Bilingual Babies

This month, Science Magazine published research demonstrating that babies exposed to a bilingual environment become more flexible at learning speech structures than those raised in a monolingual environment—and that bilingual babies learn both languages at the same speed that monolingual babies learn only one language. In other words, learning two languages does not slow down the acquisition of either language at all.

This puts to rest the argument we often hear that a child should master his native tongue before attempting a foreign language for fear that the second language will hinder development of the first. No such phenomenon occurs. In fact, the brain of the child using more than one language becomes more flexible and ready to learn.

But it is crucial to start early—even from just a few months age. New languages are learned most easily before age seven, and after puberty the ability drops drastically. Once you’ve reached adulthood, language learning becomes a completely different matter from when you’re a child—and is much, much slower.

Exposure to and mastery of only one language seriously detracts from the ability to learn a second language.

The infant’s brain is designed to acquire any and all kinds of information from its environment through the five senses. This includes all subtleties of sound. It’s been shown that seven-month-old Japanese babies can distinguish the difference in sound between “r” and “l,” but that eleven-month-old Japanese babies have already lost this ability. The infant’s brain will filter out data that it considers unimportant for its survival, and in a 100% Japanese language environment, the difference in pronunciation between “r” and “l” is unimportant.

So how can we expose our children to English so that we can take advantage of this language-learning window of opportunity?

Playing media at home such as English DVDs for your kids can help, provided they stay emotionally involved with it. However, by far and large, close personal interaction is the best way for both infants and small children to absorb a language. The slow, clear, simplified way of speaking mothers often use to explain things to their child helps them acquire it.

So English learning must become a family activity, not just a
習い事 to study along with other school subjects. Mom and Dad must strive to improve their own English so that they can contribute to the English environment at home by reading books aloud and by studying easy English material together with their kids.

 ただし、ここで重要なのは「早期に英語への取り組みを始めること」である!それは生後数ヶ月であっても良い程に! なぜなら、第2言語以降の習得は7歳までがもっとも容易に吸収できる時期だからです!そして思春期を迎える頃には格段にその能力は落ちていきます。まして成人を迎える頃には、(他言語習得は)子どもの頃のそれに比べ、比較にならない程に難しくなります。つまり、母国語のみを徹底して習得することは、他言語の習得のチャンスを損ねると言えるでしょう!