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Only English! Campaign

Our Only English!
Campaign will return
in July!

Get ready!

▶ OUR CALENDAR from 4/2024-3/2025!


  • 青の欄が休校日となりますのでご確認下さい。


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▶ New Junior High Classes

新規 Jr. High クラス新規開講決定!

4月から木曜日と土曜日に新規 Jr. Highクラス(中学生クラス)の開講が決まりました!
【Jr. Highクラス】
対象:                    中学1年生
レベル:                 初級~
開催曜日、時間 :    木曜日 6:30pm-7:45pm
                           土曜日 3:00pm-4:15pm
定員:                    各クラス 6名

▶ Kids’ Classes Spring 2024!

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▶ 2024 Spring Kids’ Schedule!

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一部帰国子女クラス(Advanced)を除くキッズクラス生徒さまにおかれましては、4月よりレベルが一つ上がります。(現在Kids Level 2 をご受講の場合、4月からはクラスのレベルが Level 3 となります。) 一部クラスを除き、4月にレベルが上がりましても現在と同じ曜日、お時間帯にてクラスを開催予定です。曜日やお時間帯のご変更が必要となります生徒さまには、スタッフより個別にご連絡を差し上げております。 ご不明な点がございましたらご遠慮なくお問い合わせください。
【今からご体験・ご入会をお考えの方 (英語経験あり)】
【今からご体験・ご入会をお考えの方 (英語経験なし)】
"NEW!!"の表記がございますものが、この春新規開講の初級クラスとなります。( "NEW!!"表記がないクラスでもご案内が可能な場合がございます。)該当クラスがどちらになるかは下の〈クラス対象年齢〉をご確認ください。
Pre-Kids クラス:                            2024年度 年中児対象 (初級)
Level 1A クラス:                            2024年度 年長児、小学校1年生対象 (初級)
                                                     ※NEW!!表記のないLevel 1Aは新規ではなく前年度から
Level 1 UP クラス (水曜日):            2024年度 小学校2年生、3年生、4年生対象 (初級)
Level 1 UP クラス (火曜日):            2024年度 小学校4年生、5年生、6年生対象 (初級)
土曜日:            9:30am-5:30pm
*英語学習のご経験をお持ちのお子さまには【Level 2】以上のクラスをご案内差し上げることもございますので、お問い合わせの際にその旨をお伝えいただけますと幸いです。

Our Spring 2024 Kids' class schedule is set!
Spaces are very limited. Call now!

All of our Kids' classes will advance to the next level this April (except for Advanced Kids). Click on the above schedule to see it in detail. Classes indicated as "NEW!!" are all-new classes starting this spring.

You can also click HERE! to see the new schedule.

We are taking reservations now for trial lessons in early April. Reservations are first-come-first-served, so please call as soon as possible! Classes fill up quickly, and we may not be able to accept your reservation.

Call 029-838-5508
Monday to Thursday from 1:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday from 9:30am - 5:30pm
Closed Friday & Sunday
Spaces are limited. Register now!

Good Luck,

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We're very sorry to say our teacher Marilyn will be leaving us at the end of April. We wish to thank her for teaching with us at English Now! All of us wish her the best of luck.


ENGLISH NOW! 生徒様、保護者様


当校講師のMarilyn Haukinima (マリリン ハウキニマ)が4月を以てENGLISH NOW!を退職することとなりました。生徒様、保護者の皆様には2年もの間、大変お世話になり、本当にありがとうございました。





Here are some farewell words from Marilyn:

Goodbye to you all —my dearest students, parents & colleagues,

It has been my biggest joy to work and teach here at English Now! As we all know, seasons change. There's a season for saying hello, and there are seasons for saying goodbye. With great sadness, my season to say farewell has come. My last day as your English teacher will be April 27th. As some of you may know, I’m a mother of two and will soon start a new family. As much as we love it here in Japan, the time has come for us to continue our journey. We are sad that this chapter is slowly coming to an end,
but we find comfort in knowing that the memories we will leave Japan with are only good and fun ones.

It has been an honor to help you learn English. Being a teacher isn’t an easy task, but you have all proved otherwise. Your stories, welcoming smiles and optimistic behaviors gave me strength and energy in every single class. I am grateful for all the kindness you have shown me. I will miss seeing and teaching you every week, especially sharing updates, and hearing your fun jokes and laughs. To all the parents, thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a part of your child’s childhood. If there have been any shortcomings from my end, —please forgive me. I wish them nothing but the best with school and their plans and hope for the future.

I am very saddened to leave, but I know that this isn’t really a “goodbye”. As we always say at the end of every class —SEE YOU! This is just a “see you later”. If any of you ever plan to visit Tonga or New Zealand one day, please drop me a message. I hope that we will cross paths again in the future. Good luck with learning English and continue doing your best. I will miss YOU ALL. Be kind and generous to one another, and don't forget to smile through everything —there's always a rainbow after every storm!

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

With all my love and prayers,
Marilyn Haukinima

English Now! で教えることができたのは、私にとってこの上ない喜びでした。季節は移り変わるものです。出会いの季節もあれば、別れの季節もあります。とても悲しいことですが、私には別れの季節がやってきました。English Now! の英語教師としての最終日は4月27日になります。ご存知の方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私は2児の母で、もうすぐ新しい家庭を持つことになります。日本が大好きな私たちですが、旅を続ける時が来ました。一つの章が終わりを迎えようとしているのは悲しいことですが、日本での思い出がよいもの、楽しいものばかりであることに慰められています。


去ることはとても悲しいですが、これは本当の「さよなら」ではありません。いつものクラスの終わりのように、SEE YOU!「また後で会いましょう!」という意味です。いつかトンガやニュージーランドを訪れる機会がありましたら、ぜひメッセージをください。また会えることを楽しみにしています。英語の勉強をがんばってください。皆さんと会えなくなるのは寂しいです。人に対して親切で寛大であること、そして何事にも笑顔でいることを忘れないでください。どんな嵐の後でも虹は出ます!

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Great party!
Thanks, everybody!
Definitely to be repeated next year!

Halloween Week 2023!

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The kids had a fantastic time!
Thank you, everybody!

English Now! enjoyed “Halloween Week” in our kids’ classes from Wednesday, October 25th to Tuesday, October 31st. During this week, our teachers and office staff all dressed up in costumes and our classes included fun American-style Halloween activities as we explored the history of Halloween.

▶ Meet Victor Lopez!


Victor Lopez (ヴィクター ロペス)
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Victor Lopez (ヴィクター ロペス)
Victor was born in the U.S., but grew up in Mexico until graduating from high school. Ever since he was a child, Aztec culture sparked his curiosity about ancient civilizations and cultures. He took a great interest in cultural anthropology and literature, and after graduating from high school, he moved to San Diego, California for college. Enjoying many old-school anime like マジンガーZ [Tranzor Z in the US] and マッハGoGoGo [Speed Racer in the US], Victor became fascinated with Japanese culture. After 3 years of
college in San Diego, he transferred to the University of Hawaii at Manoa to major in East Asian Languages and Cultures. After graduating, he decided to live in Japan to keep improving his Japanese language skills. Victor practices “scratch” DJ mixing with turntables –– called “turntablism” –– so he likes to collect vinyl records. Victor’s favorite Japanese book is Natsume Soseki’s Botchan and his favorite Japanese movie is Akira.

Good Luck,

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We're very sorry to say our teacher Claudia will be leaving us at the end of February. We wish to thank her for teaching with us at English Now! All of us wish her the best of luck.


ENGLISH NOW! 生徒様、保護者様


当校講師のClaudia Sakay (クラウディア サカイ)が2月を以てENGLISH NOW!を退職することとなりました。生徒様、保護者の皆様には2年もの間、大変お世話になり、本当にありがとうございました。





Here are some farewell words from Claudia:

Goodbye, my dear students and colleagues!

With a tearful heart and the warmest embrace, the time has come for me to say goodbye to all of you. As you may already know, I’ll be leaving ENGLISH NOW!, with my last day being February 28th. While I’m excited to start a new stage in my life with my family, it is sad to say goodbye to everyone.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you who brought me so much fulfillment in my life as an educator. I was so lucky to have been your English teacher for the past two years. Thank you for making my life so much brighter! I may not be able to return, nor do I know what the future holds for each of us, but I will be eternally grateful for those irreplaceable moments in class. I will always remember the laughs, stories, and moments full of joy we could share. These memories will be engraved in my mind forever. I will miss every single moment I had instructing amazing students like you.

I want to say ”Thank you!” to every single person who I had the pleasure to teach and work with in this great school. This is the end of my time with ENGLISH NOW!, but it’s not the end of our friendship. Each day I spent here was so special because of you all. As I say goodbye, I ask that you love and care for the people you have in your lives and that you welcome new people into your lives openly. Don’t give up on learning, keep updating yourself, and make sure you don’t play down wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. They will guide you through life and give you great success.

I deeply thank you all, and I wish you a wonderful future.

You are the best!

Claudia Sakay

涙いっぱいの心と温かいハグで、皆さんにさようならを言う時が来ました。ご存知かもしれませんが、私は 2 月 28 日を最後に ENGLISH NOW! を退職することとなりました。家族と一緒に新たなステージを始めることにわくわくしていますが、同時に皆さんとお別れをするのは悲しいです。


一人一人に「ありがとう!」と言いたいです。この最高なスクールで教え、経験を積むことでき光栄です。ENGLISH NOW!で一緒に歩む時間はこれで終わりですが、私たちの絆は終わりではありません。ここで過ごした毎日は、皆さんのおかげで特別なものとなりました。私はお別れすることになりますが、これからもあなたの周りにいる人々を敬う想いや気遣う気持ちを持ち、そして新しく出会う人を温かく迎え入れてあげてください。そしてこれからも学ぶことを諦めず、自分自身を磨き続け、知恵、知識、理解を深めてください。それらは今後のあなたを導き、大きな成功をもたらす手助けとなるでしょう。


クラウディア サカイ



ENGLISH NOW!はFacebookでも楽しくてためになる内容や最新情報をお届けしています!英語学習やスクールについてのご意見、ご質問も随時募集していますよ!



Check out English Now!'s Facebook page!

Here we provide a fun, informative forum for our students and staff to share current information and their thoughts and questions about studying English and English Now!

“Like” us and take the opportunity to provide us with your comments.

Go to:

▶ Meet Gideon Roos!


Gideon Roos (ギヂオン ロース)
リヒテンバーグ(光の町)と呼ばれる南アフリカの小都市出身。ジャーナリズム及び コーポレート・コミュニケーション、言語学の二つの学位を取得した後、日本語の 学習を進めるため来日を決意する。ENGLISH NOW!の一員になる以前は、より良い 指導者を目指し小学校や幼稚園で英語を教えてきた。余暇には主に荒野で写真を撮 り、それ以外の時間は専門分野のさらなる勉強や研究にあてている。ギデオンにと って学習や指導はただの楽しみではなく、情熱である。新しく何かを学んだ時に 人々の瞳が輝く瞬間をこよなく愛しており、ENGLISH NOW!の生徒と学ぶ喜びを分 かち合える毎日を楽しみにしている。
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Gideon Roos (ギヂオン ロース)
Gideon is from a small town in South Africa called Lichtenburg (town of light). He decided to move to Japan to further his study of Japanese some time after completing his two degrees — the first in Journalism and Corporate Communication, the second in Linguistics. He taught English at elementary schools and kindergartens before joining the English Now! team to become an even better teacher.
He continues to pursue his postgraduate studies and research in his free time — when he is not out in the wilderness taking pictures. Learning and teaching aren't just hobbies of his — they are his passions! Gideon loves nothing more than seeing people's eyes light up as they learn something new, and looks forward to sharing the joys of learning with everyone at English Now! every day.

▶ Nice comments from an ENGLISH NOW! student:


「英会話学校 60代で通う





Good Luck,

We're very sorry to say our teacher Dan will be leaving us at the end of March to return to the U.K. We wish to thank him for teaching with us at English Now! All of us wish him the best of luck.


ENGLISH NOW! 生徒様、保護者様


当校講師のDan Gamble (ダン・ギャンブル)が3月を以てENGLISH NOW!を退職することとなりました。生徒様、保護者の皆様には3年もの間、大変お世話になり、本当にありがとうございました。





Here are some farewell words from Dan:

English Now! Students and Staff,

I have spent three wonderful years in Japan and at
English Now!, but I have decided that the time is right to move back to the U.K. with my family. I will therefore be leaving English Now! at the end of March.

I have really enjoyed teaching all of you—the discussions we had and the topics we covered really stretched my intellectual capabilities and I feel like I learned something new every day. We also had a lot of laughs and fun during our lessons as well!

I have really come to love Ibaraki and have greatly appreciated your advice on cool places to visit and great restaurants to eat at. It really is a place where a lot of people seem to have achieved a decent work-life balance and everyone seems to have interesting and fulfilling lives outside of work.

I will miss catching regular glimpses of the twin peaks of Mt. Tsukuba but I will always remember and treasure the good times that I had in Japan.

Take care and I wish you all the best for the future.

Yours sincerely,

Dan Gamble

ENGLISH NOW!の生徒さま、スタッフの皆さん

私はここ日本、そしてENGLISH NOW!で素晴らしい3年間を過ごしましたが、このたび家族と共にイギリスに帰国することを決断しました。そのため、3月末にENGLISH NOW!を離れることになります。




