Learn how to "play" English!
After doing this for about six months and making adequate progress, I decided to find a teacher and take some lessons. The teacher showed me various techniques like chord phrasing that I hadn't encountered before. He showed me some cool scales. He taught me how to play in time with the beat (probably the most important thing of all if you're playing in a band). He really opened my eyes to all the possibilities that the guitar contained. Armed with this knowledge, I went home and practiced relentlessly. This is sometimes known as "woodshedding" (because you have to go down to the woodshed at the far end of the garden so that you don't drive the rest of your family crazy while you learn how to play!).
After another six months of lessons and "woodshedding" I was sufficiently confident in my ability that I was able to put together my first band and play some shows. I kept taking lessons, kept practicing, and kept getting better and better. Eventually I played in professional bands that had record deals and toured around Europe.
One thing I never did though was learn how to read music. Most rock guitar players don't bother with learning how to. Jimi Hendrix never did and it didn't make any difference to the way he played guitar. Everything I learned was "by ear" first and then augmented with practice and repetition and further solidified by playing live in front of an audience. My first guitar teacher was a great believer in this, he didn't think that being able to read music was important—the most important thing for him was being able to express yourself in a "live" situation and to be able to respond quickly to what other musicians were doing.
Here in Japan, a lot of people are great at reading English, but not so great at "playing" it. They are so afraid of making mistakes that instead of answering a question quickly and getting a conversation started, they spend a long time painstakingly trying to put together the perfect sentence in their head. By the time they give their answer, the person who asked the question has forgotten what the question was!
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's the best—and only—way to learn. When children learn their native language, for the first four years or so they only do it through speaking and listening. They repeat things they hear and they also try and improvise with the language to get their point across. If they make a mistake, their parents, grandparents, or teachers gently correct them. They are constantly "playing" with the language, figuring out what works and what doesn't. They are not scared about making mistakes. They are completely focused on communicating with others in order to get what they want.
How can you start "playing" English? Try throwing yourself into "live" situations. See if you can communicate with English speakers without using a script. You'll soon find out what works and what doesn't. If you see someone who looks like they might speak English, try striking up a conversation with them. If you go to a restaurant and the server is from another country, try ordering in English. Also, after your lesson, don’t immediately switch to Japanese to talk to your classmates. Try to activate the English that you've just been studying to keep the conversation going. Also, don't forget to practice on your own at home too—speak out loud, record yourself, and listen back. See if you can hear where you're going wrong. Your constant focus should be on increasing your speed of response to questions or conversations using the English that you already know. If you can get keep doing this, eventually you will start thinking in English and will “play” it naturally.
Choosing English books for kids
For kids who are just starting to get an understanding of phonics, the Baby series of simple books by Leslie Patricelli, featuring a cute, big-headed baby, is great. Many, such as Yummy Yucky only have a couple words on each page, so they aren’t overwhelming to new readers or parents who don’t feel comfortable explaining complex concepts in storybooks.
Just about everything written by Eric Carle is gold for younger students. Many of his stories like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, have been translated into many languages, so it is very possible that your child has already read it in Japanese and won’t need a lot of help understanding the story. Many of Eric Carle’s books are available with an audio CD of the text, which is great for busy parents or those who don’t feel comfortable enough with their own English pronunciation to read it to their children themselves.
Another great series that was a favorite of mine when I was learning to read is Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Many of these, like the Eric Carle books, are available with an accompanying CD.
For those students who are ready to move up to more difficult children’s books, I suggest Curious George, The Magic School Bus, and The Berenstain Bears. These series are all great, but can be challenging, so you may want to be prepared to help your child with them.
Keep in mind that when your children are trying to get through these books, especially on their first reading, it is not important that they understand every word on every page. When they don’t understand something, encourage them to look at the pictures or try to guess the meaning from the context.
I hope this makes your search a little bit easier.
ちょうどフォニックスを理解してきたくらいの子どもたちには、Leslie Patricelli著のBabyシリーズがおすすめです。頭の大きな可愛い赤ちゃんのイラストが目を引きます。例えばこのシリーズのYummy Yuckyなど、1ページに2、3個の単語しか登場しません。これなら新しい読者も気負う必要がありませんし、絵本に込められた複雑なコンセプトを説明するのが得意ではない親御さんにもぴったりです。
また、Eric Carleの本はどれを取っても小さなお子さんに向いていますね。The Very Hungry Caterpillarを始め、多くの作品が日本語や他の言語に翻訳されています。もしかしたら子どもたちはもう日本語版を読んだことがあるかもしれませんし、そうでなかったとしても、読み進める上で大した助けは必要ないでしょう。また、彼の作品の多くは本と一緒にオーディオCDも販売されています。忙しくて時間がなかったり、英語の発音に自信がなくて自分で読み聞かせをするのには抵抗があるという保護者の方は、こちらを利用するのも良いかもしれませんね。
もう一つおすすめなのがClifford, the Big Red Dogのシリーズです。実はこれは私のお気に入りでもあります。上記Eric Carleの著書のように、多くの子ども向けシリーズがCD付きで販売されています。
もう一段階上のものに取り組む準備ができた子どもたちには、Curious GeorgeやThe Magic School Bus、The Berenstain Bearsのシリーズなどいかがでしょうか?どれも素晴らしい作品ですが、読んでいく中でやや難解に感じられる部分があるかもしれませんので、ご家族の方も手助けの準備をしておいた方が良いでしょう。