Everyday English Makes for Everyday Improvement

Almost everyone wants their child to learn English. It quite literally opens the entire world to them. And especially in Japan, it can help them get into better schools, better universities, and eventually better jobs. We all want our children to succeed, but many don't know how we can contribute other than sending them to a cram school, or making sure they do their homework. Maybe we're not confident about our own English skill, or we don't want to teach them the wrong thing. But really, speaking English with your child—no matter how you sound—is one of the best ways to help them learn. And you don't need a degree!

Children are amazing at picking up languages. Some studies have even suggested they might start learning some elements of language while still growing inside their mother's womb. There really isn't such a thing as too early to start! Even if they can't understand what you're saying, they will pick up on the sounds, intonation, and rhythm. Starting early gives them a leg up, and helps set a foundation on which to build for the rest of their lives.

It's not about giving them the perfect English—it's about consistency, and frequency. The more regularly your child hears English, the more they will learn. You don't need to teach them with set lessons, or special study time. In fact, the less obvious and casual you are about it when they're young, the better. And you don't have to teach them difficult, complicated things, either. You can do simple things like describing what you're doing—“Let’s wash your hands,” or “Time to put on your shoes,”—or talk about what you see around you—“Look at the big tree,” or “What a sunny day!” These small moments add up, and before you know it, your child will start understanding and responding.

Everyday life is full of opportunities to use English. Bath time, mealtime, playtime, and even shopping trips can become language-learning moments. By using English naturally in these situations, your child will learn how the language works in real life. This kind of learning is very effective because it’s practical and meaningful to them.

It’s never too late to start if your child is a little older, either. Even if they’ve already started learning English at school, hearing it regularly at home gives them more practice and helps build their confidence. Children learn best when they’re surrounded by the language in different contexts, so every bit of English you use at home will help them progress.

The most important thing is to keep it fun and relaxed. You don’t need to worry about being perfect or using big words. Simple, everyday conversations are more than enough. By making English a natural part of your daily life, you’re giving your child the tools they need to succeed. So, whether your child is a baby or a toddler, or a school kid, now is the perfect time to start speaking English with them.

Gideon Roos


ほとんどの親は、子どもに英語を学ばせたいと思っているのではないでしょうか。文字通り、それは彼らの世界を開くものだ からです。特に日本で英語は、より良い学校や大学に進学し、最終的により良い仕事に就く手助けになります。私たちは皆、 子どもたちの成功を願いますが、塾に通わせたり、宿題をきちんとやらせたりする以外に何をしてあげればよいのかわからな いという人も多いでしょう。自分の英語力に自信がなかったり、間違ったことを教えたくないと思ったりするかもしれませ ん。でも実は英語に不安があったとしても、お子さんと英語で話すことが、学びを助ける最良の方法の一つなのです。そし て、それには学位も必要ありません!

子どもは言葉を覚えるのが驚くほど得意です。いくつかの研究では、母親の胎内にいる間にすでに言語のいくつかの要素を学 び始める可能性があるとされています。何かを始めるのに早すぎるということはありません!たとえ言われていることを理解 できなくても、子どもは音やイントネーション、リズムを自然に覚えていきます。早く学び始めることで、子どもたちは有利 なスタートを切り、その後の人生を築くための基盤を作ることができるのです。

大切なのは完璧な英語を教えることではなく、継続性と頻度です。英語を繰り返し聞けば聞くほど、子どもたちは学んでいき ます。決まったレッスンや特別な勉強時間を設ける必要もありません。実際小さいうちはあまり意識せず、自然に英語を使う 方が効果的です。難しいことや複雑なことを教える必要もありません。例えば、「手を洗おうね」や「靴を履く時間だよ」な ど、何をしているのかを簡単に説明したり、「大きな木だね」や「いい天気だね!」など、周りの景色について話したりする ことです。こうした小さな瞬間が積み重なり、気づいた時には理解して反応できるようになっているでしょう。

日常生活は英語を使う機会であふれています。お風呂の時間、食事の時間、遊びの時間、さらには買い物に行く時も、すべて が英語学習の時間になります。これらの場面で英語を自然に使うことで、実際の生活の中で英語がどのように使われるかを子 どもたちは学ぶことができます。このような学び方は、実践的で意味があるためとても効果的です。

お子さんが大きくなっていても、始めるのに遅すぎることはありません。すでに学校で英語を学び始めていたとしても、お家 でよく英語を聞くことでさらに練習することができますし、自信もついてくるでしょう。子どもはさまざまな場面で英語に囲 まれることでよりよく学ぶことができるので、家で使う少しの英語が子どもの英語力の向上に大変役に立ちます。

完璧を目指すことも、難しい言葉を使う必要もありません。簡単な日常会話で十分なのです。英語を日常生活に取り入れるこ とで、子どもたちはどんどん成長します。赤ちゃんも幼稚園に通うお子さんも、学校に通っているお子さんも、今がまさに英 語を話し始める絶好のチャンスです!

ギデオン ロース

Three easy ways to improve your accent!

Accents are a popular topic and are the subject of intense interest for linguists and comedians alike –– not to mention that they can be quite charming and endearing. However, it’s important to make sure that, whatever your accent, you are easily understandable. With summer here and holidays starting, many will have a little more free time to work on personal projects and hobbies. Why not spend a little time improving your accent?!

Here are three easy ways to improve your accent with just a few minutes of practice every day.

1. Mimicry/Mirroring
As we’ve mentioned before, a great way to improve your accent is to pick someone to model who has a clear and understandable accent, listen to them speaking –– perhaps giving a speech or on a talk show –– and mimic how they speak. Listen to what they say and how they say it, and try to repeat it so that you sound the same.

2. Tongue-twisters An important part of mastering a word or phrase so that it sounds natural, is to say it quickly so you don't have time to think about it, and to say it in a variety of contexts. Tongue-twisters are great for this. They force you to pronounce specific sounds rapidly in difficult situations, which helps to train your tongue and mouth muscles.

3. Songs Many tend to underestimate how useful songs can be in training your pronunciation. Songs offer a chance to master natural pronunciation and enunciation of the lyrics. And they can be tons of fun!

Tongue-twisters and songs can especially be enjoyable for the whole family. On long drives to the beach or mountains, or to grandparents’ homes during O-bon, they can be great fun to do with the kids in the car.

With so many easy, simple, and fun ways to work on your accent, even for just a few minutes here and there, it’s well worth giving it a try.

So go have fun this summer, and come back refreshed, revitalized, and speaking better than ever!





1. 真似る / ミラーリング

2. 早口言葉

3. 歌う






Long drive ahead? Fun, easy games to play in the car!

Holiday seasons often mean travel.  Sometimes we travel to get away from everything and spend some quiet time relaxing.  At other times, we travel back to our hometowns to visit family and spend special time together.  Whatever the reason, and whatever the destination, those long trips can get boring, especially when you're a kid cramped in a car.

Here are four easy spoken games to play with the family while on those long road-trips that'll not only keep everyone entertained, but also help with your English learning.

1.  I Spy

I Spy is a timeless staple of the road played in countless countries and in many more languages than just English.  The gist of the game is to find an object that you can see from the car, and describe it.  The other players then have to find the thing you're describing before it vanishes from view.  This is a great game to play with younger and beginner English speakers.  You don't have to worry about making sentences, just use various words to describe what you want them to guess.  Here is a quick example:

"I spy with my little eye... something brown, and green, and tall, and really old."

"It's that tree."

It's great fun and helps children to remember and gain confidence using English vocabulary, especially adjectives.

2.  What am I?

What am I? is somewhat similar to I Spy, but can be played at a more advanced level.  In this came you pretend to be a particular object, and describe yourself.  Similar to I Spy, the other players then have to guess what you are.  With this game, you can expand your descriptions into more elaborate phrases that tackle your object's function, use, or origin, rather than just what you look like.  Here is a quick example:

"I have three arms.  One runs fast, the other just so-so, and the last very slow.  I come in many shapes and sizes.  Sometimes I'm square, sometimes I'm round, sometimes even a triangle.  Without me, you would always be late."

"I am a clock."

3.  Make a Sentence.

Where the previous two games were focused on reinforcing and practicing vocabulary, Make a Sentence is focused on grammar and quick-thinking.  In this game each player takes a turn adding one word onto those already said.  The aim of the game is to make as long a sentence as you can.  The person who says the last word in the sentence and the one who cannot come up with another word to add, lose. For example:

“I” ➡︎ Dad: “am” ➡︎ Brother: “a” ➡︎ Sister: “really” ➡︎ Mom: “happy” ➡︎ Dad: “and” ➡︎ Brother: “hungry” ➡︎ Sister: “caterpillar” ➡︎ Mom: “who” ➡︎ Dad “forgot” ➡︎ Brother: “his” ➡︎ Sister: “lunch” ➡︎ Mom: “at” ➡︎ Dad: “home.”

For this sentence:
I am a really happy and hungry caterpillar who forgot his lunch at home,

Dad and Brother lose because Dad said the last word and Brother couldn't think of another word to add.

4.  Words that begin/end with...

Words that begin with... focuses on improving spelling and phonics as well as vocabulary.  The first player chooses a letter, and a category (town names, colors, foods, etc.).  Then all the players take turns to say words in the chosen category that either start with, or end with the letter the first player chose.  Each player has a time-limit of a couple seconds (5 works quite well) to come up with a word.  The players take turns until someone can't come up with another word.  The player who couldn't think of another word is the loser and has to start the next round by choosing a new letter and category.  Here is a quick example.

"Foods that start with 'S'."
Mom:                   "
Big Brother:        "
Big Sister:           "
Little Brother:     "
Little Sister:        "
Dad:                    "

Mom is the loser because she couldn't think of another food that starts with 'S'.  She thus picks a new letter and a new category and the game starts over again.

So give these games a try for some of those long trips and have some fun with your language learning!

And by the way, you don’t need to have kids to play these. Big people can enjoy them just as much!




1. I Spy 私が見ているものは?
 I Spyは、時代を超えて多くの国で愛されている、車内でできる定番のゲームです。ゲームのやり方は、まず、プレイヤーの1人が車の外に見えるものから何か一つ選び、それを言葉で表現します。ほかのプレイヤーはそれが見えなくなってしまう前に、答えが何であるかを見つけなければなりません。このゲームは子どもや英語初心者が遊ぶのにぴったりのゲームです。文章をつくる必要はありません。相手が推測できるように様々な単語を使うだけでいいのです。



2. What am I ? 私はだれ?
 What am I I Spy に似ていますが、少し難易度が上がります。このゲームは、自分が何か物になりきって、自分自身を言葉で表現します。I Spyと同様に、ほかのプレイヤーはそれが何かを推測していきます。このゲームでは、物の見た目だけではなく、機能や使い方、起源などについてより凝った言い回しで幅広く説明することができます。


3. Make a Sentence. 文を作ろう
 これまでの2つのゲームは単語の強化と練習に重点を置いていましたが、Make a Sentenceは文法やより素早く考える力に重点をおいたゲームです。このゲームでは、各プレイヤーが順番に、前の人が言った単語に単語を一つずつ付け加えていきます。ゲームの目的は、できるだけ長い文章を作ることです。文章の最後の単語を言った人と、付け加える単語を思いつかなかった人が負けとなります。

例)母:“I”→ 父:“am”→ 兄:“a”→ 妹:“really”→    母:“happy”→ 父:“and”→ 兄:“hungry”→ 妹:“caterpillar”   母:“who”→ 父:“forgot”→ 兄:“his” 妹:“lunch”→    母:“at”→ 父:“home”
”I am a really happy and hungry caterpillar who forgot his lunch at home.”私は本当に幸せでランチを家に忘れてお腹を空かせた芋虫です。


4. Words that begin/end with から始まる/で終わる言葉は?

  母:Sushi 兄:Soup 姉:Sandwich 弟:Salad    妹:Salmon 父:Sardines 母:



"Yeah, I'm listening."

So there you are, sitting with a couple English colleagues or coworkers. They’re having a great time, but it’s been 50 minutes already and you’ve hardly said a word. Worse yet, it still feels like you are an outsider to their conversation. What can you do? You know your vocabulary and your grammar and your pronunciation are just fine. Yet you can’t seem to get a word in edge-wise, much less get a good vibe going with everybody.

Well, here are 5 ways to improve your English communication skills without learning any new English:

1. Eye contact and body language are IMPORTANT!
We often mention that English is all about how you say it, not what you say. Your tone, intonation, and body language will either help people understand your message, or make it incomprehensible. And the same is also true the other way around. In many western cultures––not just America and England––eye contact and body language are very important for the listener, too. In Japan, it is quite normal not to look at someone while talking to or listening to them. But in the West, eye contact is important on both sides. Your eyes tell us what you are paying attention to––so if you don’t look at us, you seem disengaged.

2. Aizuchi
Americans often have the stereotype of being loud, but they can be surprisingly quiet when listening to someone. In the West, it’s generally considered rude to interrupt someone who’s speaking. In Japan, it’s typical to make quite loud and attention-grabbing sounds, or to repeat a phrase of what someone said to show you’re listening and interested. In western cultures, this is generally not the case. People instead make gestures like nodding, and softer sounds like ‘hmm’, ‘oh’, and ‘I see’––and not as frequently as in Japanese.

3. Questions
One exception to the be-quiet rule is questions. Conversations are generally guided by questions. People will listen relatively quietly, then interject with questions about what was just said. Your questions tell the speaker what interests you and what you want to hear more about.

4. Be proactive
In Japan, being considerate of others is very important. When talking, this manifests in actively giving others chances to comment, ask questions, or tell their own stories. In comparison, conversation in western cultures can seem like a wrestling match. You have to jump in when you want to speak. If you wait for people to give you a chance, you will hardly ever get a word in. There are, of course, certain protocols to jumping in––doing it too much or at the wrong time can be rude. Generally, people will indicate their desire to speak with non-verbal cues. One might take a breath, change their facial expression, or even make a gesture with their hand to show they wish to speak. A good speaker is attuned to those around them, and will notice these cues and give others a chance to speak. If the speaker sees none of this, however, they will just keep talking.

5. Leave threads
As mentioned above, questions are key in keeping a conversation going. And a good speaker will offer long enough and detailed enough questions and answers so that others can keep the momentum going. Very rarely is a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ a good answer. Longer questions and answers including details provide ‘threads’ which give the listeners information to follow up on. For example:

Question: ‘Do you like Italian food?’
A bad answer: ‘No.’

This answer is bad because it doesn’t give you’re the other person any way to continue the conversation.

A good answer: ‘Not really. I had a bad experience at an Italian pizzeria a couple years ago. I like Japanese food a lot better.’

This answer is good because it provides the other person with several options for follow up questions. They could ask about the bad experience at the Italian restaurant, or about your liking of Japanese food.

So, in general, English conversation is both more laid back and more engaged. People make less noise to show they are listening, but are more directly involved by asking questions to guide the conversation. You have to be proactive and make chances for yourself to speak––they will not be created for you. And a good speaker will keep an eye on their listeners for non-verbal cues that they wish to speak, and leave threads in their answers that the listener can pull to keep the conversation going.

Keep these points in mind, and soon you will not only be talking to the whole town, but may become the talk of the town as well!



想像してみてください。あなたは、英語を話す同僚たちと一緒に座っています。 みんなはとても楽しい時間を過ごしていますが、すでに50分が経っているのに、あなたはまだ一言も話せず、会話の輪にすら入れていないようにも感じてます。 さて、あなたには何ができますか? あなたの語彙力も文法も発音もまったく問題ないのに、会話に入ることができず、楽しそうな雰囲気に馴染めないのです。

では、今ある英語力で、英語でのコミュニケーション能力を向上させる 5 つの方法をご紹介しましょう。

1. アイコンタクトとボディーランゲージが重要!
英語は「何を話すか」ではなく「どのように話すか」がすべてであるとよく言われます。 話す時のトーンやイントネーション、ボディランゲージは、あなたの話を理解しやすくも、伝わりにくくもします。アメリカやイギリスに限らず、多くの西洋文化では、アイコンタクトやボディーランゲージは聞き手にとっても非常に重要です。 日本では、目を合わせずに相手に話しかけたり、話を聞いたりすることはよくありますよね。しかし、欧米では、双方のアイコンタクトが重要です。 ですから、もしあなたが相手を見ていなければ、あなたはその会話に関心がないように見えてしまうのです。

アメリカ人は騒がしいと思われがちですが、人の話を聞いているときは驚くほど静かになります。 欧米では一般に、人の話を遮ることは失礼だと考えられています。 日本では、大きく注意を引くような声を出したり、相手の言ったフレーズを繰り返したりして、自分が話を聞いていて興味があることを示すのが一般的ですね。 西洋の文化では、そのようなことはしません。 その代わり、うなずくようなジェスチャーをしたり、「ふーん」「ああ」「なるほど」などといった柔らかい音で表現し、それもまた日本人のあいづちほど頻繁にはしません。

3. 質問をする
先ほどの静かに話を聞くというルールの例外になりますが、会話では質問も重要です。多くの場合、 会話は質問によって進んでいきます。 まず静かに話を聞き、それから今言われたことについて質問を挟むのです。 質問することで、話し手にあなたが何に興味があるのか、何についてもっと聞きたいのかが伝わります。

4. 積極的になる
日本では、相手を気遣うことがとても大切です。 会話においても積極的に、相手に発言を促したり、質問をしたり、その人自身に話をする機会を与えようとします。それに比べ、欧米での会話は、まるでレスリングの試合のようです。 自分が話したいときには自ら会話に飛び込んでいかなければなりません。人がチャンスを与えてくれるのを待っていたら、ほとんど言葉を発することはできないでしょう。もちろん、飛び込みすぎたり、タイミングを誤ったりすると、失礼になることもあります。 たいていの場合、人は言葉ではなく仕草で、話したいという意思表示をします。たとえば息を吸ったり、表情を変えたり、あるいは手でジェスチャーをしたりして、話したいという合図を出します。話上手な人は、周囲の人の様子に敏感で、こうした合図に気づき、他の人に話すチャンスを与えます。 もし話し手がこれらの合図を見ていなければ、ずっと自分が話し続けるだけになってしまうでしょう。

5. 質問の糸口を残す
前述したように、質問は会話を継続させる鍵です。そして良い話し手は、他の人が会話の流れを維持できるように、さらなる返答が必要になるような質問をします。 単純な「はい」「いいえ」が良い返答になることはほとんどありません。返答が必要な質問は、相手に会話を続けるための糸口を与えます。
例えば: 質問:「イタリア料理は好きですか?」 悪い答え: 「いいえ」
良い答え:「そうでもないよ。 数年前、イタリアのピッツェリアでひどい目にあったからね。 日本食の方がずっと好きだな。」




Learning English through Flashcards

We often hear that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Imagine a child learning a foreign language for the first time confronted with a confusing new word, either written or spoken. If they are shown an illustrated flashcard for that word, its meaning is likely to become very clear. And with the help of a teacher or parent, the child can also learn how to say the word.

When children are learning English, flashcards with pictures can be of great help, bringing the following benefits:

• Flashcards can provide an image of what the word represents in the real world, enhancing visual memory and strengthening language retention.

• The images promote greater awareness of the surrounding environment and enhance imagination and holistic thinking. With the cards, the child can be encouraged to make real-life associations and even create their own stories.

• Flashcards for language conveying emotion can increase emotional intelligence and help in developing both verbal and non-verbal social communication skills.

• Flashcards need not only be used for dry, boring listen-and-repeat exercises. The child can act out the language or even speak other associated language or sounds, for example saying “Baa-baa” together with “sheep,” or “Meow-meow” with “cat.” Such word association can improve creative, cognitive development.

We can see that by learning new words with flashcards, the child is not merely accumulating vocabulary. They are also developing creative thinking and emotional intelligence. So get yourself some well-illustrated, stimulating flashcards on Amazon, and have some fun with your child learning English together with them.








・フラッシュカードは、ただ単調に聞いたり繰り返したりするだけのものではありません。カードに表されている言葉だけでなく、それに関連する他の言葉や音などを一緒に学ぶこともできます。たとえば、「羊」と一緒に「メーメー」、「猫」と一緒に「ニャーニャー」などです。 このような単語の連想は、子どもの創造力と認識力を向上させます。

フラッシュカードを使って新しい単語を覚えることで、子どもは単に語彙を増やすだけではなく、創造的思考や感情的知性を発達させることができます。 ぜひ、通販サイトなどで魅力的でワクワクするようなフラッシュカードを手に入れて、お子様と一緒に楽しみながら英語を学んでみてはいかがでしょうか。
