Create your own ‘English Bubble!'

The best way to learn a language is undoubtedly to go to a country that only uses that language and fully immerse yourself in the language and its attendant culture. It also helps if you have to struggle a bit. If you have to work hard at a job that requires you to be able to speak a certain language then you will learn it really quickly. Potential starvation is a great motivator.

To augment this, you could find yourself a partner or roommate who can only speak that language and move in with them. Don’t worry if your level of skill in the language is still rudimentary. When you’re arguing about whose turn it is to do the dishes or take out the garbage, you’ll magically find the right words to get your point across.

But what about if you can’t or don’t want to leave Japan and already have a partner (or pet) who you’re very happy with? You need to create your own ‘English Bubble.’

What is an ‘English Bubble?’ Well, believe it or not, there are plenty of people in Japan who are able to exist within their own exclusive ‘English Bubble.’ If you pay a visit to certain parts of Hiroo, Azabu-Juban, or Roppongi Hills** you’ll see plenty of Americans and Brits (and a few Aussies, Kiwis, Irish, and Canadians) ordering burgers, pizza, and fish and chips in English while paying wildly inflated prices. They work hard and play hard with other people who are just like themselves. Their kids go to international schools where speaking Japanese is forbidden. A lot of the diplomats based in Tokyo also inhabit this English Bubble. They go to parties at each others’ embassies, eat each others food, drink each others wine, and chat to each other in English. They have almost zero interaction with Japanese people (unless they employ them). Interestingly, this English Bubble seems to envelop the local Japanese population of these areas as well. The Japanese people playing with their kids in the Robot Park in Roppongi Hills or Arisugawa Park in Hiroo only seem to speak to them in English (I’m not joking!). It’s almost like they want to blend in and become part of the ‘bubble.’

There is a German word
umwelt that is also used in English to describe “the world as it is experienced by a particular organism.” Basically, what this boils down to is the fact that everyone (or thing) experiences the world in their own idiosyncratic way. If you are a wealthy expat or diplomat you can basically enjoy exactly the same kind of lifestyle in Tokyo that you would enjoy ‘back home.’ You never have to speak Japanese, you never have to eat Japanese food; it’s almost as if you never left your home country. What this means is that your kids can fit back into life ‘back home’ seamlessly because they have only been communicating in English all the time they have been in Japan. They don’t tend to experience the same culture shock that Japanese kikokushijo experience when returning to Japan from abroad. Crucially, their English language ability has not atrophied while they have been away. If anything, it has improved because of regular interaction with different types of English speakers.

So, how do you go about changing your
umwelt and creating your own English Bubble?

Firstly, change all the settings on your smartphone to English. Do the same with your laptop. If you update your Facebook page or Twitter feed, only do it in English. Find like-minded friends who want to improve their English and only converse with them in English. Try to befriend people who are not Japanese who can speak English. Send LINE messages to your friends and acquaintances only in English. Watch movies in English without the Japanese subtitles. Stop watching TV and just watch programs or online streams from the U.S. or other English-speaking countries. If you’re traveling on the train, listen to a podcast in English. If you’re driving around, listen to an audiobook in English. Only have English magazines, newspapers, or books in the house. And so on and so forth. The permutations are almost infinite.

You must also keep repeating the mantra that "English is easy." Lots of people who will never be as intelligent as you can speak English. The only reason that they can and you can’t is because they have obeyed Malcolm Gladwell’s '10,000 hour rule' - they have had the necessary amount of exposure to something to gain mastery over it. If you can succeed in creating your own English Bubble, eventually the same thing will happen by osmosis. Try to aim for 10 hours of exposure to English a day. At that rate, you should ascend to expert level within 3 years. If you can only manage 5 hours a day, well… can do the math!

Many Japanese students move to the U.S. or U.K. to study English. But a lot of them make the mistake of inhabiting a ‘Japanese Bubble.’ They only associate with other Japanese students, and if they have a part-time job, it’s usually working in a Japanese restaurant. They come back to Japan with their English at pretty much the same level as it was before they left. This just goes to show that we can create our own ‘bubbles,' or
umwelts, wherever we go. It all depends on how motivated and focused we are.

I had a friend who lived in Tokyo and looked completely Japanese (he was a second generation Japanese-American from Honolulu) but he couldn’t speak any Japanese at all. It used to confuse people no end because he looked like your typical Japanese 45-year-old but when someone asked him for directions he would just look at them with an expression of total bewilderment. But, he managed to get by in Japan because he made everyone speak to him in English! Outrageous, I know, but it worked. Everybody had to step into his English Bubble to interact with him. He moved back to Hawaii still unable to order from a menu in Japanese or tell anyone how to get to the nearest station!

** The U.S. bases in places like Yokosuka are an even more advanced version of the English Bubble. Everything is written in English, every transaction takes place in English, and you even have to pay for everything in U.S. dollars! It is actually like taking a trip to the U.S.


‘English Bubble’を作り出そう


しかし、もし既に最愛のパートナーやペットが存在し、日本を離れられない時には?その場合、皆さんは自分自身で‘English Bubble’を作り出さなくてはいけません。

‘English Bubble’とは?そうですね、まさかと思うかもしれませんが、日本には他を寄せ付けず‘English Bubble’の中で生きている人が数多く存在します。例えば広尾や麻布十番、六本木ヒルズなんかに足を運んでみて下さい。アメリカ人やイギリス人(他にオーストラリア人やニュージーランド人、アイルランド人やカナダ人なども)がずいぶん高い値段を払いながら、英語でハンバーガーやピザ、フィッシュアンドチップスをオーダーしているところに出くわすことでしょう。こうした人達は、自分と同じような境遇の人達とだけ仕事をしたり、親しく交流しますし、子どもを通わせるのも日本語禁止のインターナショナルスクールです。東京に暮らす外交官の多くも、このような‘English Bubble’の中で暮らしています。お互いの大使館で開かれるパーティーに訪れては、英語で雑談を交わすのです。日本人との交流は(彼らが日本人を雇いでもしなければ)ほぼゼロと言っていいでしょう。興味深いことに、この‘English Bubble’は地元の日本人の人口を押しやっているようです。そして都内のこうした地域で彼らの子どもと遊ぶ日本人は、冗談ではなく、英語で話し掛けることが多いようです。まるでそこに溶け込んで、'bubble'の一部になろうとしているようですね。


さて、それではどうやって'unwelt'を変え、自分の‘English Bubble’を作り出せばいいのでしょうか?


そして大切なのが、「英語は簡単」と自分に言い聞かせることです。皆さんより賢いとは決して言えないのに、英語を話せる人は世の中にたくさんいます。皆さんにできなくて、なぜ彼らにできるのか。それは彼らがマルコム・グラドウェルの「10000時間の法則」に従っているからです。そう、彼らは熟達するのに必要とされる時間、英語に触れてきました。皆さんが‘English Bubble’を起こしたいのなら、結局のところ少しずつ同じ道を辿る他ありません。1日10時間英語に触れることを目標にして下さい。その調子なら、3年もすれば上級レベルに達することができます。もしこれが1日5時間だとしたら...推して知るべし。

海外で英語を習得しようとする日本人はたくさんいます。しかしその多くが ‘Japanese Bubble’の中で過ごすというミスを犯しています。せっかく外国にいても同じ日本人の学習者とばかり交流し、バイト先は決まって日本食レストラン。これでは日本に帰国しても、英語レベルは出発時と大差ありません。これでお分かりの通り、私達はどんな場所に行っても‘Bubbles’を作り出すことができます。後はどれだけ自分を戒めることができるかにかかっています。

東京に暮らしていた私の友人(ホノルル出身の日系二世)は外見は日本人そのものですが、日本語は全く話せませんでした。見た目は典型的な45歳の日本人男性なのに、ちょっと日本語で道を聞かれただけで狼狽えるのですから、周囲は混乱させられたものです。しかし、彼は周囲の人に英語で話しかけさせることにより、日本でどうにかやっていけるようになりました。理不尽に思えるかもしれませんが、それでも上手くはいったのです。彼と関わっていくために、皆が彼の‘English Bubble’に足を踏み入れるしかありませんでした。そんな彼はハワイに戻った今でも日本語のメニューを見て何か注文したり、最寄り駅への道案内すら日本語ではできませんよ!

Dan Gamble

Make YouTube your other classroom!

YouTube, the video-sharing website, is packed with captivating educational content that the parents of children studying English as a foreign language should definitely take advantage of. YouTube can spark your little one’s interest in English by enjoyably exposing them through video to foreign cultures where English is naturally spoken. Once their interest is piqued, they can then easily immerse themselves in a never-ending stream of authentic, native English geared for children.

The benefit to their English study is obvious. For kids just beginning to learn, there are numerous channels focusing on different skills such as literacy learning and phonics. If your children love music or art, there are channels which specialize in engaging the young learner through these. [See below for YouTube channel suggestions.]

YouTube is certainly a powerful tool for educating our children, but take care not to rely on it too much. As both a parent and a teacher, I fully appreciate the importance of our kids’ constant exposure to English. If we truly wish them to learn a second language we must ensure that our they are consistently engaged with it. However technology such as YouTube, Baby Einstein, or Disney World Family, should be employed as supplementary tools to help you and your kids learn and enjoy English together. They should certainly not take the place of physical activity, creative free play, and face-to-face social interaction.

Monitor what your children watch—be sure to activate parental controls on your computer or tablet/smartphone—and limit them to 30 minutes to an hour a day for watching educational video or visiting interactive children’s websites. Don’t worry if they don’t understand much of what they’re watching. The purpose is for them to gain exposure to authentic English, and to build a foundation and the motivation to advance in their English studies.

But please remember: Nothing beats spending quality time with your children and having fun in English together—whether digitally or otherwise!

Check out the following YouTube channels for your kids:

Busy Beavers, Kids Tv, ABCkidTV, Super Simple Songs, HooplaKidz TV, MotherGooseClub, and of course, Brahm’s own “Babies and Kids Channel.”





YouTubeが子どもたちの教育に有効なツールであることは明らかですが、しかし、頼り過ぎは禁物です。講師として、そして一人の親としても、子どもたちが日常的に英語に親しむことが非常に重要だと理解しています。第二言語として英語を習得してほしいと心から願うなら、子どもが英語と絶えず触れ合える機会を確保しなくてはいけません。しかしながら、YouTubeやBaby Einstein、Disney World Familyなどは、親子が一緒に英語を楽しむための補完的な意味合いで用いられるべきです。そうしたテクノロジーは実際に身体を動かしたり、自由に遊んだり、そして面と向かって交流することに取って代わることは絶対にできません。



Busy Beavers, Kids Tv, ABCkidTV, Super Simple Songs, HooplaKidz TV, MotherGooseClub
Brahm’s own “Babies and Kids Channel
