Keeping a Journal

Recently, I've managed to lose a lot of weight and—more importantly—keep it off. The most effective strategy I found was to keep a strict journal of everything I ate, noting calories and nutritional content. My journal keeps me always conscious of what I'm eating, and so I find can control my weight relatively easily.

This has been working so well for me that I wondered whether keeping such a journal could be applied to learning English.

The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

First, set yourself a realistic goal—something like "learn five new words a day," "study an article a day," or "study an episode a week of a TV program."

Once you have chosen your goal, stick to it as much as possible. Get a bit obsessive about documenting your progress. Go into as much detail as possible. Be thorough in your journaling.

At the end of each week, assess your progress. Do you need to increase or decrease your study workload? Is the material you’re using challenging enough or was it too difficult? Should you alter or, perhaps, completely change your goal? If you have been keeping accurate notes about everything you’ve been doing to better your English, you should see patterns emerging and be able to make informed, intelligent decisions about your progress and what to do about it.

Be honest in your journal. There is no point in lying to yourself. If you haven't done much work on your English today, make up for it by studying twice as hard tomorrow. 

Like your body, your English needs constant exercise to stay strong and grow. Keep challenging yourself and, through journaling, stay aware of what you're doing and regularly reevaluate how you can keep improving. By doing so, you will continue to progress and can avoid “plateauing” or “hitting the wall.”Aim at constant, continuing improvement. Keeping a journal will empower you to fine-tune your language learning and continuously achieve new targets that you set for yourself.










