Autumn refocus: What’s most important?

In many countries, autumn means new beginnings. A new school year traditionally began in the fall since, in earlier times, this was when the harvest was in—which the whole family helped with—and the shorter days meant a little less farm work and more time to study.

Autumn is a good time to review where we’re going with our children’s English and what’s important. At
English Now!, we aim at developing all of the basic language skills, including speaking, listening, reading and writing. But if there were only one skill I could impart to a Japanese child studying English, it would unquestionably be pronunciation.

Human language is inherently based on sound, and sound must be where we start. The biggest obstacles to Japanese English being understood internationally are pronunciation and intonation—in other words, sound.

Without exaggerating, the Japanese transliteration of foreign languages into katakana could be considered the root of all evil here. Numerous sounds making up foreign languages simply cannot be created with katakana. Forcing them into katakana anyway results in Japanese being able to more easily speak a foreign language to each other, while being unintelligible to the native speakers of those languages.

The earlier the child is exposed to good English pronunciation, the better. This is why
English Now! works so hard to provide an all-English environment, only skilled native English-speaking teachers, thorough phonics practice, and—last, but not least—song.

English Now!, the child is immersed in a learning environment where using English is a matter of course. It’s natural and expected. It’s very difficult to provide this at home, where the child has usually grown up communicating almost entirely in his native language since birth. Most children feel strange and even rebel against using English at home. It just seems wrong. On the other hand, when the child comes to English Now!, he enters an environment almost entirely in English and so it’s much easier for him to make the transition to using English himself.

It goes without saying that the most accurate English pronunciation and intonation will be learned from native speakers. For this reason,
all of our teachers are native speakers. They are not simply assistants to non-native speaking teachers. And since we rotate our teachers among our classes, each child is thoroughly exposed to a wide variety of authentic native English with respect to region, accent, pace, intonation, subtle variation in pronunciation, age and, of course, gender. Consequently, our students are better able to comprehend the English of many different people.

Our phonics work is thorough and profound. We prioritize phonics highly, not just for teaching how to read, but for teaching accurate pronunciation. Phonics study is absolutely essential and its starts with the very first day of our Pre-kids’ classes.

Finally, it may seem less significant, but
English Now!’s children’s classes always include a new “Song of the Month.” This is not just for fun. Singing in English is invaluable, not only for teaching natural pronunciation, but for getting the child accustomed to natural English rhythm and intonation. Rhythm, intonation and stress are often ignored with typical textbook study, but are absolutely unavoidable when singing. Lyrics attempted to be sung with katakana pronunciation and Japanese intonation simply won’t fit into the music.

When the Japanese child finally encounters formalized English study in school, it is unfortunately all too likely to be taught with poor pronunciation. If he or she already has a strong foundation in good pronunciation, this is much less likely to be a problem. But without that strong foundation, the child will probably work hard at learning the poorly pronounced English, only to have to painfully unlearn it someday in the future when international English communication is called for.

Start your child off right: with good, natural English pronunciation as early as possible here at
English Now!

秋の見つめ直し: 本当に大切なことは?


秋は子どもたちの英語がどれだけ伸びているか、上達のために何が重要かを振り返るのにとても良い時期です。ENGLISH NOW!ではスピーキング、リスニング、リーディング、ライティングといった全ての基礎力をアップさせることを目的としてレッスンを行っています。しかし、もし何か一つだけ英語のスキルを子どもたちに与えられるとするなら、迷わず発音を選びます。




ここENGLISH NOW!では、子どもたちは英語を使うことを当たり前とした学習環境に身を置くことになります。これは当然であり、また求められることでもあります。子どもたちは大抵、それぞれの家庭では生まれた時から母国語だけを使って育ってきたことでしょう。そんな場所で急に英語を使えと言われても違和感を感じますし、反発だって生じかねません。どうしたって、自然なことではありませんから。一方、ここENGLISH NOW!で子どもたちは英語の環境に足を踏み入れることになる訳ですから、「英語を使うんだ」という意識の切り替えも容易になるのです。





正しく自然な発音の英語を提供できるENGLISH NOW!で、できるだけ早い内に、子どもたちには良いスタートを切らせてあげましょう!