The ABCs

How much more basic can we get than “A, B, C…?”

Yet even saying the alphabet seems to be a hurdle too high.

I dread having to spell out letters over the phone in Japan. What should be routine becomes a test of patience and sympathy. It is simply impossible to correctly pronounce the letters of the English alphabet and have them understood over the phone. Be it a name—as I had to spell for the support staff of a well-known credit card company recently, or a software key—as I had to spell out for customer support for one of the most famous software companies in the world, none of them were able to understand the correctly spoken alphabet. I think we can assume that all of them were well-trained and educated.

I have learned over time that the only way to get the message across in such cases is to expressly speak the katakana version of each alphabet letter. Yes, I realize that this is Japan, and it’s my responsibility to meet the Japanese people on their terms, but is it so much to ask that at least the alphabet be understood? Especially considering that most here have had at least 6 years of English education in junior and senior high schools.

Unfortunately, it seems to confirm the sorry state of English language education that results in most Japanese not being able to communicate in basic spoken English.

I recently needed to find large-size alphabet flash cards to use in class. I wanted simple cards with no picture. The only set readily available was from a very well known, successful
juku (cram school) chain—one that has even internationalized beyond Japan. When the cards came, I was aghast that under each letter was printed its katakana pronunciation. A heavy black magic marker taken to each card quickly covered the offending kana, but I was left with a sick feeling in my stomach about how pervasive this problem is. Even the biggest schools offering English teaching outside of public education are introducing the alphabet to Japanese children with katakana.

Those poor kids…

Many of them will work hard to learn this “English” only to have to unlearn and relearn everything when they’re adults and really need to use it.

This is not simply a business opportunity, where
English Now! can step in and save the day. We have to work to change this! As responsible members of the community concerned about Japan’s uncertain future, it’s a duty.

English education is gradually being introduced to Japanese elementary schools. The classes currently offered in 5th and 6th grades are intended as fun, gentle ways to expose the kids to English and to visiting native speaking AETs. More serious, dedicated classes are planned for the future. We must do everything we can to ensure that qualified Japanese teachers with good English pronunciation introduce English to our children. Starting to learn at this age is certainly appropriate and a wonderful opportunity for the kids, but they must start out on the right foot. Otherwise, we’re just making things worse for them later.

At least, let’s teach them to say the “A, B, C’s” correctly.


英語の基礎の基礎と言われて、真っ先に浮かぶのは"A, B, C..."ではないでしょうか?








私はなにもそれがビジネスチャンスだとか、だから"ENGLISH NOW!"はどうの、とか言いたい訳ではありません。私達は皆、この風潮を変えなくてはいけません。日本の未来を憂う一人の大人としての責任であり、義務でもあると考えます。

