Get into Character!

When actors prepare for a role, they usually have to “get into character” to really understand what the role is about. This involves a lot of research and hard work. They have to ask themselves various questions, like “Who am I?” “Where am I?” “What do I want?” “Why do I want it?” “What must I overcome?” and so on. Figuring out the answers to these questions can help an actor build a character.

“Method actors” like Robert De Niro, Sean Penn or Daniel Day-Lewis take it one step further and stay in character all the time when working on a role—even when they go home, allegedly. People working on set have to address them by their character’s name; they always wear the character’s costume; they speak with the character’s accent; they eat the kind of food the character is supposed to eat; they hang out with real-life people who work in the same field as the character; and they do all the things the character is supposed to do. They leave no stone unturned when trying to find out what makes that character tick. These actors are able to give incredibly realistic performances and have earned the high respect of their peers—and numerous Academy Awards—because of their obsessive attention to detail and dedication to their craft.

How can the skill of being able to “get into character” help you improve your English ability? The first thing to remember is that native speakers of any language are basically actors who have memorized lines of dialog so effectively that they have become embedded in their subconscious. They are able to respond instinctively and immediately to others because they have been constantly trained by their parents, their peers, and society in general to communicate in a certain way.

Here are some ways that you can apply this technique to make yourself a more effective English communicator.

While you make your way to class either by car or on foot, start talking to yourself—or thinking to yourself—in English. Try to imagine how your first interactions with your teacher and fellow students will go in today’s class and try to rehearse your responses. Prepare a little story or anecdote to tell the class and practice it out loud. If you don't have anything that inspires you that day, try instead to think of a good, general question to put to the class that will stimulate discussion. All these things will help you “get into character.” Above all, ensure that all this preparation is done in English.

If you arrive early for class and are waiting in your car, use that time effectively. Try not to spend the time messaging or talking on the phone in Japanese. Instead, “get into character” and start visualizing yourself speaking English and being an integral part of the class. If you want to speak to or message someone, only do so with someone who will communicate with you in English.

After the lesson, in order to “stay in character,” work with your fellow students—they are an invaluable resource. Think of them as similar to “training buddies” at the gym. You have the same goal to become more fluent and effective English communicators, and can spur each other on to success. If you have time after the lesson, go to a coffee shop and practice the dialog that you have just studied in class several times. Each time you do this, consciously try to make your delivery of the lines more natural and try to rely less and less on the textbook—the “script”—until you don’t need it at all and can effortlessly recite the lines back and forth. At this point, you can really “get into character” and “become” the person whose lines you are speaking. Stick with only one character until you and your partner have really mastered the dialog, and then switch. Try and act exactly as the dialog suggests the characters should act.

All you need to do to keep improving your ability to “get into character” is to stay focused. Adopt a mindset that allows the character’s identity to fill you. After a time, everything should become second nature and you’ll be able to “get into character” at will. The line between the “English-speaking character” and your “Japanese-speaking identity” will blur, and you will find that the English-speaking version of yourself will become available to call upon when needed.










