2020 and the new testing: English Now! is more important than ever for your child!
10/10/19 Filed in: how to study
Next year the so-called “Center Test” (the National Center Test of University Admissions) becomes the “Common Test for University Admissions” (大学入学共通テスト). As in the past, the “Common Test’s” English section will only include reading and listening sections with questions answered on a mark sheet, but more weight will be placed on the listening score than before.
From 2020 to 2023, Japanese universities can admit applicants based on the new Common Test’s English section, or on English tests administered by the private sector, or on both. The private sector tests include speaking and writing, in addition to listening and reading.
Several English tests have been selected, including the TOEFL iBT, the Cambridge English test, the IELTS, Benesse’s GTEC. and 3 different tests from Eiken. TOEIC had also been chosen, but dropped out, citing the system as being too complicated.
The private sector tests differ greatly from each other in their difficulty and in their focus on American or British English. They can be both expensive and extremely inconvenient for students who do not live near testing locations.
Many Japanese universities have not yet announced whether or not they will use the private sector test results. Moreover, there remains significant opposition and calls for postponement.
Confusion seems to be the state of affairs.
From now on, school teachers will be expected to teach speaking and writing so their students can pass the tests. But with so much uncertainty at present, neither the teachers nor their students really have any idea exactly how to prepare.
Very few Japanese teachers of English have strong enough speaking and listening skills to effectively coach students taking tests like TOEFL. And should the student focus on American or British English? Pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling can be very different between these. TOEFL demands American English; the Cambridge test demands British English.
There’s been a tendency — understandably — to panic, especially among parents, and there will be great temptation to run to the cram schools. And the cram schools will be more than happy to accommodate — at a high price! The new testing system stands to be a gold mine for them. They, of course, will focus on test preparation. Their aim is high scores; natural communication is not their priority. Since students will be able to take the private tests twice during their senior year and submit the highest score, strategies to take advantage of this will become typical.
The government has stated that the new system is intended to improve Japanese students’ abilities to interact internationally in English. However, it’s likely that for both the teachers and students — and their parents — the focus will degenerate into gaming the new tests to get the highest score possible. Communication gets lip service, but the bottom line will remain the same: achieving the scores necessary to enter the best universities. The cram schools will benefit most.
So where does English Now! fit into all of this?
English Now! becomes more important than ever for your child — and the sooner they get started, the better! All language is fundamentally based on sound — and listening and speaking skills are best developed as young as possible. Starting your child in our Pre-Kids classes and continuing with our system all the way through elementary school, junior high, and high school is the absolute best way to ensure their genuine fluency in English.
English Now! does not teach like a cram school, focusing directly on test-taking skills and strategy. We focus on the underlying language skills — and cultural background — necessary to truly grasp and effectively use English. And ALL of our teachers are native speaking, experienced professionals.
When the time comes, a teenager who has studied from their early years with English Now! will be far more ready to sit down and prepare for these difficult tests, than one who has had little contact with real, natural English during their school years. Our students’ speaking and listening skills will be far above others, and their English will be much more expressive.
It’s a brave, new world. Let English Now! give your child the best possible start.
2020年の新方式テストに向けて: ENGLISH NOW!の重要性
TOEFL iBTやケンブリッジ英語検定、IELTS、ベネッセコーポレーションのGTEC、英検関連の3種類の試験を含め、複数が民間英語試験として選ばれています。TOEICも一時期候補になりましたが、システムがあまりに複雑なため参加を断念しました。
ではENGLISH NOW!はこの状況にどう適応できるでしょうか?
ENGLISH NOW!はこれまで以上にお子様方にとって重要な存在になるでしょう。学習開始は早ければ早いほど良いです。どんな言語も基本的には音が基礎になっていて、リスニングとスピーキングの能力は若い時ほど良く発達します。年中児対象のPre-Kidsクラスから始まり、小中高校と当スクールの方法で学習を続けることは、本当の意味での英語の流暢さを身につけるのに最善の方法と言えます。
ENGLISH NOW!では塾のようにテストを受けるためのコツや対策ばかり重視した指導は行なっていません。私たちが大切にしているのは英語を心から理解し、効果的に使用するための根本的な言語能力ーそしてその背景にある文化を理解することーです。そして、ここにいる講師は全員ネイティブレベルの英語を話す、経験豊かなプロフェッショナルたちです。
幼い頃からENGLISH NOW!で学習してきた生徒の方が受験をするような年齢になると、それまでの学生生活で本物の自然な英語にあまり触れてこなかった学生より、上記の民間試験のような難しいテストへの準備が格段にできていることに気付くでしょう。当スクールの生徒の皆さんのスピーキング、リスニング能力は他よりも非常に高く、話す英語は表現豊かです。
大胆で、新しい世界がすぐそこまで来ています。ぜひENGLISH NOW!でお子様に最善のスタートを切らせてあげて下さい。
From 2020 to 2023, Japanese universities can admit applicants based on the new Common Test’s English section, or on English tests administered by the private sector, or on both. The private sector tests include speaking and writing, in addition to listening and reading.
Several English tests have been selected, including the TOEFL iBT, the Cambridge English test, the IELTS, Benesse’s GTEC. and 3 different tests from Eiken. TOEIC had also been chosen, but dropped out, citing the system as being too complicated.
The private sector tests differ greatly from each other in their difficulty and in their focus on American or British English. They can be both expensive and extremely inconvenient for students who do not live near testing locations.
Many Japanese universities have not yet announced whether or not they will use the private sector test results. Moreover, there remains significant opposition and calls for postponement.
Confusion seems to be the state of affairs.
From now on, school teachers will be expected to teach speaking and writing so their students can pass the tests. But with so much uncertainty at present, neither the teachers nor their students really have any idea exactly how to prepare.
Very few Japanese teachers of English have strong enough speaking and listening skills to effectively coach students taking tests like TOEFL. And should the student focus on American or British English? Pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling can be very different between these. TOEFL demands American English; the Cambridge test demands British English.
There’s been a tendency — understandably — to panic, especially among parents, and there will be great temptation to run to the cram schools. And the cram schools will be more than happy to accommodate — at a high price! The new testing system stands to be a gold mine for them. They, of course, will focus on test preparation. Their aim is high scores; natural communication is not their priority. Since students will be able to take the private tests twice during their senior year and submit the highest score, strategies to take advantage of this will become typical.
The government has stated that the new system is intended to improve Japanese students’ abilities to interact internationally in English. However, it’s likely that for both the teachers and students — and their parents — the focus will degenerate into gaming the new tests to get the highest score possible. Communication gets lip service, but the bottom line will remain the same: achieving the scores necessary to enter the best universities. The cram schools will benefit most.
So where does English Now! fit into all of this?
English Now! becomes more important than ever for your child — and the sooner they get started, the better! All language is fundamentally based on sound — and listening and speaking skills are best developed as young as possible. Starting your child in our Pre-Kids classes and continuing with our system all the way through elementary school, junior high, and high school is the absolute best way to ensure their genuine fluency in English.
English Now! does not teach like a cram school, focusing directly on test-taking skills and strategy. We focus on the underlying language skills — and cultural background — necessary to truly grasp and effectively use English. And ALL of our teachers are native speaking, experienced professionals.
When the time comes, a teenager who has studied from their early years with English Now! will be far more ready to sit down and prepare for these difficult tests, than one who has had little contact with real, natural English during their school years. Our students’ speaking and listening skills will be far above others, and their English will be much more expressive.
It’s a brave, new world. Let English Now! give your child the best possible start.
2020年の新方式テストに向けて: ENGLISH NOW!の重要性
TOEFL iBTやケンブリッジ英語検定、IELTS、ベネッセコーポレーションのGTEC、英検関連の3種類の試験を含め、複数が民間英語試験として選ばれています。TOEICも一時期候補になりましたが、システムがあまりに複雑なため参加を断念しました。
ではENGLISH NOW!はこの状況にどう適応できるでしょうか?
ENGLISH NOW!はこれまで以上にお子様方にとって重要な存在になるでしょう。学習開始は早ければ早いほど良いです。どんな言語も基本的には音が基礎になっていて、リスニングとスピーキングの能力は若い時ほど良く発達します。年中児対象のPre-Kidsクラスから始まり、小中高校と当スクールの方法で学習を続けることは、本当の意味での英語の流暢さを身につけるのに最善の方法と言えます。
ENGLISH NOW!では塾のようにテストを受けるためのコツや対策ばかり重視した指導は行なっていません。私たちが大切にしているのは英語を心から理解し、効果的に使用するための根本的な言語能力ーそしてその背景にある文化を理解することーです。そして、ここにいる講師は全員ネイティブレベルの英語を話す、経験豊かなプロフェッショナルたちです。
幼い頃からENGLISH NOW!で学習してきた生徒の方が受験をするような年齢になると、それまでの学生生活で本物の自然な英語にあまり触れてこなかった学生より、上記の民間試験のような難しいテストへの準備が格段にできていることに気付くでしょう。当スクールの生徒の皆さんのスピーキング、リスニング能力は他よりも非常に高く、話す英語は表現豊かです。
大胆で、新しい世界がすぐそこまで来ています。ぜひENGLISH NOW!でお子様に最善のスタートを切らせてあげて下さい。