Make YouTube your other classroom!

YouTube, the video-sharing website, is packed with captivating educational content that the parents of children studying English as a foreign language should definitely take advantage of. YouTube can spark your little one’s interest in English by enjoyably exposing them through video to foreign cultures where English is naturally spoken. Once their interest is piqued, they can then easily immerse themselves in a never-ending stream of authentic, native English geared for children.

The benefit to their English study is obvious. For kids just beginning to learn, there are numerous channels focusing on different skills such as literacy learning and phonics. If your children love music or art, there are channels which specialize in engaging the young learner through these. [See below for YouTube channel suggestions.]

YouTube is certainly a powerful tool for educating our children, but take care not to rely on it too much. As both a parent and a teacher, I fully appreciate the importance of our kids’ constant exposure to English. If we truly wish them to learn a second language we must ensure that our they are consistently engaged with it. However technology such as YouTube, Baby Einstein, or Disney World Family, should be employed as supplementary tools to help you and your kids learn and enjoy English together. They should certainly not take the place of physical activity, creative free play, and face-to-face social interaction.

Monitor what your children watch—be sure to activate parental controls on your computer or tablet/smartphone—and limit them to 30 minutes to an hour a day for watching educational video or visiting interactive children’s websites. Don’t worry if they don’t understand much of what they’re watching. The purpose is for them to gain exposure to authentic English, and to build a foundation and the motivation to advance in their English studies.

But please remember: Nothing beats spending quality time with your children and having fun in English together—whether digitally or otherwise!

Check out the following YouTube channels for your kids:

Busy Beavers, Kids Tv, ABCkidTV, Super Simple Songs, HooplaKidz TV, MotherGooseClub, and of course, Brahm’s own “Babies and Kids Channel.”





YouTubeが子どもたちの教育に有効なツールであることは明らかですが、しかし、頼り過ぎは禁物です。講師として、そして一人の親としても、子どもたちが日常的に英語に親しむことが非常に重要だと理解しています。第二言語として英語を習得してほしいと心から願うなら、子どもが英語と絶えず触れ合える機会を確保しなくてはいけません。しかしながら、YouTubeやBaby Einstein、Disney World Familyなどは、親子が一緒に英語を楽しむための補完的な意味合いで用いられるべきです。そうしたテクノロジーは実際に身体を動かしたり、自由に遊んだり、そして面と向かって交流することに取って代わることは絶対にできません。



Busy Beavers, Kids Tv, ABCkidTV, Super Simple Songs, HooplaKidz TV, MotherGooseClub
Brahm’s own “Babies and Kids Channel
