Once-a-week is not enough!

Many kids these days have schedules packed full of 習い事—supplementary education including classes for music, cram school, abacus, dance, swimming, and of course English. A certain degree of proficiency can be achieved with once-a-week lessons for some skills like swimming—you shouldn’t expect your child to set many records, but you can expect that he’ll learn enough to be competent in the water.

Unfortunately, for many other studies, once-a-week simply is not enough to expect big results. An hour of piano once-a-week, even after many years is not enough to excel. Any piano teacher would be quick to tell you that hours of practice daily are necessary to really learn the instrument.

English is even more of a challenge, for while the piano can be practiced for hours alone with great benefit, a foreign language must be mastered in a social, conversational context, unless your goal is limited to reading and writing. Language is a social activity, not a private one. This means that for your child to truly develop conversational skill in English, he must be hearing it and speaking it as often as possible.

Put simply, once-a-week is not enough. This is especially true for small children. While one week seems to fly by for busy adults, for them a week is a very long time. They are likely to quickly forget the English they studied a week ago. Ideally, lessons should be several times a week. If this is not possible, it is all the more important to create an English environment every day at home: English movies, TV shows, music, posters, books, and an all-English day at least once a week.

