Boys Rule!

“Otoko wa tsurai yo!” is not just for old Tora-san movies.

Boys have it rough—especially these days with the emphasis on political correctness and banishing assertive, competitive behavior in the education of young children.

To paraphrase the comedian Rodney Dangerfield, “We don’t get no respect!” The boys are not understood for what they are and the ladies often just seem to want us to calm down and act like the girls.

Through pre-school and elementary school, most of our teachers are women, and many just don’t seem to condone boys being boys. We take longer to emotionally mature—often much longer. We’re extremely physical. We have regular shots of high powered energy many times a day—testosterone surges— that just have to be blown off somewhere. Just telling us to sit down, hold still, be quiet, and focus on our study won’t cut it. In fact, it may be an impossibility for many of us.


As a result, we quickly become labeled as disruptive, uncooperative, aggressive, and unable to concentrate.

We’re guilty of being boys.

Okay, this is tongue-in-cheek—but not entirely. The boys often are expected to act in a manner they are simply not capable of yet—at least until they get a few more years of growing up.

English Now!, most of our teachers are guys, and as guys we grew up facing the same problems in school as many of our boy students. We can empathize. Almost every one of us acted up in class when we were young—and was reprimanded for it. This doesn’t mean at English Now! we let the boys get away with disruptive behavior, but it does mean that we understand it better and can redirect it more positively—while letting the boys be boys.

Our teachers work hard to bring life to English study so that it’s not just more schoolwork—it’s something exciting with real meaning for the kids’ lives. We keep the boys in line—like good coaches—and we try to focus all that wonderful, wild energy into learning in a stimulating way.

So ladies, cut us some slack and resign yourselves to the fact that sometimes we just need a few more years before we can calm down, sit still and study English like the girls. Our progress is likely to be slower, but…don’t worry...

We’re just boys!









ENGLISH NOW!の講師は大半が男性であり、過去には今ちょうど男の子たちが直面しているのと同じような問題にもぶつかってきました。誰もが授業中にふざけて叱られた経験がある、と断言してもいいでしょう。もちろん、だからといって暴れ回る生徒をそのままにしている訳ではありませんよ。そこは誤解しないで下さいね。ただ、私たちは男の子の気持ちをよく理解できます。それ故に、頭ごなしに叱るのではなく、彼らが自分らしくいながら、気持ちを英語に持っていくよう仕向けることができるのです。


