Our Staff

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Jacques Saffell / Director
アメリカ出身。ENGLISH NOW!学長。ジョージタウン大学出身。高い指導力といずれの分野にも通じる幅広い知識に多くの方からの支持を得ている。’85年単身来日後、35年以上にも渡り英語指導にあたる。その間に、現在の指導法のベースとなる「英語は耳から!」を確立。当校より多くの「英語のプロ」を輩出!日本語検定1級。指導歴: 東京大学/早稲田大学/名古屋大学/農林水産省/Air Liquide LaboratoriesJAXANikonJapan Air Gases/日本ポール/日本板ガラス/NIAIST/神立中央保育園/(株)エイ・イー・エス 他多数
Our Director, Mr. Saffell, is from the U.S.A. and attended the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, DC. Since arriving in Japan in 1985, he has been professionally teaching English for more than 35 years and has developed his own method of teaching “English by ear.” By virtue of his broad and deep academic knowledge in many fields he has succeeded in attracting numerous students who make use of their English in a wide variety of fields. Mr. Saffell also possesses the 1st grade of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. A sampling of his teaching career includes Tokyo University, Waseda University, Nagoya University, Ministry of Agriculture, Air Liquide Laboratories, JAXA, Nikon, Japan Air Gases, Nihon Pall Corporation, NSG Group, NIAIST, Kandatsu Chuo Kindergarten, and A.E.S. Corporation.
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Gideon Roos / Instructor
リヒテンバーグ(光の町)と呼ばれる南アフリカの小都市出身。ジャーナリズム及び コーポレート・コミュニケーション、言語学の二つの学位を取得した後、日本語の 学習を進めるため来日を決意する。ENGLISH NOW!の一員になる以前は、より良い 指導者を目指し小学校や幼稚園で英語を教えてきた。余暇には主に荒野で写真を撮 り、それ以外の時間は専門分野のさらなる勉強や研究にあてている。ギデオンにと って学習や指導はただの楽しみではなく、情熱である。新しく何かを学んだ時に 人々の瞳が輝く瞬間をこよなく愛しており、ENGLISH NOW!の生徒と学ぶ喜びを分 かち合える毎日を楽しみにしている。
Gideon is from a small town in South Africa called Lichtenburg (town of light). He decided to move to Japan to further his study of Japanese some time after completing his two degrees — the first in Journalism and Corporate Communication, the second in Linguistics. He taught English at elementary schools and kindergartens before joining the English Now! team to become an even better teacher. He continues to pursue his postgraduate studies and research in his free time — when he is not out in the wilderness taking pictures. Learning and teaching aren't just hobbies of his — they are his passions! Gideon loves nothing more than seeing people's eyes light up as they learn something new, and looks forward to sharing the joys of learning with everyone at English Now! every day.
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Victor Lopez / Instructor
Victor was born in the U.S., but grew up in Mexico until graduating from high school. Ever since he was a child, Aztec culture sparked his curiosity about ancient civilizations and cultures. He took a great interest in cultural anthropology and literature, and after graduating from high school, he moved to San Diego, California for college. Enjoying many old-school anime like マジンガーZ [Tranzor Z in the US] and マッハGoGoGo [Speed Racer in the US], Victor became fascinated with Japanese culture. After 3 years of college in San Diego, he transferred to the University of Hawaii at Manoa to major in East Asian Languages and Cultures. After graduating, he decided to live in Japan to keep improving his Japanese language skills. Victor practices “scratch” DJ mixing with turntables –– called “turntablism” –– so he likes to collect vinyl records. Victor’s favorite Japanese book is Natsume Soseki’s Botchan and his favorite Japanese movie is Akira.
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Shan Cassim / Instructor
イギリス南海岸のウィンチェスター出身。 家族はゴスポートという小さな港町出身で、幼少期のほとんどをそこで過ごした。 日本に来る前、音響工学の学位を取得し、その後、TESOL 資格取得のために勉強。 2011年に来日し、岐阜県と愛知県でALTとして指導にあたる。のちに、京都の立命館大学で言語教育の修士号を取得し、京都と名古屋の中学校及び高等学校で教鞭をとる。 余暇はサッカー観戦やプレーを楽しむ。また、生涯アーセナルFCのサポーターである。English Now! の生徒たちに教えることを心から楽しみにしており、一緒にたくさんの思い出に残る瞬間を作りたいと考えている。
Shan is from Winchester on the South Coast of the UK. His family was originally from a small port town called Gosport, and he spent most of his childhood there. Before coming to Japan, Shan’s first degree was in sound engineering, after which he studied for TESOL certification. He came to Japan in 2011, and taught as an ALT in Gifu and Aichi Prefectures. He then earned his Masters degree in language education at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto before teaching at junior and senior high schools in Kyoto and Nagoya. In his free time Shan enjoys watching and playing soccer and is a lifelong Arsenal supporter. Shan really looks forward to teaching English Now!’s students and hopes to create many memorable moments together!
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Ikuko Nakagoshi / Counselor
アメリカ東海岸、バージニア州に4年半滞在。 滞在中はAdult Learning Centerで英語を学ぶ。 2人の子どもたちが通ったPublic Schoolのボランティア活動、長男が所属していたボーイスカウトを通じ、地域の人々を交流を持つ。 アメリカで女性に人気のスクラップブッキングに興味を持ち、コミュニケーションの輪を広げた。アメリカの雰囲気が漂う当校に魅かれ、自分自身も学びながらカウンセラーを務める。
Ikuko lived for 4 years in Virginia State on the east coast of the U.S. While studying English at the Adult Learning Center there, she helped out at the elementary school her 2 children attended and with her son’s Boy Scout troop. In Virginia, Ikuko also pursued her hobbies of porcelain-painting and scrapbooking. In this way, she developed close ties with the community and made many American friends while advancing her English. After returning to Japan, she was impressed by the international, English-speaking atmosphere of English Now! and has become one of our counselors in addition to attending classes here herself.
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Yuika Sakashita / Receptionist
英語を習い始めたのは、ここEnglish Now! –– その経験を活かし、現在はカウンセラーとして生徒の役に立ちたいと考えている。高校時代のオーストラリア短期研修をきっかけに、大学では約半年間のオーストラリア留学とイギリス短期研修を経験。ホストファミリーとしてドイツやオーストラリアからの留学生を受け入れた経験もある。また、韓国語にも関心があり、独学で勉強中。茨城大学農学部を卒業後、現在は看護専門学校に通っている。将来は、国際的に活躍できるような看護師を目指している。好きなことはバスケットボール、美術館・カフェ巡り、読書など。
Yuika actually started studying English as a child here at English Now! –– and now she's working here as a counselor to support our students! As a high school student she visited Australia and this inspired her to go abroad again as a college undergraduate –– once more to Australia and also to England. She has also hosted students from Germany and Australia. After graduating from Ibaraki University with a degree in Agriculture, Yuika enrolled in nursing school with the goal of working globally as a nurse in the future. In addition to continuing to study English, Yuika is teaching herself Korean. She enjoys playing basketball, reading, and going to cafes and art museums.