The Power of Routine: 2 Weeks to English

Keeping forward motion can be a major challenge in any endeavor––and don’t be mistaken, developing communicative proficiency in a foreign language is a major endeavor not to be taken lightly.

We’re busy. And for the professionals among us, “busy” in the second decade of the 21st Century brings a whole new depth to the word. Our technology has both freed us and imprisoned us. We can access infinite information almost anytime anywhere, and at the same time be accessed almost anytime anywhere both socially and for our work.

This acceleration in information- and communication-processing demanded of us requires a complete rethink of how to intellectually survive our daily lives. We can easily lose every minute of every day absorbed in both the professional and social demands put upon us in modern life. Facebook is a case in point: it can open up your world––or it can be the biggest time-waster you will ever let yourself fall into.

Now more than ever, organization and discipline are required to organize your life into systems designed to accomplish your chosen goals. Learning English as a foreign language is no exception. Without a clear-headed target, roadmap and schedule you’ll just tread water. Let’s focus on the schedule.

They say that a goal is a dream with a deadline.

Well, the work necessary to attain that goal must also be scheduled for there to be any hope of reaching it.

Respect the laws of physics: inertia is everything. For your English to keep moving forward, inertia in the right direction must be created and maintained. Once you’ve set a clear, realistic English-learning goal and given it a timeframe––that is, a deadline––schedule your study and keep that schedule no matter what.

Trust in the “2-Week Rule:” whatever you can grind through and stick with solidly for 2 weeks will establish momentum which will allow you to continue with relatively less effort.

This is not limited to English study.

• Years ago when I was training up to 1000 kilometers a week on the bicycle, I knew that when the season and weather changed, it took my body 2 weeks to adapt. Those 2 weeks of adjusting could be tough, but afterwards it was much easier.

• When you want to lose weight and know you have to quit sugar, those first 2 weeks of no sugar can be as hard as quitting smoking, but if you can tough it out, your body adjusts and demands sweets much less.

• Scheduling and starting an ambitious new exercise program can be difficult, but if you can stick rigidly to it for 2 weeks, it’s a lot easier to simply maintain the momentum without having to force yourself to get started every session.

Let’s be honest: studying English requires persistent hard effort. There’s no way around it. Schedule your English study and stick to the schedule. After 2 weeks it will become an established routine and eventually develop into a habit. For many people––myself included, waking up early and studying in the morning before the demands of the day overwhelm us is the only way of ensuring that it gets done. For others, late at night is best. Whatever you do, schedule at the very least 30 minutes, 3 times a week. This would be the bare minimum to establish enough momentum to maintain forward motion.

If something happens in your life which forces a disruption in the routine, attentively wait till the time is right, then muscle back into it, trusting that in 2 weeks, you’ll own it again.











 • 何年も前、私が自転車で毎週1000キロを走っていたとき、身体が天気や季節の移り変わりを感じられるようになるまで2週間かかりました。馴染むまでのこの2週間は大変なものでしたが、その後は以前より余程容易になりました。

 • ダイエットをして糖質の摂取を控えなければならない時、最初の2週間は禁煙と同じくらいの苦しさがあるでしょう。しかしこれを耐え抜けば身体が適応し、それまで程甘いものを必要としなくなります。

 • 大掛かりな新しいエクササイズを計画し、実行するのは難しいことです。しかし我慢強く2週間取り組めば、毎回無理して自分にエクササイズをする様に言い聞かせなくても続けていけるようになります。

