Studying for a test vs. studying for practical conversation: Is it the same?

In a word: NO!

Every day, I must remind students how studying for real conversation is not at all like studying for a test.

This usually comes up first during listen-and-repeat practice—long before we even get to dialog work. I’ll be modeling phrases for the students to listen to and then repeat back, and almost invariably, most students will instantly go pokerfaced and flat-toned when it’s their turn to speak the phrase. Expressionless, with dead eyes, emotionless voice and no body language whatsoever, they speak the lines. The students aren’t lazy at all—in fact, they’re usually trying hard to do their best. But even though they’re focusing on the content, the pronunciation, and the basic intonation, they’re missing the essence—there’s no life at all in their English. If they’re left to continue this way, they won’t get nearly as much out of this practice as they could.

Many of us seem to unconsciously shift into the academic learning mode we got used to back in our school days. At that time, studying meant lots of memorization and the ability to provide the answer called for on a test. Many of us got very good at this. At test time, there was no need for emotion or drama—in fact, indulging in these would at best waste time and energy during our study, and at worst get in the way of being able to quickly and efficiently ace the test with the “right” answers. Studying for an English test meant repeating a phrase over and over until it felt memorized. You then took the test, hopefully passed it, and forgot much of what you studied within a few weeks or months. Mission accomplished. The short-term memory had done its job!

This approach all too often worked—it certainly did for me back in the day. And if your purpose of studying a subject was just to pass a test, then…no worries.

Problems come up when your goal is to actually learn—and deeply absorb—English in order to really use it conversationally. Your old way of studying which worked so well at test time in school doesn’t work here.

In the nonacademic real world, your “test” will be listening to and speaking spontaneously, understandably and expressively with native speakers, either in Japan or abroad, with no script. Anything goes and there’s no time to check notes or dictionaries. Scary? Well, hopefully it’s scary enough to make you realize that you need a sea change in how you study in order to handle real-life English situations.

The emotion and the drama which we tossed aside as unnecessary for test-taking are exactly what we need now—because they are at the heart of real-life communicative human interaction.

So here are basics to guide you in your listen-and-repeat work:

• Get as situationally realistic as possible. Stand up if the conversation calls for it, use props, rearrange the furniture—do everything you possibly can to change the environment to simulate the situation called for.

• Get a partner to talk to and keep eye contact with—or do your best to visualize one. A huge amount of the most meaningful communication occurs through the eyes, so the sooner you can accept this and work on developing good eye contact as you speak, the better off you’ll be. Helpful friends, spouses, pets, or stuffed animal toys can all be put to use for this.

• Work on short phrases occurring at natural, grammatical breaks. Connect them into longer phrases as you get more comfortable with them. Don’t focus on one word at a time. That’s not how people talk. Babies learn their native tongue by first learning to hear and speak phrases—not dictionary vocabulary.

• Get emotional! Get dramatic! Consider the message you want to get across with each line—and that message is never simply rational. Feel the emotion of the message and give your English intonation that speaks this emotion. Important words get stronger intonation and different pitch. Don’t rely only on correct vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar to get the message across—you’ll sound like a 20th Century robot.

• Start slow, but speak the phrases rhythmically—including emotion and intonation, of course. Increase the pace as it begins to come more naturally. Singing is excellent practice to help you develop more natural rhythm and phrasing—along with passion.

• By no means wait till you’ve mastered the phrases to add facial expressions and gestures: definitely include them from the beginning. It’s a two-way street: emotions invoke facial expressions and body language. Likewise, facial expressions and body language invoke the corresponding emotions. Thus, you can use the expressions and gestures to help you get the emotional intonation into your English phrasing. And when you can get realistically emotional with your English, the expressions and gestures will come much more naturally.

If you can change your practice in this way to work on your speaking, I guarantee you’ll be much more effective in communicating in real world conversation. And as a bonus, these techniques will improve your listening, too.

Human emotion and memory are directly connected. The stronger an emotion is attached to an event, the more strongly that event will be recalled. Take advantage of this phenomenon. By emotionally and dramatically practicing your English, you’ll be greatly increasing the likelihood of being able to recall it when you need it—wherever that might be!











• できる限り状況を現実的に感じられるようにしましょう。会話に必要であれば席を立ち、小道具を使い、家具も設置し直して――取り組んでいる会話の状況に合わせて環境を変えるために、できることは全てやって下さい。

• 会話やアイコンタクトができるパートナーを見つけましょう――もしくは、できるだけ鮮明に相手を思い浮かべて下さい。意味のあるコミュニケーションの、かなりの部分は目を通して行われます。つまり、この事実を受け入れ、会話の際のアイコンタクトの上達に取り組むのが早ければ早い程、皆さんの状態は向上するということです。協力的な友人や伴侶、ペット、はたまたぬいぐるみなども役に立ってくれるでしょう。

• まずは文法的にも自然なところで区切りを入れ、短いフレーズから練習を始めましょう。慣れてきたら、それを繋げて長くしていきます。一つの語だけにこだわり過ぎないで下さいね。単語単語で話すのは会話において自然ではありません。赤ちゃんは周囲の人が発するフレーズを聞いたり、話したりすることで母国語を身に付けていきます。辞書で語彙の学習をする訳ではありません。

• 感情的になりましょう!ドラマチックになりましょう!そこに書かれた文章で何を伝えたいのか良く考えて下さい。そのメッセージは決して単に理性的に発せられる訳ではないはずです。メッセージにこめられた想いを感じ、それを言葉やイントネーションに乗せて下さい。大切な言葉は強いイントネーションで、声の高さも他とは異なるはずです。コミュニケーションを取る上で、正確な語彙、発音、文法だけにこだわるのは止めましょう。20世紀のロボットのように聞こえてしまいますから。

• ゆっくり話し始めても、発話はリズミカルにして下さい。もちろん、イントネーションや感情もこめて下さいね。フレーズを自然に言えるようになってきたら、ペースを上げましょう。歌うことは、情熱を持って自然なリズムや表現を磨くのに大いに役立つことでしょう。

• フレーズを完璧にマスターしてから表情やジェスチャーを付け加えようなどと決して思わないで下さい。そうした表現は絶対に最初から練習に含むべきです。ここには相互協力関係があります。感情は表情やボディランゲージを引き起こします。同じように、表情やボディランゲージも相応の感情を呼び覚まします。つまり、このような表現やジェスチャーは、英語に感情的なイントネーションを吹き込む上で大いに役立ってくれるのです。英語で感情的に自己表現ができるようになった暁には、表情やジェスチャーももっと自然に出てくるようになるでしょう。



Create your child’s English “story!”

It’s been demonstrated again and again that the younger a child starts learning another language, the more skillful they become at it and, moreover, that the child’s intellect as a whole benefits. There’s no doubt about this.

However, this doesn’t simply mean that you must put your child in English school at an early age. Academic study alone isn’t enough to truly and meaningfully acquire English. For real fluency, English must become part of your child’s identity—part of their “story.”

We all have a “story” integral to our identity—to our concept of who we are. This story brings order, understanding and direction to our experience. It develops during our childhood largely under the influence of family and the dominant culture. Our story interprets and explains the world for us and provides us with possible paths to take. It becomes the structure—the paradigm—around which we organize and conduct our lives.

How does English fit into your child’s “story?” What part does English play in their concept of the world—in their identity?

Kids will do what seems natural to them. Parents of students sometimes ask us, “Why doesn’t my child speak English at home?” Well, if English has not been part of the child’s home life except for homework, using it at home will seem contrived and strange. The child is not likely to cooperate enthusiastically with being told to speak English outside of English class. For many children, English only enters their “story” when they’re at English class—nowhere else.

Again, English must be more than academic for your child to gain fluency—it must be a natural, unforced part of their home life. In this way, it becomes part of your child’s “story,” and so, part of their identity. Their surrounding environment must include English as a matter of course, and should stimulate all the senses as much as possible. English should fill their eyes through video and fun, illustrated books. It should fill their ears through song and video. It should be something the child can touch—for example, alphabet blocks, or a globe labeled in English. Taste and smell can even be included through sampling foreign food and travel abroad.

When should English become part of the child’s story? From birth—maybe even sooner! Even before birth we know that the child can hear well. Sing English songs to your unborn baby. If you don’t feel up to it, then play English songs loud enough for the baby to hear. And of course, make sure English songs are a natural part of the child’s everyday life after they makes their debut.

Ideally, parents and siblings will use English at home in addition to the native language—but it’s essential that this is not forced or strained. Having one day a week at home as “English Day,” or having “English Dinner” where only English is spoken are approaches that can work. But if you don’t think your family will go along with this, don’t stress about it. Just try to include fun English as a natural part of enjoyable family home life. Regularly listen together to English songs—perhaps while driving, watch English TV shows and movies, read English kids’ books, and explore English kids’ web sites. Even doing just these goes a long way towards your child feeling natural and comfortable with English.

Such English exposure and familiarity not only helps the child develop academic skills and real-world fluency, it brings a world view with a much broader perspective. Opportunities and exciting possibilities will open up for your child that would never have appeared otherwise.

So parents, let’s actively cultivate and nurture our children’s English “story.”










