Autumn is here…Back to basics!
09/09/17 Filed in: teaching kids
It’s autumn—when the new school year starts in much of the world. Now is a good time to review how to help our kids get the most out of their weekly classes at English Now!
So let’s jump right into the “basics:”
• Don’t miss classes.
Yes, this would seem to be obvious, but many kids do miss classes and it really does make a difference in retention and motivation. Try your utmost to get your child to class on time every week.
• Bring your child to class early, if possible.
We generally try to let the kids into the classroom about 10 minutes before starting time (except for the PreKids classes), so that we can check homework and give more personalized attention to the kids that need it most.
• Read the email report sent to the parents after each class.
See what was studied and confirm the homework. This will help keep you more connected to your child’s English learning.
• Make sure your child does his homework.
See that they do not rush through it or do it at the last minute. If there’s a lot or it’s difficult, then it’s probably better to split it over two or more days. Refer to the textbook if there’s confusion.
• After the homework is complete, have them read it to you out loud in a big voice.
This turns reading and writing practice into speaking practice. This is essential. All languages started out as spoken communication, and must be spoken to be alive. If you feel your own English is up to it, help your child if they need it. It can also be fun—and educational—to ask them to teach the material to you, and then let them correct you when you make mistakes.
• Practice phonics pronunciation with video.
Accurate English pronunciation is very difficult, so don’t feel bad if it’s beyond you now. Find “Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)” on YouTube. Have your child practice the phoneme pronunciation with it. Better yet…do it together! Video is important because you can see the way the mouth moves to make each sound.
• Help with handwriting.
Even if you don’t feel confident in your spoken English, there’s a good chance that you could really help your child with their handwriting. Please do—especially with younger children who are just starting.
• Sing our “Song of the Month.”
If you notice your child seems to like our monthly song, find it for them on YouTube. The lyrics are on our website. Let them sing it at home…or in the car…or best of all…TOGETHER!
• Read together.
Read both their textbook and—more enjoyably—English children’s books together. Make sure the books suit their age and level.
• Live a lifestyle which includes English.
This may be the hardest—but the most important. It means creating an environment with lots of English in it: posters, books, magazines, music, movies, TV, video, Internet, conversation—even foreign food. Interestingly, the focus doesn’t need to be entirely on English. An environment rich in the diversity of the many cultures of the world will spark overall curiosity and interest. This can really help motivate your child.
• Travel abroad.
Travel as a family to an English-speaking country. This will make English more “real” for your child. Make sure the trip is fun for them—not just museums and restaurants and shopping.
• Don’t expect or force your child to “perform.”
It’s natural for most children to associate English with their English classes—and to associate normal home life with Japanese. To them, it seems strange and can be stressful to be put on the spot to demonstrate their English in a normally Japanese environment. The way around this is to create that English-inclusive environment at home. That way, the child feels that English is just another part of home life—and is more likely to use English at home.
もうすっかり秋めいてきましたね。世界の多くの地域ではこの時期に新学年がスタートします。ENGLISH NOW!に通う子ども達は週に1回レッスンを受けていますが、より多くのことを吸収するため、ご家族はどんなサポートができるでしょうか?ちょうど良いのでここで確認しておきましょう。
【ビデオでフォニックスの発音を練習する】正確な英語の発音というのは非常に難しいので、力が及ばなくでも落ち込む必要はありません。そんな時にはYoutubeで “Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)”を検索しましょう。これを見ながら、子ども達にはフォニックスの発音を練習させて下さい。もしご家族の方が一緒に取り組めたらさらに良いですね!それぞれの音を作り出すためにどんな風に口を動かせば良いか確認できるので、映像は重要です。
【『今月の歌』を歌う】もし子ども達がスクールで歌っている『今月の歌』が好きなようであれば、その動画をYoutubeで検索しましょう。歌詞はENGLISH NOW!のホームページでも確認できますよ。ご自宅で、車で、どんな場所であっても、子どもと《一緒に》歌うことを楽しみましょう!
So let’s jump right into the “basics:”
• Don’t miss classes.
Yes, this would seem to be obvious, but many kids do miss classes and it really does make a difference in retention and motivation. Try your utmost to get your child to class on time every week.
• Bring your child to class early, if possible.
We generally try to let the kids into the classroom about 10 minutes before starting time (except for the PreKids classes), so that we can check homework and give more personalized attention to the kids that need it most.
• Read the email report sent to the parents after each class.
See what was studied and confirm the homework. This will help keep you more connected to your child’s English learning.
• Make sure your child does his homework.
See that they do not rush through it or do it at the last minute. If there’s a lot or it’s difficult, then it’s probably better to split it over two or more days. Refer to the textbook if there’s confusion.
• After the homework is complete, have them read it to you out loud in a big voice.
This turns reading and writing practice into speaking practice. This is essential. All languages started out as spoken communication, and must be spoken to be alive. If you feel your own English is up to it, help your child if they need it. It can also be fun—and educational—to ask them to teach the material to you, and then let them correct you when you make mistakes.
• Practice phonics pronunciation with video.
Accurate English pronunciation is very difficult, so don’t feel bad if it’s beyond you now. Find “Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)” on YouTube. Have your child practice the phoneme pronunciation with it. Better yet…do it together! Video is important because you can see the way the mouth moves to make each sound.
• Help with handwriting.
Even if you don’t feel confident in your spoken English, there’s a good chance that you could really help your child with their handwriting. Please do—especially with younger children who are just starting.
• Sing our “Song of the Month.”
If you notice your child seems to like our monthly song, find it for them on YouTube. The lyrics are on our website. Let them sing it at home…or in the car…or best of all…TOGETHER!
• Read together.
Read both their textbook and—more enjoyably—English children’s books together. Make sure the books suit their age and level.
• Live a lifestyle which includes English.
This may be the hardest—but the most important. It means creating an environment with lots of English in it: posters, books, magazines, music, movies, TV, video, Internet, conversation—even foreign food. Interestingly, the focus doesn’t need to be entirely on English. An environment rich in the diversity of the many cultures of the world will spark overall curiosity and interest. This can really help motivate your child.
• Travel abroad.
Travel as a family to an English-speaking country. This will make English more “real” for your child. Make sure the trip is fun for them—not just museums and restaurants and shopping.
• Don’t expect or force your child to “perform.”
It’s natural for most children to associate English with their English classes—and to associate normal home life with Japanese. To them, it seems strange and can be stressful to be put on the spot to demonstrate their English in a normally Japanese environment. The way around this is to create that English-inclusive environment at home. That way, the child feels that English is just another part of home life—and is more likely to use English at home.
もうすっかり秋めいてきましたね。世界の多くの地域ではこの時期に新学年がスタートします。ENGLISH NOW!に通う子ども達は週に1回レッスンを受けていますが、より多くのことを吸収するため、ご家族はどんなサポートができるでしょうか?ちょうど良いのでここで確認しておきましょう。
【ビデオでフォニックスの発音を練習する】正確な英語の発音というのは非常に難しいので、力が及ばなくでも落ち込む必要はありません。そんな時にはYoutubeで “Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds (American English)”を検索しましょう。これを見ながら、子ども達にはフォニックスの発音を練習させて下さい。もしご家族の方が一緒に取り組めたらさらに良いですね!それぞれの音を作り出すためにどんな風に口を動かせば良いか確認できるので、映像は重要です。
【『今月の歌』を歌う】もし子ども達がスクールで歌っている『今月の歌』が好きなようであれば、その動画をYoutubeで検索しましょう。歌詞はENGLISH NOW!のホームページでも確認できますよ。ご自宅で、車で、どんな場所であっても、子どもと《一緒に》歌うことを楽しみましょう!