being told to speak English outside of English class. For many children, English only enters their “story” when they’re at English class—nowhere else.

Again, English must be more than academic for your child to gain fluency—it must be a natural, unforced part of their home life. In this way, it becomes part of your child’s “story,” and so, part of their identity. Their surrounding environment must include English as a matter of course, and should stimulate all the senses as much as possible. English should fill their eyes through video and fun, illustrated books. It should fill their ears through song and video. It should be something the child can touch—for example, alphabet blocks, or a globe labeled in English. Taste and smell can even be included through sampling foreign food and travel abroad.

When should English become part of the child’s story? From birth—maybe even sooner! Even before birth we know that the child can hear well. Sing English songs to your unborn baby. If you don’t feel up to it, then play English songs loud enough for the baby to hear. And of course, make sure English songs are a natural part of the child’s everyday life after they makes their debut.

Ideally, parents and siblings will use English at home in addition to the native language—but it’s essential that this is not forced or strained. Having one day a week at home as “English Day,” or having “English Dinner” where only English is spoken are approaches that can work. But if you don’t think your family will go along with this, don’t stress about it. Just try to include fun English as a natural part of enjoyable family home life. Regularly listen together to English songs—perhaps while driving, watch English TV shows and movies, read English kids’ books, and explore English kids’ web sites. Even doing just these goes a long way towards your child feeling natural and comfortable with English.

Such English exposure and familiarity not only helps the child develop academic skills and real-world fluency, it brings a world view with a much broader perspective. Opportunities and exciting possibilities will open up for your child that would never have appeared otherwise.

So parents, let’s actively cultivate and nurture our children’s English “story.”












When to Start?

It’s an ongoing argument that can become emotional and polarize the participants: When should a child begin studying a foreign language?

Traditionalists and nationalists tend to be the most vocally opposed. Many seem to feel that foreign language study at a young age presents a threat to the native language. They hold to the belief that a foreign language must only be introduced after mastery—whatever and whenever that is—of the mother tongue has been attained.

On the other hand, it should be no surprise what side of the debate I side with. Research—and my own experience—has repeatedly shown that “the earlier, the better” is the rule—not only in order to master the foreign language, but to reap numerous other benefits. Foreign language exposure and learning add to the child’s intellectual abilities overall. The foreign language doesn’t make the child “less.” It makes the child “more!” And as long as the native language is kept up and developed concurrently, the foreign language certainly does not detract from it.

Practically speaking, the younger brain is much faster at absorbing new information. It hasn’t yet set up as many filters to screen out information which experience has taught it to be unnecessary for daily life. This is particularly true for sound. Different languages are spoken by manipulating sound in different ways. In the interest of efficiency, our brain gradually learns to filter out sounds unnecessary in our native language. By the time we’re in elementary school, we already have difficulty accurately comprehending and creating many of the sounds used in a foreign language. This seriously holds back both listening and speaking skills. The earlier the child starts, the less this is a problem.

But mastering pronunciation isn’t the only reason to start young. Early competence with a foreign language brings other benefits, both tangible and intangible. Both intellectually and socially the child will become a bigger person. He’ll be taking advantage of parts of his brain less developed in the monolingual. And thanks to exposure to other cultures through language study, he’ll be more open-minded and aware of multiple possibilities and potential. He’ll be more likely to consider options outside the monocultural box. This broader world view is the beginning of true internationalization.

In the end, it’s the parents who will have to make many of the choices which shape their children’s personality and future. It’s a heavy responsibility. I would encourage you to be brave and introduce your child to English as early as possible. Give her the advantage of a head start on learning to skillfully and naturally use English, and in so doing, raise her to become a more broad-minded, worldly individual.








The Priorities of Spring

It’s January. The holidays are finished. It’s cold.

Now is the season to plan. And I don’t mean New Year’s resolutions for ourselves to make and break like every year. I mean something more down-to-earth, imminent, and perhaps ominous: the arranging of our children’s schedule from the spring.

For unlike most other countries, modern Japan starts its school year—and many, many other important activities like employment and transfers—in the spring. Actually, it wasn’t always so. During the Meiji Era, Tokyo University started its academic year in September, just like 70% of the world’s nations do now. But in 1921, this was changed to match the government’s fiscal year, which happened to be in the spring.

January is when we need to be seriously considering the direction we want to lead our children. This means prioritizing. We can’t “have it all,” as they say, and neither can they. Though still young, our children already have over-booked schedules. And to complicate things further, the public schools have been experimenting with bringing back school on Saturdays—cutting further into their busy weekend. We can’t schedule everything we’d like to into their lives. There aren’t that many hours in the day and we would burn them out anyway. We must prioritize.

So what’ll it be: Soccer or swimming? Piano or ballet? Abacus or calligraphy? A cram school or a private tutor?

Or English…Where does English fit into the priorities we have for our children?

Our vision of the future will largely determine our decisions. What do we see ahead: a Japan which can remain focused inward, where the domestic industries and markets will be enough to sustain its economy and English will really only be necessary for a minority of international business people, scientists, academics, and Foreign Ministry employees? Or do we see a Japan where international exchange in every field will be not just an ambiguous goal paid lip service to by politicians and TV talk show celebrities, but will be absolutely necessary for Japan’s economy—and its people—to prosper?

Considering the state of Japan’s economy at present—and it is far from healthy, I see the latter coming. To maintain a high standard of living—and not just scrape by, genuine internationalization will be key. And this means the real thing—not just making a pretense of it. This means embracing international awareness and participation as an integral part of our daily lives. We may not have any other choice.

This will be the reality our kids may someday graduate into. Japan’s society and economy will not be the same as our generation experienced. We might think this regrettable, but we must not deny it. Preparing our children for success in the world we knew would be a grave mistake.

So when you set your priorities for your child’s schedule this spring, place English near the top. English will be not just a feather in their cap to earn bragging rights. It may mean the difference someday between a comfortable livelihood, and one that just gets by.












Autumn refocus: What’s most important?

In many countries, autumn means new beginnings. A new school year traditionally began in the fall since, in earlier times, this was when the harvest was in—which the whole family helped with—and the shorter days meant a little less farm work and more time to study.

Autumn is a good time to review where we’re going with our children’s English and what’s important. At
English Now!, we aim at developing all of the basic language skills, including speaking, listening, reading and writing. But if there were only one skill I could impart to a Japanese child studying English, it would unquestionably be pronunciation.

Human language is inherently based on sound, and sound must be where we start. The biggest obstacles to Japanese English being understood internationally are pronunciation and intonation—in other words, sound.

Without exaggerating, the Japanese transliteration of foreign languages into katakana could be considered the root of all evil here. Numerous sounds making up foreign languages simply cannot be created with katakana. Forcing them into katakana anyway results in Japanese being able to more easily speak a foreign language to each other, while being unintelligible to the native speakers of those languages.

The earlier the child is exposed to good English pronunciation, the better. This is why
English Now! works so hard to provide an all-English environment, only skilled native English-speaking teachers, thorough phonics practice, and—last, but not least—song.

English Now!, the child is immersed in a learning environment where using English is a matter of course. It’s natural and expected. It’s very difficult to provide this at home, where the child has usually grown up communicating almost entirely in his native language since birth. Most children feel strange and even rebel against using English at home. It just seems wrong. On the other hand, when the child comes to English Now!, he enters an environment almost entirely in English and so it’s much easier for him to make the transition to using English himself.

It goes without saying that the most accurate English pronunciation and intonation will be learned from native speakers. For this reason,
all of our teachers are native speakers. They are not simply assistants to non-native speaking teachers. And since we rotate our teachers among our classes, each child is thoroughly exposed to a wide variety of authentic native English with respect to region, accent, pace, intonation, subtle variation in pronunciation, age and, of course, gender. Consequently, our students are better able to comprehend the English of many different people.

Our phonics work is thorough and profound. We prioritize phonics highly, not just for teaching how to read, but for teaching accurate pronunciation. Phonics study is absolutely essential and its starts with the very first day of our Pre-kids’ classes.

Finally, it may seem less significant, but
English Now!’s children’s classes always include a new “Song of the Month.” This is not just for fun. Singing in English is invaluable, not only for teaching natural pronunciation, but for getting the child accustomed to natural English rhythm and intonation. Rhythm, intonation and stress are often ignored with typical textbook study, but are absolutely unavoidable when singing. Lyrics attempted to be sung with katakana pronunciation and Japanese intonation simply won’t fit into the music.

When the Japanese child finally encounters formalized English study in school, it is unfortunately all too likely to be taught with poor pronunciation. If he or she already has a strong foundation in good pronunciation, this is much less likely to be a problem. But without that strong foundation, the child will probably work hard at learning the poorly pronounced English, only to have to painfully unlearn it someday in the future when international English communication is called for.

Start your child off right: with good, natural English pronunciation as early as possible here at
English Now!

秋の見つめ直し: 本当に大切なことは?


秋は子どもたちの英語がどれだけ伸びているか、上達のために何が重要かを振り返るのにとても良い時期です。ENGLISH NOW!ではスピーキング、リスニング、リーディング、ライティングといった全ての基礎力をアップさせることを目的としてレッスンを行っています。しかし、もし何か一つだけ英語のスキルを子どもたちに与えられるとするなら、迷わず発音を選びます。




ここENGLISH NOW!では、子どもたちは英語を使うことを当たり前とした学習環境に身を置くことになります。これは当然であり、また求められることでもあります。子どもたちは大抵、それぞれの家庭では生まれた時から母国語だけを使って育ってきたことでしょう。そんな場所で急に英語を使えと言われても違和感を感じますし、反発だって生じかねません。どうしたって、自然なことではありませんから。一方、ここENGLISH NOW!で子どもたちは英語の環境に足を踏み入れることになる訳ですから、「英語を使うんだ」という意識の切り替えも容易になるのです。





正しく自然な発音の英語を提供できるENGLISH NOW!で、できるだけ早い内に、子どもたちには良いスタートを切らせてあげましょう!

The ABCs

How much more basic can we get than “A, B, C…?”

Yet even saying the alphabet seems to be a hurdle too high.

I dread having to spell out letters over the phone in Japan. What should be routine becomes a test of patience and sympathy. It is simply impossible to correctly pronounce the letters of the English alphabet and have them understood over the phone. Be it a name—as I had to spell for the support staff of a well-known credit card company recently, or a software key—as I had to spell out for customer support for one of the most famous software companies in the world, none of them were able to understand the correctly spoken alphabet. I think we can assume that all of them were well-trained and educated.

I have learned over time that the only way to get the message across in such cases is to expressly speak the katakana version of each alphabet letter. Yes, I realize that this is Japan, and it’s my responsibility to meet the Japanese people on their terms, but is it so much to ask that at least the alphabet be understood? Especially considering that most here have had at least 6 years of English education in junior and senior high schools.

Unfortunately, it seems to confirm the sorry state of English language education that results in most Japanese not being able to communicate in basic spoken English.

I recently needed to find large-size alphabet flash cards to use in class. I wanted simple cards with no picture. The only set readily available was from a very well known, successful
juku (cram school) chain—one that has even internationalized beyond Japan. When the cards came, I was aghast that under each letter was printed its katakana pronunciation. A heavy black magic marker taken to each card quickly covered the offending kana, but I was left with a sick feeling in my stomach about how pervasive this problem is. Even the biggest schools offering English teaching outside of public education are introducing the alphabet to Japanese children with katakana.

Those poor kids…

Many of them will work hard to learn this “English” only to have to unlearn and relearn everything when they’re adults and really need to use it.

This is not simply a business opportunity, where
English Now! can step in and save the day. We have to work to change this! As responsible members of the community concerned about Japan’s uncertain future, it’s a duty.

English education is gradually being introduced to Japanese elementary schools. The classes currently offered in 5th and 6th grades are intended as fun, gentle ways to expose the kids to English and to visiting native speaking AETs. More serious, dedicated classes are planned for the future. We must do everything we can to ensure that qualified Japanese teachers with good English pronunciation introduce English to our children. Starting to learn at this age is certainly appropriate and a wonderful opportunity for the kids, but they must start out on the right foot. Otherwise, we’re just making things worse for them later.

At least, let’s teach them to say the “A, B, C’s” correctly.


英語の基礎の基礎と言われて、真っ先に浮かぶのは"A, B, C..."ではないでしょうか?








私はなにもそれがビジネスチャンスだとか、だから"ENGLISH NOW!"はどうの、とか言いたい訳ではありません。私達は皆、この風潮を変えなくてはいけません。日本の未来を憂う一人の大人としての責任であり、義務でもあると考えます。



How can I help with my child’s English study? Part 2

Last month we talked about the basic things a parent can do at home to help out with their child’s English study. This month let’s get a little more daring. How can we supplement the classroom study at English Now!?

• First, take advantage of the resources at your fingertips. All of the
Let’s Go series textbooks from Let’s Begin all the way up to Let’s Go 6 have an audio CD in the back of the book. It includes much of what’s on the CD we use in class. Don’t just tell your child to listen to it. Most children, especially younger ones, will not enjoy using this CD alone. This would just seem like a boring chore and they might understandably rebel. Use the CD together with your child to do listen-and-repeat practice. The focus is on together. Try to repeat the words and phrases just like the native speakers on the CD. In addition to being an excellent review for your child, it helps you know exactly what we’re doing in class and to improve your own pronunciation and intonation. This gets around the danger of perhaps teaching your child poor pronunciation by simply reading the textbook together. Use the CD.

• Spark your child’s natural curiosity by filling his environment with fun English media. English books can be borrowed from the Tsukuba Public Library or bought from Amazon. Let your child choose the book. If your child is young and you feel your English is up to it, read aloud to him while talking about the pictures together. As your child gets older, he can try to read on his own. Just make sure the books are what
he wants to read.

• There are many American TV cartoons on Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Watch them—in English, of course. Do not allow Japanese for these. Watch a variety and let your child find his own favorites. Likewise, you can rent animated English movies. If you watch them first in Japanese, watch them the second time in English. Watch these together with your child and talk about them. Try to catch some of the English words together. Enjoy the entertainment.

• The digital world offers many alternatives for more English exposure and practice. If you have an iPad, the iTunes store has many thousands of inexpensive interactive books of all levels that your child can enjoy. He can read the books himself or have the books read to him, all the while interacting creatively with the software.

• Sing together. Many kids hate study that feels like studying. Singing English songs together can be fun—and good English practice for both of you. Try singing while driving. Let your child choose a song he likes from the Songs of the Month that we sing in class. Get its lyrics from our web site, and try singing it together. If you’re not sure about the melody, use YouTube to find videos of others singing it.

• Travel abroad. During one of the long school breaks, choose any native-English speaking country and go there together. It’s much easier to travel with kids than you think. And most kids love the stimulation. This kind of experience alone has been known to kickstart a deep interest in English for many a child. English becomes real—not just something to study.

• Finally, a warning: Don’t expect your child to suddenly start speaking English at home. And by all means, don’t put him under pressure to perform in front of others. In all likelihood, he has grown up in a home where Japanese has been used almost exclusively. Speaking English in such an environment is strange to him. It just doesn’t make sense. If you expect your child to speak English at home, the family must speak English at home. If you are truly this ambitious, have discipline, and can get positive cooperation from everybody, then give it a try. Choose one day a week, preferably a Saturday or Sunday, and designate it “Family English Day.” Use only English from morning to night and focus on having fun that day—
in English. Don’t just make it into “English Study Day.” Go to the park. Watch a movie. Order pizza and have cake with ice cream. Make it a day that’s so fun that everyone in the family will want to repeat it every week.

子供の英語学習、保護者にできること ~パート2~

保護者がどのように子供たちの英語学習をサポートできるか、先月のニュースレターでは基本となる何点かをご紹介しました。今月はもう少し踏み込んでみましょう。子供たちがここ"ENGLISH NOW!"で学んだことを、ご自宅でどれだけ補足してあげられるでしょうか?

• まずは手元にあるものを上手く利用していきましょう。"Let's Begin"から始まって"Let's Go 6"まで、"Let's Go"シリーズのテキストには裏表紙の内側にCDが付属されています。実はこのCD、レッスン中に先生たちが使用しているオーディオ教材の内容ほとんどが含まれているんです。ですが、だからといって単にこれを聞きなさいと言うだけでは駄目ですよ。多くの子供たち、特にまだ年齢が低い子にとって、1人でCDを聞くのはあまり楽しいことではありません。ただつまらなくなって、やりたくないと言い出しかねません。ですから、ぜひこのCDはお子様と一緒に聞いて、内容を声に出して繰り返す練習をして下さい。CDでネイティブスピーカーが言うように、発音を真似て単語やフレーズを口にしてみましょう。子供たちにとって良い復習になるだけでなく、保護者の皆様も、子供たちが実際にどんなこと学んでいるのか知ることができます。そして、ご自身の発音やイントネーションを鍛えるチャンスでもあります。ただテキストを一緒に読むという一場面を例にしてみても、子供たちにあまり良くない発音を聞かせてしまうリスクが減ります。ぜひCDを有効活用して下さい。

• 楽しい英語のメディアで周囲の環境を満たすことで、子供たちが元々持っている好奇心を刺激してあげましょう。英語の本が読みたければ、つくばの図書館で借りられますし、アマゾンなどで購入もできます。ぜひ子供たちにそれぞれ好きな本を選ばせてあげて下さい。もし自分でもどうにかなる、と思えれば、時折その挿絵について話をしながら、読み聞かせてあげるのも良いですね。ある程度大きくなれば、子供たちが自分の力で読んでみることだって可能でしょう。読むのは子供たちですから、本は彼ら自身に選ばせてあげて下さいね。

• カートゥーン・ネットワークやニコロデオン、ディズニー・チャンネルなどでは様々な英語のアニメを視聴できます。音声は英語にして、ぜひそういった作品を楽しんでみて下さい。日本語で見てしまってはいけませんよ。色々と試してみて、自分のお気に入りを見つけさせてあげて下さい。同じように、アニメ映画を英語で見ることもおすすめします。もし一度目を日本語で見たなら、次は英語にしてみましょう。お子様とアニメや映画を鑑賞して、感想などをたくさん話し合って下さい。英語の単語やフレーズを聞き取ることができるか、一緒に挑戦するのも良いですね。思う存分楽しみましょう。

• 英語に触れたい、練習したいと思うなら、無数の選択肢があるデジタルコンテンツを利用するのも手です。もしiPadをお持ちなら、iTunesストアにアクセスしてみて下さい。そこには何千という数の本が用意されています。それぞれの値段はさほど高価ではありませんし、それぞれのお子様のレベルに合ったものを選ぶことができます。子供たちが自分で本を読んでも良いですし、ソフトウェアの独創性に触れながら、本の方に発音をさせることだって可能です。

• 子供たちと一緒に歌うこともおすすめします。「お勉強」の雰囲気が好きになれない子は少なくないでしょう。ですが一緒に英語の歌を歌うことは楽しいですし、それに子供たちにとっても、親にとっても、とても良い英語の練習になります。車の中で、運転しながら歌ってみましょう。当校HPには毎月の歌の専用ページを用意していますので、ぜひ好きなものを選んで下さい。そこから歌詞をダウンロードすれば、さっそく一緒に歌い始められます。もしメロディに自信がないなら、動画サイトなどでタイトルを検索すれば、他の人が歌っているものがすぐに見つかりますよ。

• ぜひ海外旅行を視野に入れて下さい。学校が長期休みになる時などに英語圏の国を選んで、お子様と一緒に旅行に行きましょう。子供連れの旅は、想像するほど大変ではなかったりします。そして、子供というのは得てして刺激が好きなものです。こうした経験をきっかけに英語への関心がぐっと高まり、学習に弾みがついた、なんて話も良く聞きます。旅行することで、子供たちにとっての英語がお勉強ではなく、もっと身近でリアルなものになるのでしょう。

• 最後に一つ忠告を。子供たちがある日突然、家でも英語を話し出す、なんてことは期待しないで下さい。他人の前で英語を披露するよう、無理にプレッシャーを与えるようなことも、どうか止めてもらいたいと思います。多くの子供たちはこの国の、日本語しか使わない家庭で育ってきたことでしょう。そんな環境で英語を話せと言われても、子供たちはその意味が理解できず、ただ違和感しか感じられません。どうしてもご自宅で英語で話してほしいとお考えならば、そのご家族もまた英語を話すというのが道理でしょう。もし皆さんがこのことに意欲的で、しっかりと決まりを守り、ご家族からも協力を得られるというのであれば、ぜひ挑戦してみましょう。土曜か日曜が望ましいですが、週の中でどこか一日を"Family English Day (家族で英語を話す日)"に設定します。この日は朝から晩まで英語だけで、楽しく過ごすことを目指します。"English Study Day (英語を勉強する日)"になってしまってはいけません。公園に行ったり、映画を見たり。ピザやケーキ、アイスなんかを食べるのも良いですね。とても楽しくて、家族の皆にとって待ち遠しくなるような日にしましょう。

How can I help with my child’s English study?

April being the beginning of all things in Japan, it’s an opportunity for us to review the role of the parent in English study here at English Now!

We want to do the best for our kids, but how much—or how little—should we do? And with English study, what exactly can we do to help anyway?

We must be honest with ourselves. How much we can help depends on our own English level. But don’t let this get you down if you feel your English is not up to it. There’s still plenty you can do. Here are the basics:

• Make sure your child attends class every week and is on time. This is extremely important. If possible, arrange that he arrives up to 10 minutes before class so that homework can be thoroughly checked and special attention given.

• Read the email class reports sent out that evening and confirm what was studied and what the homework is. In the week before the next class, ensure that your child’s homework is done—and that it’s not done too hastily or at the last minute.

• The children should attempt to do their homework on their own. If they’re having trouble, refer them to the pages in the textbook that cover that material and let them try to figure it out for themselves. If they’re still stumped and you feel your English is up to it, explain to them exactly what to do. But don’t do it for them!

• Look over their homework and if you see mistakes, point out the general area where there’s something wrong. Tell them to find the mistake themselves, referring to the corresponding pages of the textbook if necessary. Only as a last resort should you tell them exactly what the problem is.

• With all the attention given to penmanship in Japan, you’re probably more than qualified to help your child out with his handwriting. This is independent of conversation skills. Especially with the younger children, make sure they’re holding their pencils correctly and writing their letters generally from top-to-bottom and left-to-right—that is, the same as when writing Japanese. Americans are much less particular about stroke order than Japanese and there are multiple ways to write certain letters. So don’t worry if the H’s, J’s, M’s, N’s, etc. are written a little differently from what you think is perfect. Focus on making sure their handwriting is a reasonable size for their age, uniform, proportional, and easily readable—and that there are spaces between the words.

These are the basics. Start here. Next month, we’ll continue with additional ways to help out with your child’s English at home.


日本では、4月は全ての始まりを意味します。今こそ、ENGLISH NOW!での英語学習における、私たち親の役割を見直す時です。



• お子様が毎週必ず、時間までにレッスンに到着するように送迎をして下さい。これは本当に大切なことです。可能であれば、レッスン開始の10分程前にお子様をお連れ下さい。先生達は丁寧に宿題をチェックし、特別な注意を払うことができます。

• 毎回レッスン後にお送りしているキッズメールで、お子様がその日どんなことを学習したのか、そしてどんな宿題が出ているのかを確認して下さい。そして次のレッスンまでに、必ず宿題を終わらせてきて下さい。直前になって慌ててやることのないように。

• 宿題は自分の力でやるようにして下さい。もしどこかでつまずいてしまったら、対応しているテキストのページを参照するなどして、自分で答えを見つけさせましょう。それでもまだ問題を解けなくて、保護者である皆様に理解できるレベルのものであれば、具体的に何をすればいいのか指示してあげて下さい。しかし、答えを教えてしまうのはいけませんよ!

• お子様がやり終えた宿題を確認し、もし間違いがあるようなら、大まかにどの辺りにミスがあるのか指摘しましょう。必要であればテキストを見比べながら、間違いの場所を自力で探させて下さい。ミスした個所を教えるのは最終手段です。

• 書き順やはね、とめなど、日本人は文字を書くことに相当気を使いますよね。その点からすると、保護者の皆様にはお子様の「筆跡」を見てあげる力は十分あるはずです。これは英語の会話力とはまた別物ですので。特に小さなお子様の場合には、鉛筆を正しく持てているか、上から下へ、左から右へと書けているかを気を付けてあげて下さい。これは日本語と変わりませんよね。アメリカ人は日本人ほど書き順にこだわらないので、文字によっては書く方法がいくつかあったりもします。ですので、例えば"H, J, M, N"などの書き方がこちらの考える「完璧」なものとちょっと違っても、あまり心配する必要はありません。それよりも、年齢にもよりますが、ある程度小さく書けているか、統一されているか、バランスは取れているか、読みやすい字か、そして語と語の間にスペースを置けているかといったところに注目して下さい。


That’s Mister Saffell to you!

There’ll be a small change in our kids’ classes from April. But it’s a meaningful change.

Except for our pre-kids’ classes, all children shall address their teachers by “title + surname,” that is, “Mr.” or “Ms.” plus the family name. For example, I will be “Mr. Saffell,” while Jennifer will be “Ms. Fred.”

Why the change? Don’t we want to encourage a relaxed “American” atmosphere by using first names?

In most adult classes…yes. But in children’s classes, this is unrealistic and misleading.

In Japanese elementary, middle and high schools, do the students address their teachers by first name? Of course not! You can imagine what would happen if they tried to.

Well…America’s the same. Teachers are addressed respectfully by their family names. To do otherwise would be rude.

In our adult classes, we strive to make our English study situationally realistic. The English must be appropriate to the situation. The same holds true for kids’ classes. It’s a disservice to the children to let them think they can call their teachers by their first names. If they do so in America, they will be quickly reprimanded. It is very inappropriate.

The English we teach children at English Now! must be authentic and usable should they find themselves abroad or in some situation where they must socialize with foreigners. We definitely do not want to set the kids up for trouble.

What about the the pre-kids—the 5-year-olds who haven’t entered grade school yet?

It’s a little different, but again, we’ll do it American-style. There are variations, but the most common way for small children to address their teacher in preschool in America is “Mr./Miss + first name.” I would be “Mr. Jacques,” while Jennifer would be “Miss Jennifer.” Addressing by first-name-only is considered inappropriate by many because it puts the adult at the same level as the child. By adding the title, the child is taught to address adults with respect.

This may be a little confusing to the kids at first—and maybe to Mom and Dad as well, but it should become second nature within a few months. Just remember that it’s all part of preparing our kids in the best way possible to effectively communicate in the big world out there.

ジャック?いいえ、"Mr. Saffell"です!


Pre-Kidsクラスを除き、今後は全キッズクラスで先生のことを「敬称+名字」で呼んでもらうことになりました。つまり私のことなら"Mr. Saffell"、ジェニファー先生なら"Ms. Fred"となりますね。






English Now!では、国内外問わず外国人と上手く交流を図れるようになるため、子供達にリアルで実用的な英語を指導しています。私達は、彼らが困るようなことは絶対にしたくありませんから。


多少の違いはあるものの、しかし私達はあくまでアメリカンスタイルにこだわります。広い国ですので地域により異なる部分もありますが、アメリカの幼稚園では一般的に、先生達は"Mr./Miss"に「下の名前」をつけて呼ばれます。つまり、私は"Mr. Jacques"になりますし、Jennifer先生は"Miss Jennifer"となる訳です。ファーストネームだけを呼び捨てにさせるのは、大人を子供と同じ立場に置くように感じられ、好ましくありません。"Mr."などの敬称を付けることにより、子供達は敬意を持って大人に呼びかけることを学びます。


Boys Rule!

“Otoko wa tsurai yo!” is not just for old Tora-san movies.

Boys have it rough—especially these days with the emphasis on political correctness and banishing assertive, competitive behavior in the education of young children.

To paraphrase the comedian Rodney Dangerfield, “We don’t get no respect!” The boys are not understood for what they are and the ladies often just seem to want us to calm down and act like the girls.

Through pre-school and elementary school, most of our teachers are women, and many just don’t seem to condone boys being boys. We take longer to emotionally mature—often much longer. We’re extremely physical. We have regular shots of high powered energy many times a day—testosterone surges— that just have to be blown off somewhere. Just telling us to sit down, hold still, be quiet, and focus on our study won’t cut it. In fact, it may be an impossibility for many of us.


As a result, we quickly become labeled as disruptive, uncooperative, aggressive, and unable to concentrate.

We’re guilty of being boys.

Okay, this is tongue-in-cheek—but not entirely. The boys often are expected to act in a manner they are simply not capable of yet—at least until they get a few more years of growing up.

English Now!, most of our teachers are guys, and as guys we grew up facing the same problems in school as many of our boy students. We can empathize. Almost every one of us acted up in class when we were young—and was reprimanded for it. This doesn’t mean at English Now! we let the boys get away with disruptive behavior, but it does mean that we understand it better and can redirect it more positively—while letting the boys be boys.

Our teachers work hard to bring life to English study so that it’s not just more schoolwork—it’s something exciting with real meaning for the kids’ lives. We keep the boys in line—like good coaches—and we try to focus all that wonderful, wild energy into learning in a stimulating way.

So ladies, cut us some slack and resign yourselves to the fact that sometimes we just need a few more years before we can calm down, sit still and study English like the girls. Our progress is likely to be slower, but…don’t worry...

We’re just boys!









ENGLISH NOW!の講師は大半が男性であり、過去には今ちょうど男の子たちが直面しているのと同じような問題にもぶつかってきました。誰もが授業中にふざけて叱られた経験がある、と断言してもいいでしょう。もちろん、だからといって暴れ回る生徒をそのままにしている訳ではありませんよ。そこは誤解しないで下さいね。ただ、私たちは男の子の気持ちをよく理解できます。それ故に、頭ごなしに叱るのではなく、彼らが自分らしくいながら、気持ちを英語に持っていくよう仕向けることができるのです。




Writing “Correctly?”

“What is the correct way to write ‘…’ ?”

“…” usually being a lowercase or uppercase letter—“i,” for example.

We often get asked such questions by very worried parents. Sometimes parents are concerned about the fonts that we use for our students’ worksheets. They may feel that a particular letter is not represented “correctly.”

Japan is a country renowned for its attention to detail and this has served it well. In everything from engineering to calligraphy to cuisine, Japan has earned this reputation. This marvelous focus on detail, however, can work against us if it approaches obsession. One can fall into the trap of “not seeing the forest for the trees,” that is, losing sight of the big picture because of focusing only on a small part of it.

Human language developed first and foremost as a means to verbally communicate. Language is phonetically founded on this, and proficiency in verbal communication is our primary target. Historically, reading and writing came later. Of course, in this day and age, reading and writing are absolutely necessary, but without a strong foundation in verbal skills, they are weak and cannot support realistic face-to-face communication on their own.

At English Now! we prioritize our child students developing verbal skills and introduce reading and writing as a means to support this. Reading and writing are vital tools, but they are not an end in themselves.

American schools devote far less attention to correct “stroke order” than Japanese schools do. As long as the child’s writing is legible, the teacher is usually satisfied. In fact, the various workbooks available for practicing the alphabet often teach different stroke orders—particularly for letters like “M” and “H.”

Which is “correct?”

They all are, and nobody seems to lose sleep over this.

Likewise with fonts. In school, everybody learns to write the single story versions of lowercase “a” and “g.” But in almost everything we read, these letters appear in their double-story versions. This may seem to be inconsistent, yet once again, Americans don’t seem to be bothered by this.

At English Now!, we don’t come down too hard on the younger boys who can’t yet get the hang of writing neatly. Most of the boys are typically way behind the girls in handwriting. This is natural and to be expected and we try to reassure their worried parents. It usually takes the boys a few more years to develop better penmanship, but they eventually get there. We gently point their sloppiness out to them, but we don’t punish them for it.

We are, however, very strict on pronunciation and phonics. Pronunciation is at the core of language, while phonics is absolutely essential to reading efficiently in the future. Everything they learn later will depend on these skills.

And when we do introduce writing, we start with lowercase because this is what the children will encounter most. There is no practical reason to start with uppercase letters.

All language is based on sound and, moreover, English uses a phonetically based alphabet. At English Now!, we are convinced that giving our children a strong foundation in the sounds of English will ensure rapid progress towards their truly being able to communicate meaningfully in English.

Reviewing Class

Once a week is not enough. For us adults, time flies by too fast, but for our kids, a week can be an eternity. And when studying English only once a week, it’s a loooong time between classes.

Too long, really.

But if you just can’t manage to fit in more than one class a week, what do you do?

Your child can still make reasonable progress, but it depends entirely on how much time you can spend together one-on-one using English.

First and foremost is reviewing what was studied in class with the textbook and the workbook. Don’t just read it together, bring it to life. Substitute other words into the patterns––words that the child can relate to––so that the phrases have real meaning to her and aren’t just something to memorize. Be creative.

Of course, work on the homework together––but only after your child has had a chance to try it on her own first. Then sit down and go through it together.

During the week, try to use the patterns and vocabulary from class throughout the day whenever they might happen to come up or wherever you can manage to squeeze them in. Do this lightheartedly and casually. Don’t be a taskmaster. The goal is to make English into a natural part of everyday life, not just a 習い事 once a week. This can be fun for both you and your child.

By this point, you should have realized that learning English is not only for your child. For real progress to be made the whole family should be involved. Make it an enjoyable part of spending time together.






ABCs with Small Children

ABCs with Small Children

In English Now’s adult classes we spend little time reading and writing. Most of our adult students already have these basics and, in fact, have probably spent too much time reading and writing English already, at the expense of speaking and listening.

The kids we teach, however, do need the basics of English literacy in order to be able to meaningfully study later.

We want to comfortably introduce small children to the alphabet. They do not understand “studying” as adults do and trying to force them to study will only get negative results. In fact, it’s probably best to forget the idea of “studying” entirely.

Introduce the English alphabet playfully with picture books and fun flash cards. Especially with very small kids, don’t worry about writing until after they’ve developed familiarity with the letters and the dexterity to write. Point out letters of the alphabet in their environment. Say the letter’s name and the sound it makes. Name words that start with that letter.

This should not be a solitary activity for the child. Leaving him alone with ABC blocks, picture books or Baby Einstein DVDs will NOT give him instant English. Learning English must be a fun activity enjoyed together with parents or other kids. This makes English a meaningful part of his social environment, and, if enjoyed, he’ll want to be a part of it.

Keep your alphabet work short and sweet at first. As the child grows, you’ll be able to do more and more. Progress to writing the letters and reading very simple books, focusing on the sound of each letter.

Above all, look forward to spending this time together with your child. This is the key to success.


English Now!






My Bad Pronunciation!

We often hear from parents who are concerned that their own English pronunciation is not good enough to study English at home with their kids.

Not to worry. Your kids will be learning the right pronunciation here in their classes at English Now! The point of the English study done at home together with Mom and Dad is to make English a living part of your child’s daily world––not just a once-a-week

Enjoy the time together. Read stories together dramatically, acting out the different characters with different funny voices. Turn flash card study into a game. Watch English animated programs together and talk about the stories and the characters together.

Small children want to spend time with their parents. They want Mommy and Daddy’s attention. As they grow older, they’ll become more inclined to spend time with their friends rather than you. So take advantage of this window of opportunity open now to make English a fun part of your life together.

Their eagerness to learn English will grow stronger and, with time, they’ll be the ones correcting your pronunciation.

 ご心配はいりません!お子様たちはきちんとした英語の発音をENGLISH NOW!でしっかりと身に付けています。ですが、だからと言って、親御さまとの英語学習が不要というわけではありません。(これは、私がこれまでも再三に渡り申し上げてきたことですが)ご自宅でご両親と一緒に英語の勉強をするということは、たいへん重要なことなのです。パパやママと一緒に英語を学習することで、英語は子どもの生活の一部となり、週に1回の「習い事」ではなくなります。
 ENGLISH NOW!では、勿論、全力で全生徒さまを英語上達へと導きます。あらゆるサポートのに努めます。ですが、上記の様な親御さまのご協力が、子ども達の英語に対する学習意欲を更に強めることになることは歴然としています。

“TOGETHER” is the key!

Language is social. Consequently, it must be mastered socially––meaning in the context of communicating meaningfully with other people. Small children don’t need someone to tell them this. Their language learning occurs this way automatically. They do not read books telling them how to study. They do not ask anyone’s advice about the best way to study.

They absorb all stimuli around them, filter out whatever is irrelevant to daily life and, through trial-and-error, actively attempt to imitate the rest in order to get what they want.

Small children absolutely will not study a language simply because studying it has merit in itself. The language they learn must be meaningful to and closely integrated with their daily social life.

This is why it’s impossible to simply spend a lot of money on English books and videos, point your kid at them, and expect him to somehow become bilingual.

Disney is now offering a refund to all U.S. customers who bought “Baby Einstein” series products for their children since 2004. The claims they made that these videos enhanced children’s education and development were unsubstantiated and, in fact, research showed that 8- to 16-month-old children watching so-called “baby videos” possessed less vocabulary and scored lower on standard language development tests. On the other hand, daily reading and storytelling produced higher language scores.

Disney no longer makes such claims to their American customers.

The point to be made is that children who spend their time interacting with humans rather than televisions develop better language skills. SHARED parental video viewing did not show the detrimental effect that solitary viewing did.

Read English books to your child together. Watch English video together. Play English computer games together. Practice English flash cards together. Sing English songs together. Play games in English together. Have a once-a-week all-English day at home together. YOU are an absolutely essential part of your small child’s English learning. He will not do it on his own. “TOGETHER” is the key!

 子どもたちは、こんなチャレンジを毎日行っています:まず周囲の全ての事柄を吸収し、その中から自分の日常に関係のないものを振るい落とす。そして「生活に必要」と判断された「ことば」のみを、間違えを繰り返しながらも駆使してみる •••。これは何という果敢な挑戦でしょう!彼らはその中で「自分の生活に本当に必要なモノ」を獲得できるよう行動しているのです。

Infant English Learning

Recently it was reported that European researchers had proven that fetuses still in the womb are undoubtedly listening and remembering what they hear happening outside. It was demonstrated that newborn babies from different cultures produced different "cry melodies” according to their native language. French generally uses a rising melody contour and French newborns cried with a rising melody. German is characterized by falling melody contour and––sure enough––German newborns cried with a falling melody.

Newborn babies have very little control over the muscles necessary to clearly speak a language. But they do have the ability to imitate rising or falling melody. And it seems they are attempting to do exactly that, in order to communicate as best as they can to those around them.

The implication here is that we are able to meaningfully begin language familiarization extremely early––even prenatally. The infant’s ears are paying very close attention to the human speech around him. His listening is active, not passive––he just doesn’t have the control over his voice to imitate it yet.

Japanese English learners tend to focus on reading and writing and on vocabulary and grammar at the expense of pronunciation and intonation. Infants, on the other hand, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation first, and move on to vocabulary and grammar later. Obviously, reading and writing don’t mean much to them yet.

Surround your baby or young child with native English media. He’ll absorb the sounds and intonation, making it far easier for him later when he actually tries to study English more methodically. Nurturing this familiarity with English will, if nothing else, serve to overcome the fear of something totally new and different which overwhelms some children––and adults, too––when they encounter English for the first time.



Once-a-week is not enough!

Many kids these days have schedules packed full of 習い事—supplementary education including classes for music, cram school, abacus, dance, swimming, and of course English. A certain degree of proficiency can be achieved with once-a-week lessons for some skills like swimming—you shouldn’t expect your child to set many records, but you can expect that he’ll learn enough to be competent in the water.

Unfortunately, for many other studies, once-a-week simply is not enough to expect big results. An hour of piano once-a-week, even after many years is not enough to excel. Any piano teacher would be quick to tell you that hours of practice daily are necessary to really learn the instrument.

English is even more of a challenge, for while the piano can be practiced for hours alone with great benefit, a foreign language must be mastered in a social, conversational context, unless your goal is limited to reading and writing. Language is a social activity, not a private one. This means that for your child to truly develop conversational skill in English, he must be hearing it and speaking it as often as possible.

Put simply, once-a-week is not enough. This is especially true for small children. While one week seems to fly by for busy adults, for them a week is a very long time. They are likely to quickly forget the English they studied a week ago. Ideally, lessons should be several times a week. If this is not possible, it is all the more important to create an English environment every day at home: English movies, TV shows, music, posters, books, and an all-English day at least once a week.



The Curse of Katakana

If the Ministry of Education were to approach me for advice on how to improve English education for Japan’s children, my first recommendation would undoubtedly be to ban all katakana from the English classroom. Katakana is responsible for more grief for Japanese learning English than perhaps any other single factor.

Simply put, the Japanese language is characterized by a certain set of sounds—vowels and consonants—particular to it. Foreign languages use different sets of sounds, not all of which exist in Japanese. Katakana is a makeshift attempt to approximate the sounds of foreign words to allow Japanese people to use them more easily in the context of the Japanese language. So as long as Japanese people are using the katakana-adapted foreign vocabulary with each other, they will be understood. But when they attempt to use this pronunciation with a native speaker, they will be very unpleasantly surprised: it’s unintelligible to non-Japanese!

A researcher presenting his work in English using katakana pronunciation to a Japanese audience of his peers usually has little problem being understood—he’s complimented for doing a good job. The same research presented in English using the katakana pronunciation of key terms to an audience of non-Japanese is usually not received well.

By forcing a foreign language’s vocabulary into the Japanese syllabary, the learner is doomed to mispronounce it forever after. In fact, for adult learners, perhaps the most painful and frustrating part of truly mastering communicative English is un-learning all the wrong katakana pronunciation and re-learning correct pronunciation—usually starting again from basics.

When we teach children at
English Now!, we forbid them from taking notes in katakana. In both adults’ and kids’ classes, if we hear katakana pronunciation, we usually interrupt and correct it immediately—and even advanced students are hardly immune to this. Yes, keeping the flow and rhythm of a conversation alive is important, but katakana pronunciation will simply not be understood when you speak to foreigners who are not accustomed to Japanese English—and that means most of the world’s population.

This is why at
English Now! we put so much priority on pronunciation and intonation—without competence in these you simply will NOT be understood! So really put in the time to master the CDs—these are more valuable than the textbooks. Constantly watch English movies, TV shows, news, and listen to English songs and podcasts. Surround yourself with correct English pronunciation in order to escape the effect of katakana English.

 English Now!の子どものクラスでは、カタカナでノートを取ることを禁じています。また大人のクラスでも子どものクラスでも、カタカナでの発音を聞いたときはすぐに会話を止めて直します。上級クラスでさえこれを行います!当然、会話の流れやリズムが生きていることは大切ですが、カタカナ発音は日本人の英語に慣れていない外国人には理解されません。つまりは世界の大半の人に通じないということになってしまいます!
 発音とイントネーション、この言語能力がないと、単純に理解されないのです!これがEnglish Now!が発音とイントネーションにこれほどまでの重きを置いている理由です。教材のCDは、その内容を覚えてしまうくらい、何度も聞きましょう。CDはテキスト本体よりも価値があります。また定期的に英語で映画、テレビ番組、ニュースを見、英語の歌やポッドキャストを聞きましょう。ご自身の周りを正しい英語の発音で固めていくと、順を追ってカタカナ英語が消えていきますよ!

Bilingual Babies

This month, Science Magazine published research demonstrating that babies exposed to a bilingual environment become more flexible at learning speech structures than those raised in a monolingual environment—and that bilingual babies learn both languages at the same speed that monolingual babies learn only one language. In other words, learning two languages does not slow down the acquisition of either language at all.

This puts to rest the argument we often hear that a child should master his native tongue before attempting a foreign language for fear that the second language will hinder development of the first. No such phenomenon occurs. In fact, the brain of the child using more than one language becomes more flexible and ready to learn.

But it is crucial to start early—even from just a few months age. New languages are learned most easily before age seven, and after puberty the ability drops drastically. Once you’ve reached adulthood, language learning becomes a completely different matter from when you’re a child—and is much, much slower.

Exposure to and mastery of only one language seriously detracts from the ability to learn a second language.

The infant’s brain is designed to acquire any and all kinds of information from its environment through the five senses. This includes all subtleties of sound. It’s been shown that seven-month-old Japanese babies can distinguish the difference in sound between “r” and “l,” but that eleven-month-old Japanese babies have already lost this ability. The infant’s brain will filter out data that it considers unimportant for its survival, and in a 100% Japanese language environment, the difference in pronunciation between “r” and “l” is unimportant.

So how can we expose our children to English so that we can take advantage of this language-learning window of opportunity?

Playing media at home such as English DVDs for your kids can help, provided they stay emotionally involved with it. However, by far and large, close personal interaction is the best way for both infants and small children to absorb a language. The slow, clear, simplified way of speaking mothers often use to explain things to their child helps them acquire it.

So English learning must become a family activity, not just a
習い事 to study along with other school subjects. Mom and Dad must strive to improve their own English so that they can contribute to the English environment at home by reading books aloud and by studying easy English material together with their kids.

 ただし、ここで重要なのは「早期に英語への取り組みを始めること」である!それは生後数ヶ月であっても良い程に! なぜなら、第2言語以降の習得は7歳までがもっとも容易に吸収できる時期だからです!そして思春期を迎える頃には格段にその能力は落ちていきます。まして成人を迎える頃には、(他言語習得は)子どもの頃のそれに比べ、比較にならない程に難しくなります。つまり、母国語のみを徹底して習得することは、他言語の習得のチャンスを損ねると言えるでしょう!

Video study at home with the kids

At English Now! we recommend creating a natural English environment at your home for your children so that English is not something out-of-the-ordinary which is only touched on once-a-week as a special study topic. As part of this environment we encourage playing video in English.

Such video could come from many places: the local video rental shop, recorded off of cable or satellite TV, bought from places like Amazon on the Internet, or borrowed from English Now! through our DVD lending service. For authenticity, it’s best to choose video material produced in a native English-speaking country, not in Japan.

The trick is, how do you introduce such video and make it a part of your child’s home life? There’s bound to be experimentation. Every child is different and has different tastes and interests––and even these are constantly changing.

Start with animated material that you think would interest your child. When my son Justin was one year old, he only wanted to watch Elmo. Next it was “Blue’s Clues” for a while. Then he went through a “Dora, the Explorer” period. Now, he’s in love with “Thomas, the Tank Engine.” It’s hard to say what’ll be next. Sometimes shows that I imagine would interest him completely fall flat. At other times, shows that I can’t imagine being anything but boring he’ll be enraptured by. Many of the Disney movies are still far too beyond him in depth and complexity. It’s still too early for him to study with those.

So show your child a wide variety of English video and then focus on the ones he likes. Play these for him again and again. Repetition is key––and young children seem to be impervious to boredom when it’s something they have really taken to. They’ll keep asking you to play the same show again and again until you’re sick of hearing it. But do it! It’s exactly this repetition that drives home the English, so that it becomes a natural part of their daily experience, and not just another study topic.

ENGLISH NOW!では、お子様方が英語を「単なる週1回の習い事」という発想にならないよう、ご自宅でいかに自然な英語環境を作り出すかを提案しております。その1つに英語のDVDを流すことが挙げられます。

このようなDVDは、レンタルショップから入手したもの、衛星放送を録画したもの、またはインターネット等を通じて購入したもの、その他、私どもが提供している「DVD 貸出しサービス」等 でも手に入ることでしょう。

しかし、コツはいかにそれらを取り入れ「日常化」させるかにあります。これには様々な方法を試してみる必要があります。それぞれのお子様がそれぞれの好みを持っているからです - そしてそれは常にコロコロと変わっていくことでしょう。

まずはお子様が好きそうなアニメからスタートするのが良いでしょう。特に、私の息子Justinは 当初 “Blue’s Clues(ブルース クルース)” に夢中となり、明けても暮れてもそればかりを見ていました。その後、“Dora, the Explorer(ドーラの冒険)”の期間を経て、今は“Thomas, the Tank Engine(きかんしゃトーマス)”に夢中です。周りが「次に何にハマるのか?」を推測することは難しいですね!時に「これが好みかも?」という予測は全く期待を裏切ります。逆に「これはつまらない」と感じたものが、子供達にはもの凄く評判がいいものもあります。多くのディズニー映画はJustinにはまだ複雑で難しすぎる様子です。そんな場合は、まだそれらで学ぶには時期尚早ということになりますね。

まずはお子様に様々な英語のビデオを見させてあげましょう。そこで夢中になれるものが見つかり次第、そのものに絞っていきましょう。「繰り返し」がカギです。時に私達には退屈にさえ思えるものであれ、子供達は喜んでそれに食い入ります。お子様は、恐らく同じものを何度も「見せて」と要求することでしょう - まるでこちらの耳がタコになるほど迄に!- しかしどうぞ、そうしてあげてください。それこそが、まさに英語を習得するためのコツであり、単に「習い事」の域から「日常化」させるカギとなるはずです。

The parents' role in their child's English study

How can the parents of our English Now! child students ensure that their child gets the most possible out of his classes here?

Kids attend classes at English Now! once or twice a week. Especially for a young child, a week is a very long time and it’s hard for him to keep focused on something that only happens once a week.

This is why, you, the parents of our students have a very important role to play. You must keep English alive in your home. It can’t be just a once-a-week naraigoto.

Check the email class summaries we send out to you after class. See for yourself what your child studied today. Review it at least twice before the next class. Read through it together. Do the workbook exercises and other homework together. Act out the dialogs with different voices.

With small kids, even if you have no confidence in your own English pronunciation, you can still practice writing together.

Be playful––don’t be bossy or critical or your child will end up hating it.

Make English a part of your home environment. Children learn quickest what is relevant and has meaning in their everyday life. It must be more than just something studied and once-a-week is certainly not enough. Watch movies and TV shows in English (Skapa or ACCS are helpful here). Don’t watch Disney movies in Japanese: switch to the English! Have plenty of English books around the house (take advantage of the Tsukuba Public Library). Even play music in English.

Simply put, surround your child with English.

Finally, get your courage up and try having an only-English day once a week, where the whole family uses only English. Ideally, English should be something the whole family is actively using, not just something the kids study.

親御様のサポート ー お子様が当校で学習した内容を確実にモノにしていくために ーとは果たしてどんなものでしょうか?ENキッズの皆様には、週に1回もしくは2回の通学をいただいております。しかし、実は「週に1回のみの学習」というのは、(特に年齢の小さいお子様には) 次のレッスン迄にとても長い時間が空くということなのです。するとお子様は「週に1度のみの「出来事」にそんなに夢中になってられない」という事になりがちです。


まずは当校のレッスン後に配信されるクラス内容を必ずご確認ください。親御様ご自身で、お子様がその日に学習したことを把握していただきたいと存じます。そして次回クラス迄に、最低2回は復習させるようにしてください。学習した部分をお子様と一緒に読む、宿題を一緒に取り組む、様々な声色で、学習したセリフを一緒に演じてみる、これらは素晴らしいアイデアと言えるでしょう!小さなお子様の場合、もし親御様がご自身の英語発音力に自信がなかっとしても、ご一緒に練習をすることは全くその上達の妨げにはなりません!遊びながらこれを行ってみて下さい! ー 決してお子様を叱ったり批判的になさらないように!これは結果的に「英語嫌い」へと導きます。


そして,,, どうぞお子様を勇気づけ、また週に1度は「英語のみDay」を定め、ご家族中でこれにトライしてみてください。更に欲を言えば、ご家族の皆さんが興味のあるアクティビティと英語が結びついていることが理想です。ー英語がお子様の学習のためにのみばかりにあるのではなく...。