The Parent's Dilemma

As parents, we face a profound dilemma in deciding how our kids should study English. Should we aim at our child learning to truly communicate expressively in natural English? Or should we have them “study to the test”—that is, study English with the aim of scoring high on tests to get into certain schools?

Choosing the “communication” path means starting your child as early as possible with talented, competent English instruction. And for best and quickest results, it means actively integrating English into your family life, so that it becomes a normal part of the everyday home environment. This path to English is a determined, methodical process requiring dedication, positive reinforcement, and—ideally—the participation of the whole family.

With this intent, at
English Now! we start off the pre-school kids by just getting them used to the sounds and rhythms of English. They’re too young to be “students,” and English has usually had no part in their lives till now. It’s vital that their first experience with English be positive and fun, but purposeful. We enjoyably introduce them to the phonetic foundations of English, so that the next year when they’ve grown up a little, they’ll be able to study with more focus, having a background of meaningful English already in their recent memory. Over the next few years, we teach the kids to read and write focusing on phonics. At the same time, we introduce them progressively to a wide variety of English expressions, vocabulary and grammar. We emphasize pronunciation, and natural intonation and rhythm. We also introduce them to culture and ideas that are characteristic of the English-speaking world. These, too, are a vital part of learning to communicate in English naturally and effectively.

This approach takes time, commitment, and a bit of faith. Clear, measurable results do not appear quickly—especially if the child is only exposed to English once a week, with little English exposure at home. This path can be frustrating for parents who themselves don’t speak English well and really have no way to judge their child’s English besides tests. The child’s English proficiency will generally not blossom until well into the later years of elementary school, so the parents may wonder if their child really is learning English.

Parents who target test results and entry into particular schools demanding high test scores may be dissatisfied with this approach. If this is their goal, then the “study to the test” strategy focusing on cram school-type intensive repetitive drilling and practice tests may be more suitable. If their child is academically inclined and studious, they’ll probably get the results they seek more quickly this way—but at the expense of developing natural communicative ability.

So here is the parent’s dilemma. Early on, you must determine the direction of your child’s English study: Will you choose dedicated nurturing of the methodical process necessary for your child to learn to effectively—and richly—communicate in natural English? Or will you choose to focus on purely academic study to achieve high test scores?




上記の理由から、ENGLISH NOW!では小学校に上がる前の年齢の子どもたちには、まず英語の音とリズムに慣れてもらうところからスタートします。この年頃ではしっかりと「お勉強」に取り組むにはまだ幼いですし、この時点では英語が生活の一部にはなっていないことが多いでしょう。彼らが初めて触れる英語は明るく楽しく、それと同時に目的意識がはっきりしていることが極めて重要です。私たちは楽しみながら英語の基礎を導入していくので、翌年少し成長した子どもたちの記憶には意味のある英語がしっかりと刻まれていますし、より集中して学習に取り組むことができます。その後数年間はフォニックスを軸にして読み書きの指導をすると同時に、段階を踏みながら様々な英語の表現、語彙、文法を取り入れていきます。私たちが重視するのは発音と自然なイントネーション、リズムです。また、レッスンでは海外の文化や英語圏の特徴的な知識も紹介します。英語で自然かつ効果的にコミュニケーションを取れるようになるためには、こうした部分も必要不可欠です。


