Your child’s key to succeeding in English at home is here!
Now here is the answer!
At English Now!, we do our best to foster and nurture your children to succeed at their English studies. We create a unique and personalized classroom experience that celebrates their strengths and personalities. This will help them understand and retain the English they’ve learned in our classes more effectively. But as a parent, a big question is, “How do I support my child’s learning at home?”
Don’t worry, the Let’s Go 5th Edition Online Play and Practice have arrived.
Starting in April, we will be using the brand new edition of the Let’s Begin/Let’s Go series at English Now! The new books are a great upgrade — not just for the teachers and students, but also for the parents. Included are two separate online resources that the children can greatly benefit from. The textbook’s “Online Play” and the workbook’s “Online Practice” are user friendly websites that you and your kids can actively learn from. We’ve also prepared for you a Japanese translation of the steps to follow to easily access these. Setting up is a breeze, but we recommend that you use a computer rather than a smartphone.
Let’s Go Student Book “Online Play” —
This is a very convenient all-in-one website that your kids can explore at home — and there is no need to log-in or register. Here, your child can practice English in many ways: They can play fun learning games, watch the videos we use in class, and sing songs. They can practice the unit vocabulary with the interactive dictionary, which includes audio for correct pronunciation. There are also downloads for things like greeting cards, bookmarks, calendars and more. Finally, you can download the audio and video files we use in class to keep on your computer, or perhaps to transfer to a mobile device for portable practice.
Let’s Go Workbook “Online Practice” —
Use your Oxford ID and access code to register. If you don't have an Oxford ID, you can create one when you register. The code can be found on the inside cover of your child’s workbook. You only need to register once and your kids are good to go! Here, your kids can self-test what they’ve learned in class. Please wait for your child to complete each unit before using that unit’s Online Practice — it’s best used for review. Overall, this is a fantastic tool to gauge their progress instantly and enhance their English learning at home.
As a parent and an educator, we highly recommend these new resources to all the parents whose kids are learning with us. This is a great way to engage, encourage and challenge them. We are excited to see the children enjoy this fresh addition to our curriculum. Remember: Hands-on learning is of utmost importance to motivate young learners!
Brahm Pascual
ENGLISH NOW!ではお子様たちに英語を効果的に学んで頂けるよう、全力で指導に取り組んでおります。私たちはそれぞれの生徒様の強みや個性を大切にしながら、お一人お一人に気を配った、唯一無二のレッスンを行っていると自負しております。これによってお子様たちは、学習した英語をより効率的に理解し、記憶しておくのにも役立っていることと思います。
でもご安心下さい!当スクールのキッズクラスで使用している教材には (Let’s Go 5th Edition) 新たなサポートが加わりました。
ENGLISH NOW!ではこの4月から多くのキッズクラスで 新版(第5版)の「Let’s Begin/Let’s Go」のテキストを使用しています。そしてこの新版には講師や生徒の皆さんだけでなく、保護者の方々にとっても素晴らしい改善がされているのです。
注目すべきは学習に大いに役立つ2つのオンライン教材です。テキスト付属の"Online Play"、ワークブックの"Online Practice"はどちらも使いやすいホームページであり、お子様たちも保護者の方々も積極的に学習に利用できるでしょう。また、私たち ENGLISH NOWではこれらのオンライン教材に気軽に取り組めるよう、皆さまに「使用手順を日本語でまとめたもの」も用意しております。
Let’s Go Student Book “Online Play” —
Let’s Go Workbook “Online Practice” —
ワークブック付属のこちらのホームページの利用にはOxford IDとアクセスコードが必要になります。もしOxford IDをお持ちでなければ登録時に新規作成が可能です。アクセスコードはお手持ちのワークブックの表紙裏で確認できます。一旦登録を済ませてしまえば準備完了です!ここではそのホームページにあるテストを通して、当スクールのレッスンで学習したことをどれだけ理解しているかをお子様ご自身でも確認できます。なお、こちらは復習に最適なホームページとなりますので、当スクールでレッスンを終えてから、各章のオンライン学習に取り組むようにして下さい。ご自宅での英語学習を強化し、上達の速度をぐんと早める上で本当に素晴らしい学習ツールです。