Octopuses? Octopi? Octopodes?
The answer is complicated. Japanese makes it easy by just using the word tako for this eight-legged creature, regardless of how many there are. But in English, the plural of “octopus” can be a topic of heated discussion.
A few native speakers insist that the plural of “octopus” is “octopi,” as in “The fisherman caught five octopi this morning.”
However, this is—to be blunt—wrong. The idea behind “octopi” is that it is the plural of a loan word from Latin that ends in “~us.” For example, a graduate from a particular institution is called an “alumnus,” but more than one from the same institution are called “alumni.” George W. Bush and Barack Obama are both alumni of Harvard University.
The problem with this reasoning is that octopus is not a loan word from Latin, but from Greek. Okto means eight, and pous means foot. In Greek, the plural would be “octopodes”. But we’re not speaking Greek and, in English, one would get some pretty strange looks if they said “octopodes.” Only the most linguistically obsessed would even consider saying “octopodes.” Most normal people use the perfectly logical, English plural “octopuses.”
My intention is not to confuse you with nitpicking details. My point is that, when it comes to languages, we should not be so worried about what is “right.” You see, languages don’t follow rules in the same way as many other fields of study.
In the hard sciences, what people think is “right” and what actually is “right” may be quite different. At one time, everyone thought the sun revolved around the earth, but that didn’t make it true. Most people think of Napoleon as being short, but he was actually 170 cm tall. Believe it or not, bats aren’t actually blind. If someone is wrong about facts like these, you can correct them with the scientific evidence and you will be “right.”
Language is different. It’s in a constant state of evolution driven by the users. If the great majority of speakers begin to do something, it becomes true—even though it wasn’t before. At some point in the U.S., almost everyone decided that “octopuses” was the plural form of “octopus.” A few on the sidelines may still be screaming, “No! You can’t do that! It doesn’t make etymological sense!” but it doesn’t change what has become accepted as the norm in the language.
Similarly, grammarians always say that we shouldn’t put prepositions at the ends of sentences. But everyone does it anyway. As a result, we say, “Where are you from?” instead of “From where do you come?” because the latter sounds clunky and unnatural. “Where are you from?” may break rules, but it is indisputably 100% pure, modern English.
This is true in every language. My Japanese textbook in college said we could only use zen zen in negative sentences, and I absorbed that thoroughly. When I actually came to Japan and heard people saying zen zen daijôbu, I thought they were mistaken. But actually, that phrase is now completely accepted and has become common. Who am I to say it is wrong? It’s not; it’s zen zen daijôbu.
Getting caught up in what the “rules” are often gets in the way of using appropriate language. I am often asked if a particular phrase is “correct.” Sometimes, it may be grammatically correct, but it’s unnatural. I have to say, “Well, it’s not breaking any rules, but it’s not how a native speaker would say it.” Language learners—and native speakers, too—should worry less about what is “right,” and try to focus on what is natural.
Some students focus on grammar textbooks and knowing every single rule for every situation. This obsession can lead us astray and into a state of mind where we doubt what has become accepted as normal. Taken to the extreme, one could probably find something “wrong” with just about everything everyone says. But what would be the point?
Language is a tool for communication; it’s not a mathematical equation. Focus on how people actually talk to each other, on how they express themselves and exchange information.
At present, most say “octopuses.” But let’s not be ungracious to the hold-outs who still insist on “octopi.”
Jennifer Fred
一部のネイティブスピーカーは"The fisherman caught five octopi this morning"といったように、"octopus"の複数形は"octopi"であると主張します。
同様に、文法学者は文末に前置詞を使用することはできないと主張します。しかし結局は、皆そんなことは気にしていません。結果、不格好で不自然だという理由から、"From where do you come?"ではなく"Where are you from?"を誰もが使っているのです。"Where are you from?"はルール違反な表現かもしれません。しかしこれは100%混じりけなく、現代英語として通用するのです。