What We Can Learn From Children

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” —Pablo Picasso

We can learn much from children and how they acquire their own native language. They do this in many ways, but here I’d like to focus on three: chunking and repetition, being unafraid of making mistakes, and real world practice.

First, let’s look at chunking and repetition. Have you ever noticed how children will become obsessed with a particular movie, book, or just one episode of their favorite TV show, and ask to watch or read it again and again? Only when they have fully understood and digested the material, and are able to repeat “chunks” of it from memory, do they tire of it and move onto something else—often to repeat the same process again. This habit continues even into their teenage years and beyond—certain songs or novels or perhaps even movies with complex plot structures grab their attention and they obsess on them till they’ve had their fill. Their total concentration is the key to this method of absorbing knowledge. As adults, we can apply this same chunking and repetition technique very effectively to language learning, for example, in building vocabulary, modeling correct pronunciation, and in gaining the cultural knowledge that the language is built upon.

Next, children are not afraid to experiment and make mistakes when they’re learning their native language. If they need or want something, they find a way to ask for it, often using non-verbal cues like smiles or pouts to get their point across. They try many different methods until they find something that works. When they try out new language and make mistakes, helpful adults or older children often correct them, so that their mistakes disappear over time. Many adult learners of a second language hinder their learning because they’re so afraid of making mistakes that they hesitate to say anything at all. It’s always better to try and fail, than to not try at all.

Finally, children build fluency through real world practice, that is, they practice their native language immersed in actual real world situations all the time, rather than theoretically with textbooks or in a classroom. Their reactions are therefore much more instantaneous and natural, because they are responding to a wide gamut of stimuli—instead of just to spoken or written words. They take in a multitude of communication cues involving all the senses when processing information before responding. When we do dialog practice in class here at
English Now!, we always try to get the students to speak dramatically, keep eye contact, and use props to make the situation as realistic as possible. This really does make a huge difference in promoting overall comprehension.

So, the next time you feel you’re stuck in a rut and not making progress with your English, try looking at the world through the wide-open, enthusiastic eyes of a child. It might help to change your perspective and get you back on track.



「子供の頃は皆が芸術家。問題は大人になってからも芸術家でいられるかどうかです。」 —パブロ・ピカソ




最後に、子供たちは現実の世界で練習を重ねることで母国語の流暢さを磨いていきます。テキストや教室の中で理論を学ぶというより、実際に様々な状況に四六時中置かれながら実践的に言葉を身に付けていくのです。ただ発せられた、もしくは書かれた言葉にではなく、ありとあらゆる刺激に対処しているのですから、彼らの反応はかなり即座で自然なものになります。情報を処理するため、子供たちは五感を含めコミュニケーションにおける全ての手掛かりを自分の内に取り込み、それから返事をします。ここENGLISH NOW!でも会話練習の際は生徒の皆さんには常にドラマチックに話すよう促していますし、アイコンタクトを取り、できるだけリアルに状況を再現するため小道具なども使ってもらいます。これだけでも総合的な理解力にかなり大きな違いが出てきますから。

