Infant English Learning

Recently it was reported that European researchers had proven that fetuses still in the womb are undoubtedly listening and remembering what they hear happening outside. It was demonstrated that newborn babies from different cultures produced different "cry melodies” according to their native language. French generally uses a rising melody contour and French newborns cried with a rising melody. German is characterized by falling melody contour and––sure enough––German newborns cried with a falling melody.

Newborn babies have very little control over the muscles necessary to clearly speak a language. But they do have the ability to imitate rising or falling melody. And it seems they are attempting to do exactly that, in order to communicate as best as they can to those around them.

The implication here is that we are able to meaningfully begin language familiarization extremely early––even prenatally. The infant’s ears are paying very close attention to the human speech around him. His listening is active, not passive––he just doesn’t have the control over his voice to imitate it yet.

Japanese English learners tend to focus on reading and writing and on vocabulary and grammar at the expense of pronunciation and intonation. Infants, on the other hand, pay attention to intonation and pronunciation first, and move on to vocabulary and grammar later. Obviously, reading and writing don’t mean much to them yet.

Surround your baby or young child with native English media. He’ll absorb the sounds and intonation, making it far easier for him later when he actually tries to study English more methodically. Nurturing this familiarity with English will, if nothing else, serve to overcome the fear of something totally new and different which overwhelms some children––and adults, too––when they encounter English for the first time.

