Learning English Through Storytelling
When you tell stories that you make up on the spot, every detail must come from your imagination. Creating new worlds and going on an adventure without leaving home is something children love and thrive on.
You can help your child nurture their natural talent by making up stories in English together. At bedtime, let them guide you through their nightly story. Use simple English words and ask them questions about what they think should happen next. Encourage them without limitations. Start with one character and let them describe that character in detail. For example, “She/He is ___.” :She/He has ___.” Do this regularly and we’re sure that this will help you and your child create a stronger bond. Remember: you don’t need to use complicated English to make up a story. Start with simple words — that’s the key!
It’s important for a child to explore their thoughts and release the energy they’ve built up during the day. By giving them an outlet for creativity, you help them develop their sense of self and their own opinions about the world. And it’s also fun for the two of you to do together. Adults are supposed to be “mature,” but there’s much their kids can teach them about how to have fun. It’s not immature to pretend that you’re on a pirate ship or traveling through a jungle.
Making up stories together in English is a creative way to teach your kids about the world — and practice English enjoyably. It lets them know that you’re encouraging them to think outside the box. Finally, telling stories with themes of hope, friendship, and kindness can help your child understand the basic elements of living a good life.
Brahm Pascual
子どもたちは本当に豊かな想像力を持っていますね。私たち大人がそれを育てようとしなくとも、彼らは自ずとその能力を持ち合わせております。私たちは、「無から何かを創造すること」を子どもたちから教えてもらうことができます。もし保護者の皆さまが、お子さまとより強い絆を結ぶ方法をお探しでしたら、ぜひストーリーテリングの (物語を話すこと) 不思議な魅力にも目を向けてみて下さい。
皆さんがお子さまと一緒に英語で物語を作ることは、子どもたちが持って生まれた才能を伸ばすことにも繋がります。ベッドに入ったら、毎晩子どもたちにお話を進めてもらいましょう。次にどんなことが起こると思うか、シンプルな英語を使って質問してあげてみて下さい。制約や制限は設けず、子どもたちを促してあげて下さい。まずは一人のキャラクターから始め、詳細を説明してもらうとよいでしょう。 "She/He is ___." "She/He has ___."といった表現を交えてお話ししてみましょう。これを日常的に取り組むことにより、お子さまとより強い絆を結ぶことができるはずです。なお、物語を創作するのに複雑な英語は必要ないということを忘れないで下さい。シンプルな単語から始めてくださいね。それが成功の鍵ですよ。