Why Preschool Language Learning is Important
Most parents don’t think twice about having their children learn English in school. And for many, also sending their school-age children to after-school English lessons is the “done thing.” However, the need for pre-school English learning is less obvious for most.
“What can they even learn when they’re so young?” some ask.
“The classes are mostly games and songs!” others say.
Yes, it’s true that preschool learning is very different from the structured, assessed learning students do in school. But not only is it an important component of the larger English learning process, there is a strong case to be made that preschool is one of the most important times for learning a language — especially a foreign language.
The sounds and rhythms are extremely important components of every language. Research has definitively shown that the best time for learning these — for any language — is during the first five years of childhood. At this time a child is naturally learning the sounds and rhythms of their native language. Children who make use of this same window to learn a second — or even a third — language get a head-start, and this advantage stays with them for the rest of their lives.
What about all those games and songs?
Well, generally, 4- and 5-year-olds do not learn by sitting down and studying. Young children learn by doing. They learn by listening to what the people around them say, and watching and imitating what the people around them do. At English Now!, we immerse children in an English world and give them every opportunity to listen to, watch, and imitate the sounds and rhythms of the language. We teach them English songs, read English books, and dance and play games together. At the same time we also begin teaching them basic words that they can use every day, such as the names for clothing, family members, common animals, and numbers.
Even if the children might not yet be able to answer questions or hold a conversation in English — although some certainly can! — they are, most importantly, developing an ‘English ear’ and an ‘English tongue.’ Both will make learning English in school later much easier and faster — and more natural!
Just as importantly, during these preschool years, a child is cementing many of the passions, and likes and dislikes, that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Children who experience English as a fun activity, with games and songs, and interact with those who speak it natively, develop a liking for the language and a desire to learn it. This is likely to become a fundamental part of their personality.
Preschool English education is about laying that unseen foundation that, while so easily and so often overlooked, allows your child to build a greater and grander ‘English House.’
What greater gift could a parent give their child than joy and happiness? Especially when at the same time, their child is learning and getting ready to excel at their studies later in life?
世界は常にグローバル化しており、英語は事実上の共通語 [lingua franca] となりました。年々、英語を読み書き、話し、理解することは「出来れば良いもの」から「出来る必要があるもの」となりつつあります。この現実は、これから数十年後に世の中に旅立つ子をもつ親に特に関係があります。ほとんどの親御さんは、子供たちが学校で英語を学ぶことをためらわず、また小学生から英語の習い事をさせることが当たり前になってきました。しかし、未就学児の英語学習の重要性についてはまだまだ認識されていません。
一般的に4-5歳の子供は座って勉強することはあまりしません。未就学児は体を動かしながら様々なことを学習していきます。周りの人が話していることを聞いたり、どんな動きをしているかを見たりして、それを真似することで学んでいきます。English Now!では、英語の音やリズムを聞いたり、見たりし、それを真似する環境に浸らせます。また、英語の歌や本、ダンスやゲームを通して楽しく学習していきます。それと同時に、子供たちが毎日使えるような基本的な単語-洋服や家族、動物の名前、数字なども勉強していきます。