Long drive ahead? Fun, easy games to play in the car!

Holiday seasons often mean travel.  Sometimes we travel to get away from everything and spend some quiet time relaxing.  At other times, we travel back to our hometowns to visit family and spend special time together.  Whatever the reason, and whatever the destination, those long trips can get boring, especially when you're a kid cramped in a car.

Here are four easy spoken games to play with the family while on those long road-trips that'll not only keep everyone entertained, but also help with your English learning.

1.  I Spy

I Spy is a timeless staple of the road played in countless countries and in many more languages than just English.  The gist of the game is to find an object that you can see from the car, and describe it.  The other players then have to find the thing you're describing before it vanishes from view.  This is a great game to play with younger and beginner English speakers.  You don't have to worry about making sentences, just use various words to describe what you want them to guess.  Here is a quick example:

"I spy with my little eye... something brown, and green, and tall, and really old."

"It's that tree."

It's great fun and helps children to remember and gain confidence using English vocabulary, especially adjectives.

2.  What am I?

What am I? is somewhat similar to I Spy, but can be played at a more advanced level.  In this came you pretend to be a particular object, and describe yourself.  Similar to I Spy, the other players then have to guess what you are.  With this game, you can expand your descriptions into more elaborate phrases that tackle your object's function, use, or origin, rather than just what you look like.  Here is a quick example:

"I have three arms.  One runs fast, the other just so-so, and the last very slow.  I come in many shapes and sizes.  Sometimes I'm square, sometimes I'm round, sometimes even a triangle.  Without me, you would always be late."

"I am a clock."

3.  Make a Sentence.

Where the previous two games were focused on reinforcing and practicing vocabulary, Make a Sentence is focused on grammar and quick-thinking.  In this game each player takes a turn adding one word onto those already said.  The aim of the game is to make as long a sentence as you can.  The person who says the last word in the sentence and the one who cannot come up with another word to add, lose. For example:

“I” ➡︎ Dad: “am” ➡︎ Brother: “a” ➡︎ Sister: “really” ➡︎ Mom: “happy” ➡︎ Dad: “and” ➡︎ Brother: “hungry” ➡︎ Sister: “caterpillar” ➡︎ Mom: “who” ➡︎ Dad “forgot” ➡︎ Brother: “his” ➡︎ Sister: “lunch” ➡︎ Mom: “at” ➡︎ Dad: “home.”

For this sentence:
I am a really happy and hungry caterpillar who forgot his lunch at home,

Dad and Brother lose because Dad said the last word and Brother couldn't think of another word to add.

4.  Words that begin/end with...

Words that begin with... focuses on improving spelling and phonics as well as vocabulary.  The first player chooses a letter, and a category (town names, colors, foods, etc.).  Then all the players take turns to say words in the chosen category that either start with, or end with the letter the first player chose.  Each player has a time-limit of a couple seconds (5 works quite well) to come up with a word.  The players take turns until someone can't come up with another word.  The player who couldn't think of another word is the loser and has to start the next round by choosing a new letter and category.  Here is a quick example.

"Foods that start with 'S'."
Mom:                   "
Big Brother:        "
Big Sister:           "
Little Brother:     "
Little Sister:        "
Dad:                    "

Mom is the loser because she couldn't think of another food that starts with 'S'.  She thus picks a new letter and a new category and the game starts over again.

So give these games a try for some of those long trips and have some fun with your language learning!

And by the way, you don’t need to have kids to play these. Big people can enjoy them just as much!




1. I Spy 私が見ているものは?
 I Spyは、時代を超えて多くの国で愛されている、車内でできる定番のゲームです。ゲームのやり方は、まず、プレイヤーの1人が車の外に見えるものから何か一つ選び、それを言葉で表現します。ほかのプレイヤーはそれが見えなくなってしまう前に、答えが何であるかを見つけなければなりません。このゲームは子どもや英語初心者が遊ぶのにぴったりのゲームです。文章をつくる必要はありません。相手が推測できるように様々な単語を使うだけでいいのです。



2. What am I ? 私はだれ?
 What am I I Spy に似ていますが、少し難易度が上がります。このゲームは、自分が何か物になりきって、自分自身を言葉で表現します。I Spyと同様に、ほかのプレイヤーはそれが何かを推測していきます。このゲームでは、物の見た目だけではなく、機能や使い方、起源などについてより凝った言い回しで幅広く説明することができます。


3. Make a Sentence. 文を作ろう
 これまでの2つのゲームは単語の強化と練習に重点を置いていましたが、Make a Sentenceは文法やより素早く考える力に重点をおいたゲームです。このゲームでは、各プレイヤーが順番に、前の人が言った単語に単語を一つずつ付け加えていきます。ゲームの目的は、できるだけ長い文章を作ることです。文章の最後の単語を言った人と、付け加える単語を思いつかなかった人が負けとなります。

例)母:“I”→ 父:“am”→ 兄:“a”→ 妹:“really”→    母:“happy”→ 父:“and”→ 兄:“hungry”→ 妹:“caterpillar”   母:“who”→ 父:“forgot”→ 兄:“his” 妹:“lunch”→    母:“at”→ 父:“home”
”I am a really happy and hungry caterpillar who forgot his lunch at home.”私は本当に幸せでランチを家に忘れてお腹を空かせた芋虫です。


4. Words that begin/end with から始まる/で終わる言葉は?

  母:Sushi 兄:Soup 姉:Sandwich 弟:Salad    妹:Salmon 父:Sardines 母:

