What are report cards for?

This month, all of the teachers have been busy writing comments for the student report cards. Growing up, I often felt anxious about my mom seeing my scores, even if I was doing fine. When she looked at my grades and I was doing a bit less than fine, her seeing the bad marks brought out feelings of shame. In addition to that, I also knew I wouldn't be getting any famicon games for a while. Remembering this, I thought about the purposes of report cards.

First, I realized that if my marks were not as high as I had hoped, it was important to remember that my teachers were not using lower scores to embarrass me or get back at me for cracking jokes, but to show me where some of my weaknesses lie and help me improve. Those scores were a snapshot of how I was doing at that point and, with effort, I could get better.

Second, I realized that lower scores were often given to me because the teacher knew I could do better. The score was an immediate attention grabber, guiding me in the right direction. Coming face-to-face with your own weaknesses, accepting them, and taking action to improve is difficult for all of us of any age. It can be painful, but we all need to learn to pay attention to constructive criticism.

For me, encouragement from my family helped me more than anything to remain positive and keep trying in the face of criticism. It was also helpful when my mom focused on the current issues rather than dwelling on past ones.

One way to prepare your child for criticism is to have them evaluate their own performance from time to time. This could be for very small things. For example, when my daughter and I play Mario Kart together and we come in last place, I ask her, "How did we do?" In this playful situation, there is less chance for judgement to become negatively charged and it is often easy for children to suggest ways to improve, such as "We have to drive faster!" or "We need practice."

Learning to accept criticism ultimately gives you more control over your weaknesses. When your son or daughter watches their own performance improve as a direct result of their actions, it empowers them towards further improvement. Believing that they are always capable of more will help them in all of their challenges.


11月、ENGLISH NOW!の講師は大忙しの月となります。それはお子様達へのレポートカード(成績表)の準備があるためです。年齢があがるにつれ、私は母に自分の成績を知られることに気を揉んだものでした。例えほんのちょっと平均に届かないだけでも良くない評価を見せるのは恥ずかしかったのです。それに成績が悪いとしばらくファミコンのゲームを買ってもらえないことを知っていましたし...。こんなことを思い出しながら、私はレポートガードが持つ意味について考えました。





