The Apps aren't Enough!
10/10/19 Filed in: how to study
Are humans really getting smarter … or not?
Each new advance in automation brings more convenience and opens new doors — but at a price. And I fear that price is much higher than we realize.
GPS and Google Maps are certainly convenient, but how many still can use a compass, or read a map, or give competent directions? And when driving, how many really observe and remember their surroundings well enough to find their way later — without GPS.
Keeping your contacts on your smartphone is wonderful — but how many can no longer remember phone numbers or addresses because of this?
Instant, immediately satisfying digital entertainment is at our fingertips 24 hours a day — but how many no longer have the patience or focus needed to read entire novels and serious nonfiction? Or still have the attention span to hold a long, deep, balanced conversation?
Social interaction by texting can be convenient and gratifying. But relying on it to the extent that we avoid face-to-face communication — or even voice communication — can mean losing the interpersonal skills needed for genuine, intimate human communication.
For convenience [theirs!] and to save money, even banks are eliminating as much human contact as possible. They’ve moved from human tellers to ATMs to entirely-online banking. Online “madoguchi” replace interaction with employees and save labor costs. And take away yet another opportunity for us to communicate face-to-face with a real, live human.
Every time we automate or digitize a skill [or service], we become one step closer to losing that skill [or service].
Are we making ourselves stupider? … less able to interact and communicate effectively with our fellow humans?
This can apply to language learning. We must be careful not to ignore the human, personal side of language.
We are already seeing many travelers turning to translation apps like Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and iTranslate Voice for communicating in real time in foreign languages. We can only expect this trend to accelerate quickly. These can truly be lifesavers, and if I were to suddenly have to communicate in a language I had no experience with, I might take advantage of them. However, this would only be a short-term emergency solution — not one I would depend on if I intended to meaningfully interact in that language long-term.
To truly interact beyond the most basic communication in a foreign language, one must put in the time and effort necessary to learn that language, together with the culture behind it. No app will bring you this understanding — or depth of communication. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating going Luddite and tossing out the digital world. Actually, I’ve been rather an early adopter of much of it myself — aside from social media, that is!
Most of English Now!’s students come to class once a week. This alone is not enough for solid, rapid progress. I want to encourage all of our students to take full advantage of the available apps, software and online resources to supplement their English study. These complement and reinforce the face-to-face “analog” classes you attend at English Now!
Long before Internet and smartphones, studying alone with books and tapes and CDs was essential to make solid progress with a foreign language. This hasn’t changed. The new technology and media have simply made solo study more readily available, more effective, and cheaper. We would be foolish not to take advantage of them.
But, godsend that they are, they’re not enough for developing deeper, more nuanced English communication skills — and the profound understanding that comes with them. This can only be achieved by communicating face-to-face with real, live humans. So please do study with the apps and the YouTube videos — and then bring what you’ve learned to your class at English Now! to try out and refine. Enjoy the best of both worlds: both digital and human!
既に多くの旅行者が外国語を使ってリアルタイムでコミュニケーションを取るために"Google Translate"や"Microsoft Translator"、"iTranslate Voice"といった翻訳アプリを使用していますね。こうしたツールは今後もますます広まっていくばかりだと思います。本当に助かる道具であることは間違いありませんし、もし全く馴染みのない言語を使って今すぐ誰かとコミュニケーションを取らなくてはいけない場面に出くわしたら、私もその恩恵に与ると思います。しかし、これはあくまでその場しのぎの緊急の解決法です。今後もその言語を使って長期間に渡り有意義な交流を持ちたいのであれば、翻訳アプリを頼ることはできないでしょう。
ENGLISH NOW!の生徒の皆さんの多くは週に1回レッスンに来て下さっていますね。しかし早急に、確固とした上達を得たいのであれば、残念ながらこれだけでは不十分なのです。予習や復習のために、皆さんにはぜひ学習アプリやソフト、オンライン教材を存分に活用してもらいたいと思っています。こうしたツールはENGLISH NOW!でしているような面と向かっての「アナログ」な学習を補完、強化するのにうってつけです。
しかしどれだけ便利であっても、英語コミュニケーションの持つ微妙なニュアンスの差異を感じ取ったり、それに伴う徹底的な理解を深めるためにはアプリやソフトウェアでは不十分です。この能力は本物の、生きた人間と面と向かって話をすることによってのみ身に付きます。ですからぜひアプリやYoutube動画で学習した英語をENGLISH NOW!のクラスに持ち込み、試し、磨いて下さい。人間的なコミュニケーションとデジタル世界、両方を楽しんでいきましょう!
Each new advance in automation brings more convenience and opens new doors — but at a price. And I fear that price is much higher than we realize.
GPS and Google Maps are certainly convenient, but how many still can use a compass, or read a map, or give competent directions? And when driving, how many really observe and remember their surroundings well enough to find their way later — without GPS.
Keeping your contacts on your smartphone is wonderful — but how many can no longer remember phone numbers or addresses because of this?
Instant, immediately satisfying digital entertainment is at our fingertips 24 hours a day — but how many no longer have the patience or focus needed to read entire novels and serious nonfiction? Or still have the attention span to hold a long, deep, balanced conversation?
Social interaction by texting can be convenient and gratifying. But relying on it to the extent that we avoid face-to-face communication — or even voice communication — can mean losing the interpersonal skills needed for genuine, intimate human communication.
For convenience [theirs!] and to save money, even banks are eliminating as much human contact as possible. They’ve moved from human tellers to ATMs to entirely-online banking. Online “madoguchi” replace interaction with employees and save labor costs. And take away yet another opportunity for us to communicate face-to-face with a real, live human.
Every time we automate or digitize a skill [or service], we become one step closer to losing that skill [or service].
Are we making ourselves stupider? … less able to interact and communicate effectively with our fellow humans?
This can apply to language learning. We must be careful not to ignore the human, personal side of language.
We are already seeing many travelers turning to translation apps like Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and iTranslate Voice for communicating in real time in foreign languages. We can only expect this trend to accelerate quickly. These can truly be lifesavers, and if I were to suddenly have to communicate in a language I had no experience with, I might take advantage of them. However, this would only be a short-term emergency solution — not one I would depend on if I intended to meaningfully interact in that language long-term.
To truly interact beyond the most basic communication in a foreign language, one must put in the time and effort necessary to learn that language, together with the culture behind it. No app will bring you this understanding — or depth of communication. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating going Luddite and tossing out the digital world. Actually, I’ve been rather an early adopter of much of it myself — aside from social media, that is!
Most of English Now!’s students come to class once a week. This alone is not enough for solid, rapid progress. I want to encourage all of our students to take full advantage of the available apps, software and online resources to supplement their English study. These complement and reinforce the face-to-face “analog” classes you attend at English Now!
Long before Internet and smartphones, studying alone with books and tapes and CDs was essential to make solid progress with a foreign language. This hasn’t changed. The new technology and media have simply made solo study more readily available, more effective, and cheaper. We would be foolish not to take advantage of them.
But, godsend that they are, they’re not enough for developing deeper, more nuanced English communication skills — and the profound understanding that comes with them. This can only be achieved by communicating face-to-face with real, live humans. So please do study with the apps and the YouTube videos — and then bring what you’ve learned to your class at English Now! to try out and refine. Enjoy the best of both worlds: both digital and human!
既に多くの旅行者が外国語を使ってリアルタイムでコミュニケーションを取るために"Google Translate"や"Microsoft Translator"、"iTranslate Voice"といった翻訳アプリを使用していますね。こうしたツールは今後もますます広まっていくばかりだと思います。本当に助かる道具であることは間違いありませんし、もし全く馴染みのない言語を使って今すぐ誰かとコミュニケーションを取らなくてはいけない場面に出くわしたら、私もその恩恵に与ると思います。しかし、これはあくまでその場しのぎの緊急の解決法です。今後もその言語を使って長期間に渡り有意義な交流を持ちたいのであれば、翻訳アプリを頼ることはできないでしょう。
ENGLISH NOW!の生徒の皆さんの多くは週に1回レッスンに来て下さっていますね。しかし早急に、確固とした上達を得たいのであれば、残念ながらこれだけでは不十分なのです。予習や復習のために、皆さんにはぜひ学習アプリやソフト、オンライン教材を存分に活用してもらいたいと思っています。こうしたツールはENGLISH NOW!でしているような面と向かっての「アナログ」な学習を補完、強化するのにうってつけです。
しかしどれだけ便利であっても、英語コミュニケーションの持つ微妙なニュアンスの差異を感じ取ったり、それに伴う徹底的な理解を深めるためにはアプリやソフトウェアでは不十分です。この能力は本物の、生きた人間と面と向かって話をすることによってのみ身に付きます。ですからぜひアプリやYoutube動画で学習した英語をENGLISH NOW!のクラスに持ち込み、試し、磨いて下さい。人間的なコミュニケーションとデジタル世界、両方を楽しんでいきましょう!