My Bad Pronunciation!

We often hear from parents who are concerned that their own English pronunciation is not good enough to study English at home with their kids.

Not to worry. Your kids will be learning the right pronunciation here in their classes at English Now! The point of the English study done at home together with Mom and Dad is to make English a living part of your child’s daily world––not just a once-a-week

Enjoy the time together. Read stories together dramatically, acting out the different characters with different funny voices. Turn flash card study into a game. Watch English animated programs together and talk about the stories and the characters together.

Small children want to spend time with their parents. They want Mommy and Daddy’s attention. As they grow older, they’ll become more inclined to spend time with their friends rather than you. So take advantage of this window of opportunity open now to make English a fun part of your life together.

Their eagerness to learn English will grow stronger and, with time, they’ll be the ones correcting your pronunciation.

 ご心配はいりません!お子様たちはきちんとした英語の発音をENGLISH NOW!でしっかりと身に付けています。ですが、だからと言って、親御さまとの英語学習が不要というわけではありません。(これは、私がこれまでも再三に渡り申し上げてきたことですが)ご自宅でご両親と一緒に英語の勉強をするということは、たいへん重要なことなのです。パパやママと一緒に英語を学習することで、英語は子どもの生活の一部となり、週に1回の「習い事」ではなくなります。
 ENGLISH NOW!では、勿論、全力で全生徒さまを英語上達へと導きます。あらゆるサポートのに努めます。ですが、上記の様な親御さまのご協力が、子ども達の英語に対する学習意欲を更に強めることになることは歴然としています。